Issue: 554 www.varsity.cam.ac.uk 08 February 2002 THE CAMBRIDGE STUDENT NEWSPAPER 20p where sold QUESTION INTERVIEW SPORT Should the British Varsity gets the Men and Women Monarchy be gossip on Hockey Blues abolished? Paul ‘Tad’ Dutton victorious PAGE 8 PAGE 10 PAGE 32 Victory is by no means out of reach as Cambridge competitors have the chance to show which is the better university – PAGE 31 AN END TO ALL CREATION Oliver Duff tertainment and nightlife to both cur- rent and prospective students, point- CUSU CUSU Council voted on ing out that Cambridge compares un- Wednesday to bury Creation Ents favourably to many other university deep in the dustbin of Cambridge towns. history. Emma’s Seb Hoyle called the doc- The decision was the result of a ument, "a useful way to analyse the lengthy and heated debate amongst good and bad aspects of past activities the college reps. The controversy sur- and to capitalise on that" but also la- rounding Creation Ents was ignited by belled it "blinkered", in that it "had not the financial debacle surrounding last fully explored all the possible avenues summer’s all-night dance party at for CUSU Ents to be a success in the Oakington. A series of appalling or- future." ganisational blunders, including hav- CUSU admitted: “We recognise ing to buy last-minute provisions of that a reduction in the scale and scope bottled water and failing to take into of CUSU Ents may not be popular. account in the payment of VAT, led to However, our responsibility is to make a final £24,000 deficit. a decision based on the long-term fi- Added to this were the losses made nancial stability of the union.” at the poorly-attended October 2000 In its defence, CUSU can claim Toploader freshers’ gig and the to be learning fast from its mistakes. November 2001 Ministry of Sound Following Creation last summer, more night. CUSU Services Officer Stewart rigorous financial procedures have Morris spoke of the “dire financial been introduced, and despite its loss- prospects” of running similar events es, the Ministry night in November again, explaining that the ‘Creation was far better organised – its low at- Ents’ label was too “tarnished” to hold tendance possibly a result of the “tar- any further credibility. nished Creation brand name”. CUSU This follows the admission in can also point to the continuing pop- CUSU’s recent ‘Ents and Finances’ re- ularity of its midweek nights at Cindy’s port that, “if Creation 2001 had been and Life, which generated a profit of cancelled for any reason at a late stage, £32,000 last year. the total losses to CUSU over the year The decision poses big questions as could have been catastrophic”. Morris to whether or not university-wide ents told college reps not to “pretend that have a future in Cambridge. Morris the current system is working”, stating stated that it would be at least “a few that history proves that Creation Ents years” before such a venture would be “are simply not economically viable” viable, adding that “the only serious – a statement supported by the even- way of moving forward would be to tual £34,000 worth of losses that have a central union building”, allow- CUSU accumulated through Creation ing CUSU to offer cheap events in a alone last year. similar manner to most other student He concluded: “I’m extremely hap- unions. Creation events, however, as py that the motion has passed, as it the ‘Ents and Finance’ report con- gives the Executive a clear direction cluded, had simply become “an un- on ents for the remainder of the year.” bearable burden for CUSU and…an Those opposing the motion high- over-expansion of CUSU’s activities lighted the importance of good en- beyond the point of sustainability”. The region’s best guide to what’s on – see next Thursday’s Cambridge Evening News 02 NEWS 08 February 2002 A www.varsity.cam.ac.uk Inside this issue… pg 4 Analysis Valentine RAG One World Week The state of the University Welfare Clare Bielby colleges will meet up to match cou- System ples together. Though personality is With Valentine’s Day approaching, taken into consideration, bribery pg 9 Perspective many will be preparing for yet plays a large role and is the best Should the British another miserable 14th February. chance of securing a “hot” date. monarchy be abolished? But this coming Tuesday sees RAG Shaw informed Varsity: “There’s Blind Date: an opportunity to secure been some bribes that have gone up yourself an eligible partner. to £50.” Corruption? Yes, but for a Over two thousand students took good cause. part in the event last year, raising The full £4 cost of a Blind Date over £8,000. It is RAG’s most lucra- form goes directly to charity. You tive event and it caters for every- and your partner are assured free body. Whether you’re straight, gay, entry to Toxic nightclub, and vari- single, married or in a relationship ous pubs and restaurants are sup- pg 10 Editorial you can enjoy RAG Blind Date. porting the event with special drinks Will Kirby every student to look beyond the Self–loathing and Louise Shaw, RAG President, told offers. next essay crisis and see what’s Science Varsity: “Even if you don’t meet the Paul Wright, Caius’ RAG Officer On Saturday morning ‘One going on in the wider world”. love of your life, it’s a great way to concluded “I don’t know of any World Week’ – a series of During the days there’s a host Inside Living… have a damn good night.” marriages as yet, but I’ve heard events about human rights and of lectures and discussion-based Forms have been on sale all week quite a few stories of couples still environmentalism – was events, all centring broadly and RAG representatives from all being together after a year.” launched outside King’s around human rights issues. The pg 12 Fashion College. programme aims to illuminate the Let’s talk about sex From the eclectic mix of the potential, and real, western programme, it seems the organis- exploitation of the Third World. A pg 14 Science ers hope to temper the fun with major highlight is the alternative Lifts for a noble cause the serious, the escapist with the careers fair, ‘One World Works’, educational. One of the organis- taking place in the Examination ers, Phil McCormish, told Varsity Halls on the New Museums Site. that the event was designed to The evenings are crammed full make politics and culture less of ethnically-based bops, including remote for young people. He said: a Thai party and a Rich/Poor din- “One World Week is all about rais- ner. One World Week is supported ing awareness and combating apa- by the Cambridge University thy: it is about realising that the branch of Oxfam and the Hindu pg 20 Food world goes beyond Girton.” He Cultural Society. A Thai experience described it as being “a chance for www.green.cusu.cam.ac.uk/oww One of these fine specimens could be yours. Inside Arts… pg 22 Theatre Review Black Comedy, BAR BRAWL Speakers’ Corner The Massacre at Paris, and My Mother said I never Katy Long less mainstream styles of music. It This week, Varsity pits Socialist against neo-Liberal Should also opens every Wednesday to hold King’s Cellar Bar was forced to the only LesBiGay night in the close early on Friday night when University. This diversity in Cellar Socialist neo-Liberal a member of Wolfson College events means that King’s is frequent- Mark Seddon Dr Madsen Pirie started a fight, hitting a ly visited by large groups of students Editor, Tribune Adam Smith Inst. $ Peterhouse student who later from other colleges. Last term an required medical attention. incident also occurred when non-stu- Benn Tony Benn or Tony Blair? Blair Just after midnight, a man emerged dents tried to enter King’s and a Ye s Anything Socialist about New Labour? Not much from the Cellars with blood stream- porter was assaulted. Ye s Capitalism responsible for Third World poverty? No pg 26 Music ing from his face. Shocked students Normally, King’s is one of the easiest Gore Bush or Gore? Bush The search for the alerted the King’s porters, telling colleges to enter: visitors are rarely 9 Bush’s Presidency on a scale of 1-10? 9 definitive indie-kid them there was a fight happening asked for ID. Security was notice- Ye s America’s treatment of Cuba unfair? By now downstairs. Hollie McNish, a King’s ably tighter on Saturday night, as Ye s Camp X-ray inhumane? No pg 28 Film student who witnessed the incident, entry into college ground was Ye s Afghan people better off now Taliban gone? Ye s Monsters Inc reviewed said: “I’m not sure whether the man restricted to Kings’ members and No Enron scandal big enough to topple Bush? No was hit with a bottle or a fist, but the guest numbers to two per student. At Prob. Glad that America won the Cold War? Ye s Inside Sport… cuts to his face were bleeding.” the main college bar, all those buy- Prob. Hilary Clinton to stand for President? Hope not Another bystander added ‘it wasn’t a ing drinks were asked to provide Ye s A Marxist component to political action today? Ye s fight exactly. The man was drunk identification and refused service if No China the last hope for Communism? No pg 30 Football Focus and he was hurt as he tried to inter- unable to prove they were from Ye s Blair’s Higher Education policy anti-egalitarian? No A roundup of college vene’.
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