University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers 4-24-1995 Current, April 24, 1995 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, April 24, 1995" (1995). Current (1990s). 175. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s/175 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EDITORIAL The University of Missouri-St. See The Current's Top 10 quotes of the Louis will be asking your opin­ year. Did you make the list? ion on plans for a new U niver­ FEATURES U-Vote sity Center. See the Feature Take a look at [he reviews on the Features page (5) for more details. page (7)for two ofthelatestflicks to hit the theaters. SPORTS The Rivermen baseball team split two games in the first round of the playoffs against Washburn. Issue 825 UNIVERSITY .OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS April 24, 1995 ij .Titlow wins elec ion by 'lands ide ~weifel , Rauscher win for SCAclean sweep; .party plans to tackle 'Students as Customers' fly Jeremy Rutherford addition to the race, Anthony Guada, finished with winning with 354 votes. Pam White was second managing editor 19. with 23'4 votes , and another late addition, "For the vote to come down that strong, to win Lawrence Berry, picked up 78 votes. In just two short years, Beth Titlow has accom- by [that many] votes, is amazing," Titlow said. "I "To have the whole ticket win makes the . .plished her goal of becoming president of the victory even sweeter ," Titlow said. "I would have Student Government Association - even though worked with whoever else won, but these are the .. the road to the end was 'To have the whole people that I share common goals with . "I wanted them to win as much as I wanted something of an ob­ ticket win makes the victory stacle course. myself to win. It's like a tripJe victory." A little guidance even sweeter. I would have Titlow arrived at the UM-St. Louis campus and assumed the position of SG A Assembly chair­ from Tony Grey didn't work~d with whoever else tfhurt, either. A year ago, woman. She has been the comptroller of the SGA Grey led the Textbook won. But these are the people for the last year. ~eform Committee to a that I share common goals Titlow and Zweifel were mem­ huge victory for stu ­ with. I wanted them to win as dents. A debit card sys- Clint Zweifel bers of the Transcript tern was introduced, al- much as I wanted myself to Fee committee that . lowing students to charge their textbooks. win. It's like a triple victory.' recen tl y pressured the lit "I never had thought of running," Titlow said. administration into "One day, Tony and I were sitting in the SGA -Beth Titlow, SGA lowering the fee from 4Office, and he told me that I had to start positioning president-elect .$5 to $3. myself to run for president. Pat Rauscher "1 want to make . "Of course, I thought that he was acting silly, sure we put a cap on but it made me think about it. As much as he's done thought that ifI won, it would be by liar 12 votes." the transcript," Titlow said. "We were able to for the students at this University, it means some­ The election was a sweep for the Titlow ticket. lower the fee, but \Vecan't forget about it now and thing that he believes in me." Clint Zweifel won the vice president's position let [administration] raise it again." photo: Monica Senecal .A few d ozen students believe in Titlow, too. with415 votes. His opponent,Jason Peery, finished Titlow and Zweifel also would like to address Beth Titlow talks to students at the presidential debate last week, · She won with 379 votes, followed byTom O 'Keefe with 238 votes. see Election, page 1 which was sponsored by the Residence Hall. Titlow won the with 243; TonyaHutchinson had 43 votes and a late Pat Rauscher will be the new comptroller, after election for SGA president with 379 votes • .Some pol s faffed o open O'Keefe, Earhart file 9 ievances . by Rob Goedeker · by Rob Goedeker ingl)' allowing the absurdity of the election to continue, • news editor 'It has been a mess.' news editor thereby contributing to its fraudulent nature." She said the grievance is not aboUl who won or lost Students were expected to come -Beth Titlow, SGA president-elect Two grievances were filed by the Evening College the election, but rather about fairness and equality for out in record numbers at this year's Council and the ACTION ticket as a result of the all students. She said the message sent to the Evening Student Government Association Elee 'onBoard ommittee'smishandlingoftheStudent College Students is clear: 4!) (SG A) elections, but unfortunately, sity Center lobby/patio, SSB lobby/ votes during the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. · Government AsSOCiation (SGA) elections. "[The studen at the Evening College] do not have there was trouble with the polls. patio and the Barnes Nursing Col­ time slot, the polls at Marillac Hall . On be·half of the. 2,000 Evening College students, a voice on campus, and we d not COUill," Earhart said . • The 1995 Student Government lege April 18 and 19. The polls were were shut down for the 5-7:30 p.m. Julie Earhart, president of the Evening College Council, "That' s the message that has been senL, and th at's the Association (SGA) presidential elec­ to be open from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. and time ~lot. The only polls that stayed ftled a grievance with the Student Court on Thursday. message that will be heard. ' tions were anticipated to be the best 5 to 7:30 p.m. for polls on the North open at the designated times were the In Ll}e grievance, Earhart said the elections were She said she wants the Smdent Court to review the to date. and South campus. The Bames Nurs­ ones at the U-Center lobby and Barnes unfair and "50 percent of the Evening College students events surrounding the lection, and ul timately declare All three candidates had strong ing College at the Kingshighway Nursing College. were denied the opportunity to participate in the demo­ the elec tion re ults invalid. platfoI}TIs, and the diversity presented campus was to be opened from 2 to The next day, polls at SSB and cratic process of choosing a new SGA administration." Presidential candidate for the ACTION ticket Tom on their tickets gave a fairrepresenta­ 8:30 p.m . Mark Twain did open, but they were She said the polls designaled for the evening stu­ O' Keefe said he feels that the improper managing of .. tion for the most, if not all, of the However, most of the polling not operational until noon, leaving dents were not opened, and the polls that were opened the Student Government Association (SGA) election students on the UM-St. Louis cam­ places didn't open at those desig­ them open for only two hours, half of were "away from rhe flow of rhe evening student activ­ was a deliberate injustice to himself and his running pus. nated tim es or, they simply didn't the original time. The polls at Marillac it and classrooms." mates. In issue 824 of The Current, the open at all. Hall were totally shut down, while She said there we·re neithe.r signs nor personnel ''There is definitely an incompetence in Student locar.ions and times of all the election On the first day of the elections, polls at the U-Center lobby and Barnes · posted at the closed locations to redirect students to the Government and this election is evidence of that," polls were listed. There were to be polls at the SSB lobby and Mark Nursing College opened as sched- open polls. polls at Marillac Hall (South cam­ Twain Building never opened. Then, Earhart charges the election committee with "know- pus), Mark Twain Building, Univer- after receiving a total of only 18 see Polls, page 14 see Grievance, page 14 ~ r-----------------------------------------, Conflicting interests Financial aid may be cut in GOP's plan to balance budget by Rob Goedeker contained in the Republican's "Con­ RepUblicans are looking to eliminate dent Bill Clinton's administration put news editor tact With America," calls for a bal­ or cut the funds of four major finan­ into effect last year. anced budget amendment. This cial aid programs. This program has allowed 104 The new Republican majority will amendment requires spending cuts Those programs are the Subsi­ colleges to implement a direct-loan submit their budget proposal to con­ of roughly $750 million over the next dized Stafford Loans, Work Study program where students can get their gress May 15, and the Democrats fi ve years. Many different program Prograrns, Supplemental Education loans directly from the college they speculate there could be significant will be affected, but the planned cuts Opportunity Grants (SEOP), and attend, instead of having to deal with cuts in financial aid programs for in financial aid have attracted the Perkins Loans. intermediary bands. middle class college students all attention of college students. Gephardt fears that the Republi­ On the other hand, U .S . Con- across the nation.
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