Ancestors West Index 1975 to 1988

Ancestors West Index 1975 to 1988

INDEX TO ARTICLES IN "ANCESTORS WEST",1975-1988, Vols. 1-14 Compiled by Lilian Mann Fish Month/Year Vol/NQ-Page(s) ABBREVIATIONS COMMONLY USED Dec 19§4 10/4 1?1 (Additional) Dec 1988 14/4 170-171 ABBREVIATIONS FOR POST OFFICES, STATES AND OTHER AREAS Sept 1985 11/3 101 ABBREVIATIONS WITH CHANGED MEANINGS Dec 1984 lp/4 1^0 Dec I988 14/4 170 ADDRESSES - GENEALOGICAL RECORDS, OTHER COUNTRIES Sept 1981* 10/3 96 ADMONITIONS-DO NOT USE BLUE INK Mch I983 9/1 9 "ADVENTURE1 STORY,An -22 Dec 1779- D?l&178° 'SUbmittedbyGail March 1987 13/1 12-1* ADS, ADVERTISEMENTS ANCESTRAL ANTIQUITIES, Chadwato IrOSSOn'0^^6 °f ad-dreSSes Jun* 195? 5/2 62 EXCHANGE PERIODICALS, each issue,^a^cover^1 ^ AELIE and AELLA, Anglo Saxon Kings of Northumberland Mch 1984 10/1 34 AGED PERSONS SUPPORTED BY SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, LIST OF Sept 1988 14/3 1^ 130 submitted by Jan Cloud, original at sTb! Hist. Socf ^ ALABAMA Pickens Co. Hist. Soc. attempting to reclaim,collect RECONSTRUCTION PERIOD LETTERS, Mch#1986 12/1 17-18 ALLIED^FlMiLIE^ (18° ^187« (misnumbered p. 1@5) Notes on Articles on CRAFT, Al11!* families, History.etc. CT. SOC. OF GENEALOGIST^' Dec 1984 IOA 14. i^ ALMAPROFILE(Alma Imhoff -L-auritsen)Lauritsen^ JuneT 198oI 6/2 1*5-146^ Mch 1981 7/1 5 AMERICAN FAMILY RECORDS ASS'N M° h l983 ^/l 7 nist.»g collectionbooks placedof Midin cStiSnteirniiioi ?2? Jiteacy System's North names u±KI*l™Z-53 most common ssss sir-&ass &» 19M 1V1. JACKsonDANA to to1RVINMILLER SeptJ«ne 19871983 ifAxioZlle13/2/ 80 fie *£&SSCOTT tot0 sC0TTZANE MchDec 19871988 i«W13X 174.17^tl £?5 AMKRICAN TRAIL BLAZERS- Sept l?88 W3 122-127 mSS ^ily. Patricia L.White June ^?9 5/2/37-39 AN«Ps&1ss^sBgsMeadeOLD SAN DIEGO LETTERHEAD ^^ 5/3/68-695/3/68 69 Harvxlle Bros. * Co. June ^ $/z/ ^ INDEX TO ARTICLES IN ANCESTORS WEST 1975-1988, Vol.1-14 Compiled by Lilian Mann Fish Month/Year Vol.No.Page ANCESTORCharts TABLESl-3fi listed in (I/, '?>*)<^o\ e^+Sept WWioqq9/3 q/q87 on 39-53 Sept 1986 12/3 106 1-56 Sept 1987 13/3 135-136 Suggestions as to Format and Items to be included Sept 1987 13/3 136 List of Charts1 No. 1 MILLER, Charles Andrews Helen MURRAY, wife Mch 1978 4/1 18-19 2 MURRAY, Helen, wife of No. 1,Helen (Murray) Miller Mch 1978 4/1 19-21 Revised and enlarged Dec 1983 9/4 125-128 3 IMHOFF, Alma (Carl H.Laurit-M . 1Qr7ft L/. 0. OQ LAURITSEN,sen, husband)Alma Imhoff (con.)M° jUnJun ?978197b ^/2V/\ 47*4" 4. WEBSTER, Mary Ellen (Wisner Avery GALBRAITH,hus.) GALBRAITH, Mary Ellen Webster Mch 1978 4/1 22-28 5. SOUTH, Victor W. June 1978 4/2 47-48 6/ TITUS, Harry (Justine Craron,Wife) . June 1978 4/2 48-50 7. FISH, Lilian MANN (widow FISH, Charles Melvin June 1978 4/2 50-64 Corrections and Additions June 1982 8/2 60-61 8. CROSBY, Ruth Eleanor (Robert MORROW, husband) MORROW, Ruth Crosby June 1982 8/2 64-65 9. FORBES, Carol (Steve Roth,hus) ROTH, Carol (F0RBES0 S*pt 1978 8/3 84-89 10. ROTH, Steven John (h. of 9) Sept 1978 8/3 89-90 11. McGRAW, Virginia (James C. '*> ?? PADDOCK, husband ) Sept 1978 8/3 91-92 PADDOCK, Virginia (McGRAW) 12. PADDOCK, James C. (h. of 11) Sept 1978 8/3 92-95 13. ROUSE, Shirley Elain (Kil- RoKnsilS5?dB52LII1'H-) Sept1978 vs 95-96 14. HARVILLE, Ronald Patrick Dec 1978 4/4 122-123 15. CHURCH, Margaret Fry (Wilbur Kenneth Cox., h.) COX, Margaret Fry Church Dec 197? 4/4 123-127 16. REID, Everett Rockwell, Jr. Dec 19$8 4/4/ 129-130 17 HORSH, Esther Roberts (w of 16) MM 4/4/ i?o nn n REID, Esther Roberts (HORSH) ' ' 9 3 18. SMITH, Frank Benjamin (Grace McCandless, wife) Dec 1978 4/4/ 13i-n4 Raised June 1981 7/2 HJiz 19. STEINHOFF, Marylynne (James J. OPPEN, h.) OWEN, Marilyn STEINHOFF Dec 1978 4/4 134-135 I?'21. 5££?2J£5£'HERITAGE, KathrynJudith Ann(Karen)WEICH Mch 1979 5/1' 23-24J Roth June 1979 5/Z 52-54 22. WOODS, AMY Estelle (John MARWEDE, h.) MARWEDE, AMY WOODS June 1979 5/2 54-56 23. Mc CLBNATHEN, Gordon Gale Sept 1979 5/3 73-7S (Merna WALLACE, wife) /J '* f* 24. WALLACE, Merna Margaret Sept 1979 5/3 71-7* McCLENATHEN, Merna WALLACE /J ?5 ? 25. WHITE, Patricia Meade Dec 1979 5/4 107-108 INDEX TO ARTICLES IN "ANCESTORS WEST" 1975-19 88 Vol.l-l4 Compiled by Lilian Mann Fish ANCESTOR TABLES Month/Year Vol.No. Page Chart No..26 DOTY, John Alan, Denise Diana, Kenneth Edward, children of DOTY, John Emit and Mary Arlene LANGSTAFF, Mch lo8o 6/x 19_23 his wife. 27. GORRELL, Elizabeth (wife 2f Si0^f Wigfall ROOT Mh 1980 6/l 2if„29 ROOT, Bette (later m. KOTT) 28. KIRKWOOD, Jocelyn (Joyce) MORGAN,Mnft' ?lraerJocelynW,) nee June 1980 6/2. 46-49 29. MOSS, Ethel Maude Sept 198C 6/3 92-95 Maternal Ancestry ~ :;/-* 1 > 30. Mo.'PHEEArchibald Edwin Dec 1980 6/4 113 son of SBCGS Member JOHNSTON,Margaret Elizabeth HOUSE 31. SCOFIELD, «tohn Henry, son of SCOFIELD, NORMAN,SBCGS Member Mch I98I 7/1 7-9 32. HANNA, Leilie Winifrdd, dau of HANNA, Sylvia Ann McKINNEY SBCGS Member Dec 1981 7/4 118-120 33. HOUSTON, Frances Marion Mch 1982 8/1 14-18 34. KEYES, Irma BENNETT « .. -,0q0 q/q ae wife of John R. Keyes Sept 1982 8/3 85 35. COBB, Catherine Lynn and COBB, Caroline Sue, daus. of COBB, Shirley RODICK COBB (Mrs.. Malcolm Lynn C0BB0 Dec 1982 8/4 122-124 36. WALT, Dorothy MANTZ .wife of Martin WALT Mch 1983 9/1 8-9 37. EARLY, Elizabeth Ann June 1983 9/2 48 38. 0VINGT0N, Alice Naomi Sept I983 9/3 88 39- GGRAHAM, Muriel RIEMEN, for grandson, HILDEBRANDT, Graham Russell, son of dau. Mrlidds and h. Thomas Russell HILDEBRANDT Dec I983 9/4 125-128 £0. La BRECHE, Marie Mch 1984 10/1 9-11 Revised and Expanded Dec 1988 14/4 153-159 41. SCOFIELD, Anthony Hugh, bro. of SCOFIELD, Norman Jun 1984 10/2 47-51 42. BONILLA, Lynn, Richard Loren, Steven Robert, John Kevin grandchildren of BONILLA, Isaac Antonio and &is wife, Joy TENNEY BONILLA June I985 11/2 56 43. SHANHOLTZER, Margaret SAVARY (Mrs. Robert S.) Mch 1985 ll/l 12-14 44. NOBLE, Norton, Jr. June 1985 11/2 51-55 45 • HARPER, Helen Bonner (w. of 44) Jun 1985 11/2 59 NOBLE, Helen Bonner HARPER *6- Wg'o^forailD Sept 1985 11/3. 102-10* 47. SANFORD, Welbourne LeLacey (Sandy) Dec 1985 11/4 139 INDEX TO ARTICLES IN "ANCESTORS WESTW 1975-1988 Vol. 1-14 Compiled by Lilian Mann Fish Month/Year Vol. No. Page ANCESTORS TABLES .R Chart No. 48 THELIN, Harold J. Mar 1986 12/1 18-20 (misnumbered 186-188) 49. FLEWELL, Janet, wife of „•„«/..«„«, THELIN,THEXIN, HaroldJanet FLEWELLJ. e MarU^mb*red1986 12/1188-I89h20-21 50. FULLER, Carol, wife of >r v/ ' bS'-by KOSAI, Kenneth j lo86 12/2 51-52 KOSAI, Carol FULLER dune ±y '*/ 51. KOSAI, Kenneth Sept 1986 12/3 96 J (h. of No. 50) 52. EDVALL, Grace DOWNIE Sept I986 12/3 98-99 53. BRADDOCK, Anne Sept 1986 12/3 102 54. KNIGHT, Martha Ewing, wife of CLtfDE, George - 1986 lz/l+ 151-154 CLYDE, Martha KNIGHT ue0 xyo° ±£/^ •° x ±D Additions & Corrections Mch I987 13/1 21 55. OWEN, Kenneth, son of SBCGS member Marilyn (APPLING) OWEN Mch I987 13/1 15-21 56. DILLARD, Julia E izabeth M h 10o7 -.o/t 22-26 dau of Gail BEASLEY DILLARS Mcn iy° ' ±:>/± " *° and DILLARD, Louis Stanley,Jr. Correction Sept 1987 13/3 133 57. CRAWFORD, Steven Edgar Kevin Sumner,Frederick William, Douglas Melgord, Jr. sons of SBCGS member -. c7 -, £? Doris BATCHELDER CRAWFORD Bdc I987 13A -L-"~-LO'c 58. HARDWICK, Michael David and Patricia Ann, ch. of HARDWICK, Michael Ricardo and FOSS, Paula Jeanne, his wife with DESCENDANTS* CHARTS Mch I988 14/1 19-20 ^s- 59. SHOEMAKER, Lawrence Draper Susan Watkins, Julia Morrison ch. of SBCGS member SHOEMAKER, Francine Draper June 1988 14/2 66q6? 60. McGRATH, John Joseph and Bugene Francis McGRATH sons of SBCGS member McGRATH Beatrice MOHR June I988 14/2/68-70 61 CLARK, Christopher Gleason Sept 1988 14/3 114 ANCESTORS TABLES SUGGESTIONS re format and items to be included Sept 1987 13/3 136 COMMENTS requested on change of format, Sept 1988 1V3 114 CONTRIBUTE Your Tables June 1987 13/2 76 SHARE YOUR ANCESTORS TABLES ANCESTORS, DO YOU HAVE ENGLISH ANCESTORS? Dec 1984 10/4 119 ANCESTORS, SEARCHING FOR NEW ENGLAND ANCESTORS (Seattle Gen. Soc.) June I983 9/2 56 -f-^- ' f*\ (^ **% ^^zf INDEX TO ARTICLES IN "ANCESTORS WEST" 1975-1988, Vols. 1-14 Compiled by Lilian Mann Fish MONTH/YEAR VOL. NO. PAGE ANCESTRAL CHART Dec 1988 14/4 160 SUGGESTIONS ON PREPARATION OF ANCESTORS WEST THROUGH ANCESTORS WEST I HIT THE JACKPOT, Amy Marwede June 1980 6/2 **2 ANCESTORS WEST Hope in the near future to introduce RESEARCH HELPLINE (Seattle Gen. Soc. Bulletin established such a column Winter 1985/6 pp JF8-60 to replace its former Mch 1986 12/1 28 WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? ANCESTORS WEST GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTALS Mch I987 13/1 8 Paper size, 7 i" x 11 i M 1 inch margins all 4 sides Margins to be observed if 8J" x 11" paper used.

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