City of Brockville Transit Task Force Agenda 4:30 PM - Wednesday, August 21, 2019 City Hall, Council Chambers Page Chair's Remarks Disclosure of Interest Approval of the Minutes 3 - 25 THAT the minutes of the Transit Task Force meeting dated July 17, 2019 be adopted as circulated. Business Arising from the Minutes Delegations and Presentations Nil. Sub-Committee and Member Reports/Project Updates 26 - 28 1. Transit Ridership Survey - suggestions T. Holme 29 - 39 2. Items for consideration T. Holme 40 - 47 3. Question Responses from Meeting No. 4 M. Locke New Business 48 - 50 1. Transit Funding Announcement M. Locke 2. Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Engaging students to increase public transit ridership Transit Task Force Agenda August 21, 2019 51 - 52 3. Active Transportation Plan - map M. Locke Adjournment THAT the Transit Task Force meeting be adjourned until its next regular meeting scheduled for September 18, 2019. Page 2 of 52 City of Brockville Transit Task Force Minutes 4:30 PM - Wednesday, July 17, 2019 City Hall, Council Chambers The Transit Task Force meeting was called to order on Wednesday, July 17, 2019, at 4:30 PM, in the City Hall, Council Chambers, with the following present: Members Councillor Leigh Bursey, Chair Present: Matthew Blair David Cochrane Mark Conroy Jessica English Trevor Holme Sue Larocque Regrets: Tamara Baldwin Steve Wace Mary Ann Greenwood Staff: Matthew Locke, Supervisor of Transportation Services Sandra MacDonald, City Clerk Chair's Remarks Chair Bursey reviewed the process that the committee has followed to date. It was also noted that a Public Open House to present a draft active transportation plan for Brockville is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23rd, 11:30 am to 7:00 pm at the Brockville Public Library. Alta Transportation will be presenting a draft active transportation route for Brockville including both on-road and off-road trails. Disclosure of Interest Nil. Approval of the Minutes Moved by: Member Larocque Seconded by: Member Holme THAT the minutes of the Transit Task Force meeting dated June 26, 2019 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Page 1 of 23 Page 3 of 52 City of Brockville Transit Task Force Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Business Arising from the Minutes None. Delegations and Presentations Nil. Sub-Committee and Member Reports/Project Updates 1. Service Suggestions Transit Staff M. Locke asked if there were any questions related to the suggestions presented. Jessica suggested adding a bus stop at the east side of Walmart (private property). M. Locke indicated that discussions are underway with the head office. 2. Question Responses M. Locke M. Locke gave an overview of the responsibilities that could be assigned to a summer student . It is envisioned that this position would work with facilities to provide training to users/residents on how to ride the bus; the use of tickets; how to read the map; doing ride alongs for group outings and first time riders, etc. It was suggested that high school students could be approached to assist with training that could count towards their community hours. Members asked if the cost of maintaining the current lift would be similar to the cost of a ramp? It was also questioned on whether low floor buses operate as well during the winter months. Is the ramp/low floor model as loud to operate as the existing lift system? Matt Blair noted that the bus routes have the buses go through St. Lawrence College and the Memorial Centre three times per hour including in the summer months. Perhaps this can reduced during summer months when the College and Memorial Centre are not as busy. Page 2 of 23 Page 4 of 52 City of Brockville Transit Task Force Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, July 17, 2019 New Business 1. TTF Parking Lot List The Parking Lot list was reviewed. Items were reviewed, prioritized, removed and additional information was asked for. The revised list is attached to the minutes. Adjournment Moved by: Member Conroy Seconded by: Member Larocque THAT the Transit Task Force meeting be adjourned until its next regular meeting scheduled for August 21, 2019. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:29 pm. Page 3 of 23 Page 5 of 52 Page 6 of 52 Page Page 4 of 23 9. m cam :8 8 gm?m <,aE EH ccmmmv. mmo: 8 _m oamm? 3.. :oumE__< ..mmmm_.nE <mm« ulna. cm_o<s imam mommmn: .8 Ucmmmw No: Em w.6o_a<=_m wcwmm §9.,§2_ .83 Em m3m= _o:mmm. man mag on mumagao Em >=mma <mm_n.mao_ oa mmaaomm Em ncwnrmmm cam oa nomw was moaamoam 83 c< Emmm Em.“ 022 m__ o1.mawa._wmm_oa 30.. *9 S. 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