OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (Sew) LIAQUATABAD ZONE • ST-7 KDA BUILDING LIAQUATABAED ZONE No: KWSB/EE (s) /Sppra/2015/52r Dated: /7 - 2--- 2015 The Enforcement-II Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Government of Sindh KARAIC,I1 Subject: Cleaning of 18". 15", 12"dia silted main/ sub-main sewer by winching Machine in UC-6 Bandhani colony near Darul Salat Masud for 1Morovement of seweraoe system in Linuatabad Zone (Sew) Reference: Ser111122122512Q14 QL51)P S511:1r With reference of above subjected work, enclosed please find herewith following documents for uploading on SPPRA web site as required by SPPRA. 1. Contract evaluation Form (Prescribed Performa duly signed). 2. Letter of Commencement / Work Order. 3. Bill of Quantities. 4. Copy of agreement. 5. Bid Evaluation Report Submitted for necessary action please. Executive Engineer (sew) Liaquatabad Zone, KW&SB Copy to: Chief Engineer (Central) KW&SB S.E (Liaquatabad Zone) KW&SB (4 PLC h i\ isk% SJNDH PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITY • CONTRACT EVALUATION FORM TO BE FILLED IN BY ALL PROCURING AGENCIES FOR PUBLIC CONTRACTS OF WORKS, SERVICES & GOODS Karachi Wale 6 sewerage Board I) NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION / DEPTT 2) PROVINCIAL / LOCAL GOVT./ OTHER lotaf GOVt 3) TITLE OF CONTRACT Cleaning or 11r15'.trcla rnaWwtensin sew by winclung U. 4) TENDER NUMBER 5) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT Inewertell alaewrge Wort 6) FORUM THAT APPROVED THE SCHEME Marmon° Oleo° RWRS8 7) TENDER ESTIMATED VALUE Rs.9.89,9501- 8) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Rs.9.90.150s (For civil works only) 9) ESTIMATED • PL r ON RIOD (AS PER CONTRACT) 20 days 10) TENDER OP s ON T & 28-11-2014 at 2.30 p.m II) NUMBER OF TEL D 03 Nos (Attach list of buyers) 12) NUMBER OF BIDS RECE VED OS 13) NUMBER OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT OPENING OF BIDS 03 Nee 14) BID EVALUATION REPORT (Enclose a copy) 15) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SUCCESSFU Khan Grew of Construction St*A1176 16) CONTRACT AWARD PRICE Ra9,89. 17) RANKING OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER IN EVALUATIO (i.e. 1". 2s, 3S EVALUATION BID). Ws MA Khan Group M/s Murad & Co Ws Gut Saab IS Co 18) METHOD OF PROCUREMENT USED: - (Tick one) a) SINGLE STAGE — ONE ENVELOPE PROCEDURE Yee Dossesbc1 UPI b) SINGLE STAGE — TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE c) TWO STAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE d) TWO STAGE—TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE PLEASE SPECIFY IF ANY OTHER METHOD OF PROCUREMENT WAS ADOPTED i.e. EMERGENCY. DIRECT CONTRACTING ETC WITH BRIEF REASONS 1/3 • Managing Proctor. KW&SB 19) APPROVING AUTHORITY FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT 20) WHETHER THE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLUDED IN ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN'. Yes piNo 21) ADVERTISEMENT: Yes SPPRA Sr 0 21796 SPPRA Website (If yes. give date and SPPRA Identification No.) No ii) News Papers Yes (If yes, give f newspapers and dates) No 22) NATURE OF CO, 23) WHETHER QUALIFICAw6N CR WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDE ENTS? (If yes, enclose a copy) Yes I No In 24) WHETHER BID EVALUATION CRITERIA Yes No WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER DOC 1 (If yes, enclose a copy) 25) WHETHER APPROVAL OF COMPETENT AUTHOR! WAS Dy FOR USING A METHOD OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETITIVE BID cs I No I WAS BID SECURITY OBTAINED FROM ALL THE BIDDERS? 26) Yes I I No 27) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BID WAS LOWEST EVALUATED Yes I, No BID / BEST EVALUATED BID (in case of Consultancies) 1 28) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS TECHNICALLY Yes IINo COMPLIANT? 29) WHETHER NAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR QUOTED PRICES WERE READ OUT Al THE TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS? Yes IF/1 No I 1 30) WHETHER EVALUATION REPORT GIVEN TO BIDDERS BEFORE THE AWARD OF CONTRACT? (Attach copy of the bid evaluation report) Yes No 2/3 31) ANY COMPLAINTS RECEIVED Yes (If yes, result thereof) No NO 32) ANY DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER NOTICE / DOCUMENTS (If yes, give details) Yes No No 33) WAS THE EXTENSION MADE IN RESPONSE TIME? (If yes, give reasons) Yes No No 34) DEVIATION TION CRITERIA (If yes, give d Yes No No 35) WAS IT ASSURED BY PR NCY THAT THE SELECTED FIRM IS NOT BLACK LISTED? Yes Fl No ri 36) WAS A VISIT MADE BY ANY OF ICER/O fi PROCURING AGENCY TO THE SUPPLIER'S PREMISES IN CONNECTION WI EMENT? IF SO, DETAILS TO BE ASCERTAINED REGARDING FINANCING ROAD: (If yes, enclose a copy) 1E11 37) WERE PROPER SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED ON M VANCE PAYMENT IN THE CONTRACT (BANK GUARANTEE ETC.)? Yes 101 No mat 38) SPECIAL CONDITIONS, IF ANY• (If yes, give Brief Description) Signature & Official Stamp of Authorized Officer !WHAM', ASIF Exacta.% Ltaquataor. VVj FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Karachi Water ...11:11r. gaud SPPRA, Block. No.8, Sindh Secretariat No.4-A, Court Road, Karach' Tele: 021-9205356; 021-9205369 & Fax: 021-9206291 Print Savo Reset 3/3 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (SEW1 LIAQUATABAD TOWN, K.W.&.S.B • No: EE /LQT/Sew/2014-15/41;29 Dated: /3- 2— 2015 M/s M.A Khan Group of Construction Nawab Colony House No.A1176 UC-2 B.T.S Itheahad Town Karachi LETTER OF COMMENCEMENT /WORK ORDER e,,Z SUBJECT: - Cleaning of 18", 15",12"dia silted main/sub-main sewer by winching machine in UC-6 Bandhani Colony near Darul Salat Masjid for improvement of sewerage system in Liaquatabad Zone (Sewl Consequent upon the condition of Contract and Sanction Order vide No. KW&SB/CE/Centra1/2015/19 Dated 11-02-2015 amounting to Rs.9, 89,950/- (Rupees Nine Lalths Eighty Nine Thousand Nine Hundered fifty only) and subsequent you are hereby directed to commence the works in strict accordance with the contract with the expedition and diligence. Please be noted that M/s M.A Khan Group of Construction shall act as the engineer on this project through their authorized representative, the names and designation of the personnel's deputed will be communicated to you accordingly. Therefore, you are advised to attend the office of the undersigned to obtain necessary instruction to carry out the work assigned to your firm and get it complete the same within (20) days positively, failing which penalty of Rs.2000 per days will be deducted from your bill. Please note that the work would be carried out strictly according to the specification and will be completed within the stipulated period. The expenditure is chargeable to B.G # 0-023-18 of current financial year 2014-2015 Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter by signing in the space provided below. iStri EXE UTIVE ENGINEER LIAQUATABAD TOWN (Sew) 1.The C.E, (Central), KW&SB 2. S.E. Liaquatabad Town. 3. A.E.E. Liaquatbad Town, Sew. 4. Office Copy. With directive to communicate the names along-with the Designation of the personnel' engaged for the works. Received the latter. 4fvf rnisfzigfte Signature M Designation. Payraor4.- Date a jai° OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (SEW) LIAQVATA ' AD ZONE • KARACHI WATER 8 SEWERAGE BOARD ABSTRACT OF COST SUBJECT: CLEANING OF SILTED18", 15", 12" DIA SILTED MAIN/SUBMAIN SEWERS BY WINCHING MACHINE IN U.0 6 BANDHANI COLONY NEAR DARUL SALAT MASF110 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN LIAQUATABAD ZONE (SEW), DESCRIPTION S.NO REO QUANTITY RATE PER AMOUNT 1. Pub54 Cleaning inside sewerage lines completely P-30 restoring original silt free space/ diameter of pipe ITEM lines by labour and equipment No-1 (MechanicallYieleCtric..-ly driven)_ Including accessories like pulley's steel rope, bucket and draggers suing from 6' to 18' dia. Their "to and fro' pulling action (No of passes shall be as many as required) would N. taken in twc phases (First phase entire length from down stream to up stream) bringing down peak hours sewerage to flow inside pipe line ( Is free flow) and in second phase from up stre:o i to down stream of entire length ensuring no s is observed in buckets (6" dia to 18' dia) exce. : only sewerage water and finally passing a steel all of dia 12" lesser that the diameter of pipe bo. not exceeding 48" dia ball even for larger di., pipe to ensure perfect Cleaning. The lob 1 - tildes all the hire/cost of equipment and accessories of above winching machine/devices aloft, with/engines with winching drum set having, ste, rope pully mounted over it, steel bucket fro 6' • 18" dia hooks and other protection likes s. 'y barriers, traffic cones ensuring no darnaril ) pipe along with ensuring safety to labour an. .f the public property /lives and removal of sil ,olid during desalting and clearance of site •c. complete as per full satisfaction of sAt:F• ter. - 12.(.. r 3500 art ( 80.50 Per FL , ;:t1750/. r IS" ( 2o00 RFT ( ..40 96.60 Per Ft. ‘ l'i3200/• K4 -- 18/ • . Pi. 4000 RFT( 128.801 Per Ft. ' 5200/r 111 6.441 --Cid big / ...---- TOTAL RS. / t i OP0150//d ? oice7-; ijict ) SUB- BIER ASSTT: E TIv ENG NEER (SEW) LIAQUA ZO-:r LIAQUATAB D ZONE clItte eigkai /Ie All'ittro040 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (SEW) eft 9.1 *hew•p ••0 LIAQUATABAD ZONE 00 alb 4...6; ( k fn. 9 ‘e..t fee. /". /A t, Xi: 977.3 V.'s/•.7;) AU- 4,7 Al? e• Mt Na letA) , k e 1,4 2e 12/7/A. 9 -.9.12 - Nip rw\tit\ .SE 44e - c Ygp 't .) .1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 • STAMP WRT K ACtiljfre Issued 141c 1. / 6 f it() RACT AGREEMENT 71, iut <0 E NoSanctioryAfnount/Ir.7989, THIS CONTRACT {-(hereinafter called the "Agreement") made on the V'm day of 1: tt!::;,v2(, 4 b itodn The Karachi Water & Sewerage Board represented by its The Chief Engineer (Central), KW&SB (hereinafter called the "Employer") of the one part and M/S.
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