Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode Northampt Northampton 900 on Northampt Health and Safety Neville Brown Pavilion NN4 7RG Business on Executive Drive The Health and Safety Park Executive The Health and Safety Redgrave Merton Merseysid Bootle L20 7HS Executive Head Court Road e Office 4th floor, Legal NHS England 4W08 Quarry Leeds LS2 7UE The National Health Team House Service Commissioning Board and relevant clinical NHS Nene Clinical Locaility Francis Summerh Moulton Northampt commissioning group Commissioning Julia Halliwell Support Crick ouse NN3 6BF Park on Group Manager House Road Local Delivery Team - Essex, County Spetchley Natural England Natural England Kayleigh Cheese Worcester WR5 2NP Herts, Hall Road Bed, Cambs, Northants 1 Historic England - Smith Director of 138 - 142 London Chris Waterhou EC1N 2ST Head Office OBE Planning Holborn EC1N 2ST se Square The Historic Buildings and Inspector Historic England - Monuments Commission Woodhou of Ancient Windsor Northampt East Midlands Helen 2nd floor Cliftonville NN1 5BE for England se Monument House on Office s The English Heritage - Estates English Fire Fly Rob Woodside Engine Swindon SN2 2EH Head Office Director Heritage Avenue House Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode Fire and The relevant Fire and Northamptonshire Chief Fire Moulton Northampt Darren Dovey Rescue NN3 6XJ Rescue Authority County Council Officer Way on Service Police and Force The relevant Police Northamptonshire Crime The West Wootton Northampt Stephen Mold Headquart NN4 0JQ Authority Police Commissi Wing Hall on ers oner Milton Malsor The Baker Ann Addison Clerk Gayton NN7 3EZ Parish Council Paddocks Street Wootton Wootton Parish Charteres Communit Curtlee Tina Clerk Wootton NN4 6ED Council; s y & Sports Hill Centre East Hunsbury Hunsbury Overslade East Caroline Holgate Clerk NN4 0RZ Parish Council; Library Close Hunsbury Grange Grange Park Park School Grange Northampt Tracy Sampson Clerk NN4 5FZ Parish Council Communit Lane Park on y Centre 3 Quinton West Hunsbury Northampt Alison Benson Clerk Green Quinton NN7 1EF Parish Council on Cottages Tiffield Parish 1 Meadow Northampt NN12 Simon Loake Clerk Tiffield Council Rise onshire 352002 Easton Neston Showsley NN12 Harry Mellor Chairman Towcester Parish Meeting Lodge 7RN Shutlanger Parish 9 Bradden Greens Greens Linda Paice Clerk Towcester NN12 8BY Council Way Way Norton 3 Quinton Stoke Bruerne Northampt Alison Benson Clerk Green Quinton NN7 1EF Parish Council on Cottages The relevant Parish Council / Community Council Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode 417 Rothersthorpe Northampt Sarah Murphy Clerk Weedon NN5 4EX The relevant Parish Parish Council on Road Council / Community Parish Council Roade Parish PO Box Northampt Fiona Young Clerk & NN7 9AB Council 847 on RFO Collingtree Parish 33 Friars Northampt Shirley Wong Clerk Delapre NN4 8PY Council Avemue on Gayton Parish 17 Dean's Northampt Viv Hartley Clerk Gayton NN7 3HA Council Row on Bilsworth Parish 17 Dean's Northampt Viv Hartley Clerk Gayton NN7 3HA Council Row on Hunsbury 52 Little Northampt Meadows Parish Lalitkumar Patel Clerk Meadow NN7 1HA Houghton on Council Lane 30 Upper Heyford Northampt Mike Essery Clerk Harmans Weedon NN7 4PB Parish Council on Way Upton Civil Parish PO Box Gill Wells Rugby CV21 9QB Council 6491 Duston Duston Civil Pendle Northampt Justin Gleich Communit Duston NN5 6DT Parish Council Road onshire y Centre Hardingstone Parish High Hardingst Northampt Sally Willis NN4 6DA Parish Council Rooms Street one on Great Houghton 35 Willow Great Northampt Mike Billingham NN4 7AP Parish Council Crescent Houghton onshire 86 Watling Towcester Parish The Town Elizabeth Cox Street Towcester NN12 6BS Council Hall East The Courteenhall Courteenh Northampt Toni Dunbar Clerk Estate NN7 2QD Parish Council all on Office Environment Chief Horizon Deanery The Environment Agency Agency Head Sir James Bevan Bristol Avon BS1 5AH Executive House Road Office Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode The Environment Agency - Environment Planning Scarringto West Nottingha Kerrie Ginns Trentside NG2 5FA Regional Office Agency Adviser n Road Bridgford m The Equality and The The Equality and Human Chief Correspon Arndale Manchest Human Right Rebecca Hilsenrath Arndale M4 3AQ Right Commission Executive dence Unit House er Commission Centre 198 Birmingha Stever Pearce The Cube Wharfside B1 1RN m Street The Highways Agency Highways England 199 Asset Birmingha Martin Seldon The Cube Wharfside B1 1RN Manager m Street Northampt The relevant Highways Northamptonshire onshire Riverside Riverside Bedford Northampt Chris Wragg NN1 5NX Authority County Council County House Way Road on Council Head of Transport Albany 55 SW1H Transport for London TfL Matthew Yates Planning London House Broadway 0BD and Projects 2-6 Chief Fleetbank The Passengers Council Transport Focus Anthony Smith Salisbury London EC4Y 8JX Executive House Square The Disabled c/o The Disabled Persons Persons Transport Great 33 Departme SW1P Transport Advisory Advisory Kieth Richards Chair Minster Horseferry London nt for 4DR Committee Committee House Road Transport Head of All Property, 200 application The Coal Authority Planning Lichfield Nottingha NG18 The Coal Authority Nick Ethelstone s to be set Mansfield (Mansfield) and Lane mshire 4RG to email Developm address. ent Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode Director, Railway One The Office of Rail and The Office of Rail Planning WC2B Graham Richards Kemble London Road and Road and 4AN Street Performan ce Bedford Group of The relevant internal Principal Vale Broadmea Bedfordshi MK43 Internal Drainage Trevor Skelding Stewartby drainage board Engineer House d Road re 9ND Board Area Mather Ian Dickinson The Kiln Newark Notts NG24 1FB Planner Road Regional First Floor Station 500 Elder Milton Canal & River Osi Ivowi Manager MK9 1BB The Canal & River Trust (North) House Gate Keynes Trust South Technical Burton- Fradley Staffordshi Cate Hicks Administra Alrewas upon- DE13 7DN Junction re tor Trent Public Health Centre Seaton Nottingha Public Health England England East Dr Fu-Meng Khaw City Link NG2 5LA Director House m Midlands Local The local Operation Resilience Northampt resilience forum s Northampt The local resilience forum George Cooper Forum onshire Mere Way NN4 8BH (Northamptonshir Departme on Coordinat Police e) nt or Relevant statutory undertakers - Local Electricity Supply Western Power 11kV Feeder Ian R Oliver Avonbank Bristol BS2 0TB Company; Transmission, Distribution Planner Road Distributor and Supplier licence holder Relevant statutory Thorpe undertakers - Local Water Project Thorpe Peterboro Cambridg Anglian Water Murray Ross Wood PE3 6WT Company (supply and Manager Wood ugh eshire House sewerage) Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode Relevant statutory Ashbrook undertakers - Local Gas Cadent Gas Coventry CV7 8PE Court Company 45 - 47 St Relevant statutory Royal Mail James' Northampt undertakers -Universal (Northampton NN5 5JY Mill Road on Service Provider South) NATS NATS 4000 Hampshir Sacha Rossi Safeguard Whiteley Fareham PO15 7FL Relevant statutory Safeguarding Parkway e undertakers - Licence ing Officer Holder (Chapter 1 of Part Technical NATS (En Route) 4000 Hampshir 1 of Transport Act 2000) Sarah Allen Administra Whiteley Fareham PO15 7FL plc Parkway e tor Northamptonshire Chief St Mary’s London Northampt NN15 Healthcare NHS Angela Hillery Kettering Executive Hospital Road onshire 7PW Foundation Trust Northampton Chief Northampt General Hospital Dr Sonia Swart Cliftonville NN1 5BD Executive on NHS Trust Trust Nottingha East Midlands Acting Headquart Henderso Mellors m Nottingha Ambulance NHS Richard Chief ers, 1 NG8 6PY n Way Business m Trust Executive Horizon Relevant statutory Park Place undertakers - Health 36-38 Wooton Medical Practice Northampt Mrs S Connolly High Wootton NN4 6LW Centre Manager on Street The Parks Practice Blisworth 32 Stoke Northampt Helen Mander Blisworth NN7 3BT Medical Practice Manager Surgery Road on Bugbrooke Practice Levitts Bugbrook Northampt Sam Masters NN7 3QN Medical Practice Manager Road e on Denton Village Practice Orchard Northampt Karen Gingell Denton NN7 1HT Surgery Manager Lane on Abbey House Practice Golding Northampt Donna Witts Daventry NN11 4FE Medical Practice Manager Close onshire Consultation Body Organisation First name Surname Role Address1 Address2 Address3 Address4 Postcode Senior Director, 21 Water and Sewage WC1B Ofwat John Russell Strategy 4th floor Bloomsbur London Undertakers 3HF and y Street Planning Head of Developm St The Crown Estate ent and SW1Y The Crown Estate Matthew Giles James’s London Commissioners Project 4AH Market Managem ent Sherwood The Forestry Chief Pines Edwinstow The Forestry Commission Simon Hodgson Mansfield Notts NG21 9JL Commission Executive Forest e Park Secretary The Secretary of State for Ministry of of State SW1A Whitehall London Defence Defence for 2HB Defence Sponsor Floor 1, Hartshorn (West Centenary Broad Birmingha Network Rail Helen Baskervill B1 2ND e Coast Square Street m e House South Atrium Waterloo Abellio ScotRail Glasgow G2 6HQ Court 50 Street 47 Arriva Trains St Mary's Penarth Cardiff CF10 5DJ Wales House Road
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