![Organise! Are Still the VAAAG Consisted of Thousands of People Ngos and Others Who Just Want to Make Available from the London Address](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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The forthcoming Summit of the Group of Eight (or G8 to it’s enemies), to be held in the Scottish golf resort of Gleneagles between July 6th and 8th, has stimulated opposition in a number of political areas. This article looks at the what’s in store for the world’s leaders this summer. First, what exactly is the G8? The G8 large indigenous left or alternative culture. consists of 8 of the most powerful nation Opposition and protests have followed the states in the world. It has been in existence G8 wherever it has met. These protests for over 30 years and its job is to be a forum appeared to have reached both their height for policy discussion for the ruling class. It and their lowest point when, at the infamous is, however, primarily symbolic and an 2001 Genoa events, the police killed the opportunity to do good PR with the media activist Carlo Giuliani and beat and tortured and lobbyists. The real decisions are made Indymedia and other oppositional in other places outside the glare of the journalists. Since then, however, there has media and beyond the protests of the been massive opposition at the G8 summit opposition. at Evian, France in June 2003 and this year’s summit is far from going unopposed. Anyone for… golf? Gleneagles itself is an excellent choice for The opposition the state as it is suitably isolated and Who, then, is leading the opposition to the situated in a rural area with little local G8 and why? The organised and mobilising political radicalism. The nearest cities are opposition can be divided into three Perth and Stirling, neither of which have a currents. The largest of these is the Make Poverty History coalition. Other than supporting the Make Poverty many activists committed to direct action as History march, the G8Alt is organising a well as discussion might gather. Dissent Make Poverty History - Jesuits, union counter-summit in Edinburgh featuring the has also taken legal support, medical bureaucrats and the Boys Brigade? great and the good of the anti-globalisation/ support and international activist training When the G8 last came to Britain, in anti-imperialist movements at the bargain seriously. This has lead sections of the Birmingham in 1998, the main mobilisation price of £15 entrance fee. It is supporting a media in Scotland to paint Dissent as the was by those calling for debt relief. In this, demonstration outside the Dungavel likely organisers of a fearsome anarchist Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Detention centre in solidarity with asylum Black Bloc of professional rioters. There are charities and church groups were at the seekers and refugees and it is supporting a certainly some on the left aping these forefront and the left had a minimal profile. blockade of Faslane nuclear submarine tactics. Though in Britain at this time groups such as base called by Scottish CND and Trident Reclaim the Streets were regularly Ploughshares. It is also sponsoring a day of The good, the bad and the Black Bloc organising creative protests and street ‘direct action’ at Gleneagles itself. This day Relations between G8Alt and the Dissent parties,the international ‘anti-globalisation’ of direct action so far consists of a no more network are cool but Dissent supporters and ‘anti-capitalist’ movements were yet to than a traditional march and demonstration, have attended the open G8Alt organising play a significant role. The descendants of which they calculate will be about 20,000 meetings and have suggested that the that mobilisation today are the Make strong. This demonstration, scheduled for mobilisations organised by G8Alt and Poverty History coalition. This coalition, Wednesday 7th July, coincides with the day Dissent may complement each other and which makes no pretence of being anti- of action around Climate Change called by successfully argued that the state must not capitalist, wishes to pressurise world leaders People’s Global Action. This day of action is be allowed to paint one group of protesters into cancelling the debt of the ‘developing’ being supported by the third oppositional ‘good’ and the other ‘bad’ in a divide and world. Make Poverty History span the entire current, the Dissent Network of resistance rule tactic. Whether this level of unity in spectrum of lobbying politics and unite the against the G8. diversity holds
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