V molcani noci tajnoj C V mol an’i no i tajnoj C v’mahl-CHAY-nyih NAW-chih T¦-nee C (In the Silence of the Secret Night) C (poem by Afansij Afanas’evi Fet [ah-fah-NAH-see ah- fah-NAH-s’yeh-vihch FETT] set to music by Sergei Rachmaninov [sehr-GAYEE rahk-MAH- nyih-nuff]) C (Afansij is probably a misspelled version of Afanasij) V tak mnohem srdci mrtvo jest C V tak mnohém srdci mrtvo jest C v’TAHK m’NAW-hehehm SURD-tsih MURT-vaw YESST C (Death reigns in many a human breast) C (song by Antonín DvoÍák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAW-rshahahk]) V te sladke moci oci tvych C V té sladké moci o i tvých C v'TYEHEH SLAHD-keheh MAW- tsih AW-chih t’VEEEEK C (When Thy Sweet Glances on Me Fall) C (song by Antonín DvoÍák [AHN-taw-nyeeeen d’VAW-rshahahk]) V woyna C F. v. Woyna C (F.) fawn VOY-nah Va je tai pardonne nuit dhymenee C Va! je t'ai pardonné ... Nuit d'hyménée C vah! zhuh teh par-dawn-nay ... nüee dee-may-nay C (duet from the opera Roméo et Juliette [raw-may-o ay zhü-leeett]; music by Charles Gounod [sharl gôô-no]; libretto by Jules Barbier [zhül bar-beeay] and Michel Carré [mee-shell kar-ray] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK- spihuhr]) Va pensiero C Va, pensiero C VAH, payn-seeAY-ro C (Fly, thought) / (chorus of the Hebrew slaves from the opera Nabucco [nah-BOOK-ko] — King of Babylon; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee] and libretto by Temistocle Solera [tay-MEE-stoh-klay so-LAY- rah] after Antonio Cortesi [ahn-TAW-neeo kohr-TAY-zee], Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois [o-güst ah-nih-seh-bôôr-zhwah], and Francis Cornu [frah6-see kawr-nü]) Va pensiero sullali dorate C Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate C VAH, payn-seeAY-ro, sool-LAH- lee doh-RAH-tay C (Fly, thought, on wings of gold) C (chorus of the Hebrew slaves from Act III of the opera Nabucco [nah-BOOK-ko] — King of Babylon; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo- ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Temistocle Solera [tay-MEE-stoh-klay so-LAY-rah] after Antonio Cortesi [ahn-TAW-neeo kohr-TAY-zee], Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois [o-güst ah-nih- seh-bôôr-zhwah], and Francis Cornu [frah6-see kawr-nü]) Va ten mon cuer avent mes yeux C Va t'en, mon cuer, avent mes yeux C vah tah6, maw6 kör, ah-vah6 meh-z'yö C (Go forth, my heart, before my eyes) C (rondeau [RAHN-doh] by Gacien Reyneau [gah-seeah6 ray-no]) Va tent souspir C Va t’ent souspir C vah tah6 sôô-peer C (composition by Estienne Grossin [ay-teeenn grawss-seh6]) Va va lerror mio palesa C Va, va, l’error mio palesa C VAH, VAH, LAYR-rohr MEE-o pah- LAY-zah C (aria featuring Farnace [far-NAH-chay] in the opera Mitridate, rè di Ponto [mee- tree-DAH-tay, RAY dee POHN-toh] — Mithridates, King of Pontus [mith-rih-DAH-tuss, (King of) PAWN-tuss]); music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY- ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Vittorio Amedeo Cigna-Santi [veet-TAW-reeo ah-may-DAY-o CHEE-n’yah-SAHN-tee] after Giuseppe Parini [joo-ZAYP-pay pah-REE-nee] and Jean Racine [zhah6 rah-seen]) Vaccai C Nicola Vaccai C nee-KO-lah vahk-KAHee Vacek C Miloš Vacek C MIH-lawsh VAH-tseck Vach C Ferdinand Vach C FEHR-tee-nahnt VAHK Vachon C Pierre Vachon C peeehr vah-shaw6 Vacillantis trutine C vuh-cheel-LAHN-tiss TRÔÔ-tih-neh C (Hovering in a dangerously unsteady balance) C (excerpt from the 13th-century manuscript Carmina Burana [kar-MEE- nah boo-RAH-nah]) Vackar C Dalibor Cyril Va káÍ C DAH-lih-bawr TSIH-rill VAHCH-kahrzh Vackar C Tomáš Va káÍ C TAW-mahahsh VAHCH-kahrzh Vackar C Václav Va káÍ C VAHAHTSS-lahf VAHCH-kahrzh Vactor C David Van Vactor C DAY-vudd vann VACK-tur Vade C Jean-Joseph Vadé C zhah6-zho-zeff vah-day Vado ma dove oh dei C Vado, ma dove? oh Dei! C VAH-doh, mah DOH-vay? o DAYEE! C (I shall go, but where, oh gods!) C (an aria by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah- mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] interpolated in the comic opera Il burbero di buon core [eel boor- BAY-ro dee booOHN KO-ray]; music by Vicente Martín y Soler [vee-THAYN-tay mar-TEEN ee so-LEHR]; libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay] after Goldoni [gohl- DOH-nee]) Vadoro pupille C V’adoro, pupille C vah-DOH-ro poo-PEEL-lay C (I adore you, dear eyes) C (aria from the opera Giulio Cesare in Egitto [JOO-leeo chay-ZAH-ray een ay-JEET-toh] — Julius Caesar in Egypt; music by George Frideric Handel [JAW-urj FRIH-duh-rick HANN- d’l]; libretto by Nicola Haym [nee-KO-lah ¦M] after Giacomo Francesco Bussani [JAH-ko-mo frahn-CHAY-sko booss-SAH-nee]) Vaet C Jacobus Vaet C yah-KO-büss VATT Vaez C Gustave Vaëz C güss-tahv vah-ezz Vaga luna che inargenti C VAH-gah LOO-nah kay ee-nar-JAYN-tee C (composition by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee]) Vagans C VAH-gahnss Vaghissima sembianza C vah-GHEESS-see-mah saym-beeAHN-tsah C (composition by Stefano Donaudy [STEH-fah-no daw-no-dee]) Vague et la cloche C La vague et la cloche C lah vahg ay lah klawsh C (The Wave and the Bell) C (poem by François Coppée [frah6-swah kawp-pay] set to music by Henri Duparc [ah6- ree dü-park]) Vainberg C Moisei Vainberg C MOEE-say VAHEEN-berk Vaine vaine vaine C Vaine, vaine, vaine C VAYN, VAYN, VAYN C (16th-century English composition by John Sheppard [JAHN SHEPP-purd]) Vainement ma bien aimee C Vainement, ma bien aimée C veh-nuh-mah6, mah beeah6-neh- may C (aria from the opera Le Roi d’Ys [luh r’wah deess] — The King of Ys [EESS]; music by Édouard Lalo [ay-dôôar lah-lo] and libretto by Édouard Blau [ay-dôôar blo]) Vaisseau fantome C Le vaisseau fantôme C luh vess-so fah6-tohm C (The Phantom Ship) C (an opera, with music by Pierre-Louis Dietsch [peeehr-lôôee DEETSH]; libretto by Paul Foucher [pohl fôô-shay] and Bénédict-Henry Révoil [bay-nay-deekt-ah6-ree ray-v’wahl] after various sources, including the original prose scenario by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur] for his opera Der Fliegende Holländer [dayr FLEE-gunn-tuh HAWL-lenn-tur] — The Flying Dutchman) Vajda C János Vajda C YAHAH-nawsh V¦-dah Vajda C Jaroslav Vajda C YAH-raw-slahf V¦-dah Vajda C Otto Vajda C AWT-toh V¦-dah Vajda pulmalaulud C Vajda Pulmalaulud C V¦-tah PÔÔL-mah-lahôô-lôôt C Votic [VO-tick] Wedding Songs C (cycle of Balto-Finnic folk songs arranged by Veljo Tormis [VELL-yo TOHR-miss]) Valabrega C Cesare Valabrega C chay-ZAH-ray vah-lah-BRAY-gah Valcarcel C Edgar Valcárcel C EDD-gar vahl-KAR-sell Valcarcel C Teodoro Valcárcel C tay-o-THO-ro vahl-KAR-sell Valdenassi C Cecilia Valdenassi C chay-CHEE-leeah vahl-day-NAHSS-see Valdengo C Giuseppe Valdengo C joo-ZAYP-pay vahl-DAYN-go Valderrama C Carlos Valderrama C KAR-lawss vahl-dayr-RAH-mah Valdes C Fernán Silva Valdés C fehr-NAHN SEEL-vah vahl-DAYSS Valdes C Pedro Valdés C PAY-dro vahl-DAYSS Valdrighi C Count Luigi Francesco Valdrighi C (Count) looEE-jee frahn-CHAY-sko vahl- DREE-ghee Valek C JiÍí Válek C YIH-rsheeee VAHAH-leck Valen C Fartein Valen C FAR-taihn VAH-lunn C (known also as Olav [OO-lahv] Fartein Valen) Valencia C Antonio María Valencia C ahn-TOH-neeo mah-REE-ah vah-LAYN-seeah Valencienne C vah-lah6-seeenn C (character in the operetta Die lustige Witwe [dee LÔÔ-stih- guh VITT-vuh] — The Merry Widow; music by Franz Lehár [FRAHNZ leh-HAHAHR]; libretto by Victor Léon [veek-tawr lay-aw6] and Leo Stein [LAY-o SHT¦N] after Henri Meilhac [ah6- ree meh-yack]) Valente C Antonio Valente C ahn-TAW-neeo vah-LAYN-tay Valente C Benita Valente C buh-NEE-tah vuh-LENN-tee Valente C Giorgio Valente C JOHR-jiho vah-LENN-teh C (Greek pronunciation of the pen name for George Vitalis [JAW-urj v§-TA-liss], a Greek-American who modified his first name of Georges [YOHR-guss] or Georgios [YOHR-ghihuss or YEHAWR-hihuss] to the American equivalent) Valente C Vincenzo Valente C veen-CHAYN-tso vah-LAYN-tay Valenti C Fernando Valenti C fur-NANN-doh vuh-LENN-tee Valentin C Erich Valentin C AY-rihh FAHAH-lenn-teen Valentini C Giovanni Valentini C jo-VAHN-nee vah-layn-TEE-nee Valentini C Giuseppe Valentini C joo-ZAYP-pay vah-layn-TEE-nee Valentini C Pier Francesco Valentini C peeAYR frahn-CHAY-sko vah-layn-TEE-nee C (known also as Pietro [peeAY-tro] Francesco Valentini) Valentini terrani C Lucia Valentini-Terrani C loo-CHEE-ah vah-layn-TEE-nee-tayr-RAH- nee Valentino C Henri-Justin-Armand-Joseph Valentino C ah6-ree-zhüss-teh6-ar-mah6-zho-zeff vah-lah6-tee-no Valerianus maritus caecilia C Valerianus, maritus Caecilia C vuh-leh-rih-AH-nôôss, muh- REE-tôôss chay-CHIH-lihuh C (Cecilia's husband) C (character in the oratorio Caecilia, virgo et martyr [chay-CHIH-lihuh, VEER-go ett MAR-tür] —Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr — by Marc Antoine Charpentier [mark ah6-twahn shar-pah6-teeay]) Valerius C Adrianus Valerius C ah-drihAH-nüss vah-LEH-rihüss C (the first name is known also as Adriaan [ah-drihAHAHN] and Adriaen [ah-drihAHN]) Valery C Violetta Valéry C veeo-LAYT-tah vah-lay-ree C (character in the opera La traviata [lah trah-veeAH-tah] — The Worldly Woman; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Alexandre Dumas [ah-leck-sah6-dr’ dü-mah]) Valet C Nicolas Valet C nee-kaw-lah vah-leh C (the last name is also spelled Vallet [vahl-leh]) Valis C VA-luss C (an opera, with music by Tod Machover [TAHD MA-kuh-vur]; libretto by Tod Machover and Patrick Mason [PATT-rick MAY-sunn] after a novel by Philip K.
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