/\ ^ Baccalaureat® Chemise du memoire m O International Lescandidats doivent rempiir cette page puis remettre cette chemise accompagnee de la version finale de leur mdmoire £ leur supen/iseur. Num6ro de session du candidat Norn du candidat * Code de I’dtablissement Norn de I’etablissement t*hm Sessions d’examens (mai ou novembre) VW.OU Ann§e zo-n* Mature du Programme du diplome dans laquelle ce mdmoire est inscrit: '.W U SV.. (Dans ie cas d'un memoire de langue, precisez la langue et s'il s’agit du groupe 1 ou 2.) Titre du mSmoire : 7^ . , A r m H w -JtULGlJL___GUfyOtAteik \ \ v y 7 / 7 7 ______ LU _____ i-jf'sk-fk*____ S o a € . h l ___ g o * .... <•***{*< »-■)»/ : i --- ----- _...... "\"’J ■ „ V a * J _____ ___________an> H* e> {QtAtey <.*>**#& ? _______ Declaration du candidat Cette declaration doit etre sign&e par le candidat, sans quoi aucune note finale ne pourra Gtre attribute. Le m6moire ci-joint est le fruit de mon travail personnel (mis a part les conseils permis par le Baccalaur6at International que j’ai pu recevoir). J’ai signal6 tous les emprunts d’idees, d’6lements graphiques ou de paroles, qu’ils aient ete communiques originellement par ecrit, visuellement ou oralement. Je suis conscient que la longueur maximale fix6e pour les memoires est de 4 000 mots et que les examinateurs ne sont pas tenus de lire au-dela de cette limite. Ceci est la version finale de mon memoire. Signature du candidat: Baccalaureat International, Peterson House, • *■■— ■« /-> -__lu x r > - _j a r r * r o o O P I v Rapport et declaration du superviseur. Le superviseur doit remplir ce rapport, signer la declaration et remettre au coordonnateur du Programme du diplbme la version definitive du mdmoire dans la presente chemise. Nom du superviseur [en CAPITALESJ Le cas SchSant, veuillez decrire le travail du candidat, le contexte dans lequel il a entrepris sa recherche, les difficultes rencontrdes et sa fagon de les surmonter (voir les pages 13 et 14 du guide Le m6moire). L’entretien de conclusion (ou soutenance) pourra s’averer utile pour cette tache. Les remarques du superviseur peuvent aider I’examinateur a attribuer un niveau pour le critere K (evaluation globale). Ne faites aucun commentaire sur les circonstances personnelles defavorables qui auraient pu affecter le candidat Si le temps passd avec le candidat est Sgal £ z6ro, vous devrez I’expliquer et indiquer comment il vous a St6 possible de verifier que le memoire St a it bien le fruit du travail du candidat en question. Vous pouvez joindre une feuille supplem ental si I’espace foumi ci-apres est insuffisant Normally the supervisor is expected to make a comment here. It is very helpful to the examiner and may include positive points arising from your experience of writing the Essay and reflections from the Viva Voce Cette declaration doit etre signee par le superviseur, sans quoi aucune note finale ne pourra etre attribute. J'ai lu la version finale du m6moire qui sera envoy^e a I’examinateur. A ma connaissance, le memoire constitue le travail authentique du candidat. J'ai consacr6 heures d'encadrement au candidat pour ce m§mo|Fe. Signature du superviseur: CINDERELLA’S IMPACT ON FEMALE BODY IMAGE AND RELATIONSHIP TO AN IDEALIZED FEMININITY By Sharif Hamza For Vogue Paris How does the Cinderella fable map against trends in Western society concerning an ideal femininity and what are the consequences? World Studies It is helpful in a World 2 December 2013 Studies Extended Candidate Essay to state the Advisor: underlying IB academic subjects on the title page Word Count: 3999 2 _ , , ~~ The abstract should I able or Contents not be included in the page sequence Abstract..........................................................................................................................3 I. Introduction...............................................................................................................4 II. The Fable.................................................................................................................. 5 IE. Cinderella’s Moral Message.................................................................................6 IV. Cinderella In Film..................................................................................................7 V. The Impact of the Cinderella Fable in Western culture.................................. 10 VI. Conclusion...........................................................................................................13 Bibliography.............................................................................................................. 14 3 Abstract This study examines the ideal of femininity as portrayed in the fable of Cinderella and looks at the impact of this feminine model on Western society. The author introduces the two m3stResea&c^''c,uestion well-known versions of the fable, the first by Charles Perrault and the other by the Brothers Grimm. With the use of two main sources, Ever After: A Cinderella Story and Disney Cinderella, the author examines the portrayals of Cinderella in these two popular films iltyf§Thodology (which draw upon Perrault’s version) and how they promote trends in society concerning women's body image and behaviour. Specific scenes (i.e. visual imagery) and comments involving physical appearance or the feminine ideal are examined. This essay explores the messages that these portrayals can pass on to the viewer and the potential impact of those messages. The essay sets out research demonstrating that stereotyped gender norms are perpetuated through Perrault‘s version of the Cinderella fable, by placing a heavy accent of physical appearance and by negatively correlating independence, success and authority for women. The fable supports the so-called Cinderella Complex: feminine passivity in society and the idea that women should wait to be saved while in the meantime concentrating on their main asset: their physical appearance. The essay concludes that women and men should discard the Cinderella fable and reject gender stereotypes to achieve greater equality and ^'Conclusion well-being in their personal and professional lives. Key words: Cinderella Complex, passivity, ideal femininity, gender norms, body image, physical appearance. The IB academic subjects are not mentioned though these can be inferred temporarily from the helpful list of key words or concepts at the end: Psychology and Social and Cultural Anthropology. However it would have been a lot better if the subjects were stated somewhere. The clear statement of the research question, methodology and conclusion merit achievement level 2. The reader is left with a very clear sense of what the Essay is about. 4 I. Introduction: This paper will examine the cultural messages contained in the allegorical fable of Cinderella, and the impact that these messages can and have had on cultural notions o f b ea u tv in modem Western European society and on gender stereotypes. Cinderella is found in similar forms in the cultural traditions of many countries (tor example: Yeh-Shen from China, Nyasha from southern Africa, the Algonquin myth and others.1). This paper will focus on the two most popular adaptations of the Cinderella fable in Western European culture, as told by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. It will then examine two film portrayals of the fable: Walt Disney’s 1950 animated fantasy film Cinderella and Twentieth Century Fox’s Ever After, made almost fifty years later, in 1998. By examining a few film techniques in particular - close-ups in specific scenes and the language used- the paper examines the extent to which these two movies either support or refute the ideal of feminine beauty. Given that children are the main target audience of the two films, the paper takes into account that children are more likely to perceive the images portrayed as true rather than as idealized or artificial.2 This introduction does not conform to the Criterion description. It reveals more about methodology and seem to be introducing Film and Literature as other subjects. The author should make clear the IB academic subjects here or earlier, take more time to state and launch the research question, and discuss the justification and worthiness of the topic for investigation. The sources could have been included in the abstract. The research question is not stated as on the title page. Even though this looks an interesting topic, achievement level 1 is most appropriate. 1 Kite W. Patricia, Cinderella: A Cross-cultural Story (Yale National Initiative, 2013). 2 Herbozo Silvia et al., Beauty and Thinness Messages in Children’s Media: A Content Analysis (Eating Disorders: The Journal o f Treatment & Prevention, 2004). 5 II. The Fable One of the most popular fairy tales in Western society is that of Cinderella - particularly, Charles Perrault’s version of Cinderella3. Perrault adapted the fable from earlier versions. His version has been told to countless children and retold in both picture books and film. The main protagonist in Perrault’s tale is a young and beautiful maiden whose mother died when she was very young. Her father remarries, but then dies, sealing his daughter’s fate. The new wife and her two daughters abuse Cinderella, forcing her to take over all of the domestic work. Cinderella is extremely passive in the face of this abuse (never talking back or attempting to escape her situation). Instead, Cinderella is saved by the intervention of a faiiy godmother and, ultimately, by her marriage to the prince. On the night of the Prince’s
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