Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52440-7 - Fossil Crinoids Hans Hess, William I. Ausich, Carlton E. Brett and Michael J. Simms Index More information General Index Aalenian, 203 Antelope Spring, xiv Bahamas, 223, 237, 240, 241 aboral, 4, 5, 7 anus, 3, 23, 56, 79, 80, 143 Bailey Formation, 97, 98 aboral cup, 3, 17 apical cirrus, 16 Bajocian, 203–205 abyssal 240, 244 Appalachian Basin, 92 Bakony, 167 Acadian, 46, 134 aragonite, 223, 247 Banan Formation, 43 accretion disc, 13 arborescent bryozoan(s), 199 banana plantation, 181 acrothoracian barnacles, 170, 198 Arbuckle Mountains, 44 Banff Formation, 52 active filter feeder, 29 archaeogastropods, 56, 79 Bangor Limestone, 46 adoral, 4, 5 Arenig, 38 barnacles, 170, 198 Aegean, 165 areola, 7, 8 barnacle-like, 241 Agricola, Georgius, 164 argillaceous rocks, 247 Bartels Collection, 119, 121 algae, 45, 52, 66, 89, 195, 223 Argovian, 47 basal, 18 algal mats, 104, 195 Arkona Shale, 53, 129–131 basal circlet, 24, 38 Algonquin Arch, 105 Armorican Massif, 184 basal disc, 13 all or nothing rule, 180 arms, 24–30 basal tubercle, 16 Alnif, 95 arms, branching, 27, 28, 159, 181, 189 basket star, 27 ambulacra, 3 arthropods, 112–114, 184 Basleo Beds, 22, 161 ambulacral epidermis, 4 articular facet, 8–12, 16, 26, 151 Bassett, D. A., 146 ambulacral furrows, 20 articulation, 4, 5, 7, 9–12, 15, 24–26 Bassler, R. S., 75 ambulacral groove, 5, 22, 23, 153 Artinskian, 162, 163 Bath Freestone, 197 ambulacral plates, 29 Arzo, 41 Bathonian, 47, 59, 197–199, 205, 212 ambulacrals, 23 Ashgill, 42 Bavaria, 54, 216 American Museum of Natural History, 108, asteroids, 31, 42, 75, 88, 137, 167, 212, 218 Bayerische Staatssammlungen fu¨r Pala¨ontolo- 109 asymmetry, 21, 47, 243 gie und historische Geologie, 120, 224 ammonia, 127 atomous arms, 42, 156, 163 Beane, B. H., 136, 138 ammonites, 47, 86, 177, 184, 221, 226 atrypids, 123 Beecher, Charles, 103 ammonoids, 114 attachment, 10, 12–15, 114, 181 Beecher slab, 104 anal plates, 17, 23, 32, 33, 35, 36, 153 attachment disc, 13, 42, 180 Belbek valley, 48 anal pyramid, 20, 23 Ausable River, 129, 130 belemnites, 184 anal sac, 20, 22, 23, 35, 36, 40, 66, 71, 79, Australia, 160–163, 226 Bellevue Formation, 75 89, 117, 125, 133, 152, 160 Austroalpine faunal province, 166 Bellman Quarry, 46 anal tube, 5, 20, 23, 24, 57, 99, 114, 141, 143– autecology, 55 Beloit College, 138 145, 151, 227 autochthonous, 45, 222 benthic, 7, 53, 88, 153, 179, 194, 221, 231 anal X, 40 autotomy, autotomization, 30, 37, 107, 174, Berriasian, 48 anchorage, 15, 125, 174, 179 179, 189, 201, 218 Besleo ϭ Basleo, 22 anchor-like holdfast, 14, 15 axial canal, 13, 16, 99, 171, 173 Beuthen, 164 Anchor Limestone, 45 axillary, 28 bicarbonate cements, 127 Anisian, 165 bifascial, 10, 25 annelids, 198 bactritids, 129 bifrons Zone, 183, 191 anoxic conditions, 53, 179, 195, 223, 231 Bad Boll, 183 bilateral symmetry, 20, 35 Antarctic Peninsula, 233, 234 Bahama Bank, 223 bioclastic limestone, 83, 197, 199, 248 263 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52440-7 - Fossil Crinoids Hans Hess, William I. Ausich, Carlton E. Brett and Michael J. Simms Index More information 264 GENERAL INDEX bioherms, 45, 48, 81, 169 Burlington Shelf, 140 coccoliths, 184, 216, 221, 223, 248 biomicrite, 248 burrowers, 50, 74, 179 coelom, 4, 7 biosparite, 248 burrowing bivalves, 195 coelomic canal, 4 biostrome, 47, 105 burrows, 74, 209, 223 Coeymans Formation, Limestone, 52, 103– bioturbation, bioturbated, 63, 89, 195, 209 byssus, byssal, 169, 171, 174, 195 105 Birmenstorf Beds, 47 coiled stem, 12 biserial, 28, 30 calcarenite, 63, 248 collagen fibrils, 16 biserially pinnulate, 27, 36 calcareous marl, 247 colonies, 122, 135, 181, 209, 212, 231 Bithynian, 165 calcareous shale, 63, 87, 248 column, 4 bituminous, 93, 183, 194 calcite endoskeleton, 3 columnals, 5, 7 bivalves, 56, 170, 179, 183, 195, 199, 215, Caleb family, 87 commensal, commensalism, 55–58, 125 236 callianassid crustacean, 215 competition, 12, 55 Blackriveran, 42 Callytharra Springs, 163 compound radials, 35 black shales, 43, 53, 63, 99, 155, 183 calyx, calyces, 4, 17–19 cones, 19 Black Ven, Black Ven Marls, 25, 177 Cambrian, 7, 38 connective tissue, 4, 5, 50 blastozoans, 13, 31 Campanian, 47 contractile tissue, 13 blood vessel, 5 Cape Girardeau, 97 Coplow Quarry, 46 Blue Mountain, 64 Caput Medusae, 183 coprophagous, 56, 80, 123 Blumennester, 174 Caradocian, 63 corals, 6, 13, 43, 45, 48, 56, 57 Bobcaygeon Formation, 69 carbonate sediments, 45, 52, 247 Corey, O. W., 146 Bohemia, 97, 166, 217 Carboniferous, 23, 31, 39, 40, 43, 45, 57 Corey’s Bluff, 146 Bohemian Massif, 184 Carden Quarry, 68 Corryville Formation, 78 Bond Formation, 155 Carlile Shale, 225 Cotswolds, 199 Bonifatiuspfennige, 164 Carnian, 43, 47, 167, 176 Crailsheim, 164, 167, 169 Borden Formation, Group, 58, 146 carpoid, 108 Crailsheim Member, 165, 167, 169 borehole, 56, 58, 174 Cedarville Dolomite, 45 Crawfordsville, 45, 53, 145 Boruszowice Beds, 165 Celtic facies, 205 crayfish, 217 bothriocidaroids, 42 cementation, 53, 63, 72, 107, 127, 171, 200 creeping roots, 13 boulders, 247 cemented attachment, 12 crenulae, 8, 11 brachials, 18, 24–28 Cenomanian, 242 crenularium, 12 brachioles, 133 Cenozoic, 42 Cretaceous, 47, 48, 53, 54, 225 brachiopods, 65, 89, 123, 129 Centennial Road, 129 Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary, 223 brachitaxis, 28 central canal, 7, 10, 16 Crimea, 42, 48, 59 Bradford Clay, 197 centrodorsal, 15, 16, 37, 48, 212, 233 crinoid lenses, 52, 177 Bradford hardground, 198, 200 cephalopods, 114, 221, 225 crinoidal limestone, 41, 52, 73 Bradford-on-Avon, 197 Chadian, 45 crown, 4, 12, 27, 42 Bradley, F. H., 146 Chalk, chalk, 37, 46, 53, 225, 226, 231, 232, crustacean, 200, 215, 217 Brassel, G., 121 248 cryptodicyclic, 36 Braun, Frederick, 87 Charmouth, 25, 178, 181 cryptosymplexy, cryptosymplectial, 9, 15, 26, Brechin, 68 chert, 135, 248 175, 142 Bridlington, 46 Chesterian, 46 crypto-synarthrial, 218 Bristol City Museum, 198 chitinoclastic bacteria, 54 cup, 3, 4, 17 brittle stars, 206 chonetids, 123, 129 cyanobacteria, 192, 224 Broccatello, 41 ciliated, 3, 4 cyclical sedimentation, 46, 155 Brockport, 87 Cincinnati, 63, 75 cyclocrinitids, 66 Broili, Ferdinand, 120 Cincinnati Arch, 105 cyclocystoids, 42, 75 Bromide Formation, 44 Cincinnatian, 75, 76 cyclothem, 155, 157 Brownsport Formation, 44 circlet, 17, 31, 32, 35–38 cystoids, 56, 87, 105, 114 bryozoan, bryozoans, 65, 89, 124 circular columnals, 11 Buckland, William, 177 circum-Antarctic current, 234 Dachschiefer, 111 Buffalo Museum, 92 cirral, 16 Dakota Formation, 225 bulb, 15, 96–102 cirri, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15–17 Dakota Sandstone, 227 Bundenbach, 111–114, 117, 119–121 cirrinodal, 7, 37, 175 Danian, 233 Bundesanstalt fu¨r Geowissenschaften und cirrus lobolith, 95, 98 Days Corners Quarry, 104 Rohstoffe Berlin, 176 cirrus socket, 16 Dayville Member, 104 Buntsandstein, 165 cladistic, 174 Deansboro Member, 104 buoy, 15, 98 classification, 31, 32, 38, 42 death tracks, 217 buoyancy, 12, 102, 167, 189, 221 clastic sediments, 162, 247 decapods, 217 Burgen in Endre, 86 clay, 247 Decew Formation, 88 Burgess Shale, 38 Clinton Group, 87 Deep Run Shale, 122 Burgundy Gate, 166 clionid sponges, 198 Deep Sea Drilling Project, 224 Burgundy Platform, 205, 211 Clitheroe, 45, 46 dehydration, 223 Burgundy Strait, 167 Clitheroe Castle Museum, 46 Denmark Member, 64, 65 Burleigh Hill Member, 87 Coal Measures, 155 density, arm branching, 27 Burlington Limestone, 41, 52, 139–143 coccolithophorids, 221, 223 Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 121 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-52440-7 - Fossil Crinoids Hans Hess, William I. Ausich, Carlton E. Brett and Michael J. Simms Index More information GENERAL INDEX 265 Develier, 204 Fairmount Formation, 78 Gerolstein, 45 Devonian, 13, 15, 38, 45, 93, 103, 111, 122, Falang Formation, 43 Girvan district, 42 129 falciferum Zone, 183, 191 Givetian, 45, 122, 129 diagenesis, 42, 127, 223 Famennian, 39 glacio-eustatic, 155 diastem, 248 Fall Brook, 122 Glen Dean Limestone, 46 dicyclic, 18 Fassanian, 165 Glenmark Shale, 88 digestive system, tract, 3, 17, 79 favositid corals, 105 Gmu¨nd, 52 dioecious, 30 Fa¨ule, 216, 224, 248 Gogolin, 165, 174 Diplopora Dolomite, 165 feather stars, 237 Gogolin Beds, 165 diploporans, 31 feeding, 26 Golden Cap, 179 disarticulation, 23, 50, 179 feeding strategies, 26, 55 gonads, 24, 30 discoidal holdfast, 71, 117, 134, 174 fenestrates, 123 goniatites, 129 distal, 5, 7, 8 Fennoskandia, 166 Gorazdze Beds, 165 diversification, 38, 176, 237 Fern Glen Formation, 140 gorgonocephalid ophiuroids, 27 division series, 16, 28 Field Museum of Natural History, 80, 138, Gotland, 52, 81 Dolomites, 176 144, 154, 241 grade groups, 37 Domerian, 41 Fiji, xi grainstone, 46, 248 dorsal, 5 filament, 16, 17 Grand Bahama Island, xii dorsal cups, 233 filtration fan, xii, 25–28, 241 Grande Comore, 242 Dorset, 44, 177 Finger Lakes, 122 Graneros Shale, 225 Dotternhausen, 183 firmground, 167, 248 grapnel-like holdfast, 15 Dotternhausen Werkforum, 191, 196 fishes, 221, 226, 238 grappling devices, 13 Dra Plain, 93 fists, 20 graptolites, 93 Drake Passage, 234 fistuliporoid bryozoans, 123, 125 graptolitic shales, 93 driftwood, 44, 51, 177–182, 184, 185, 189, fixed (brachials, interbrachials, interradials, gravity flow, 223 233 pinnulars), 18, 24, 30, 32 Great Barrier Reef, 237 Dudley, 43 Flat Creek Shale, 64 Great Lakes, 45 Dudley Castle, 43 Fleins, 183 Great Meteor Bank, 242 Dudley Museum and Art Gallery, 43 flexibility, 10, 15, 24 green
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