Die Zeitschrift KADMOS erscheint jdhrlich in zwei Heften. Der Um- fang des ganzenJahrgangs betrdgt etwa 1.92Seiten (einschlie8lich Bild- tafeln).DerJahrgang kostet z.Z.DM 98,-. Die Abnahme des ersten Heftes verpflichtet zur Abnahme des ganzenJahrgangs. Manuskripte und auf den Inhalt der Zeitschrift beziigliche Mitteilun- gen werden an die Adresse der Redaktion (Villiam C. Brice, Cherry Tree Cottage, 14 Barlow Moor Road, Manchester,M20 8GJ, England) JoHNG. YouNcrn erbeten. Zum Druck kcinnen nur maschinenschriftliche und einseitig beschriebeneManuskripte, sowie reproduktionsflhige Abbildungsvor- AEGEAN SEALS OF THE, LATE BRONZE AGE,: lagen angenommen werden. MASTERS AND \TORKSHOPS II. THE FIRST_GENERATIONMINOAN MASTERS'I Synopsis of Text The Line-Jawed Lions Group and the Cretan Popular Group (p. 117) I. The Line-JawedLions Group (p. 119) 1. The JasperLion Mastcr 2. The Vapheio-Rutsi Prism Master 3. The Master of the Lion from Ayios Ioannes T. 4 4. The Master of the Attacking Lion in Berlin 5. The Master of the Attendant Griffins Rc: Copying in tlrc USA: 6. The Bulbous*Nose Master 7. Miscellaneous Line-Jawed Lions Authorization to photoc<lpyitclrrs lor ilrtcrnrrlor pcrsonal usc, or IL The Cretan Popular Group (p. 123) 1. CP \fomen and Men the internal or personal usc of spccilic clicnts, is grrntccl by Walter 2. CP Animals and Monsters de Gruyter & Co. for libraries ancl otlrcr uscrs rcgisrcrccl with the III. Lesser Artists of Birds and Butterflies (p. l2l) Copyright ClearanccCenter (CCC)'l'rrnsacrional llcporting Scrvice, 1. The Master of the Berry-Head Vaterbirds provided that the bascfee of $Z.OOpcr copy is p:iiclclircctly to CCC, 2. The Master of the Eleusis Matrix 21 CongressSt., Salcnr,Ma. A197a,U.S.A., witl-r explicir reference 3. The Master of the Theban Butterflies to thc followinu coclcnumbL-r: B. The Monumental Minoan Artists of the Late 16th Cent. B. C. (p. 129) ao22-74g8/83/$2.OO 1. The Master of the Isopata Ring 2. The Avgo Ring Group 3. The Master of the Messenian Griffins on Cushions 4. The Master of the Potniai Leonton Andcrweitiger Abdruck der fiir die Zeitschrift bestimmten Abhand- 5. The Master of the Ashmolean Dogs lungen oder ihre Ubersetzung innerhalb der gesetzlichen Schutzfrist 6. The Master of Birds with Lumpy Bodies ist nur mit Genehmigungder Flerausgeberund des Verlagesgestatrer. Printed in Germany For the abbreviations,see the Introduction, Kadmos 21,1982,104-5. Add: Hood 1978 SinclairHood, The Arts in PrehistoricGrecce (Harmondswortlr) Satzund Druck: Arthur Collignon GmbH, Berlin . Buchbinderarbeiten: Karo G. Karo, Die Schachtgribervon Mykenai (Munich 1930) Fuhrmann, Berlin The ceramic date given after a seal is that of its contcxt. Thc drawings in Figures 1-6 arc nutnbcrcclconsccutivcly, ltrtl rrc iitttl irr l',,1.1 Gedruckt mit Unterstiitzung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. facc,1,2, ctc. Corrigcntlurrr:in tlrc Irrtrotluction, K;rdtttos21, I9112,Ill lirrt l, l.r '18 rr'.rl '10 110 John G. Younger Aegean seals:masters and workshops lll Illustrations I wish to thank Dr Ingo Pini ._. for his permission to reproduce drawings rnade for cMS (Figs. 1, 3-7A, n, 14, 1,6, 18,20*22,24,26,27,30,32-36,38-45,47 52, and, 58-61). Figs. 2, 11, 15,46, and 5i-55 are taken from their pri'rary publications. ' The rest are drawn by the author on the basis of published photogiaphs.- drawings in Figures .The 1-6 are an aide-m6moire to styliitic features; more dctailcd understanding is given by the primary publications cited below. The simple references below with volume and index numbers only are to the Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel(Berlin, 1964ff.). : AGDS Antike Gemmen in deutschen Sammlungen, Munich, 196gff. CMCG: A.x. Sakellariou,Les cachets minoens de la collection Giamalakis,l,tudes Cr6toisesX, Paris 1958. ffi. CS : V.E.G. Kenna, Cretan Seals,Oxford 1960. HM - Heraklion Museum seals:HMm : rings HMs : sealings. : Karo G. Karo, Die Schachtgrdbervon Mykenai, Munich t9lO. Text Nr. Ref Text Nr . Ref. A I1 1 xII 2A7 34 IX 174 2 Karo 274 JJ i 13 2 3 233a 36 IX 171 @ 4 IJ )D J/ CS 22P 5 272a 38 IV 298 o 272b 39 IV 290 A 7 xII 229 4a l 87 I I 151 4l xll 22rl 9 I 258 lll I 42 | 213 r 273 43 lv 246 11 CMCG 335 244 Y 422t 72 xII 214 45 v 422b W, 73 CS 235 46 HMs 377 @ 1.4 XIII 9 347 | 270 75 HM 1713 48 IY 257 16 v 654 49 V 677a 77 AGDS II Berlin36 5U v 677b 18 I 2A6 51 Y 677c 79 x 268 B 152 I 219 I 480 53 HMn 424 27 IV 258 54 HMm 1034 22 IV 4OD f,f, Ring from Mochlos 23 AGDS III Kassel6 256 Ring from 7 24 IX 11,2 Hogarth'sHouse II 1 25 CS 375 5/ Ring from Avgo 26 VIII 128 55 269 Fig. 1 27 XII 168 59 277 1, 2: The JasperLion Master 28 x 262 288 2-13: The Vapheio-RutsiPrism Master 29 CS 3ZP 4 67 144 )U XIII 136 5 62 CS 239 37 x 261 6i CS 23S 32 XIII 40 64 CS 297 -) -t IV 3OO bf, CS 343 workshops 113 r12 John G. Younger Aegean seals:masters and m\@ry/ -27 4 ,@ @\ "@ 5sVwn 23 @ ,m Ftg. 2 14,15:The Master of the LIon from Ayios IoannesT.4 16, 17: The Master of the Attacking Griffin in Berlin 18, 19: The Master of the Attendant Griffins 2A-23: The Bulbous-Nose Master and Close 25*31: Popular Group, 'Women and Men 32-35: Popular Group, Animals and Monsters 24: Miscellaneous Line Jawed Lions 11,4 John G. Younger Aegean seals:masters and workshops 115 @.@,@ ''@ /-2 Fig. 4 36-41: Cretan Popular Group: Animals and Monsters (cont.) 42, 43: The Master of the Berry-Head \Waterbirds 47-51.: The Master of the Theban Butterflies 44-46: The Masrer of the Eleusis Matrix 52-55: The Master of the IsopataRing 116 John G. Younger Aegean seals:masters and workshoPs t17 A. The Line-Jawed Lions Group and the Cretan Popular GrouP Introd.wction About 2O'/"of sealsronesare made from the common soft (Mohs scale 57 1.5-4) srones that are often identified as varieties of serpentine or stearire in modern discussions. Serpentine (Mohs 4) is defined as a hydrous silicate of magnesium oxide, so called becauseits usually ob- scure green colour resemblesthat of snakeskin. Steatite (Mohs 2) is a varietl of talc, a silicate of magnesiumplus various impurities, and has, asthe nameimplies, a greasyor soapytexture; because of the impurities steatitecomes in manyiolors' the most common being shiny black, pale green,caramel brown, rust red, creamyellow, or any mottled combina- tion. 59 Since it is not often possible to determine petrologically whether a sealstoneis of serpentineor steatite, we therefore define these terms to an fit easily appreciaied criteria. Steatite has a greasy texture and _oily sheen; it is io soft that a fingernail would almost be able to scratch it. Serpentineis dull and grainy, usually greento grey in color;.it is suf- ar@ ficiently hard for p.nkttif., without excessivepress.ure,_only lightly " to scraich it. It should be noted that some silicateslike haematiteor jasper can often be confused with serpentine,though a minute hardness 6/- t..i on the back of the stone will resolve the issue. ,,A. No Late Bronze Age steatite seal has been excavatedfrom contexts dated earlier than the end of LH III Ai, while the serpentineseais occur mostly in LM I contexts. From the findspot it also seems extremely probable that the serpentineseals are Cretan, and that those of steatite 6sw are Mainland and Island in manufacture. Stylistically, too, there is a noticeabledifference. The serpentineseals commonly depict animals and human figures in cult scenes'pl.rt few monsters, all with fully, though " simply, modeled bodies and linear limbs. The steariteseals almost irr- Fig. 6 ,r^.Lbly depict either animals (so schematically scratched on thc scel 56, 57: The Avgo Ring Group face that their speciescannot often be determined),or plant ftlrnls tlr:tt 58-60: The Master of the Messenian Griffins on Cushions are little more than geometricdesigns. 61: The Master of the Potniai Leonton Almost all these soft-stone sealshave been found in frrirly lrtrrrr[tlr' 62, 63: The Master o{ the Ashmolean Dogs l 64, 65: The Master of Birds with Lumpy Bodies contexts:fills, simple houses,cist graves,and somc c[rrrtt[rt'tlptttl,'- I A fcw stcatitcscals cotnc {ronr provirrci:rll,l-t III Il-(l tholoi (V l''() 741,746.19),wlrcrc rrrtrlrt r litttt'wltr:rtthcy wcrc lt() tltttlItl t'ttt" 118 John G. Younger Aegean seals:masters and workshops 11'9 The humble narure of the majority of the findspotsfor such sofr-stone sealssuggests that they tion.3 The CP lion, simple and toy-like, is, however, actually better *... ih. porr.rrior* of the common folk. The easilyacquired suited to soft stones and often looks inappropriate, though charmingly materiarsand the simpre.(whennot hasty.)engraving arguefor their both so, on hard-stoneseals (e.g., AGDS II Berlin 36, and CMS i 13, beinginexpensive, ihiie rhei,rr.f. iir.s".Jr"irpty , copious demand. 1.44and 145)or on the gold-foil cutouts(e.g., Karo, 4L,45,50) from For such reasons Mycenae Shaft Grave IIL these sealstonesconstitute the popular Groups.2 The serpentine seals found armost excrusivelyin LM r 6..irr, .o.r,.** comprise the more naturalistic popular Cretan Gro.rf ,fr. Cp Group); O....fr*, L Tbe Line-Jawed Lions Growp the steatiteseals.found m.osrry o.r th. M#il";,;.-.iio,r"tty in the Islands, and rarely in crete i' co.rte*ts dated no earlier than LH This group comprisesat leastsix major artistswho use a distinctive III Ai late, form the cruderl\4ainlandpopurar Group, *n.n *iiil.
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