• TODAV: liBERTINE GETS TOUGH ON SQUATTERS'· BEWARE THE CONMEN! • TOP STARS IN WINDHOEK • Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.375 50c (GST Inc.) . Friday July 26 • us I * Pretoria pumped at least R6Sm into DTAin '89 * 'Inkathagate'spills over into 'DTA-gate' GWEN LlSTER Gurirab calls for an AT LEAST R65 million of the Democratic emergencyNAsittin'g, . Turnhalle's estimated budget of R72m for the 1989 election year was channelled di­ NAMIBIANForeign AfTairsMiniSter, Theo-Ben Gurirab, rectly from South African government cof­ said late last night he would support a call for an emer­ gency session of the National Assembly so that the DTA fers, according to informed sources. and other parties in the Assembly which had received But the figure could be hip. pendence elections. ,funding from South Africa copld ~'lev~' with the people o! . :say others. Botha added that the fund­ Namibia. South African Foreign Af­ ing had been approved b¥ the Reacting to the statement by SA Foreign Affairs MInis­ fairs Minister, Pik Botha, quite SA Cabinet. "We were against ter, Pik Botha, yesterday evening, that over Rl00-tnillI.on obviously took the wind out of Swapo. At times we were at had been channelled to at least seven Namibian parties to the sails of the DT A and other war with Swapo," he said. defeat Swapo at the polls, Gurirab described it as a Namibian parties who bene­ However, going on the de­ "gigantic scandal". fited from South African fi­ fensive, Botha argued that the He said though, that "we are not surprised". The DT A, nancial aid, when he announced money given to Namibian he went on, was a South African creature, funded and used yesterday that Pretoria had paid parties was 'maybe a quarter, by South Africa to delay Namibia's independence. more than Rl00m to anti-Swapo or a tenth' of what Swapo had Describing Botha' s revelations as "only the tip of an ice­ parties during the 435 election received from international 'I AM unrepentant. 1 will berg", the Foreign Minister said he expected that more process. donors. revelations would comein what was a looming 'DTA-gate'. not resign over the scan­ Sapa reported that he told Botha said that some Na­ dal,' said South African 'WHAT a relief. Our se­ Gurirab added that he saw it as part of an ongoing journalists questioning him on mibian parties had approached Foreign Minister Pik <ret's out,' w~ DTAleader campaign and that, in spite of Namibia independence, the SABC's Agenda programme the SA Government after the money was still coming into Namibia, perhaps with a view that the money had been given decision to scrap the second Botha. 'The use of slush Dirk Mudge's response to to influencing forthcoming regional and local elections. to at least seven parties, in­ tier (etlmic) gove1lUl1ents. They funds for the economic Pik Botha's revelations of "This has come at the right time because it shows that cluding the opposition DtA, had told the SA Government growth of South Africa massiye funding for the tontinued on page 2 in an attempt to stop Swapo that it was not fair to talk of never troubled my C~)D­ Alliance. 'The DTA refuses from winning the 1989 inde- continued on page 2 science.' 'to apologize ... .' 132 D T A 133 FINANSIELE STATE :30 JUNIE 1989 134 -~---- - ----- ---- ------- -- ------ - ------------------- ---- ---: 135 iNKOMSTE/UITGAWESTAAT R R 136 ------------------------------ : 137 INKOMSTE 138 DONASIES - ST 29700000.00 139 DONASIES - ANDER 125213.60 140 DONASIES - TOTAAL 29825in.60 25-Juj-91 0.7:46 PM NUM J 141: · rW13] D E F G H 141 RENTE ONTVANG 67572.71 142 W1NS/VERLIES-VERKOOP VAN BATES: 16006.00 143 144 UITGAWES 102986 7 4.34 145 SALARIS & PERSONEELVOORDELE 2473156.29 146 PROMOSIE,REKLAME,PROPAGANDA 2330965.74 147 MOTORKOSTE 304744.81 148 LIDPARTY ORG & BOESMANS 809197.66 149 VERGADERINGSKOSTE 1605233 .55 150 D-DAG ORG & REGISTRASIE 11066.35 AMANDLA ARRIVE. A 12-member advance team of th~ ANC cultural ensemble, . Amandla, arrived in Windhoek late last night. Amandla is scheduled to put on two A SECTION oftbe DTA's financial statements for Junl! 1989 . shows ih Windhoek on August 2 at the National Theatre and on August 3 at the Katutura Stadium. PRIME Minister Hage Gein­ South Africa as well as being CLEANLINESS: gob's attitude on revelations funded by that Government. that the South African govern­ The Prime Minister scoffed - IN SCHOOLS ment had funded anti-Swapo at the DT A's statement that IN HOSPITALS parties to the tune of over Rl00 Swapo had also raised funds million during the 435 elec­ from outside lP-e country. The FOR ALL PEOPLE tion process, was one of 'we '1#fference was, he said, that told you so '. South Africa had been in charge CLEANLINEss: Geingob said Swapo had been of the elections, and yet by aware of this all along and had undeIhand means had tried to - THRU IN-SERVICE TRAINING in fact long accused the DT A NAM I B I A of being both a creation of continued on page 3 2 Friday July 26 1991 .THE NAMIBJAN democratic elections when com­ cial assistan<,e. Botha continued A source close to the DTA peting against Swapo. South that the money given' was not told The Namibian that it was Africa had convinced them to meant for the printing of posters, estimated that of the Alliance's abandon the second tiers and for example. It had been meant budget of about R72m from REACTION r had agreed-to give them [man- for 'training and educating' April 1989 to March 1990, at people on democracy. least R65m had been channelled REACTION to the announce­ of the National Party and leader ~IIII"II • •••II"' • ••••IIIII~ Botha maintained that tile directly from SA coffers. ment by SA Foreign Affairs of the ACN sald that "the hands money given to Namibian par­ The source claimed the MInister, PIk Botha, on the more of the National Party are clean. than R100m given to anti-Swapo The Nationill Party did not re­ ties had not jeopardised the SA money had been spent on buying parties and groups has been ceive one cent from South Af­ = AUCTION HOUSE = a massive fleet of vehicles, in­ Government's relations with' cautious.. Dirk Mudge of the rica." But oftbe ACN, Pretorius Swapo. "Swapo won the elec-' cluding buses bought from = The Home of Auctions = DTA said it "welcomed (the an­ conflnned that It had received tion and we went out of our way Interstate in South Africa; about HUGE CAR AUCTION nouncemtmt) because it relieves money from the Namib Founda~ = = to help get Namibia on the road 4007.65mm pistols; 3 000 sjam­ me and the DTA of the burden of tion. But where Foundation 'had .. Wednesday 31st Juiy 17hOO . .. to recovery," he said. bob, and a host of other things. having to keep something secret obtained its funds, he did not .. Meanwhile an obviously ill­ The source added that what was Independence Ave and Grimm Stre .. which to our th1nk1ng need not be know. .• clo a)~ase DT A Chairman, Dirk known as the A to Z project, kept secret". Andreas Shipanga, former .. .. Mudge appeared on NBC televi­ involving only the military per­ Mudge sald Swapo had fought leader of the Swapo Democrats, = ± 80 VEIDCLES WILL BE SOLD! = sion news last night to say that it sonnel in the DT A, bought air the election with funds donated now of -the NPF, could not give .. .. was a " welcome relief" that the tickets to and from South Africa, by several governments, whlle either a 'yes' or a 'no' to having .. Police vehicles - bank repossessions - .. " secret" was now in the open. and paid for furniture removal several Swapo donors served in received SA funding, He said he .. .. But, the DTA leader said, but and so on. In terms of the A to Z Untag, he claimed, The DTA had would need to consult with his .. company cars - private entries .. he was unable to reveal how project, ex-Koevoets and mem­ left its bank account number with former Swapo-D colleagues in .. .. much they had received as bers of 101 Battalion who had various governments, organisa­ order to get ciarity on this. Botha's revelations had come as been demobbed were kept on the tions and companies, and did not Colin Eglln, senior spokesper­ .. Most vehicles will be ~ . .. a surprise. payroll, with one person respon­ in all cases know the origin of son of the Democratic Party in sold without reserve prices Despite numerous denials in sible for their salaries travelling donations. The DTA added that South Africa said that the Na­ = = "it refuses to apologise for re­ mibian funding was "totally the past over alleged SA fund­ to South Africa once a month to .. .. ceiving financial support from against the spirit of '135 and the ing, the DTA last night in a state­ collect them. = TERMS: Cash or bank guaranteed cheques = donors, whoever they might be", concept that South Africa was ment admitted to not identifying The son of a prominent offi­ Mudge pointed an accusing occupying a neutral position = VIEWING: Day of auction = their SA Government donors cial in the SA Finance Ministry finger at the R1m donated to the during the election period", .. For further information .. and said they had "respected was at that stage employed in the ANC by the Namibian Govern­ Nlco Basson of Soldiers for .. h· .. their wishes not to be exposed" . DTA's accounts department, ment and said he would be inter­ Peace accused the SA Minister o.f .. phone t e auctioneers .
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