TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe HighTech meets the Good Life HighTech meets the Good Life Welcome to the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion |1 Editorial | Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion | HighTech meets the Good Life Innovation from tradition: that is our strength. Our region is unique. We have the highest number of sunny days in the country, a varied land- scape and international culture, plus a virtually unparalleled climate of innovation and a constantly expanding business sector. HIGHTECH MEETS THE GOOD LIFE: THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF THE KARLSRUHE TECHNOLOGYREGION BRAND. The course was set for economic dynamism in ard of living. High Tech meets the Good Life: this our region as early as in the 18th century, when is the essence of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRe- our city founder, Margrave Charles III William, gion brand. attracted people from all over Europe with his 1715 decree bestowing commercial, tax and re- Research institutions, technology transfer, eco- ligious privileges on settlers. In 1818 one of the nomic development and infrastructure are the first free constitutions of a German Land was key factors of our success. Mix in a good dose of adopted in the first German parliament in the industriousness and joie de vivre – two typical Archduchy of Baden. The Baden revolution of aspects that define the lifestyle in our region. 1848/49 marked a high point in the German liberation and constitution movement, and Eleven towns and cities, four administrative Baden-Württemberg was the first region to in- districts and a regional association form this troduce freedom of trade in Germany in 1862. business and cooperation area on the Upper It was not without good reason that Karlsruhe Rhine, located at the heart of the European became the new seat of justice when the highest development axis. Thus we have always had a Dr. Frank Mentrup courts in Germany – the Federal Constitutional sharp eye for innovation in our region. State- Mayor of Karlsruhe Court and the Federal Court of Justice – took up of-the-art technology and a modern economy, and Chairman of residence here a hundred years later. research, transport, communication and educa- TechnologieRegion tion networks – all of this condenses down into Karlsruhe GbR Our region boasts the highest number of sunny a superlocation that regularly puts the Karls- days in the country, a varied landscape, cul- ruhe TechnologyRegion right at the top of the tural facilities of world renown, plus a virtually league tables. And those with questions about unparalleled climate of innovation and a con- the smart energy supply for the future will find stantly expanding business sector. This diver- the answers right here, right now. sity is what makes it unique. Thus the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion sees itself as an innovative Welcome to the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion! region offering attractive jobs and a high stand- |2 Contents |06 INFRASTRUCTURE ICE, airport, motorways, inland waterways, local public transport – the infrastructure of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion leaves nothing to be desired. |12 UNIVERSITY Excellent education and research facilities make the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion an ideas factory rooted in practice. |18 INNOVATIVE SPIRIT From the invention of the bicycle to degree courses at our universities; from start-up grants for new businesses to cooperation in regional networks. |20 RESEARCH Nanotechnology, microtechnology, robotics and much more besides – the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion offers the ideal research climate. |24 KIT Karlsruhe University and the Karlsruhe Research Centre – two strong partners together formed the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). |26 BUSINESS 1&1, A Class, B Class, Bosch, dm, EnBW, L’Oréal, Siemens, UHU – products from the Karlsruhe Technology Region can be found all over the world. |34 JUSTICE Welcome to the ‘Karlsruhe Republic’. Seat of the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal Court of Justice and the Office of the Attorney General. |40 MEDIA/CULTURE Our region as a media location: home to organisations like Germany’s second biggest public broadcaster and the Centre for Art and Media Technology. |48 LEISURE/TOURISM Between the Black Forest and the Rhine. Luxury hotels, famous Baden-Württemberg hospitality and starred restaurants. You can really enjoy life here. |56 PRIZES & PROJECTS OF THE REGION |58 CONTACT |3 Location | Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion | HighTech meets the Good Life You want success. We make it happen. WELCOME TO THE KARLSRUHE TECHNOLOGYREGION! Located at the heart of Eur- ope, our region is one of the top locations in Europe when it comes to technology, business and culture. Nestling in a wonderful natural landscape between the Black Forest, the Rhine, the Palatinate and Alsace, it is the sunniest region in Germany and an ideal environment in which to live and work, with excellent traffic links, a good infrastructure and great shopping. World-famous companies are based here and benefit from the internationally important education and research landscape. In the competition between the major business locations in Germany, Europe and the USA, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion consistently comes out among the front runners. Established with the aim of optimising cooperation The economic output of the Karlsruhe Technology- between business, science, culture and the public Region has outstripped the national average for many sector, the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion Action Group years. And the gross domestic product has also been is made up of ten towns and cities, four administrative increasing at an above-average rate in recent years. districts and a regional planning association: Baden- This leading position has been consolidated even fur- Baden, Bretten, Bruchsal, Bühl, Ettlingen, Gaggenau, ther since then. In 2012 we exported goods with a total Karlsruhe, Rastatt, Rheinstetten, Stutensee, Waghäusel, value of €13 billion, with a regional export quota of the administrative districts of Germersheim, Karlsruhe, 42.1% in line with the annual average. And around one- Rastatt and Südliche Weinstrasse, and the Regional third of every 1,000 of the working population work in Planning Association Middle Upper Rhine. technology-intensive industries – more than in virtually any other region in Europe. Baden Württemberg’s bigger cities and the two admin- istrative districts established the Karlsruhe Technol- There are more than 10 million square metres of indus- ogyRegion Company to enable them to address the trial and commercial space available for investors to challenges of the future together as long ago as 1987. start building on immediately. Our towns and cities During the years that followed, other organisations offer well-developed business locations, ranging from affiliated themselves with the successful model – most converted space like the Cité in Baden-Baden, the recently the town of Waghäusel. Business, science, cul- Baden-Airpark in Rheinmünster and specialised indus- ture and the public sector together form a strategic unit trial locations like Wörth am Rhein to the Karlsruhe that combines all the resources for shared success in the Technology Park, the Technology and Ecology Village competition between the regions. (TED) in Bruchsal and the Bühl Innovation and Technol- ogy Centre (BITZ). The SIS location information system » Regional strengths – international competitiveness. (www.sisfit.de) and the Gewerbeflächenatlas (Commer- The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion has a total of 1.25 mil- cial Space Atlas) published by the Chamber of Indus- lion inhabitants in an area of 3,240 km2 (386 inhabit- try and Commerce (IHK) provide full details of what is ants/km2). available. |4 The Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion WAGHÄUSEL SÜDLICHE WEINSTRASSE KARLSRUHE ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT GERMERSHEIM ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE Rheinland-Pfalz DISTRICT BRUCHSAL STUTENSEE KARLSRUHE BRETTEN RHEINSTETTEN ETTLINGEN RASTATT GAGGENAU KARLSRUHE Elsass BADEN-BADEN TECHNOLOGYREGION BÜHL RASTATT ADMINISTRATIVE Rhine DISTRICT At the heart of Europe! It doesn’t get more central than this: the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion is at Baden- the heart of Europe. Württemberg |9 |7 |8 |6 |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 The managing partners of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion: |16 |15 |14 |1 Baden-Baden www.baden-baden.de |2 Bretten |13 |12 www.bretten.de |3 Bruchsal www.bruchsal.de |4 Bühl |11 |10 www.buehl.de |5 Ettlingen www.ettlingen.de |6 Gaggenau www.gaggenau.de |7 Karlsruhe www.karlsruhe.de |8 Regional Planning Association Middle Upper Rhine www.region-karlsruhe.de |9 Germersheim Administrative District www.kreis-germersheim.de |10 Karlsruhe Administrative District www.landkreis-karlsruhe.de |11 Rastatt Administrative District www.landkreis-rastatt.de |12 Südliche Weinstrasse Administrative District www.suedlicheweinstrasse.de |13 Rastatt www.rastatt.de |14 Rheinstetten www.rheinstetten.de |15 Stutensee www.stutensee.de |16 Waghäusel www.waghaeusel.de|5 Anyone as friendly as we are ... More than 82.7 % of people in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion believe that ‘our region is a wonderful place to live’. In the national league table, locals rank their region as the best in the country in terms of quality of life. And with such an excellent quality of life, people like to get together. Source: Perspektive Deutschland, Stern, 04/05/2005 |6 |7 Infrastructure | Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion | HighTech meets the Good Life ... also has the best connections worldwide. Karlsruhe’s Rhine Ports are among the top ten biggest inland ports in Germany. Goods from all over the world – mineral oil, building materials,
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