![9168 May 26 HON. JAMES C. HEALEY HON. ABRAHAM J](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
9168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE May 26 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Statement by Hon. James C. Healey, of On March 16, 1958, a religious school was to establish a home for. these young men bombed at 2:30 a.m., in Miami, Fla., and a who serve the Congress as pages. New York, on H.R. 2337 Jewish community center was damaged in The naming of page boys comes under Nashville, Tenn., at 8 :30 p .m. by dynamite. the patronage system; hence they may come EXTENSION OF REMARKS Here again, a purported member of the con­ from the 49 States, far and near. The maxi­ federate underground claimed responsibility mum age limit of a page i!> 18 years an~ the OF in an anonymous telephone call, On October minimum age is 14 years. The average age 12, 1958, the Temple of Atlanta was seri­ is between 15 and 16 years. A boy at this HON. JAMES C. HEALEY ously damaged by a bomb explosion at 3:30 stage has not reached years of discretion. OF NEW YORK a .m. Once again, a telephone caller an­ Under the present setup, these boys have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nounced that the confederate underground living accomniodations scattered through­ had set off the explosion. out the city. Some are paying exorbitant Tuesday, May 26, 1959 In all the specific cases cited, the local rents and, in many cases, are exposed to the Mr. HEALEY. Mr. Speaker, I am in­ police authorities were convinced that the evils of a large city without adult super­ cluding in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD outrages committed in their cities were vision. my statement to the Committee on the symptomatic of an interst ate conspiracy Boys of 14 or 15 are neither mentally Judiciary, Subcommittee No. 3, in con­ directed by a group calling itEelf the con­ nor physically matured, and, in my opinion, federate underground o~ the confederate in­ every Member of this Congress is, to some nection with my bill, H. R. 2337: formation center. extent, responsible for their well-being. It I want to thank the subcommittee for Americans are by nature, tradition, and up­ is not only our duty but we have an obli­ the opportunity to present my stat ement brin ging a lawabiding people. We do not gation to furnish these boys with the paren­ in support of my bill, H. R . 2337, which relish subversion of our democratic and tal care and supervision they left behind would prohibit certain acts involving the sacred institutions. These acts of violence, when coming to Washington. .transportation, importation, possession, or these d yn amitings and explosions have The page boys must attend school at the ·use of explosives. created the exact reverse of the effect that Library of Congress before reporting to The bill would make it a Federal offense was intended. All respectable citizens and work each morning. In some cases, these for anyone to possess explosives transported .civic groups, in the South as well as in the boys travel alone several miles in the early ·in interstate commerce with the knowledge North, have cried out against these shameful morning hours. We owe it to the f am ilies or intent that such explosives would be acts of vandalism and terror. of these young men to enact legislation of used to d amage any building used for edu­ Unfortunately, however, many of the lo­ this kind. cational, religious, charitable, or civic pur­ cal police officials h ave n either the ability My proposal would require these boys to poses. The bill contains a provision, mod­ nor the crime detection facilities necessary pay reasonable rent, just as they do now. eled- after the Lindbergh Kidnapping Act, to ferret out the perpetrators of these out­ The home should, therefore, be self-sustain­ which is designed to allow the Federal Bu­ rages. Furt h ermore, it is likely that the ing. These teenage boys will be the men reau of Investigation to intervene as soon crim in als flee by automobiles across State .of tomorrow. Many are dreaming of taking as a bombing occurs in any localit y. The lines. For the<O e reason s, and because of our places in the years ahead. use of explosives to dam age or destroy build­ our exp erience with the Lindbergh Kid­ Our responsibility to them is to provide ings within the categories m ention ed, would n ap ing Act, the Mann Act, the Lottery Act, adequate quarters, with a superintendent in create a rebuttable presumpt ion that the t h e Anti-Racketeering Act, the National Mo­ charge, and a complete housekeeping staff, ·explosives had been transported in inter­ tor Vehicle Theft Act, and the National Nar­ which would be .responsible for their super­ state commerce by the person possessing or cotics Act, all of which are Federal criminal vision with regard to proper food, sleep, using them. Thus, jurisdiction would be statutes involving crimes over which the recreation, and sufficient application to their provided for F ederal intervention u pon the States h ave concurrent jurisdiction, it wou ld schoolwork . happening of the event-to wit, the bomb­ be completely consistent with States r ights It is my sincere hope that the Congress ing-without actual proof that the explo­ ·and Federal jurisdiction for the National will enact this bill to prepare them· for the sives had been carried across State lines. Government to step in and help the local great responsibility which lies ahead. "Let's ·There is, however,-a provision that no per­ communities to root out this vicious pattern ~ut first _things firs_t.'' son could be convicted in the absence of of lawlessneEs . .independent evidence that the . explosives My bill, H .R. 2337, would permit the FBI had actually been illegally transported in­ to work in con junction wit h local police au­ terstate. This means that the presumption thorities to cur b the interstate conspiracies Tl~ e Modern Fallacy and the Ancient would operate to provide jurisdiction for which have tended to besmil'ch the good FBI intervention, but that the presumption name of t he United States all over the world. Folklore alone would be insufficient on which to I hope this committee will act favorably ground a conviction. on my bill. In 1957 and 1958, there were some 70 bomb­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS ings or attempted bombings of churches, OF synagogues, schools, and other civic build­ ings throughout the South and in isolated Page Boy Residences, H.R. 869 HON. J. W. FULBRIGHT cases in other parts of the country. With OF ARKANSAS few exceptions, these bombings appeared to IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES be the work of an interstate gang, whose EXTENSION OF REMARKS purpose probably was to retaliate against OF Tuesday, May 26: 1959 organizations and individuals for, or to in­ t imidate them from, expressing their point HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I of view on the desegregation problem. OF NEW YORK ask unanimous consent to have printed At midnight on September 10, 1957, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD an edi­ series of explosives heavily damaged the torial by the Wall Street Journal and a newly constructed $500,000 Hattie Cotton Tuesday, May 26, 1959 reply by the distinguished Senator from Grammar School in Nashville, Tenn. One Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, my Pennsylvania, Senator CLARK. Negro first-grade child had been admitted to I think this is one of the best replies the school a few days earlier. statement before the Committee on A bomb consisting of 54 sticks of dyna­ House Administration in support of my to a superfiCial editorial that I have ever mite was placed in a window well of Temple -bill, H.R. 869, follows: seen, and Senator CLARK's concise and Beth-El in Birmingham, Ala., on April 28, Mr. Chairman and members of the com­ lucid comment should be made available 1958. It failed to explode because of an all­ mittee, I appreciate the opportunity you are to all Americans. The excerpt was pub­ night rain. There was sufficient explosives, affording me to give you my views with lished ·in the· New Republic on April 6, however, to demolish the entire structure. reference to my bill, H.R. 869, a bill to 1959. On the same day, April 28, 1958, shortly after provide a residence for the pages of the There being no objection .. the editorial midnight, a synagogue in Jacksonvilie, Fla., Senate and. the House of Representatives w as bombed. Within an hour, thereafter, a under the S\lpervision of a Capitol Page and statement were ordered to be printed Negro school in that city was damaged by Residence Board. in the RECORD, as follows: explosives. In all of these cases, an anony­ This bill, if enacted, would create a Capi­ THE MODERN FALLACY mous caller reported that the confederate tol Page Residence Bo~rd . composed_ of 3 For an .insight. in.to the modern political u nderground was responsible for the atroci­ Senators and 3 Members of the House of philosophy now dominant in Congress, con ­ t :es. Representatives who would be authorized sider some comments made by one of its 1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 9169 more articulate spokesmen, Senator JoSEPH have too little public spending for national excerpts from the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-­ CLARK, of Pennsylvania. defense, schools, highways, hospJ..t·als, un­ two of them quoting, with apparent ap­ As quoted in the current issue of the At­ employment compensation and :flood con­ "proval, from these columns. lantic magazine, Mr.
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