
じ51ࢣȞじ1 ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕႒៑ pp. 29-42 2013Ꭰ1ᰴ VERTEBRATA PALASIATICA figs. 1-4 A large theropod metatarsal from the upper part of Jurassic Shishugou Formation in Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China HE Yi-Ming1, 3ȞJames M. CLARK2ȞXU Xing1 (1 Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044 [email protected]) (2 Department of Biological Sciences, George Washington University Washington DC 20052, USA) (3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049) Abstract The Shishugou Formation in the Junggar Basin was deposited during the late Middle Jurassic to the early Late Jurassic. It is known as a rich source of vertebrate fossils, including specimens of several different kinds of theropod. Here we report an isolated theropod left metatarsal IV (IVPP V 18060) from the upper part of the Shishugou Formation, exposed at the Wucaiwan Locality in the northeastern part of the Junggar Basin. Based on comparisons with the fourth metatarsals of other theropods, we refer this specimen to Allosauroidea. Similarities to the equivalent bone in other allosauroids include: the proximal end has a subtriangular outline with a tongue-like, posteriorly directed posteromedial process; the shaft has a gentle outward curve; a semi-lunate concave of muscle attachment is present on the posterolateral side of the shaft; and the cross-section of the shaft is triangular. Within Allosauroidea, V 18060 is most similar to the fourth metatarsal of Sinraptor dongi, a taxon that occurs in the same IRUPDWLRQLQWKH-LDQJMXQPLDRDUHDRIWKH-XQJJDU%DVLQ9GLVSOD\VVHYHUDOVSHFL¿F resemblances to S. dongi: the outline of the distal end is subtrapezoidal; the depression for muscle attachment on the posterior side of the shaft that borders the shaft’s lateral side lacks a ZHOOGH¿QHGULGJH+RZHYHU9DOVRGLIIHUVLQVRPHUHVSHFWVIURPWKHIRXUWKPHWDWDUVDO of S. dongi: V 18060 is much more robust, and the lateral condyle on the distal end is smaller than the medial one. These morphological differences could be ontogenetic variation or due to sexual dimorphism, taxonomical variations. We prefer the interpretation that V 18060 is a new species that has a close relationship to S. dongi, and a cladistic analysis based on the morphology of metatarsal IV supports this inference. The discovery of V 18060 suggests that the theropods from the Shishugou Fauna are more diversified during the Mid-Late Jurassic than previously thought. The presence of different sinraptorid species in the neighboring areas of Wucaiwan and Jiangjunmiao points to the possibility that these two regions within the Junggar Basin were geographically isolated or ecologically distinct from one another during the Mid-Late Jurassic. Key wordsȞJunggar Basin, Mid-Late Jurassic, Shishugou Formation, theropod, metatarsal ტ㜖♢႒ദ䛽(ឥ۲ण喝40830210)স㒺ტ႒ദ䛽(㑂ण喝EAR 0922187)䉰ߕȠ ᩢ⽫ᬑ喝2011-10-25 30 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ ᮄ⭚ޚొᇨⲚഄգ㔫㑾ᷥ≳㒘Ϟ䚼ϔൟ ݑ㛮㉏䎪偼 ਫ਼1, 3bJames M. CLARK2b༗1ྡྷۯ ȞȞȞ(1 ͙႒䮎ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕̺ऐϦㆧⵀ⾢ᝬ喏͙႒䮎㘶Ḻߔ➕⑀ࡂ̺Ϧㆧ䊣⎼䛹◥侸აȞࡃϘȞ100044) ȞȞȞ(2 㒺⇧·ࡺⰇ䶫๓႒⩋➕႒㈧ȞࡺⰇ䶫➥ࡦȞ20052) ȞȞȞ(3 ͙႒䮎๓႒ȞࡃϘȞ100049) 㙆ㆧᕼک䓳࠱᠘ๆܦᨬ㽕喝۲ᅀ⯲͙һ㒃͂ᮆݜᮆһ㒃͂ᬕ↵⼛⮰ⴟᴽ⇋㏰ϓ ⇋⮰๓䛻㘶Ḻߔ➕ࡂⴟȠ䔜β̬Т⮰䛳㜖۲ᅀ⯲͈ࡃ㑄πᒕ⎪ࡦⴟᴽڱ哅 㙆ㆧᕼ哅じఇ䌂俔ᄥکЂڢ㙆ㆧᕼ哅ጒじఇ䌂俔ᴳ᱘(IVPP V 18060)Ƞ䕆䓳̺ک㏰̶䘔⮰ Ђᐮ➥哅䊱じఇ䌂俔⮰ⰤѨᕓ࠱ڢᐮ➥哅䊱(Allosauroidea)ȠႯ̺ڑ喏䄑ᴳ᱘छᑾ℀ 喏ऽโӓ䒧ᓚᑛᰞ⮰俔喏ѹκ俔ܦ⾭⟣㞮䲎̵㻾ᒎᎢᰵ̬ऽऺᐢѤ⮰㜸ڟ〚᠘喝䓽 ऺ䲌䓽โӓ䓥⮰ࡶᰴᒎ㖸㖵ܥ䮣喏̵㻾ᒎ俔ὖ䲎Ƞᐮ➥哅䊱ᑿ͙喏V 18060̺ Ꮕࡦⴟᴽ⇋㏰͙ࣽ⣜⮰㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅(Sinraptor dongi)ᰬͦⰤѨ(䮐βБۇ۲ᅀ⯲ᄲ 㞮䒚ॴ䓽ᷛᒎ喏俔ऺ䘔㖸ڟ〚ⰤѨᕓ喏V 18060স㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅⮰ⰤѨᕓ䔄࠱᠘䔈̶ 㖵ܥ䮣̺ঔఠ䓥⩸ॴࡶᐬᩪ⟢ᔭ)ȠѲ᭛喏V 18060স㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅ႄⱬ̬χᬺ᭪⮰ࡦ โ͐俭๓ᄻጚᐮⰤࣹȠ䔅χᒎڱ〚ݗ喝V 18060ᬺ᭪℀㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅⮰じఇ䌂俔㇃บ喏䔈 ᔭጚᐮछ㘩᭛⩝κ͖ѿࣽ㗞ᝂ㔱ᕓࣸᒎ䕌⮰喏छ㘩Џ㶔ܲㆧ႒ጚᐮȠᄥ℀ⵀ⾢সദκ じఇ䌂俔ᒎᔭԍᖛ䔇㵸⮰ܲᩛ㈧㐋႒ܲ㏿ᰠջऽऺ̬㼏䛶喝V 18060Џ㶔̬͖̹स 㙆ㆧᕼ哅Ƞᱼ᫅⮰ࣽ⣜්ߌβ͙ᮆһ㒃ک㈧ᒴ䓽⮰⮰ڟκ㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅Ѳ̺ऺ㔱Ϟ㑄 Ꮕࡦࣽ⣜̹स⮰͙ࡺⰃ哅ㆧᕼ哅ۇ㙆ㆧᕼ哅⮰ܲᐮᏒȠπᒕ⎪সᄲکⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐͂ ᠳβᮆһ㒃͂ᬕ۲ᅀ⯲͙Ⱔ䗧ࡦछ㘩ႄⱬ̬⮰⩋ᔭܲᐮᕓᝂ㔱⤲䯀⻧Ƞ 㙆ㆧᕼ哅喏䌂俔ک䬂䆡喝۲ᅀ⯲喏͙ᮆһ㒃͂喏ⴟᴽ⇋㏰喏݇ Ё⊩ߚ㉏ো喝Q915.864Ȟ᭛⤂ᷛ䆚ⷕ喝AȞ᭛ゴ㓪ো喝1000-3118(2013)01-0029-14 㜖2000Ꭰ㜟϶喏͙႒䮎ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕̺ऐϦㆧⵀ⾢ᝬ̺㒺⇧ࡺⰇ䶫๓႒㏰ ᭛ᄥ۲ᅀڢ⮰㖀ऴ㔯ᄋ䭋̬Ⱐ⪲۲ᅀ⯲স़৴⯲ᐬᆁ႒㔯ᄋ≧ߔ喏ᅐ ⮰䄯ᴑ喏䛳䯲ݜ๓䛻⮰䉔႒ڑ⌝䱞⮰ⴟᴽ⇋㏰䔇㵸βܦ∇ᏅࡦᎫۇ⯲πᒕ⎪সᄲ ⮰៑䕿⋡Ⰲβ哋刂ㆧȟ凰ᒎߔ➕ȟѨਦΟ❘㵸ߔ➕ȟਦΟߔ➕ȟڟসऐ⩋➕႒䉰᫅喏Ⱔ ⵀ⾢Ჭ๓͜ჸβڱ⮰აڟ㔨哅সᕼ哅6͖ㆧ㓐⮰15͖ᆊ(㶔1)Ƞ䔅χ䛺โ҈সⰤ Иᄥκⴟᴽ⇋㏰⮰䃐䃲(Eberth et al., 2010), ӯ䔇βИᄥκ㠑䛹㺭ᕼ哅ㆧ㓐ᬕ⑀ ࡂ⮰䃐䃲(Clark and Xu, 2009a; Xu et al., 2010)Ƞ 䱞κ۲ᅀ⯲͈㑄⮰䭲Ⱔ↵⼛喏᪠ऴκ̶һ㒃㐋㺫ᆝ⾽㏰ܦⴟᴽ⇋㏰᭛̬ ͷ̶喏፤㷗़䅣冭㓐ճ᪠ऴᝬ㺲Ƞⴟᴽ⇋㏰ࣆ50~700 m, ͧ㺭ͦ㐫ȟ▜台স㏎㞞䉔 ∑ᇕࣶ∑ᇕᅮ喏̷䘔ᇕࣶᇕȠ䄑㏰̬㝘㷗̶̷ܾܲͦ͐⃡喝̷䘔㷗䃐ͦЏ㶔 㙆ㆧ䌂俔 31ک1 䉦̬协ふ: ⪲۲ᅀ⯲һ㒃㏖ⴟᴽ⇋㏰̶䘔̬๓ಷ ⪲㑂ༀц, 2000; ڤ͙һ㒃͂⮰̬↵⼛喏̶䘔Џ㶔ᮆһ㒃͂⮰̬↵⼛(͙ᅮ ㏰,1981)Ƞ䊡ૈ䔇ふ(1987)ദκ̶̷͐⃡ᇕᕓসࡂⴟ㏰ۅ㐠४ᅀ㜖⇧ࡦࡦഋᅮ㶔㑂 ,.ऴ⮰ጚᐮ喏ា̷⃡ࢁ⠘हͦπᒕ⎪㏰喏Ѳ䔅̬ᵴ⇍ᰵᓃݜᎫ∇ᣑः(Eberth et al Ƞ䓽ᎠᲑ⮰ⵀ⾢㶔ᬺ喏ⴟᴽ⇋㏰⮰䉔ᎠЏ㮩♢Ϻ͙һ㒃͂ᐢ㐙ݜᮆһ㒃͂喏(2001 䘔ᅬ䭼κ͙һ㒃͂ᰬᮆ喏̶䘔ᅬ䭼κᮆһ㒃͂ᰬᬕ̷ڢѲᐢ㐙ᬢ䬠Ⱔᄥᒴⴙ喏 (Eberth et al., 2010)Ƞ ⴟᴽ⇋㏰ჸॗࡂ᱔ȟᬌ㘶Ḻߔ➕স㘶Ḻߔ➕ࡂⴟ喏Ѳ̶䘔ࡂⴟ䔈℀̷䘔͜ჸȠ 㜟᱘᪳Ⴘ喏ጞ㏻៑䕿⮰㘶Ḻߔ➕ࡂⴟᆊ࠱᠘ѨਦΟ❘㵸ߔ➕ȟਦΟߔ➕ȟ哋刂 27(㶔1)Ƞڝ㙆ㆧکㆧȟ凰ᒎㆧȟ㔨哅ㆧȟ卋㛬ㆧȟ㱑㙆ㆧБࣶ 㸼 1ǂᷥ≳㒘Ꮖ䘧ⱘЏ㽕㛞Ợࡼ⠽࣪ Table 1ȞList of the reported vertebrates of Shishugou Formation Taxa Species Reference Horizon Locality Xinjiangchelys junggarensis Yeh, 1986 Upper Jiangjunmiao X. macrocentrale Brinkman et al., 2012 ? Wucaiwan 哋刂ㆧ X. radiplicatoides Brinkman et al., 2012 Upper Wucaiwan Testudines Annemys sp. Brinkman et al., 2012 ? Wucaiwan X. chowi Matgke et al., 2005 ? Wucaiwan Sunosuchus junggarensis Wu et al., 1996 Lower Wucaiwan 凰ᒎㆧ Junggarsuchus sloani Clark et al., 2004 Lower Wucaiwan Crocodylomorpha Nominosuchus matutinus Clark & Xu, 2009b Upper Wucaiwan Yuanotherium minor Hu et al., 2009 Upper Wucaiwan ႀㆧک Bienotherium zigongensis Sun & Cui, 1989 Lower Jiangjunmiao Therapsida B. ultimus Maisch et al., 2004 Upper Jiangjunmiao Gongbusaurus wucaiwanensis Dong, 1989 Upper Wucaiwan 卋㛬ㆧ Jiangjunosaurus junggarensis Jia et al., 2007 Upper Jiangjunmiao Ornithischia Yinlong downsi Xu et al., 2006a Upper Wucaiwan Tienshanosaurus chitaiensis Young, 1937 Upper ? Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum Russel & Zheng, 1993 Upper Wucaiwan 㱑㙆ㆧ Bellusaurus sui Sauropoda Dong, 1990 Lower Jiangjunmiao Klamelisaurus gobiensis Zhao, 1993 Lower Jiangjunmiao Monolophosaurus jiangi Zhao & Currie, 1993 Lower Jiangjunmiao Limusaurus inextricabilis Xu et al., 2009 Upper Wucaiwan Sinraptor dongi Currie & Zhao, 1993 Upper Jiangjunmiao 㙆ㆧ Haplocheirus sollers Choiniere et al., 2010a Upper Wucaiwanک Theropoda Zuolong salleei Choiniere et al., 2010b Upper Wucaiwan Guanlong wucaii Xu et al., 2006b Upper Wucaiwan 㔨哅ㆧ Sericipterus wucaiwanensis Andres et al., 2010 Upper Wucaiwan Pterosauria ਦΟㆧ Klamelia zhaopengi Chow & Rich, 1984 Upper and lower Laoshangou Mammal Acuodulodon sunae Hu et al., 2007 Upper Wucaiwan ȞȞ ⴟᴽ⇋㏰⮰㘶Ḻߔ➕ࡂⴟ㏰ऴь㐋̶㷗䃐ͦস㺫ࢃࡦ͙ᮆһ㒃͂⮰⇅⏖Ꮕ ߔ➕㓐䲊፤ⰤѨȠ䓽ᎠᲑ⮰ࣽ⣜͜ჸβИᄥκⴟᴽ⇋㏰㘶Ḻߔ➕ࡂⴟ㏰ऴ⮰䃐䃲 ➥⠘⪲۲ᅀ⯲ⴟᴽ⇋㏰ԉႄβ̬͖ܦClark et al., 2006; Clark and Xu, 2009b), ᭪) ⮰͙ᮆһ㒃͂䓳⍍⮰ߔ➕㓐喏䔅䛸㷗ᐻहͦⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐ȠϺⴟᴽ⇋㏰ጞ㏻ϓ ࡂⴟ⮰ᗱۡⰷ喏ⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐̺⇅⏖Ꮕߔ➕㓐ᰵⱬᬺ᭪⮰ࡦݗȠⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐͙㻾呧ܦ 32 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ 哅ㆧ(Alvarezsauroidea)Бࣶ㻾ڥ⨒哅ㆧ(Ceratosauria)ȟᯠ哅ㆧ(Tyrannosauroidea)ȟ䭫ᅀ 哅ㆧ(Ceratopsia)ࡂⴟ⇅⏖Ꮕߔ➕㓐͙⇍ᰵ䃜ᒁ(Peng et al., 2005)Ƞⴟᴽ⇋㏰͙䔇ₑ⮰ 㮆俔哅ㆧ(Coelurosauria)স㻾哅ࡂⴟ⮰ࣽ⣜̺͙͈ࡃ䘔͙ᮆһ㒃͂⮰ࡂⴟ㏰ऴᰠͦⰤ Ѩ(Xu et al., 2010), ᭪ⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐Ϻ⩋➕⤲ܲࡦ̶छ㘩ᰠᣑ䓽͙͈ࡃࡦ喏㶔ᬺ ͙һ㒃㏖͙ᮆᕼ哅ߔ➕㓐⮰㏰छ㘩ᰠๆः㏘Ꮢᣓݢ喏ࢃࡃ⮰ጚᐮᰠ⩆κ͈ 䲎সڔ㺫⮰ጚᐮ(䔅䰬㺭ऐ⩋➕⤲႒䲎ᰠ䔇̬ₑ⮰侸䃭)Ƞᄥκⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐⮰ᰠ ڔ⮰䃐䃲喏ᄲᰵߕκИᰠߌ۲ู͙͙࣋ᮆһ㒃͂ᕼ哅ߔ➕㓐⮰㏰সᄥκڑ⌝ ⤯ᕼ哅⩋➕⤲ࡦ㈧⮰䃐䃲Ƞ 㙆ㆧᕼ哅ᴳ᱘(IVPPک᱘᪳ᄲ៑䕿䛳㜖۲ᅀ⯲πᒕ⎪ࡦⴟᴽ⇋㏰̶䘔⮰̬Т 㙆ㆧᕼ哅喏ఌکV 18060)Ƞᅩネ䄑ᴳ᱘ϱԉႄβじఇ䌂俔喏ѲႯᰵछ㘩Џ㶔β̬⮰ ₐ͜ჸβⴟᴽ⇋ߔ➕㓐⮰㏰Ƞ᱘᪳ᄲᄥ䄑ᴳ᱘䔇㵸ᒎᔭ႒䔜喏ܲႯ⮰㈧㐋ࣽ㗞ѹ 㒚喏Ꭲ䃔䃦䔅̬ࣽ⣜⮰ᘻ͵Ƞ 1Ȟᴳ᱘䔜 IVPP V 18060ϱԉႄβ̬Ⴘ᪠⮰ጒӓじఇ䌂俔(ప1), 䪫㏒355 mm, 俔͙⃡ὖऽⰠ 㙆ㆧᕼ哅じఇ䌂俔Ⱔ℀喏V 18060䲊፤㇃บȠکЂڢᒰ㏒67 mmȠ̺๓ᄻⰤ䓽⮰ 㞮䲎䓽̵㻾ᒎ喏ᰬ๓ὖऽⰠᒰ㏒135 mm, ᬺ᭪๓κڟ〚V 18060䓽〛ᬺ᭪㛔㗬Ƞ䓽 ᐢ喏Ꭲ〛䘔ऽڱ◴㑄ऺࡶӓᑦڱ㞮䲎ڟ〚䮣Ƞ䓽ܥӓ㑄ڱᰬ๓ݹऺऽჩᏒȠ䓽〛㻲喏 ऺӓᐢѤȠ ݹ㻲喏俔ᓚऽโӓᑛᰞ喞ӓ㻲喏俔䒯ͦⰠȠ俔ὖ䲎ᕧѿॴ̵㻾ᒎ喞 ӓ䲎䲌䓽䓽〛ะᰵ̬̺じ̵䌂俔䓽〛ะⰤ䔊ڱ䊶䲌䓽䓽〛喏ݹऺऽ䪫Ꮢ䊶⾰Ƞ俔 ᣑ⮰᫈ऽ䓽̵㻾ᒎܥ䮣喏ὖऽჩȠ俔ऺӓ䲎ಒ喏Ѳ͙䬠ᰵ䒧ᓚᡐࢷᒎ⮰⇋ 〚Ἡ喏⇋ἩϺ䓽〛̬ⰠᐢѤݜᣑ䓽䔈〛ะ喏䪫Ꮢ㏒ࢌ俔䪫Ꮢ⮰3/4Ƞ俔ऺӓ䲎⮰䔈 ܥ䮣喏छ㘩Џ㶔じ̵সじఇ㙆䋪ᅴ㖸(M. lumbricalis)䭰ⱬะȠ䄑ܥ䓽ࡶᰴᒎ̬ڣ1/2ะ 䮣̶䘔䓥㑄ⵠᢋ喏⣜ႄᰬ䪫Ⱐᒰ㏒95.4 mm, ჩ㏒35 mmȠܥ䮣䲌䓽俔โӓ䲎喏̺ঔ ఠ⩸䭼⌱ᮜ喏̺俔โӓ䓥㑄ᣑ㼒ፒᰵ̬㏡ऽᐢѤ⮰㘶喏㘶䓽〛ะႄ㑦ए喏ҫܥ 䲊፤㇃㈅喏ᰵ๓䛻䭰ⱬ㖸㖵⮰㏲ᄻ㹢⯝̺ڱ䮣ܥ䮣Ⱔᄥ俔ऺ䘔㶔䲎ॴࡶᐬᩪ⟢ᔭȠ ܥ౽Ƞ ڟ㞮䔈〛㻲ॴ䓽ᷛᒎ喏ὖऽჩᏒ⼹๓κݹऺऽ倄ᏒȠϱऺӓᰵ䨜䨪ڟ〚䔈 ӓ俭䓽㘶⟢喏โӓ俭ὖऽჩᏒڱ㞮䲎⮰͙䘔Ƞڟ〚โӓ俭⮰⇋ἩखᐢѤݜ䔈ڱ㞮喏ܲ䯀 ӓ䴓ፒ⿉๓κโӓ䴓ፒ⿉喏Ꭲ℀ऺ㔱⌝Ƞڱӓ俭Ƞӓ䴓ፒ⿉ࣽ㗞喏ڱᬺ᭪๓κ 2Ȟ℀䒯̺䃔䃦 㙆ㆧᕼ哅࠱᠘ࢁ㘶哅Monolophosaurus (Zhaoک۲ᅀ⯲ⴟᴽ⇋㏰͙ጞࣽ⣜⮰ 哅Guanlong (Xuی ,(and Currie, 1993), ͙ࡺⰃ哅Sinraptor (Currie and Zhao, 1993 et al., 2006b), ∑⒙哅Limusaurus (Xu et al., 2009), ガ哅Haplocheirus (Choiniere 㙆ㆧ䌂俔 33ک1 䉦̬协ふ: ⪲۲ᅀ⯲һ㒃㏖ⴟᴽ⇋㏰̶䘔̬๓ಷ ,(ӓ㻲(A)ȟโӓ㻲(B)ȟऺ㻲(C)ȟݹ㻲(D)ȟ䓽〛㻲(E)স䔈〛㻲(Fڱప 1ȞIVPP V 18060ጒӓじఇ䌂俔 ㈧ᘻపڟ㞮䲎Ⱔξڟ〚Бࣶ㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅じఇ(G)ȟじ̵(H)সじθ(I)䌂俔䓽 Fig. 1ȞLeft metatarsal IV of IVPP V 18060, in lateral (A), medial (B), posterior (C), anterior (D), proximal (E) and distal (F) views, and left metatarsus of Sinraptor dongi, proximal views of metatarsals IV (G), III (H), and II (I)(from Currie and Zhao, 1993) a. the concave with Met III; b. the depression for muscle (M. lumbricalis) attachment on the posterior side of the shaft; A, B, C, D scale bar=10 cm; E, F scale bar=5 cm 34 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ et al., 2010a)সጒ哅Zuolong (Choiniere et al., 2010b), Бࣶ͙ࡺⰃ哅ㆧ⮰➅咫ᴳ᱘ IVPP V 15310 (Xu and Clark, 2008)ȠV 18060⼹ᄻκ㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅ಷᴳ᱘(㶔2), ᄻ 㙆ㆧᕼکκV 15310(ᵥᢚ➅咫ᴳ᱘⮰๓ᄻᄥ℀喏छⴑV 15310ͦⰚݹጞ៑䕿һ㒃㏖ 㙆ㆧᕼ哅ȠکЂڢ哅͙ᅦᄤᰬ๓⮰), Ѳᬺ᭪๓κ۲ᅀ⯲һ㒃㈧ᅮ͙ጞࣽ⣜⮰ 㸼 2ǂIVPP V 18060Ϣ㨷⇣Ёढⲫ啭IVPP V 10060ಯ䎪偼Ⳍ᭄݇ᇍ↨ Table 2ǂComparison of left metatarsal IV of IVPP V 18060 and Sinraptor dongi IVPP V 10060 (mm) Length Middle transverse width Minimum transverse Proximal Distal Minimum Specimen (L) of shaft in anterior view width of shaft in width width circumference C/L C/M (M) anterior view (C) IVPP V 18060 355 67 56 132 79 179 0.50 5.3 Sinraptor dongi 375 47 43 109 61 145 0.39 8.0 IVPP V 10060 㙆ㆧک⮰12ڱβᰠ䔇̬ₑ䃐V 18060⮰㈧㐋ѹ㒚喏Иᄲ࠱᠘V 18060ͦ ᕼ哅ᐦ⿷β̬͖ϱദκじఇ䌂俔➥ᒭ⮰➥ᒭ݃㶔স⩔κ㈧㐋ࣽ㗞ܲ⮰ⴕ䭡(࠱᠘12 স14͖➥ᒭ)ȠИ⩔ܲᩛ㈧㐋႒䒛ТTNT (Goloboff et al., 2008)ᄥ䄑ⴕ䭡ٯㆧࢁ͖ܲ 䔇㵸βܲȠᝬᰵ➥ᒭͦᬌᎻসふᱯ䛹喏䓼⩔ज़ࣽᐻ᥈㉎喏䛹ู1000⁍喏⁍ԉ 㙆ㆧ㈧㐋ࣽ㗞ⵀ⾢⮰㏿䃦کڟЂᝬᰵ࣮䛳⩔㑦Ⱝ䃪㒚ȠӉᢚݹϦᰵڢႄ10ḡᴽ喏 Weishampel et al., 2004), И䔵᠕ࣸ㘶哅(Dilophosaurus)҈ͦโㆧ㓐Ƞ㔯㭽ݜ㻾呧哅) ࢁ㈧ᕓ䔇㵸βᑦݢᕓ䃪㒚Ƞܲ㏿᭪喏ᐮ➥哅ȟڢㆧ⮰ࢁ㈧ᕓᓃݜᎫ∇䃐छ喏ᄥ ͙V 18060̺㦏℻͙ࡺڢ㈧ᒴ䓽⮰ᩛ㈧喏ڟस㏰̬͖ᒨₐڝ㦏℻͙ࡺⰃ哅̺V 18060 ㈧ᰬͦჲܳȠܲ⮰㏿ϓ⩋β1͖ᴽ(ᴽ䪫L=31, ̬㜠ᕓᠳCI=0.548, ԉ⪅ᠳڟⰃ哅 RI=0.576)(ప2)Ƞ 㙆ㆧᕼ哅ᩛᎻపکప 2Ȟᵥᢚじఇ䌂俔➥ᒭᝬֆ⮰ Fig.
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