Abacus, 1–2, 111, 636, 716, 950, 1341–1342, 1371, 1375, 1397

Abacus, 1–2, 111, 636, 716, 950, 1341–1342, 1371, 1375, 1397

Index A Africa (Contd.) Abacus, 1–2, 111, 636, 716, 950, 1341–1342, 1371, 1375, 1397, bone technology, 406–411 1401, 1429, 1960, 2045, 2240 bread as food, 413–417 Abd ar-Rah.mān II, 1403 bread baking process in, 414 Abassi, 1362 bronze production and usages in, 1598–1599 Abe Motoaki, 1260 ceramics Abe Rakuho, 1260, 1262 clay extraction, 465 al-Istakhrī, Muh.ammad Ibrāhīm ibn (Abū Ishāq), 389 clay processing, 466 ˓ Ibn Firnās, Abbās, 594 decoration, 470–471 ˓ Ibn Mah. Fūf, Abdallāh, 999 drying, 471 ˓ Ibn Muh.ammad, Abd al-Rah. īm, 1307 firing of, 471–474 ˓ al-Yāqūtī, Abd al-Rashīd, 1785 firing structures, 472 Abdul-Hameed, 226 organic coating, 474 Abelmoschus diversifolius, 3 postfiring, 474–475 al-Abharī, Athīr al-Dīn, 157, 1333 pounding sherds in wooden mortars, 466 Aboriginal health workers (AHWs), 1526–1527 pounding technique, 468 Abortifacients, 3 resin application, 474 Abortion, 3–4, 540, 1453–1454, 1459, 1502, 1534, 1582, 1887 roughing out, 467–468 Ibn Ezra, Abraham, 5, 1336, 1388 shaping, 467 Abu’l Abbas al-Ma’mūn ibn Muh.ammad II, 92 social background, 464–465 ˒ Abū ’l-Fidā ,9 symbolic or religious concerns, 467 ˒ al-Khayyām, Abū’l-Fath Umar Ibn, 133, 241, 639, 2122 colonialism and science in, 608 ˓ al-Khāzin, Abū Ja far Muh.ammad Ibn al-H. usay, 6–7, 115–116, 122, colonial capitalism, 609 247, 275, 639 Khaya senegalensis, 610 Abū’l-S.alt al-Dānī,9–10 scrap iron policy, 610 ˒ Abū l-Wafā ,10–11, 630, 2173 copper production in, 1596–1597 Abū Kāmil, 7–8, 1354 dwelling and settlement patterns in, 753 ˓ Abū Ma shar, 12, 1335 Egyptian culture, 710 Abū-l-Qāsim As.bagh, 142 environmental challenges in, 755 Abu Qoreh, 2190 environmental factors, impact of, 753 ˓ Abū Sa īd, al-Sijzī, 159–160, 1017 European colonization, influence of, 754–755 Abū S.ālih Mans.ūr II, 92 food processing in, 940 Ācārasangraha, 1805 food productivity of, 754 Ācārya Jayadeva, 1153 food technology in, 940–943 Acheulian stone beads from Bedford, England, 396 gender relations in, 753 Acupuncture, 15–18, 404, 532, 708, 715, 787, 917–918, 920, 1081, geographical and astronomical works, 710 1250, 1464–1466, 1530, 1532–1533, 1548, 1551–1553, geometry, 1003–1005 1556, 1590, 1710–1711, 1719, 1851, 2002, 2048, gesture counting, 1762 2157–2158, 2192, 2344, 2352–2353, 2357–2358 gold production, 1596–1598 acupoints, discovery, 16 iron production, 1596–1597 definition, 15 Islamic science, 710 limitation of, 18 Kalahari desert, 751 and Moxibustion, 17 Maghreb (North Africa) mathematics, 1403–1406 for pain management, an integrative approach, 18 maps and mapmaking, 1270–1272 sociohistorical evolution of, 15–16 metallurgy technique of, 1533 archaeological excavations, 1597 Acyuta Pis.ārat.i, 19, 1161–1162, 1245, 1392, 1871 fabrication techniques, 1599 Adab, 1461 gender differentiations, 1599–1600 Adhatoda vasica Nees, 1809 production, 1596 Ādi Śankarācārya, 539 rituals in, 1600 Ādityadāsa, 2185 technologies, 1600 Adler, B. F., 1270 women in, 1600 ˓ Ad. ud al-Dawla, 153, 1087, 1102 mathematics, Africa South of the Sahara ˒ al-Kawākib, Ad. wā , 1091 games, 1357 Africa hexagonal weaving pattern, 1357 agricultural diversification in, 754–755 riddles and puzzles, 1357–1358 agriculture in, 26–28, 751–752 symmetries in African art, 1356–1357 agroforestry in, 67–68 woven strip patterns on baskets (Mozambique), 1357 architectural traditions of, 437 mathematics, West African games architecture, indigenous Akan building construction and, 199–203 cumulative chants, 1360–1361 ASIAN Green Revolution in, 27 exhibition games, 1359–1360 beer, 418–420 games of chance, 1360 2366 Index Africa (Contd.) Agriculture (Contd.) magic squares, 1361 rainwater harvesting, 1867 riddle problems, 1361 South and Central America, 56–67 word games and traditional learning, 1360 upland agriculture and terrace systems, 30–31 nature rituals of, 752 Agri-silviculture, 69–73 navigation casuarina trees and, 69–70 documentary records, 1724–1727 swidden and, 69–70 history, 1724–1725 Agri-silvipasture, 86 Red Sea navigation, 1734–1738 Agroforestry, 2082, 2086, 2094 number theory in Africa, 67–68 gesture counting, 1762 api-silviculture, 85 tally devices, 1762 aqua-silviculture, 84–85 verbal numeration, 1761–1762 field-and-grove systems, 73–77 rainfall thresholds and agriculture, 752 field-and-interstitial support trees, 78–80 rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud.), 23 Pacific Islands, 87–88 role in knowledge transmission, 708–711 silvipasture, 86 Sub-Saharan swiddens, 80–84 human evolution and, 26 Agroforestry rotation, 78–80 origins of metallurgy, 1597 Aguardiente, 57, 947 tally devices, 1762 Agustín, Codazzi, 620 textiles in Ahim. sā, 1453 development of cloth making techniques, 2107 Ahl al-kitāb, 45 range of fabrics, 2108 Ahur Hamar Dafira, for accounts of stables and horses, 2189 teaching and training of spinners, weavers, and dyers, 2109 Aida Yasuaki, 89 time, 2128–2130 Ain-i-Akbari, 1732. See also Indian navigation, sea and inland tin production, 1597 waterways verbal numeration, 1761–1762 Air-blast apparatus, 1451–1452 weights and measures, 2237–2239 Aïr Region of Niger (West Africa), 464 Western dominance, 2275–2278 Aitareya Brāhmana, 317, 982 Yoruba harvest festivals, 753, 1923 Ajima Naonobu, 90, 1261, 1398 Against Method (Paul Feyerabend), 1875 Ajima Sensei Bimmo no Jutsu, 90 Agan.ita-grahacāra, 1245 Akan gold weights, 1763 Aganthuka in Āyurveda, 1580 Ahindr-yôbwê, 2237 Aggabodhi I, 2211 Dja-yôbwê, 2237 Agha Khan rural support program, 884 with figurative elements, 2238 al-Aghdiyyah, 1126 with geometric elements, 2238 Agniveśatantra (Agniveśa), 165, 381, 461 with graphic design, 2238 Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, 623 multiples and submultiples, 2239 Agricultural encyclopedia. See Nōgyō zensho Ngwa-yôbwê, 2237 Agricultural revolution, 21 Nsangan-yôbwê, 2237 Agriculture Sika-yôbwê, 2237 Africa, 26–28, 751–752 Akan timber framework construction elements, 437 ancient methods, 19 Akhmim wooden tablets, 1386 construction of cities and secondary products revolution, 21–22 Akira Yoshizawa, 1798 crops, continental transfer of, 23 al-Akhd. arī, 1406 dams and irrigation in, 677–678 Alaskan ethnobotany evidence for, 20 harvesting, preparation and storage, 819–820 flash-floodwater irrigation, 678 indigenous food plants usage, 816–818, 822 food production terminology, 20 medical plants, 819–820 genetic modification, crop development and, 25 Nunivak Island and St. Lawrence Island, 816 Islamic world, 44–46 terminology, 819 mechanization and, 24 Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, 815 origins, theories for, 20–21 Yup’ik Eskimo, 813, 816 soil fertility management, 24 Alavī Idrīsīs, 128 Southwest Asia, 21–23 Alchemy terracing, 24 in China, 98–100 water management, 23–24 in Islam, 101–102 China, 33–41 sciences, 715 India, 43–44 al-Dīnwā’l-Dawlah (Religion and the State) (Al-T. abarī), 162 Japan, 47–53 Alfonsine Tables, Latin version of, 91, 105 Maya, 28 Algebra, 7–8, 131–132, 137, 152, 239–242, 320, 639, 741, 1018, lowland intensive agriculture, 31–32 1020, 1099, 1342–1343, 1766. See also Abū Kāmil technologies, 29–30 Alexandrian mathematicians, 1930 Pacific Islands, 53–56 with arithmetic and mensuration, 440 Index 2367 Algebra (Contd.) America arithmeticians work on known quantities, 1930 archaeoastronomy, 180–186 calculation, 1930 calendars in South America Cardan formula, 1931 Inca calendar, 458 China, 109–111 Polo version, 458, 1585 decimal fractions, 1930 solar and lunar rituals in Peru, 458 Dieudonné, Jean, 1929 system of 12 months, 458 discriminant of cubic equation, 1931 colonialism and science expressions in, 1930 Brazil, research on comets, 617 geometric theory of equations, 1930 categories of scientific knowledge, 613 India, 112–113, 1391 Costa Rica, colonial authorities role, 620 Islamic mathematics, 113–116, 1394 cycle of knowledge, 613 al-Khwārizmī, definition of algebra, 1929 Goicoechea, experimental physics and modern mathematics, 618 Malay World, 117–120 historiography, remarks on 614–615 numerical equations resolution, 1930 Mexico, in colonial history, 616 polynomials concept, 1930 copper minning technology, 1684 real algebraic numbers structure, 1930 crops variety in Pre-Columbian America, 671–672 surveyors’ technique, 105–108 early crops in, 22 tradition, 1930 eclipses in, 740 Algorithms, 1154–1156 ecosystems, 992 ˓ Ibn Khalaf, Alī, 105, 247, 1855 ethnobotany, 865–867 Aligarh Scientific Society, 624 botanical knowledge transmission, 888 al-Kūhī. See al-Qūhī cacao, 889 al-Kulliyyāt fi al farā’id. (Collection on Successional Division) cocaine, 889 (al-Qalas.ādī), 152 herbal drugs, 891, 893 Allium cepa L., 1809 Indian plant names, 888 Almagest, 71, 91, 104, 140–141, 334, 463, 1043, 2019 medicinal plants, 886 Almonds (Prunus dulcis), 173 food technology in Latin America, 946–947 ˓ al-Mudkhal ilā ilm al-handasa (Introduction to indigenous knowledge systems in, 1185–1186 Geometry), 159 knowledge politics, 1188–1192 Alnus nepalensis, 70 knowledge systems Alphabets, 147–151 construction and maintenance of, 1142 in Middle East writing cosmological panel petroglyph on sandstone, 1192 Aramaic, 2336–2337 irrigation systems in Andean highlands, 1142 Canaanite linear, 2336 Peru, 1142 Egyptian, 2335 sunken gardens on desert coast, 1142 Ethiopic, 2336 Yichnal sign, 2330 Hebrew alphabets, 2337 language transmission, 1189 “Proto-Sinaitic” inscription, 2336 mathematics, 1414–1419 Semitic languages, 2335 medicine, Native North and South America Syriac script, 2336 ayahuasca, 1569 Ugaritic writing, 2336 cure of soul loss, 1569 Al-Risāla fīah. Dāth al-jaww (Treatise on Meteorological healing procedures, 1567, 1569 Phenomena),

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