RIP THIS PAGE OUT I know 2007 has been a rough year for many. If, by the off chance, If you wish to donate through the mail, PLEASE you made any taxable income this year and could get a break on your please rip this page out and send it to: 5D]RUFDNH*RUVN\3UHVV,QF WD[HVE\GRQDWLQJWRDERQD¿GHFKDULWDEOHRUJDQL]DWLRQ,KRSH\RX¶OO $WWQ1RQSUR¿W0DQDJHU PO Box 42129 FRQVLGHU 5D]RUFDNH , PHDQ LI \RXU FKRLFHV DUH EHWZHHQ KDQGLQJD Los Angeles, CA 90042 check over to some dude with a white beard, dressed in red, white, and EOXHZKR¶VFRQVWDQWO\SRLQWLQJDW\RXZLWKDPHQDFLQJVWDUHDQGDJURXS Name of scruffy, well-intentioned punks doing their part, why not help out the Address IRONV ZKRVH ¿QJHUSULQWV DUH OLWHUDOO\ VRPHZKHUH RQ WKH ]LQH \RX¶UH holding right now? Razorcake LV WKH RQO\ ERQD¿GH QRQSUR¿W PXVLF PDJD]LQH LQ America dedicated to supporting independent music culture. We E-mail DUHDOHDQIRFXVHGRSHUDWLRQWKDWSXWVWKHOLRQ¶VVKDUHRILWVPRQH\ Phone LQWR WKH ¿QDO SURGXFWLRQ RI ZKDW ZH FUHDWH 7KUHH UHFRUGV VL[ Company name if giving a corporate donation PDJD]LQHVDFRQVWDQWO\XSGDWHGZHEVLWHDQGRQHERRNLQ $OO Name if giving on behalf of someone donations—regardless of amount—have been a large component to Donation amount our continued survival. Please enjoy this issue and thanks for the continued support. 5D]RUFDNH*RUVN\3UHVV,QFD&DOLIRUQLDQRWIRUSUR¿WFRUSRUDWLRQLVUHJLVWHUHG DVDFKDULWDEOHRUJDQL]DWLRQZLWKWKH6WDWHRI&DOLIRUQLD¶V6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHDQGKDV ±7RGG7D\ORU EHHQJUDQWHGRI¿FLDOWD[H[HPSWVWDWXV VHFWLRQ F RIWKH,QWHUQDO5HYHQXH Code) from the United States IRS. Our tax ID number is 05-0599768. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent provided by law. (RIP HeartattaCk and Status) Subscription rates for a one year, six-issue subscription: U.S. – bulk: $15.50 • U.S. – 1st class, in envelope: $21.50 Prisoners: $21.50 • Canada: $25.00 • Mexico: $33.00 Anywhere else: $50.00 (U.S. funds: checks, cash, or money order) We Do Our Part www.razorcake.org Name Email 8VHGLIZHKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQV:HZRQ¶WERWKHU\RXQHHGOHVVO\ Address City State Zip The next 50 U.S. subscribers (sorry world, int’l postage sucks) will receive either the Merry X-Mas Dammit from the Double Down CD or an Off With Their Heads All Things Move Toward Their End. CD (No Idea) (Although it never hurts to circle one, we can’t promise what you’ll get.) Yes! I have a turntable. Yes! I’d like to be on the Razorcake Website Army list. Return this with your payment to: Razorcake, PO Box 42129, LA, CA 90042 If you want your subscription to start with an issue other than #42, please indicate what number. RAZORCAKE.ORG The Tim Version, Photo By Todd Taylor Razorcake.org is a regularly updated website which also grants the purchase power of records, zines, books, shirts and subscriptions for an affordable price. We appreciate every order and look forward to selling you stuff. RAZORCAKE.ORG Porch Chatter 7KLV LV KDUG WR H[SODLQ ZLWKRXW VRXQGLQJ OLNH DQ DVVKROH %XW ZLWK WKH LQWHUQHW²PXFK OLNH KRZ FLWL]HQV EHFRPH PRUH In DIY punk rock, there is a dissolve between audience and aggressive in cars than if they stand next to each other in the bus— band. Lower stages. Smaller price tags. Shared spaces. Bands SHRSOH DUH FXVKLRQHG IURP LPPHGLDWH FRQVHTXHQFHV 0DQQHUV WDNH ZKR¶OOSOD\LQWKHPLGGOHRIWKHFURZG3V\FKRORJLFDOO\WKLVLV a back seat. Digital aggression often masks human meekness and KHDOWK\,WSODFHVVRPHSRZHUZLWKWKHEHKROGHU7KRVHZKRKDYH insecurity. With fewer constraints and consequences, the digital arm traditionally been considered idols or gods are shrunken down to of punk has proven not to be more humane and powerful, but more KXPDQVL]H7KHUHLVVSDFHIRUGLVFRXUVH7KLVLVJRRG7KLVLV YLQGLFWLYH DQG SHWW\ $UH WKRVH WKH ¿UVW LPSXOVHV" $QRQ\PRXVO\ progress. I like this. talking shit, but in a highly public space where some ding dong But, there is a world of difference inside the inch or so—especially FDQ VZRRS GRZQ IURP F\EHUVSDFH DQG FDOO VRPHRQH WKH\¶YH QHYHU in DIY punk—from all the time, energy, and money it takes to display met face-to-face a racist or a baby fucker or ripper-off-er (while the your creation, compared to showing up, walking in, popping off, and usual offense is making music that the listener disagrees with). With VSOLWWLQJ1R,¶PQRWEDGPRXWKLQJWKHDXGLHQFH:LWKRXWDQDXGLHQFH no evidence, just a degree in Righteous Indignation, these emoticon the best one can hope for are rehearsals. Yet, somewhere along the warriors can leave a byte-heavy bruise for the rest of the world to line, someone got the idea that any commentary, any two cents worth, see—and for those incapable of critical thought—to believe. LVVDFURVDQFWVKRXOGEHJLYHQHTXDOWLPHDQGZHLJKWWRWKRVHZKR¶YH ³<HDK EUR LW¶V FDOOHG µGHPRFUDF\¶ *R VWDQG LQ OLQH D FRXSOH put in literally thousands of hours of creative work. hours for some stale bread, commie,” you may be saying. “Welcome 'RQ¶W JHW PH ZURQJ ,¶P QRW GLVPLVVLQJ FRQVWUXFWLYH FULWLFLVP WRWKHIXWXUH´0RUHDQGPRUHRIWHQZKHQ,¶PRQWKHLQWHUZHEDQG ORQJWLPHIHHGEDFNRUVXJJHVWLQJDQXQZLOOLQJQHVVWROLVWHQ5D]RUFDNH HQGXSUHDGLQJDERXWDEDQGRQDPHVVDJHERDUGLWIHHOVOLNH,¶PDWD is in constant contact with hundreds of folks face-to-face; via email, and show where the drunk, slurring assholes in the audience are popping SRVWDOPDLO:HMXVWGRQ¶WSULQWWKRVHGLDORJXHVIRUSXEOLFFRPPHQWDU\ RIIWRWKHEDQGFRQYLQFHGWKH\¶UHDUDGPL[RI**$OOLQDQG5HG ,W¶VLQWHQWLRQDOWKDWWKHUH¶VQROHWWHUVVHFWLRQLQRazorcake. )R[[$QGLW¶VQRWMXVWEHWZHHQWKHVRQJV7KHVHFKDWWHUER[HVKDYH .HHS LQ PLQG WKDW ,¶P QRW D /XGGLWH ZLWK WKH QH[W VHQWHQFH , mistaken themselves as the show. EODPHWKHLQWHUQHWIRUWKHHVFDODWLRQRI³,¶YHJRWVRPHWKLQJWRVD\ 0\FXUHDOOVROXWLRQPD\VRXQGGLVFRQQHFWHGEXWLW¶VHDV\DQGLW print it on your dime” entitlement mentality, the, “If you delete my ZRUNVIRUPHZLWKRXWIDLO,MXVWGRQ¶WSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHFKDWWHU,WXUQ SRVWWKDW¶VFHQVRUVKLS´OLQH3ULRUWRWKHHDUO\µVZKHQVRPHRQH off the computer, pull out a great book, plop a record on the turntable, really wanted to talk shit remotely, nine times out of ten, there was a JRWRDVKRZRULQYLWHVRPHIULHQGVRYHU7KRVHWKLQJVDOZD\VWXUQ UHWXUQDGGUHVVVWDPSHGRQWKHHQYHORSH7KH\FRXOGEHWUDFNHG7KH down that noisy ass-biting static. world was a little bit smaller. 6WLFNWR\RXURZQNQLWWLQJDQG\RX¶OOEHDPD]HGDWKRZSURGXFWLYH :RUGV ZULWWHQ RU VDLG VKRXOG DOZD\V EH WUHDWHG OLNH WKH\¶UH you can be. spoken within punching distance. It makes you more honest. –Todd Taylor AD DEADLINES Contact Razorcake via our regularly THANK YOU: Let’s just assume that the lady taking the microphone wants ISSUE #42 updated website, www.razorcake.org to add some vocals to a rippin’ song thanks to Dave Disorder and Rob Stephen for doing the cover layout and taking the picture of the Future December 1st, 2007 or PO Box 42129, LA, CA 90042 ISSUE #43 Virgins, respectively; One hundred balloons and angels with bountiful, February 1st, 2008 “If a person hasn't ever experienced square dandruff thanks to Kris Tripplaar for his pic in Liz’s column; the heart of the lord is really just a well-lit Tecate can thanks to Nuvia Crisol 9LVLWZZZUD]RUFDNHRUJ true despair, she grows old never knowing how to evaluate where she is Guerra for her photo in Jim’s column; Transistor radio IV into the arms of Click "Ads" for rates and details. in life; never understanding what joy the elderly thanks to Gus for his illustration in Amy’s column; “Hey, dude, Our ad rates are super duper. can you draw someone with a broken light bulb in his head?” thanks really is. I'm grateful for it." –Banana to Ryan Gelatin for his illustration in Gary’s column; What’s that word Yoshimoto, Kitchen where people have sex with animals? thanks to “someone” for their pic- Cover photograph by Rob Stephen (www.robstephen.com). That shit's copyrighted. ture in The Rhythm Chicken’s column; The bat, an olive branch, and the Cover layout by Dave Disorder @KHH=N SKNG>KPDBKNPDA/=IKJAO=J@EJPANJ=PEKJ=HłJ=J?APD=JGOPK Steve Larder for his illustration in Dale’s column; Crazed. Dig up. Baby. This issue is dedicated to the memory of Lance Hahn. May you not be in any more pain. Graveyard. Swaddle. Cry. Thanks to Maynard for his photo collage and ļIU>=HHO=NAłJAPD=JGOPK DNEO+AHOKJBKNDEOLDKPKEJ+=N@SQ=NO column; Just in case you’re scared of the “Arena Rock Vs. Prog Rock” piece, rest assured that punk rock wins thanks to Mike Faloon for that article and Amy Adoyzie for the illustrations and layout; Hand grenades, ODNA@OKBDKLA =J@GJKSHA@CAŃ=?GF=?GAPOKBPD=JGOPK/U=J)A=?D Pabst and paperwork... for the Christian Parenti interview and Keith Rosson for the layout and illustrations; It feels like I’m reciting a line from Logan’s Run, thanking Gunther 8544 for The Electric Kisses interview; U.N. Bono blows, go Two of Razorcake's Joan Jett thanks to Mark Velasquez and August Heinrich for their pho- invisible backbones. tos in that interview; And the award to the band that loves Zima, wine coolers, uhmm beer! the most goes to… Gang Green, so thanks to Sean Koepenick for the interview, Nicole Tammaro for the pics, and Dave Disorder for the layout; “The fence is cut open over there,” thanks to Mary-Clare Stevens for her photos in the “How to Fight for a Skatepark” piece, and for Amy Adoyzie for the layout; All of these folks helped proof this issue, but the computers are rebelling against us thanks to Emily Ep- stein, Shannyn Morse, Kurt Morris, Mary-Clare Stevens, and Adrian Sa- las; You make us look purty thanks to Chris Baxter for being a Photoshop wizard; The politics of reviewing material is a microcosm of the music “industry”’s failures and shortcomings, yet is kick-ass for DIY thanks to following for their record, book, zine, and DVD reviews: Dave Wil- liams, Mr. Z, Jessica T., Keith Rosson, Lord Kveldulfr, Sean Koepenick, Donofthedead, Ty Stranglehold, Kurt Morris, Mike Faloon, Adrian Salas, Art Ettinger, Joe Evans III, Bryan Static, Ben Snakepit, Nørb, Sarah Shay, Corrine Gust, Dave Disorder, Josh Benke, Allan MacInnis, Mike Frame, photo by Jimmy Alvarado, Stevo, Constantine Koutsoutis, Craven Rock, CT Terry, Will Kwiatkowski Lauren Trout, and Will Kwiatkowski; Thankfully, we’ve all had our shots kudos to Chris Devlin, Patricia Coleman, and Donofthegimmehead for helping pack, ship, and sort the last issue.
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