TAMU-I-74-002 c. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MARITIME AND NAVAL HISTORY PERIODICAL ARTICLES PUBLISHED 1972-1973 Cf phc 'D .i UNIYERslTYCHARLES R.AllcHIJs@g SCHULTZ QI QI!f L MPQSItQIi ' ~ v TAhhU-SG-75-601 AUGUST 1974 Bibliography of Maritime and Naval History Periodical Articles Published 1972-1973 Compiled by Charles R. Schultz August 1974 TAMU-SG-75-601 Center for Marine Resources Sea Grant College Program Texas AFM University College Station, Texas $3.00 Order from: Department of Marine Resources Information Center for Marine Resources Texas AEM University College Station, Texas 77843 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. GENERAL 1 II. EXPLORATION,NAVIGATION, CARTOGRAPHY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 I II. MERCHANTSAIL & GENERALSHIPPING - NORTH AMERICA~ ~ t ~ ~ 10 !V. MERCHANTSAIL & GENERALSHIPPING OTHER REGIONS l4 V. MERCHANTSTEAM OCEAN & TIDEWATER 19 VI. INLAND NAVIGATION 22 VII. SEAPORTS& COASTAL AREAS 24 VIII. SHIPBUILDING & ALLIED TOPICS + ~ ~ ~ ~ 26 IX. MARITIME LAW 28 X. SMALL CRAFT .. ~ 0 ~ 32 XI. ASSOCIATIONS & UNIONS 33 XII. FISHERIES ~ ~ ~ 34 XIII. NAVAL TO 1939 NORTH AMERICA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 36 XIV. NAVAL TO 1939 - OTHER REGIONS 39 XV. WORLDWAR II & POSTWARNAVAL 43 XVI. MARINEART, SHIP MODELS,COLLECTIONS & EXHIBlTS 44 XVII. PLEASURE BOATING & YACHT RACING 45 AUTHOR lNDEX 46 SUBJECT INDEX 51 VESSEL INDEX INTROOUCT ION WhenI first set out to co1lect material for a bibliography four years ago, I had hopes of producing a small volume each year. I also expected that I wou1d remain at the C. W, Blunt White Library for the foreseeable future. Almost as soon as the first vo1umewas available for sale, I left Mystic Seaport to becomeUniversity Archivist at Texas ASM. By this time, much of the material for the second volume had been assembled. Miss Pamela McNulty, Reference Librarian at the G. W. Blunt White Library graciously consented to continue the project I had star ted . I supplied information from the manyhistorical journals held by Texas AIIM, Oncethe secondvolume was out, Mystic Seaportdecided not to pro- duce any more in the series, At this point I inquired at the Center for Marine Resourcesabout their interest in the bibliography. Their re- sponse was favorable, but we decided on a biannual rather than an annual volume. The periodicals cited in this bibliography are, with one or two exceptions, all held by the Texas A8M University Library. Since Texas AINMdoes not receive someof the houseorgans and regionalmagazines that were available at Mystic Seaport, artic1es from them do not appear in this volume. Although the title limits this volume to Artic1es appearing in 1972 and 1973, perhaps half a dozen of the entries are from 1971. A few periodicals containing articles of considerable importance arrived too late to be included in the 1971 volume. I fe1t that they were too significant to leave them out of this bibliography. Since the items listed here~n are arranged by subject and most of the categories are fairly short, I have not madea detailed subject index. A few subjects did, however, warrant special attention. Also names of people, places, and vessels mentioned in the titles of arti- cles or in the annotations have been indexed, Copies of the 1 971and 1972 bibliographies can be purchasedfrom Marine Historical Associat~on Incorporated, Mystic, Connecticut 06355. Charles R. Schultz August 1974 I . GENERAL Ackerman,Bruce Af 9 SusanRose Ackerman, and Dale W. Henderson,"The Uncertain Serach for Environmental Policy: The Costs and Benefits of Con- Penns lvania Law Review, June, 1973, pp. 1225-1308. Ackerman,Susan Rose, Dale W. Henderson,and BruceA. Ackerman,"The Uncertain Search for Environmental Policy: The Costs and Benefits of Con- Penns lvania Law Review, June, 1973, pp. 1225-1308. Aldcroft, DerekH., "Reflectionson the RochdaleInquiry into Shipping: ReviewArticle," Maritime Histor, September, 1971, pp. f99-217. Reactionto the report of fiay, 1970,by the Committeeheaded by ttiscount Rochdalewhich madea wide-rangesurvey of the British shipping industry. Anderson, Fran,';J., "Maury and the Fussian GrandDuke," U.S. Naval Institute ~r.... ». 68- o. f 1 between Mathew F. f'faury and the Russian Admiral Grand Duke Constantine. Barbour,P. Ls e "CaptainJohn Smith's Sea Grammar and It's Debtto Sir Henry Mainwaring's'Seaman's Dictionary,'" Mariner'sMirror, February, 1972, pp. 93-101. "Battle of the Boundaries."~Surya or, May,1972, pp. 2-8. Conflicting definitions of the "high seas" are straining relations between maritime nations. Bell, MichaelDavitt, "Melville's Redburn:Initiation andAuthority, "New E 1 d g t 1, December,1973, pp. 558-572. Bellin, Jack,"The 11.S. Life SavingService," ~Com ass, Summer-Fall,1973, pp. 13-17. Buchanan,G. Sidney, "Texas Navigation Districts and Regional Planning in the TexasGulf CoastArea," HoustonLaw Review, March, 1973, pp. 533-497. Carson,Edward, "Sources for MaritimeHistory: CustomsBills of Entry," Maritime~ui stor, September.1971, pp. 176-189. Cox,Nicholas, "Sources for MaritimeHistory: TheRecords of theRegistrar Generalof Shippingand Seamen," fiaritime Histor, September, 1972, pp. 168-188. Crawley,Marv, "Westward to the EnchantedIslands, M Oceans, November-December, 1972,pp. 26-37. Accountof voyageof the schoolship schooner Westwardin 1972from Cali fornia to Puerto Rico via the Panama Canal. Drake, Douglas C., "Herbert Hoover, Ecologist: The Politics of Oil Pollution Control, ]921-1926," Mid-America, July, 1973, pp. 207-228. Finkelstein, J.B., "Naval and Maritime Events, January-December, 1972," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedin s, May, 1973, pp. 45-64 and 347-360. Gaunt, Arthur, "Sea Rescue: The Service that Never S'leeps,mOceans, March- April, 1972, pp. 58-63. Handley, GeorgeW.,"Super Vessels and Marine Insurance in the Next Decade," Columbia Journal of World Business, Winter, 1973, pp. 107-112. Harland, John H., "The Early History of the Steering Wheel," Mariner's Mirror, February, ]972, pp. 41-68. Has numerous illustrations. Hayes,John D., "The Sea, 1967-1972,"U.S. Naval Institute Proceedins, May, l973, pp. 296-310. Update on the world's contemporarymaritime scene from the one which appeared in the 1969 Naval Review. Hayler, William B.,"Our Imperiled State Marititm. Academies," U.S. Naval Insti- tute Proceedin s, June, 1972, pp. 50-57. Henderson,Dale, Bruce A. Ackerman,and SusanRose Ackerman, "The Uncertain Search for Environmental Po'licy: The Costs and Benefits of Con- ti 1 «1 D1 sylvania Law Review. June. 1973. oo, ]725-l30R. 'In the Highest Tradition of Seamanship,"~Serve or, May, 1972, pp. 18-21. AmericanBureau of Shippingawards medal of valor to Captain Eveengel os Ni ros. "TheIceberg Hunters," ~Surve or, May,1973, pp. 2II-2S.Activities of the U.S. Coast Guard s International Iceberg Patrol. Jarvis, RupertC., "Ship Registry 1707-86,"Maritime Histor, September, ]972, pp. 151-]67. History of the developmentof the law and ad- ministrationof registry of British merchantships for the years indi cated. Kemmerer,Jack, "RaucousRouges of the Sea,"Com ass, Winter, 1973,pp. 14-]7. Deals with the ubiquitous sea gu]ls w o performa vital service for ma n. Kendall,Lane C., "ToUse the Sea,"U.S. Naval Institute Proceedins, December, 1972, pp. 58-67. Urgesmilitary participation but not domination in the formulation of national maritime po]icy. Kendall,P.M.H,, "4 Theoryof OptimunShip Size," Journalof Transport Economicsand Policy, May, 1972, pp. l28- . ize is etermined y ra e vo ume, va ue, and distance. Knott, Richard C., "Who Owns the Sea?" U.S. Naval Institute Proceedin s, March, l973, pp. 65-71. isa'Icolm, Robert S., "Navies of the tlight," ~Comass, Fall, 1972, pp. 8-14. Tel 1 s of the phantom fl eet of dere 1 i cts o f unknown numbers whi ch floats just below the surface of the oceans, marsden, Peter, "Archaeology at Sea," ~Anti uit, September, 1972, pp. 198-202. Author suggest someanswers to problems facing archaeologists, museums,and government admini strators in h andiing ancient shi p- wrecks and surviving historic ships. Martin, M,Wis "Sailing Ships of the Postal Seas," Oceans,July-August, 1972, pp. 50-57. Mason, Ursula Stuart, "Sir JamesCaird, 1864-1954," Mariner's Mirror, May, 1973, pp. 223-225. Brief biographical sketch of the British maritime history enthusiast and philanthropist. Menard, Wetmon, "The Least of Lincoln's Brethren," U.S. Naval Institute 73. 5 . i i f natives in the MarquesasIslands celebrate Lincoln's birthday. Metaxas,B.N., "The Future of the TrampShipping Industry," Journal of Trans ort Economicsand Poli c, September,1972, pp. 271-280. Future does not look good with predictions of excess tonnage available. Miller, Walter McNab,III, "TheMerchant Marine -- Awashin ManpowerProblems," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedin s, October, 1972, pp, 61-69. Minchinton, W,Eia "Bibliographic de L'Historic des GrandesRoutes Maritirres,m Mar~time Histor, September, 1972, pp. 189-193. Miooney,Michael J., "SeaSquirts: !t's a Waterspout.'"Oceans, July-August, 1973, pp. 42-49. A randomrecord of the seagoingtornadoes. Oliver, EdwardFi a "Malaca: Dire Straits," U.S, Naval Institute Proceedins, June, 1973, pp. 26-33. Surveys the possi i ity of disaster as ever-larger vessels use the Straits of Malaca. ":1Practical Approachto EcologicalBalance," ~Serve or, May,1973, pp. 26-32. Scientists in Marylandare restoring marshland for c'leaner water. Schuessler, Raymond,"When They Lai d the Atl antic Cable," Oceans,March- April, 1973, pp. 64-69. Schwendinger,Robert Jim "The Languageof the Sea: Relationshipsbetween the Language of HermanMelville and Sea Shanties of the 19th Century," SouthernFolklore uarterl, March,1973, pp. 53-73. uA Simple Concept, A Complicated Situation." ~Suryaor .May, 1972, pp. '10-17. Swift container handling can result in a blizzard of paperwork. Smith, Roy C., III, "The First Hundred Years Are...," U.S. Naval Institute P Ins ti tute. Starr, Nathan Comfort, "Smolletts Sailors," Ameri can Ne tune, April, 1972, pp. 81-99. Mariners in the writings of the English author of the 18th century, Tabias Smollett. Thurston, William N., "Management-Leadership in the United States Shipping Board, 1917-1918," A N t, July, I972, pp.
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