7B LUMBIA // PUBLISHED BY TrtE MINING RECORD, LIMITED LIABILITY, VICTOR I A AND VAN COUVER , B.C. : 10 Cents. bfl BELTING CA C/i Users of this article would do well to fD examine our stock in this line. We carry a assortment than other dealer larger any . g in the Province. ft 3 7) r* The Electric Brand of Rubber Belting we stock is not excelled by any other make. It is used by all the large mills in the Province. We carry it in stock up to 22 inches, and Leather Belting up to SL *t 16 inches in width. fa S O 3 2 McLennan, McFeely & Co, LIMITED, r E* VANCOUVER, B.C. o n E. ? DAWSON CITY, N.W.T. on* The Bank of British North America. Established in 1S36. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1840. - PAID-UP CAPITAL, 1, OOO,OOO Stg. RESERVE FUND, 3OO,OOO " London Office, 3 Clement's Lane, Lombard St., E.C COURT OF DIRECTORS : J. H. BROIHE. GASPARD FARRAR. RICHARD II. GLYNN. H. J. B. KENDALL. KKKD'K IA'BBOCK. 90"? JOHN JAMES CARTER. HENRY R. FARRAR. KD. ARTHUR HOARE. J. J. KINGSFORD. OKO f). WHATMAN. Secretary, A. (i. \\'ALLIS. Head Office in Canada, St. James Street, Montreal. H. STIKKMAN, General Manager. J. ELMSLY, Inspector. BRANCHES IN CANADA: * London, '>nt. Midland. Sydney. Winnipeg, .Va* Green woo I. Trail, Bran* ford. Ottawa. St. John, X.ll. Brandon. Victoria. Sub-Agency. Hamilton. Montreal, Que. Frederic-ton. Ashcroft, B.C. Vancouver. Toronto. Quebec. Yukon District Atlin. Rossland. Kingston. Halifax, tf.S. DawsonCity. Bennett. Kaslo. Drafts on Dawson City, Klondike, can now be obtained at any of the Bank's Branches. IN STATES.-NEW ,'2 Wall W. and J. AGENTS THE UNITED YORK, St., Lawson C. Welch, Agents ; SAN FRANCISCO, 120 Sansome Street, H. M. J. McMichael and J. R. Ambrose, Agents. LONDON BANKERS. The Bank <.f England and Messrs. Glyn &Co. FOREIGN AGENTS. Liverpool Bank of Liverpool. Australia Union Bank of Australia. New Zealand Union Bank of Australia. Bank of New Zealand Colonial Bank of New Zealand. India, China of and Japan Chartered Mercantile Bank India, London and China ; Agra Bank, Limited. West Indies Colonial Bank. Paris Messrs. Marcuard, Krauss & Co. Lyons Credit Lyonnais. Issue Circular Notes for Travellers, available In all parts of the world. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LuJ& O-K ADVERTISEMENTS. - I fl HEILER BROS. Established 1862. VIGTORIfl, B.C. WHOLESALE airad RETAIL. Some of our Specialties. Crossley & Sons Carpets, Rugs, Squares, etc., in Ax- minster, Wilton, Brussels, Velvet, Tapestry, etc. M. Nairn ft Go's Scotch Linoleums and Oilcloths, all widths and prices, Inlaid, Printed and Plain. Haviland & Co. Finest French China world famous. Dinner Sets, cups and saucers, odd pieces new this season. Lib bey's Rich Cut Glass Tableware, most brilliant made. Liberty A Co. Art Fabrics, Serges, Cretonnes, Silks, Muslin, etc. Joseph Rodgers & Sons Renowned Table Cutlery a full line. f &H kinds for Parlor. Bradley & Hubbard (The B. & H.) Reception, Ban Bedroom, Room, Dining Piano, and Hall Office, etc., in Golden Oak, Antique, Ma quet, Library Lamps. hogany or Cherry. Me rid en Britannia Co." 1847 Roger Bros." Silver Morris Easy Chairs -Many styles. Plate that wears equal in design and finish to ster Reed and Rattan Furniture, Chairs, etc. ling silver. Brass and Enamelled Bedsteads now the Palms and Grasses For decorative purposes, ever most we issue a circular popular special lasting, preserved in their natural state. of the.-e send for it. Water Filters The "Pasteur" germ proof. Doulton's Manganous Carbon. Whitney and other makes New ADJUSTABLE Go- Carts, Baby Carriages, etc. Japanese Cotton Warp Mattings Handsome patterns and great variety. Window Shades In popular colors All sizes made to order, mounted only on Hartshorn Reliable Spring Rollers. Blankets White and Grey. Complete line from best mills only. English Down Comforters, Satin and Marcella Bed Covers, Sheets, etc. Pillow Shams, Bureau Scarfs, Toilet Covers, Tidies, etc. Table Linens, Napkins, Glass Cloth, Towels and Crash. Mirrors, Mantels and Overmantles in stock and made to order. Agate and Enameled Ironware of Domestic and For eign makers. Pictures, Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc. Gold Medal Camp Furniture Steel reinforced, lightest and strongest. Wallpapers from leading manufacturers in Canada and the United States. We are headquarters for everything we handle and carryjthe largest stock in the Province. Samples sent free to any address. D <?. **<! Us>+ole furnished complete. Counters, DarS and note IS back bar, everything in Oak, Walnut or Cherry. Glassware. Crockery, etc., to please all. Traders taking goods into the Yukon or elsewhere, will find our goods the most profitable to handle. Anyway give us a call or send for Catalogue. Bobbinet Ruffled Curtains. The Swell Drapery from ?2.75 to $t>.50 per pair. Nottingham, Swiss and French Lace Curtains and Nets in 's Irish Arabian , Reriaissance,Cluny points.Tambours, Brussels, &<;.. Curtains, Table Covers Piece goods in Chenille, Silk, and Mercerized Cotton, Tapestry, Negus, Derby, etc Gobelin Art Draperies in Denims, Sateens, Muslins.'etc. Draperies made to order. Send for Illustrated '^Catalogue Free. II ADVERTISEMENTS. The Patented Locked=Coil Cables and Webber Compression Grips are features of the patented Bleichert Tramway of Virginia & Pittsburg Coal and Coke Co., Fairmont, W, Va. Wire Rope Bleichert Tramway and other systems of aerial transportation. MSee those wires how they interlock ? Note the smooth service aiso. No displacement of wires in any event. Gives much greater service than other cables, and adds correspondingly to the life of the roll ing stock. MANUFACTURED BY The Trenton Iron Co., TRENTON, N.J. Engineers and Contractors, and Sole licensees in North America for the Bleichert System. Also. WIRE ROPE EQUIPMENTS FOR CABLE HOIST-CONVEY ORS, Surface and Underground Haulage, etc. No lugs'orlknots of any kind required on New York Office COOPER. HEWITT A CO., Burling the traction rope -giving longer service, ~ .7 Slip. <snd saving in' repairs. _.. _ Chicago Office- Illustrated book upon application. 1114 MonadnocU Building. ADVERTISEMENTS. in J. F. FOULKES & CO 35 FORT ST. Mining and Stock Brokers. Real Estate and Insurance. Codes Used: Bedford McNeil!. " Cable Address: FOUVAN." VICTORIA, B.C. Wrought Iron Fences and Gates, Special Tools Uictoria novelty Works made to order. Model making. Repairing of Engines. L. HAFER, Testing and Repairing of Steam Gauges. GENERAL MACHINIST, Valves, Pumps, Hydraulic Jacks, Bicycles, Cash Registers, Type-writers, Sewing Machines, Rifles and J50 Government St. VICTORIA, B.C. Shot Guns. Key Fitting, etc. PRACTICAL C. M. Cookson, SANITARY PLUMBER. Up country orders promptly attended to. Sanitary, Gas, Steam and Hot Water Engineer. Jobbing and Shipping Work a specialty. Telephone 674. B.C. Corner Johnson and Broad Sts. VICTORIA, F. M. W. R. ROBERTSON. ROBERTSON. | a Ernest A. Cleveland, BROS., ROBERTSON Dominion and BROKERS. Provincial Land Cable Address: "ROBERTSON" Vancouver. Surveyor Cod^s : Surveys of Mines and Mineral Claims. Bedford Mi-Neil. Broomhall ; Moreing & Seal; Hastings Street, .. n _ (Over Tisdaii's.) Vancouver, B.C. 'MacKinnon Bldg. VanCOUVCr. S | SasasaHsasEHasasasasasasasasasasasasaHasasHsasasmsHsassassaS Ask Your Grocer for J. H. FARR & CO'S, TORONTO. Swiss Food." " Santanine Made of selected Canadian White Wheat, dessi- cated, partly cooked and put through a process that separates all impure and foreign matter from Cleanser." the grain, only retaining what is healthful and it flavor and nutritious, giving a cooking quali The Greatest Cleaning Soap ties possessed by no other food. We especially recommend it for children is it possesses the Manufactured. very elements that are required for the building up of a strong and healthy constitution. With Removes all Grease, Smut or Stains of any kind some people oatmeal is too heating, Swiss Pood other than Ink Stains from the finest Silks, Car is cooling to the blood especially iu summer. pets, etc., without injury to the texture or color. Invaluable also in the Manufactured only by Kitchen, Laundry, Bath room, etc., or for washing windows. Unequalled P. flcINTOSH & SON, for cleansing painted or varnished wood-work as Toronto. it removes all dirt without wearing varnish or paint and gives it a fine polished look. Put up in 2-Ib. packages. Try a tin only 15 cts. or two for 25 cts. IV ADVERTISEMENTS. The YCLE AND B.CC SUPPLY CO'Y. Old Post Office Building, Government Street. VICTORIA, B.C. ysffl&fXSfflfi^ Fac-simile of Trade Mark. l^'^'l&^l$l^^&!^^ Sole Agents for B.G for MANSON 3-CROWN BICYCLES, Iver Johnston's Sager Gear, Chainless, Coasters and Brake, and Cushion Frame Bicycles. Bean Chamberlain Manufacturing Co., Hudson, (3 Krown), Senawee and Voxal BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES. Raymond Manufacturing Company for Victoria. CASH REGISTERS. Hamilton Brass Mfg. Co.; Hough Cash Recorder Co., Victoria. BURGLAR AND FIRE-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS. Naeker Manufacturing Co. for B. C. of a// Art'nc/s CROWN MACHINE WORKS, Birmingham, England. Acetylene Gas Supplies, Generators, Lamps, etc. n Stock. BICYCLE REPAIRING a Specialty. Incandescent Gas Supplies. Agents wanted for all unoccupied territory for all our B. C. Agencies. ADVERTISEMENTS. MODEL B. AS OTHERS SEE US, O the gift That God would gie us, To see ourselves As others see us. Burns. The Ramsey Swing Pedals are the Pull man Cars of Cycling. Automatic Ankle Motion and 25 per cent, more driving power guaranteed. It gives ankle motion where there was none before. And those who ankled some, can't help but ankle more, Then do not pump your life away while with the hills you tussle, Use the Ramsey Swinging Pedals and save both time and muscle. Sole Agents for B. C B.C CYCLE AND SUPPLY CO., Old P. O. Building; Government St. VICTORIA, B.C. Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. Correspondence solicited. Ask for booklet entitled " As Others See Us." MODEL Di VI.
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