10338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE May 11, 1966 By Mr. FINO: H.R. 15004. A b1ll to amend the Copyright public interest the administration should H.R. 14995. A bill to amend the Internal Act by repealing the jukebox exemption, and ( 1) cease and desist in its efforts to enforce Revenue Code of 1954 to exclude real prop­ for other purposes; to the Committee on the selective economic discrimination against erty (other than the taxpayer's residence) Judiciary. American farmers and ranchers by deliber­ from capital gains tax treatment, to limit the By Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina: ately depressing farm prices, and (2) use the deduction for real estate taxes paid on un­ H.R. 15005. A b111 to amend title 10, United various legislative authorities at its disposal improved land, and to eliminate the deduc­ States Code, to remove inequities in the ac­ to improve and enhance farm prices in order tions for real estate taxes and depreciation tive duty promotion opportunities of certain to build a strong and viable market economy on multifamily housing which is not main­ officers; to the Committee on Armed Services. for agriculture, the cornerstone of American tained in a safe and sanitary condition; to By Mr. RONCALIO: and free world prosperity; to the Committee the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 15006. A b111 to amend title 38 of on Agriculture. By Mr. HAGEN of California: the United States Code so as to permit the By Mr. GROSS: H.R. 14996. A bill to promote and foster payment of dependency and indemnity to H. Con. Res. 648( Concurrent resolution ex­ the development of a modern merchant ma­ certain married children of deceased veter­ pressing the sense of the Congress that in the rine by encouraging the orderly replacement ans who are attending educational institu­ public interest the administration should and modernization of merchant vessels, and tions; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. {1) cease and desist in its efforts to enforce for other purposes; to the Committee on H.R.l5007. A b111 to amend the Internal selective economic discrimination against Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Revenue Code of 1954 to provide for a grad­ American farmers and ranchers by deliber­ By Mr. KEOGH: ual increase up to 27¥2 percent in the deple­ ately depressing farm prices, and (2) use the H.R. 14997. A b111 to authorize the Secre­ tion allowance for coal and uranium pro­ various legislative authorities at its disposal tary of the Treasury or his delegate to enter duced from depoo1ts in the United States; to to improve and enhance farm prices in order into mutually acceptable agreements with the Committee on Ways and Means. to build a strong and viable market economy States and possessions of the United States By Mr. SICKLES: for agriculture, the cornerstone of American for Federal collection of State or possession H.R. 15008. A b111 to amend the act of Oc­ and free world prosperity; to the Committee income taxes; to the Committee on Ways tober 10, 1949, entitled "An act to assist on Agriculture. and Means. States in collecting sales and use taxes on H.R. 14998. A b111 to amend the Internal cigarettes," so as to control all types of il­ Revenue Code of 1954 to permit individuals legal transportation of cigarettes; to the to claim a credit against Federal income tax Committee on Ways and Means. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS for 40 percent of their State and local in­ By Mr. ULLMAN: come taxes, in lieu of deducting such taxes; Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 15009. A b111 to authorize the Secre­ bills and resolutions were introduced and to the Committee on Ways and Means. tary of the Treasury or his delegate to enter By Mr. McCARTHY: into mutually acceptable agreements with severally referred as follows: H.R. 14999. A b111 to exclude from income States and possessions of the United States By Mr. COLLIER: certain reimbursed moving expenses; to the for Federal collection of State or possession H.R. 15013. A b111 for the relief of Maximo Committee on Ways and Means. income taxes; to the Committee on Ways and T. Bleza, Sr., and Nelia V. Bleza; to the Com­ By Mr. MOSHER: mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 15000. A b111 to promote and foster Means. H.R. 15010. A b11l to amend the Internal By Mr. HALPERN: the development of a modern merchant ma­ H.R.l5014. A b111 for the relief of Henry rine by encouraging the orderly replacement Revenue Code of 1954 to permit individuals to claim a credit against Federal income tax P. Leonhardy; to the Committee on the and modernization of merchant vessels, and Judiciary. for other purposes; to the Committee on for 40 percent of their State and local income taxes, in lieu of deducting such taxes; to the By Mr. LEGGETT: Merchant Marine and Fisheries. H.R. 15015. A b111 for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. OTTINGER: Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. WYATI': Crescensia Virtudes Escobido; to the Com­ H.R. 15001. A b111 to amend the Fish and mittee on the Judiciary. Wildlife Coordination Act to provide ade­ H.R. 15011. A bill to establish fishing zones quate notice and opportunity for the Secre­ of the United States beyond its territorial By Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI: tary of the Interior and State fish and wild­ seas, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ H.R. 15016. A b111 for the relief of Despina life agencies to conduct studies on the effects tee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. and Christina Hatzisavvas; to the Commit­ of projects licensed by Federal agencies on By Mr. YATES: tee on the Judiciary. fish and wildlife resources, and for other pur­ H.R. 15012. A bill to incorporate Recovery, poses; to the Committee on Merchant Marine Inc.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Fisheries. By Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota: PETITIONS, ETC. ByMr.REES: H. Con. Res. 646. Concurrent resolution ex­ H.R. 15002. A b111 to amend title III of pressing the sense of Congress that in the Under clause 1 of rule xxn, petitions the· National l{ousing Act to increase the public interest the administration should and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk funds available to the Federal National Mort­ (1) cease and desist in its efforts to enforce and referred as follows: gage Association for its secondary mar:ket selective economic discrimination against American farmers and ranchers by deliber­ 389. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the operations; to the Committee on Banking city of San Jose, Calif., relative to the rights and Currency. ately depressing farm prices, and (2) use the various legislative authorities at its disposal of agricultural workers to organize for col­ B.R. 15003. A bill to assure nondiscrimina­ lective bargaining under the National Labor tion in Federal and State jury selectton and to improve and enhance farm prices in order service, to facilitate the desegregation of to build a strong and viable market economy Relations Act; to the Committee on Educa­ public education and other public fac111ties, for agriculture, the cornerstone of American tion and Labor. to provide judicial relief against discrimina­ and free world prosperity; to the Committee 390. Also, petition of city of Youngstown, tory housing practices, to prescribe penalties on Agriculture. Ohio, relative to the 30 years of service in for certain acts of violence or intimidation, By Mr. CHAMBERLAIN: the Congress of Hon. MICHAEL J. KmwAN, of and ·for other purposes; to the Committee H. Con. Res. 647. Concurrent resolution ex­ the 19th District, Ohio; to the Committee on the Judiciary. pressing the sense of Congress that in the on House Administration. EXTENSIONS ·oF REMARKS Tribute to Rumanian Independence Day Rumapians gladly proclaimed their in­ Russian hammer and sickle, a symbol of dependence from the Turks and prepared slavery and oppression. EXTENSION OF REMARKS for an era of progress and freedom. In During the years following the war the OF 1878, Rumanian sovereignty was recog­ Soviet Union engulfed Rumania and es­ nized in the Treaty of Berlin. tablished the hated Communist rule in HON. SEYMOUR HALPERN Today, however, we experience both the little land. The servitude to Russia OF NEW YORK happiness and sorrow when we look back has been a terrible one. In 1945, for ex­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES upon the history of Rumania--happiness ample, Stalin established SovRom joint for the years when Rumanians stood stock companies, which exploited almost Wednesday, May 11, 1966 p-roudly in the ranks of free peoples, and every facet of the Rumanian economy, Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, it gives sorrow for the fate which befell the denuding the forests, siphoning off the me great pleasure to join with my col­ beautiful land after World War II. For valuable oil and gas, and plundering the leagues in commemoration of Rumanian the past two · decades Rumania has mining, transport, and shipbuilding in­ Independence Day. On May 10,1877, the suffered under the hideous shadow of the dustries. Not until the mid-1950's were May 11, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 10339 the Rumanians at last able to buy off the Succinctly, the provisions of my bill qualify for Federal income tax deduc­ last SovRoms. are as follows: Land speculation would be tions for local real estate taxes or so­ Russian rule meant an era of terrible curbed by ending the capital gains treat­ called depreciation, they become less oppression for most of the 18 million ment given to profits realized on unim­ valuable as investments. The same de­ Rumanians, characterized by concentra­ proved land-most improved land is not terioration that slumlords like because it tion camps, unceasing propaganda, col­ now eligible for capital gains treatment reduces their assessable value locally will lectivization of farms, isolation from the as regards profits realized on the sale push them past a line that will deny West, poor wages, miserable clothes, food thereof.
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