BAYLOR SOFTBALL PREPS BU THEATRE PRESENTS FOR GETTERMAN CLASSIC MUSICAL BIOGRAPHY OF WITH REVAMPED ROSTER GUNSLINGER ANNIE OAKLEY PAGE 4 PAGE 5 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT THURSDAY, FEBRUarY 8, 2007 Building for the future Head Coach Guy Morriss announces the Baylor football team’s 2007 recruiting class Wednesday at Floyd Casey Stadium. This year’s class includes 22 high school- ers, five junior college trans- fers and one transfer from Photo illustration by Melea Burke Kent State Jim Marsh, director of counseling services at Baylor, said between 4 and 5 University. percent of students seeking counseling have an eating disorder. Baylor opens its season Sept. 1 against Texas Christian University at Binge eating Amon G. Carter Stadium in Fort Worth. growing trend Unhealthy disorder fered from bulimia. Melea Burke/ “I see it in a lot of high school Lariat Staff more prevalent than and college kids, including anorexia, bulimia Baylor,” Montaner said. “Many of them are stressed about start- Morriss, coaches nounced that 28 players would Shawn Bell, the Bears signed By Kirsten Horne ing college or studying for ex- be joining the Bears next fall. Turn to page 4 for a complete quarterback John Weed from Reporter ams and feel the pressure from nab top linebacker Morriss called the incom- list of Baylor’s 2007 signees. Tyler Junior College to come in their parents. This pressure from Louisiana ing class “a significant im- and compete with sophomore In a society where it seems and stress can sometimes lead provement” over his first four Blake Szymanksi for the start- as though thin is always in, why them to this continuous eating By Daniel Youngblood at Baylor. No. 61 in the nation by rivals. ing job. are so many Americans finding of food.” Sports editor “We had a good day,” Mor- com, No. 51 by scout.com and Michael Machen, a senior themselves wandering toward Jim Marsh, director of coun- riss said. “We were all smiles No. 58 by espn.com, which transfer from Kent State, will the kitchen? seling services at Baylor, said Your work is never finished in the coach’s office. We got uses Scouts Inc. to produce its also be in the mix. In the first national study between 4 and 5 percent of stu- as a college football coach. some good players and we’re rankings. At linebacker, the Bears done of individual eating dis- dents seeking counseling are When you’re not game excited about each and every Morriss said he believes added Earl Patin, a four-star orders, researchers at McLean coming for help with an eating planning for future opponents one of them joining our pro- there’s a lot of talent in this prospect from Baton Rouge, Hospital, a psychiatric facility of disorder. or breaking down film, you’re gram.” class, and that most of the tal- La., and Cedar Hill High Harvard Medical School, found “That is only about 25 stu- on the road trying to convince Of those included in this ent comes in areas of need. School standout Chris Fran- that binge eating is more preva- dents per year,” Marsh said. high school recruits your class, 22 are high school re- He said he thinks the areas cis. lent among Americans than an- “However, this doesn’t mean school is the one for them. cruits, five are junior college most helped by this class were Patin is the Bears’ highest- orexia and bulimia. that it isn’t a problem on cam- All that hard work finally transfers and one transferred quarterback, linebacker, offen- rated recruit since Morriss “I am not the least bit sur- pus, because I think it is. This paid off for Baylor head Coach to Baylor from Kent State Uni- sive line and cornerback. came to Baylor five years ago. prised that binge eating is so is just the average number of Guy Morriss and his staff versity. With the departure of re- prevalent among Americans,” students we see for this problem Wednesday when Morriss an- The Bears’ class is ranked cord-setting quarterback Please see SIGN, page 4 said Dawn each year.” M o n t a n e r , Montaner founder and “Binge eating is so often said Baylor is executive di- brushed off as an “very much” rector of Life- about appear- lines Founda- overweight problem.” ance. Island Party to add three bands tions for Eating “I think Disorders. Dawn Montaner that kids are BYX battle of bands Trent Weaver, a DeKalb senior opening band, although the whether they have been select- Mon t a n e r Lifelines Foundation almost getting and Island Party chairman. name of that band hasn’t been ed to play at Shipwrecked. said many for Eating Disorders a mixed mes- to decide opening acts He and Dallas junior Justin announced yet. Weaver said BYX isn’t look- people tend to sage about for Switchfoot Farr, BYX vice president, are in Shipwrecked will be from ing for any particular style of overlook binge what their charge of this year’s event. 6 to 10 p.m. March 6 on Foun- music, although the bands per- eating as a app e a r a nce By Jon Schroeder Weaver said BYX has re- tain Mall. Five to eight bands, forming at Island Party most problem because the slimming should be like,” she said. “They Staff writer ceived many e-mails from local chosen from demo CDs and likely will play music similar to effects of anorexia and bulimia hear that thin is so beautiful, artists following previous Is- tapes submitted to BYX, will past headliners, which include are more visually obvious than but with all the stress and anxi- Brothers Under Christ’s Is- land Parties, wanting to know compete. Bebo Norman, Sanctus Real those of binge eating. People ety that they feel at school, food land Party will be bigger than how to play at the event. Three winners will be an- and Jeremy Camp. tend to categorize binge eaters is the emotional scapegoat.” ever in 2007, and there’s a new This year, with multi-plati- nounced at the conclusion of “It’s bigger than we ever as simply being overweight. Cynthia Wall, a staff psy- way students can get involved– num band Switchfoot, inter- the contest, all of which will thought it might’ve been,” he The study shows that binge chologist at the Baylor Counsel- if they’re musically inclined. est is likely to be at an all-time play between 5 p.m. and mid- said. “It wasn’t until we actu- eating actually affects 3.5 per- ing Center, said food is used as For this year’s Island Party, high, he said. night April 20 at Island Party. ally got the confirmation from cent of women and 2 percent of an unhealthy way to cope with BYX is looking for three local This year BYX is introduc- So far, BYX has received Switchfoot that we realized, men at some point in their lives. emotional distress or psycho- bands to open for Switchfoot. ing Shipwrecked, a battle of the eight demos, including some ‘Wow, this is something really By contrast, only 0.9 percent of logical problems. “We have three spots that bands which a panel will judge from outside of Texas. huge.’” women and 0.3 percent of men “Food is used to calm and we’re leaving open for local and to determine who will open The deadline for submis- Eric Weiss and Ryan Com- suffer from anorexia and 1.5 soothe oneself, to give oneself regional bands that would like for Switchfoot at Island Party. sions is 5 p.m. Friday, and percent of women and 0.5 per- to play at Island Party,” said Switchfoot will also bring one bands will be notified Monday Please see BAND, page 3 cent of men report having suf- Please see BINGE, page 3 Three soldiers indicted as part of multimillion-dollar scam By Lara Jakes Jordan fund “as their own personal U.S.-led Coalition Provisional real estate, a Breitling watch, The Associated Press ATM machines,” Deputy Attor- Authority in Iraq. He awaits sen- business-class plane tickets, ney General Paul McNulty said tencing. computers and other items. WASHINGTON — Three U.S. in announcing the charges. McNulty said the five people Harrison’s husband, William Army Reserve officers were “These defendants actually indicted Wednesday stole or Driver, was charged with help- indicted Wednesday, accused of took bricks of stolen cash ... and otherwise misused $3.6 million ing smuggle over $300,000 into taking part in a bid-rigging scam smuggled them out of Iraq and from the CPA fund. the U.S., part of which was used that steered millions of dollars back to the United States for The three reservists, Col. for home improvements, pros- for Iraq reconstruction projects their own personal use,” Mc- Curtis G. Whiteford of Utah, Lt. ecutors said. to a contractor in exchange for Nulty said. Col. Debra M. Harrison of New One of Bloom’s friends, busi- cash, luxury cars and jewelry. The 25-count indictment, Jersey and Lt. Col. Michael B. nessman Seymour Morris Jr., An American businessman filed in U.S. District Court in Wheeler of Wisconsin, were re- allegedly acted as a go-between in Romania was charged as the New Jersey, marks the latest de- sponsible for helping supervise for the military officers and the go-between for the military of- velopment in an investigation of the funding and progress of the construction company by ille- ficers and the contractor.
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