N0.86 SUMMER, 1992 SOOth ANNIVERSARY OF THE COSSACKS OF UKRAINE BARCELONA OLYMPICS 1st UKRAINIAN LIBRARIAN CONGRESS ZHULYNSKY ON fORUM A UKRAINIAN REVIEW N0.86 SUMMER, 1992 ANDREW G REGOROVIC H . .. Editor-in-Chief ADVISORY BOARD CONTENTS PAGE Iva n Oleksyn, Peter Salak Natalka G awdiak, George Kl apisc hak SOOth Anniversary of the Ukrainian Cossacks ..... 3'9 Special Shevchenko Issue Commemorating his Boyko Folk Architecture ............ .. .... 10,11 I 75th Anniversary still avail able U. S. - $5.00 Canada- $6.00 U.S. Funds 1st Ukrainian Librarians Congress, Libraries Strengthen Cultural Identity (IFLA) . 12, 17 Published Quarterl y in March, June, September and December, by the Barcelona Olympics ... ..... .... ... .... .. ..... 18 UKRAINIAN FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 440 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1850 1-0350 Phone: Area Code 717-342-0937 Ukraine's Olympic Medalists 1992 ............... 19 YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS: $10.00 United States $10.00 Canada- U.S. Funds N a tiona! Medals Standing ... .. ...... ........ 19 Back Issues- $3.00 per copy Single copy- $2.50 $2 .50 Canada U. S. Fu nds Serhiy Bubka: Fallen Star ..... .. ............. 19 Mail Subscriptions to: FORUM SUBSCRIPTIONS De Ia Feuille's 1733 Map of Ukraine ..· .... ....... 20 440 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. 1850 1-0350 Mail Manuscripts and Letters to the Editor to: Bookmark: ANDREW GREGOROVICH 314 Oriole Park way, Toronto, Canada M5P 2H5 Ukrainian Nationalism (41 6) 480-2440 Byzantium and the Slavs, Readers are invited to send in contributio ns to Newsletter, Rudnyckiana FO RUM but query the Editor before writing a feature· length article. Local ac tiviti es ca nnot be reported but events Selected Poetry of Lina Kostenko of general interest will be acce pted. Copy will be edited in Ukrainian Economic History accordance with the needs and policies of the edi tori al staff, but the essenti al thought or inform ation will not be dis­ Hol y Terror : Andy Warhol . ............... 21,23 turbed. All manusc ri pts submitted for publicati on should be typed, double-spaced on one side of letter-size paper. They Poetry of Peter Kuzyk .................. .. .. 24,25 are not returnable unless accompa nied by return postage. While reasonable ca re will be taken, the publisher will not be responsible for loss or damage to any manuscript, draw­ Woodcut Artist Michael Korhun ...... .. 26,29 ing or photograph. All ri ghts reserved. No materi al in this publication may be Chernihiv Church Reconsecrated ............ 30,32 reprinted without written permissio n fro m the Editor and acknowledgement of source. - Printed in U.S.A. - Zhulynsky on the Diaspora .... ..... ... 33 © 1992 by: UKRAINIA FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION Ukraine's Nuclear Arsenal. ...... ... 34 & A. G regorovich FO RUM, A Ukrainian Review (I SS 00 15-8399) , is pub­ Zaporozhets Car ..... ..... ...... ... .. ... li shed quarterl y. Second C lass postage paid at Scranton, Pa. 35 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FORUM, 440 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa . 1850 1-0350. Cossacks Renounce 1654 Treaty ................. 35 FRONT COVER: Kiev's Irish Duty Free ... ... ........ ......... Detail of Ill ya Repin's famous pa inting "Zaporoz hian 35 Cossacks of Ukraine Writing a Letter to the Tu rk ish Sultan" (1 878-9 1) 6 '8 "X II '9" (203 x 35&m), St. FORUM w ishes to thank all the readers w ho have sent us Petersburg Art Gallery. donations, clippings and articles. They are much appreciated. BACK COVER: T he magnificent Kiev Opera and Ballet Thea ter, built in 190 1 and seating about 2,000 people in five tiers, was the location of the opening session of the 1st Ukrainian Li brari ans Congress. 2 FORUM NO. 86 • SUMMER. 1992 SOOth Anniversary of the Ukrainian Cossacks The Zaporozhian Sich and the Tradition of Ukrainian Statehood by Olexandr Yushchenko In 1992 Ukraine marks the SOOth anniversary of the Cossacks and their first appearance in history. In Ukrainian, the word Cossack meant "free man." The Sich, pronounced seech, is the fortress and capi­ tal city of the Ukrainian Cossacks which moved to new locations through history. It was usually located in the heart of Ukraine on or near an island, such as Khortytsia, in the mighty Dnipro (Dnieper) River. Cossackdom with its colorful traditions, heroic cour­ age and principle of democracy, forms the central part of Ukraine's heritage for three centuries, from the 16th to the 18th. Moscow and the Soviet Russian government cen­ sored, distorted and . suffocated the history of Ukraine to the extent that the Cossack tradition had almost disappeared from Ukraine 's history by this decade. But the Cossack heritage lived on in the hearts of the Ukrainian people and increasing free­ dom the last 'few years has allowed Ukraine to openly celebrate its Cossack, or Kozak, history. Pre-Soviet histories of Cossack Ukraine are now being rapidly reprinted to satisfy the hunger of a peo­ ple who want to know their own historical tradition. The totalitarian version of Ukrainian history propa­ gated for 70 years under Soviet Russian rule, has now been discredited. For the past three years, 1990 to 1992, Ukraine has celebrated the 1492 founding of the Ukrainian Cossacks with huge programs attended by a half a million people. The following article was written es­ pecially to mark the events of 1990. Editor FORUM NO. 86 • SUMMER, 1992 3 Opening ceremony of the. SOOth Anniversar y of the Zaporozhian Sich on Augus t 4 , 1 990 near the monum ent to Ivan Sirko, Kapulivka Village, N ikopol D istrict, COSSACK LAND had never known Zaporizhia Region. such a festival. Between August 3 and Au­ gustS of 1990 some half a million people from AUGUST 3, The Days of Cossack Glory began in Ni­ every corner of Ukraine converged on the kopol, Dnipropetrovsk Region, where a scholarly confer­ Dnipropetrovsk Region and Zaporizhya. ence entitled "The SOOth Anniversary of Ukrainian Cos­ They came from the Donbas and Kharkiv Region, from sackdom" was held, and in which scholars and men of the Black Sea maritime regions and Galicia, from Polissya letters from all over Ukraine took part. The Zaporozhian and the Carpathians to p::.y tribute to ancestors who had Sich was a real "Christian Cossack republic" where a pro­ gained glory and charged their successors to fight for free­ found democracy existed and the social and political sys­ dom. tem was backed by a corresponding ideology. We ourselves They came in every way possible: by train and by air, by have no real perception of what the Sich meant not only car and by bicycle, some even on foot or on horseback. for Ukraine but for Eastern Europe as well, and indeed for They settled where they could - in hotels, in private the whole of mankind. The poet Ivan Drach, People's homes, and some, according to an old Cossack custom, Deputy of Ukraine and President of the People's Move­ camped in the open air, in tents or simply on the ground. ment of Ukraine (Rukh), stated that the experience of the More time is needed to fully comprehend the events world's first democratic republic and its ideas are now during the Days of Cossack Glory dedicated to the SOOth closely associated with the renewal of Ukraine's sover­ anniversary of the Zaporozhian Sich and, to be more pre­ eignty, with the revival of a national self-consCiousness. cise, the SOOth anniversary of the first mention of the Cos­ Respect for history is the principal evidence that the na­ sacks in historical, documents. tion's intellect is alive, he said. Reports on the htstory of The festival turned out to be so unexpectedly grandiose the formation and development of Ukrainian Cossack­ that 1990 took on an extraordinary significance in the re­ dam were delivered by writer Yuri Mushketyk and histo­ birth of the spiritual and cultural legacy of Ukraine. People rians Mykhailo Braichevsky and Olena Apanovych. paid homage to their heroes and in so doing became newly The formation of the Zaporozhian Sich on Khortytsya dedicated to their country. The national history of Island in the great bend of the Dnieper River was not sim­ Ukraine, which has been concealed or distorted for so ply accidental. Khortytsya had already been mentioned in long, seemed to come to life. written sources dating back to the lOth century. The Byz- 4 FORUM NO. 86 • SUMMER. 1992 Opening celebrations in Kapulivka, the village of Iv an Sirko. Poet and writer Ivan Drach, head of Rukh, and now President of the Ukraina Society, speaks at the Cossack celebrations. To his left is Dmytro Pavlychko and on the right is Borys Wrzeszniewsky of Toronto. antine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus described the island in his book On the Administration of the Empire (946-953), and wrote that the Slavs of Kievan Rus were still pagans, put up in Hortytsya on their long and hard jour­ ney "from the Varangians to the Greeks:' and made sacri­ fices to their deities. The name of the island may have come from Hors, the name of the ancient Slavic god of the sun. Khortytsya was also a venue for the Kievan Rus' assem­ bly of armed forces, which set out from there on their cam­ paign against the hostile nomads, the Pechenegs and the Polovtsians. The Hypatian Chronicle under the year 1103 states that Svyatopolk, King of Kiev, came to Khortytsya and together with other Rus princes and their troops gained a victory over the Polovtsians. Khortytsya was also the site of the last battle of King Svyatoslav with the Pe- chenegs. - Under the year 1224 it is mentioned that Rus princes again gathered on Khortytsya for a campaign against a Ivan Plyushch, First Vice-Chairman of the Government of new and ferocious enemy, the Tartar-Mongols. Ukraine addresses the crowd.
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