12986 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices electronic, mechanical, or other DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR receipt requested or by personal technological collection techniques or delivery. See 25 CFR 23.11. other forms of information technology, Bureau of Indian Affairs If the identity or location of the e.g., permitting electronic submission of [178A2100DD/AAKC001030/ child’s parents, the child’s Indian responses. A0A501010.999900 253G] custodian, or the Tribes in which the Indian child is a member or eligible for Overview of This Information Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated membership cannot be ascertained, but Collection Tribal Agents for Service of Notice there is reason to know the child is an Indian child, notice of the child-custody (1) Type of Information Collection AGENCY: Bureau of Indians Affairs, proceeding must be sent to the Request: Revision of a Currently Interior. appropriate Bureau of Indian Affairs Approved Collection. ACTION: Notice. (BIA) Regional Director (see (2) Title of the Form/Collection: SUMMARY: The regulations implementing www.bia.gov). See 25 CFR 23.111. Freedom of Information/Privacy Act the Indian Child Welfare Act provide No notices, except for final adoption Request. that Indian Tribes may designate an decrees, are required to be sent to the (3) Agency form number, if any, and agent other than the Tribal chairman for BIA Central Office in Washington, DC. the applicable component of the DHS service of notice of proceedings under This notice presents, in two different sponsoring the collection: G–639; the Act. This notice includes the current formats, the names and addresses of USCIS. list of designated Tribal agents for current designated Tribal agents for service of notice. service of notice, and includes each (4) Affected public who will be asked designated Tribal agent received by the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: or required to respond, as well as a brief Secretary of the Interior prior to the date Evangeline Campbell, Bureau of Indian abstract: Primary: Individuals or of this publication. Part A, published in Affairs, Division of Human Services, households. Form G–639 is provided as this notice, lists designated Tribal 1849 C Street NW., MS–4513–MIB, a convenient means for persons to agents by region and alphabetically by Washington, DC 20240; Phone: (202) provide data necessary for identification Tribe within each region. Part A is also 513–7642. of a particular record desired under available electronically at: http:// Freedom of Information/Privacy Act SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The www.bia.gov/WhoWeAre/BIA/OIS/ (FOIA/PA). regulations implementing the Indian HumanServices/index.htm. Child Welfare Act, 25 U.S.C. 1901 et Part B is a table that lists designated (5) An estimate of the total number of seq., provide that Indian Tribes may respondents and the amount of time Tribal agents alphabetically by the designate an agent other than the Tribal Tribal affiliation (first listing American estimated for an average respondent to chairman for service of notice of respond: The estimated total number of Indian Tribes, then listing Alaska Native proceedings under the Act. See 25 CFR Tribes). Part B is only available respondents for the information 23.12. The Secretary of the Interior is electronically at: http://www.bia.gov/ collection G–639 is 163,000 and the required to update and publish in the WhoWeAre/BIA/OIS/HumanServices/ estimated hour burden per response is Federal Register as necessary the names index.htm. .25 hours. and addresses of the designated Tribal Each format also lists the BIA’s (6) An estimate of the total public agents. This notice is published in contact(s) for each of the twelve regions. exercise of authority delegated by the burden (in hours) associated with the A. List of Designated Tribal Agents by Region collection: The total estimated annual Secretary of the Interior to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian 1. Alaska Region hour burden associated with this Affairs by 209 DM 8. 2. Eastern Region collection is 40,750 hours. 3. Eastern Oklahoma Region In any involuntary proceeding in a 4. Great Plains Region (7) An estimate of the total public State court where the court knows or 5. Midwest Region burden (in cost) associated with the has reason to know that an Indian child 6. Navajo Region collection: The estimated total annual is involved, and where the identity and 7. Northwest Region cost burden associated with this location of the child’s parent or Indian 8. Pacific Region collection of information is $859,450. custodian or Tribe is known, the party 9. Rocky Mountain Region 10. Southern Plains Region Dated: March 1, 2017. seeking the foster-care placement of, or termination of parental rights to, an 11. Southwest Region Samantha Deshommes, Indian child must directly notify the 12. Western Region Chief, Regulatory Coordination Division, parents, the Indian custodians, and the A. List of Designated Tribal Agents by Office of Policy and Strategy, U.S. Citizenship child’s Tribe by registered or certified Region and Immigration Services, Department of mail with return receipt requested, of Homeland Security. the pending child-custody proceedings 1. Alaska Region [FR Doc. 2017–04481 Filed 3–7–17; 8:45 am] and their right of intervention. Copies of Alaska Regional Director, Bureau of BILLING CODE 9111–97–P these notices must be sent to the Indian Affairs, 3601 C Street, Suite 1100 appropriate Regional Director by Anchorage, Alaska 99503; Phone: (907) registered or certified mail with return 271–4111. Tribe ICWA POC Mailing address Phone number Fax number Email address Afognak, Native Village of ...... Denise Malutin, ICWA Work- 323 Carolyn Street Kodiak, (907) 486–6357 (907) 486–6529 [email protected]; [email protected] er; Taletha Gertz, ICWA AK 99615. Worker. Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove Amanda McAdoo, ICWA Co- Aleutian/Pribilof Islands As- (907) 276–2700 (907) 222–9735 [email protected] ordinator; Ozzy E. sociation, 1131 East Inter- Escarate, Director, Depart- national Airport Road, An- ment of Family & Commu- chorage, AK 99518–1408. nity Development. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:13 Mar 07, 2017 Jkt 241001 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\08MRN1.SGM 08MRN1 mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 44 / Wednesday, March 8, 2017 / Notices 12987 Tribe ICWA POC Mailing address Phone number Fax number Email address Akhiok, Native Village of ........ Cassie Keplinger, ICWA Co- Kodiak Area Native Associa- (907) 486–1370 (907) 486–4829 [email protected] ordinator. tion, 3449 Rezanof Drive East, Kodiak, AK 99615. Akiachak Native Community .. Georgianna Wassilie, ICWA P.O. Box 51070, Akiachak, (907) 825–4626 (907) 825–4029 [email protected] Worker. AK 99551. Ext. 204. Akiachak Native Community .. Valerie Andrew, ICWA Direc- Association of Village Coun- (907) 543–7461 (907) 543–5759 [email protected] tor. cil Presidents, P.O. Box 219, Bethel, AK 99559. Akiak Native Community ........ Leann Jackson, ICWA Direc- P.O. Box 52127, Akiak, AK (907) 765–7112 (907) 765–7512 [email protected] tor. 99552. Akutan, Native Village of ........ Amanda McAdoo, ICWA Co- Aleutian/Pribilof Islands As- (907) 276–2700 (907) 222–9735 [email protected] ordinator; Ozzy E. sociation, 1131 East Inter- Escarate, Director, Depart- national Airport Road, An- ment of Family & Commu- chorage, AK 99518–1408. nity Development. Alakanuk, Native Village of .... Charlene Striling, ICWA Box 149, Alakanuk, AK (907) 238–3704 (907) 238–3705; [email protected] Worker. 99554. (907) 238– 3429. Alakanuk, Native Village of .... Valerie Andrew, ICWA Direc- Association of Village Coun- (907) 543–7461 (907) 543–5759 [email protected] tor. cil Presidents, P.O. Box 219, Bethel, AK 99559. Alatna Village ......................... Tribal Family Specialist ........ P.O. Box 70, Allakaket, AK (907) 968–2261 (907) 968–2305 99720. Alatna Village ......................... ............................................... Tanana Chiefs Conference, (907) 452–8251 (907) 459–3953 Legal Department, 122 Ext. 3178. First Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Aleknagik, Native Village of ... Allen Ilutsik, Tribal Adminis- ICWA, P.O. Box 115, (907) 842–2080 (907) 842–2081 trator; Marie Aloysius, Aleknagik, AK 99555. President. Aleknagik, Native Village of ... Crystal Nixon-Luckhurst, Bristol Bay Native Associa- (907) 842–4139 (907) 842–4106 [email protected] Children’s Services Divi- tion, Children’s Services sion Manager. Division Manager, P.O. Box 310, 1500 Kanakanak Road, Dillingham, AK 99576. Algaaciq Native Village (St. Theresa Kelly, ICWA Worker Box 48, St. Mary’s, AK (907) 438–2335 (907) 438–2227 [email protected] Mary’s). and Sven Paukan, Tribal 99658. Administrator. Algaaciq Native Village (St. Valerie Andrew, ICWA Direc- Association of Village Coun- (907) 543–7461 (907) 543–5759 [email protected] Mary’s). tor. cil Presidents, P.O. Box 219, Bethel, AK 99559. Allakaket Village ..................... Tribal Family Youth Spe- P.O. Box 50, Allakaket, AK (907) 968–2237 (907) 968–2233 [email protected] cialist. 99720. Allakaket Village ..................... ............................................... Tanana Chiefs Conference, (907) 452–8251 (907) 459–3953. Legal Department, 122 Ext. 3178. First Avenue, Suite 600, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Ambler, Native Village of ........ Beatrice Miller, ICWA Coor- P.O. Box 47, Ambler, AK (907) 445–2189; (907) 445–2257 [email protected] dinator; Katherine Cleve- 99786. (907) 445– land, First Chief Tribal 5051; (907) Council. 445–5051. Anaktuvuk Pass Village of ..... Joshua Stein, ICWA Pro- Arctic Slope Native Associa- (907) 852–9374 (907) 852–2763 [email protected] gram Manager. tion, P.O. Box 1232, Bar- row, AK 99723. Andreafski (see Yupiit of Andreafski). Angoon Community Associa- Marcie Kookesh, ICWA P.O. Box 328, Angoon, AK, (907) 788–3411 (907) 788–3412 [email protected] tion. Worker. 99820. Aniak, Village of ..................... Muriel Morgan, ICWA Work- P.O. Box 349, Aniak, AK (907) 675–4349 (907) 675–4513 [email protected]; [email protected] er; Laura Simeon, Tribal 99557.
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