DocumentA of the International Fund for Agricultural Development United Republic of Tanzania Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project Interim Evaluation Report December 2003 Report No. 1419-TZ Photo on cover page: United Republic of Tanzania An improved banana plot, Karagwe Source: IFAD Mission 2002 United Republic of Tanzania Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project Interim Evaluation Table of Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations iii Map v Agreement at Completion Point vii Executive Summary xiii I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background of the Evaluation 1 B. Methodology and Approach 1 C. Work Programme 2 D. Development and Project Perspective 3 II. MAIN DESIGN FEATURES AND IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS 5 A. Project Rationale and Strategy 5 B. Project Area and Target Group 5 C. Goal, Objectives and Components 6 D. Implementation Partners and Arrangements 7 E. Major Changes in Policy and Institution During Implementation 7 F. Design Changes During Implementation 7 G. Main Implementation Results 9 III. RURAL POVERTY IMPACT 18 A. Introduction 18 B. Impact on Physical and Financial Assets 19 C. Impact on Human Assets 21 D. Impact on Social Capital and Empowerment 23 E. Impact on Food Security 24 F. Environmental Impact 25 G. Impact on Institutions, Policie s and Regulatory Framework 26 H. Sustainability 26 I. Innovation and Replicability 27 J. Overall Impact Assessment 28 IV. PERFORMANCE OF THE PROJECT 29 A. Relevance of Objectives 29 B. Effectiveness 30 C. Efficiency 31 V. PERFORMANCE OF PARTNERS 34 A. Performance of IFAD 34 B. Performance of UNOPS 35 C. Performance of Government, Agencies and Project Management 35 D. Performance of NGOs/CBOs 36 E. Performance of Cofinanciers 36 VI. OVERALL ASSESSMENT AND CONCLUSIONS 38 VII. INSIGHTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 40 A. Lessons from Project Experience 40 B. Recommendations 41 Appendices 1. Approach Paper 47 2. Implementation Results 53 Farm, Household and Enterprise Models Revised Cost/Benefit and Internal Rate of Return Analysis 3. Impact Evaluation Matrix 55 4. Financial Management Analysis 61 5. Summary Physical Achievements 75 6. Revised Logical Framework 79 7. List of Principal Contacts and Documents 85 *Annexes 1. Agricultural Development 2. Environmental Management 3. Health 4. Water Supply 5. Village Access Roads 6. Community Involvement, Household and Poverty Impact 7. Gender Aspects and Issues 8. Monitoring and Evaluation *All Annexes are available from IFAD’s Office of Evaluation ([email protected]) ii Exchange Ratte Locall Currrrency = Tanzania Shillings (TZS) USD 1,,00 = TZS 990 TZS 1,,00 = 0..10 USD Fiscal Years Government : 1 July - 30 June Districts : 1 January - 31 December ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ARDI Agricultural Research and Development Institute ASDP Agricultural Sector Development Programme ASDS Agricultural Sector Development Strategy AWPB Annual Work Plan and Budget BTC Belgian Technical Co-operation BSF/JP Belgian Survival Fund Joint Programme CBO Community based Organization CI Co-operating Institution (for IFAD) CLP Core Learning Partnership (for/from this evaluation) cmd Cassava Mosaic Disease DANIDA Danish International Development Agency DALDO District Agricultural and Livestock Development Officer DAS District Administrative Secretary DC District Commissioner DCDO District Community Development Officer DED District Executive Director DIVEO Divisional Extension Officer DHMT District Health Management Team DMEO District Monitoring and Evaluation Officer DMO District Medical Officer DPC District Planning Committee DPFU District Project Facilitation Unit DPO District Pla nning Officer DRDP District Rural Development Programme (of Netherlands Government) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FC Farmer Cadre (informal extensionist) FFS Farmer Field School GDP Gross Domestic Product GTZ German Te chnical Assistance Agency HESAWA Health and Sanitation through Water (SIDA assisted programme) HIS Health Information System HIV/AIDS Human Immuno-deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome IPM Integrated Pest Management IPN Integrated Plant Nutrition KAEMP Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project KALIDEP Kagera Livestock Development Project KADETFU Kagera Development Trust Fund (successor to KALIDEP) km kilometre iii LBT Labour-based Technology (for road construction) LGRP Local Government Reform Programme LVEMP Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (of World Bank et al) MAFS Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security MCDWC Ministry of Community Development, Women’s Affairs and Children MCM Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing MOF Ministry of Finance MOH Ministry of Health MOTI Ministry of Trade and Industry MWCT Ministry of Works, Communication and Transport MWLD Ministry of Water and Livestock Development NGO Non-government Organisation NMB National Mic ro-finance Bank OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries PF Project Facilitator PFMU Project Facilitation and Monitoring Unit PIM Project Implementation Manual PMO Prime Ministers Office PORALG Presidents Office – Regional Administration and Local Government PRA Participatory Rural (or Rapid) Appraisal PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PSC Project Steering Committee QDS Quality Declared Seeds RAS Regional Administrative Secretary RC Regional Commissioner RDS Rural Development Strategy R/DHMT Regional/District Health Management Team RMO Regional Medical Officer SGA Seed Growers Association SIDA Swedish International Development Agency TBA Traditional Birth Attendant TOSCA Tanzanian Official Seeds Certification Agency TOT Trainer of Trainers TPB Tanzania Postal Bank UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services VEO Village Extension Officer VHC Village Health Committee VHW Village Health Worker VPO Vice Presidents Office VRC Village Roads Committee VWUG Village Water Users Group WDC Ward Development Committee WSHPMA Water, Sanitation and Health Project in Marginal Areas (of IFAD/BSF) iv v vi UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA KAGERA AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT INTERIM EVALUATION AGREEMENT AT COMPLETION POINT 1. This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) records the understanding among the key partners of the evaluation1 for the Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project (KAEMP) on the main insights and recommendations from the Interim Evaluation of the Project. The ACP is intended to contribute: to enhancing the implementation performance of KAEMP; to the future poverty alleviation and rural development planning of government and partners; and to the formulation by IFAD’s Eastern and Southern Africa Division of a new Country Strategy and Opportunities Paper (COSOP) for Tanzania that will set out the medium term strategic framework and investment priorities for Fund assistance. 2. The Interim Evaluation field work took place in November/December 2002 and employed the new IFAD Impact Evaluation Methodology. The preliminary findings, issues arising and tentative recommendations were examined and revised at a Regional Wrap-up Meeting and Stakeholder Workshop with some sixty district, farmer and community representatives and Project staff in Bukoba on 2 December; and, suitably amended, at a National Wrap-up Meeting with various senior ministry and partner agency officials in Dar es Salaam on 6 December 2002. 3. Following submission of the Draft Report in mid February 2003 and the receipt of comments from KAEMP project management, the Belgian Survival Fund, UNOPS, government, and other partners, the conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation were presented and discussed at a stakeholders’ workshop in Tanzania on 6 March 2003. 4. In discussion of the findings set out in the Draft Report, there was a wide measure of agreement among participants with the evaluation’s assessment of the project’s progress and impact. A few instances were noted where it was considered that the language of the report had conveyed a misleading impression of achievements, which has been accordingly amended as deemed appropriate by the evaluation team. 5. This ACP now summarises the key points of the consensus reached on the insights and recommendations of the evaluation, taking into account the observations made during the final stakeholders’ workshop on 6 March 2003. The ACP is arranged according to the two principal themes that emerged from discussions and the subsidiary recommendations related to the components and activities relevant to those themes. 1 The partners include IFAD (represented by the East and Southern Africa Division, Office of Evaluation and Belgian Survival Fund); UNOPS; the Government of Tanzania (represented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, the Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister’s Office), the KAEMP Project Facilitator; the Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) of Kagera, and the District Executive Directors (DEDs) in the five project districts. vii Issues and Recommendations Theme 1: Consolidation, Further Support and Sustainability 6. Perspective. Implementation of KAEMP coincided with decentralization of administration, service provision and development responsibilities to regions, districts and villages. The practical realisation of these devolution aims will depend on the availability and capability of local groups, both formal and informal, with common interests and a serious purpose for existence and continuity. The Project has
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