A Land-Grant University Auburn University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097: Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award Bachelor’s, First Professional, Master’s, Educational Specialist and Doctor’s degrees. Auburn University is an equal opportunity educational institution. A U B U R N U N I V E R S I T Y B U L L E T I N Volume 98 June 2003 Published annually in June Internet address for the Auburn University Bulletin is www.auburn.edu/student_info/bulletin/ 1 Contents Administration ............................................................... 4 College of Liberal Arts ................................................. 75 Academic Calendars ..................................................... 4 School of Nursing ........................................................ 86 The University ............................................................... 6 Harrison School of Pharmacy ..................................... 88 Academic Policies ......................................................... 8 College of Sciences and Mathematics ........................ 90 Financial Information ................................................... 21 College of Veterinary Medicine ................................. 100 Student Services ......................................................... 26 The Graduate School ................................................ 102 School and College Curricula...................................... 29 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps .............................. 125 College of Agriculture .................................................. 30 Courses of Instruction ............................................... 128 College of Architecture, Design and Construction....... 37 Faculty....................................................................... 241 College of Business .................................................... 41 Emeriti ....................................................................... 254 College of Education ................................................... 47 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station .................. 259 Ginn College of Engineering ....................................... 57 Alabama Cooperative Extension System .................. 262 School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences .................... 68 Enrollment Statistics.................................................. 267 College of Human Sciences ........................................ 71 Index ......................................................................... 270 Policy Notes The statements set forth in this bulletin are for informa- Center, or call 844-4794 between 7:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., tional purposes only and should not be construed as the ba- Monday through Friday. sis of a contract between a student and Auburn University. Sexual Harassment While the provisions of the bulletin will ordinarily be ap- Sexual harassment constitutes a violation of Civil Rights plied as stated, Auburn University reserves the right to change law as a form of sex discrimination and will not be tolerated any provision listed in this bulletin, including but not limited to by the University. It subverts the mission of the University academic requirements for graduation, without actual notice and threatens the careers, educational experience and well- to individual students. Every effort will be made to keep stu- being of students, faculty and staff. dents advised of any such changes. Information on changes Sexual harassment in academic settings and in the em- will be available in the Registrar’s Office and/or the dean’s ployment area where students are involved is defined as un- office. It is important that each student be aware of his or her welcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and individual responsibility to keep apprised of current gradua- other verbal, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature tion requirements for the student’s respective degree program. when (1) submission to such conduct may be explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a student’s academic success Civil Rights Compliance or employment, (2) submission or rejection of such conduct Auburn University is an equal opportunity educational in- may be used as the basis for employment or academic deci- stitution and operates without regard to race, sex, color, age, sions affecting the student and the student’s total educational religion, national origin, disability or veteran status. The Uni- and/or work experience or (3) such conduct has the purpose versity complies with the regulations of Titles VI and VII of or effect of substantially interfering with a student’s employ- the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act, the ment or academic performance or creates an intimidating, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Title IX of the Educa- hostile or offensive work or educational environment. Stu- tion Amendments of 1972, Sections 503/504 of the Rehabili- dents who wish to make a complaint of sexual harassment, tation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment or other discriminatory conduct, should contact the Vice Presi- Assistance Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. dent for Student Affairs in Cater Hall, or call 844-4710 be- Anyone wishing to file a complaint covered by the above tween 7:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. should go to the Affirmative Action Office in Suite 13 of the Quad Center, or call 844-4794 between 7:45 a.m. and 4:45 Smoking p.m., Monday through Friday. Smoking of tobacco in AU facilities and vehicles is prohib- ited except where signs are posted indicating otherwise. Equal Employment Opportunities It is the policy of Auburn University to provide equal em- Weapons ployment opportunities, including training for personnel mo- Auburn University prohibits possession, use and transpor- bility, for all individuals without regard to race, sex, age, reli- tation on university properties of any dangerous or poten- gion, color, national origin, disability or veteran status. Any- tially dangerous weapons, including fixed-blade knives, shot- one wishing to file a complaint covered by the above should guns, rifles, handguns, bows and arrows, crossbows, brass go to the Affirmative Action Office in Suite 13 of the Quad knuckles, air guns, swords and fireworks or explosive devices. 2 Administration B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S GAINES SMITH, B.S., M.Ag., Ed.D. Acting Director, Alabama Cooperative Extension System uburn University is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of one member from each congressional district, as these districts were LEE F. ARMSTRONG, B.S., J.D. Aconstituted on January 1, 1961, one member from Lee County, two at- General Counsel large members each of whom shall be a resident of the continental United States, the Governor and the State Superintendent of Education, who are ex-officio. The JANET SAUNDERS, B.B.A., M.A. State Superintendent shall serve until leaving office and will be replaced by one Executive Director, Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Office additional at-large member. The Governor is the President. Current trustees are appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the State Senate, for a JOHN G. HEILMAN, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. term of 12 years except in the case of the two at-large members, one of whom Senior Assistant to the President serves a term of four years and the other serves a term of seven years. Subsequent trustees will be appointed by a committee, by and with the consent of the State GRANT DAVIS, B.S., M.Ed. Senate, for a term of seven years, and may serve no more than two full seven- Secretary to the Board of Trustees year terms. A member may continue to serve until a successor is confirmed, but in no case for more than one year after a completion of a term. Members of the DAVID E. HOUSEL, B.A. board receive no compensation. By executive order of the Governor in 1971, a Director, Intercollegiate Athletics non-voting student representative selected by the Student Senate serves as a member ex-officio. SAM LOWTHER, B.S., M.B.A. Executive Director, Planning and Analysis Members Ex Officio BOB RILEY, Governor of Alabama, President ................................. Montgomery BUDDY MITCHELL, B.A. EDWARD R. RICHARDSON, State Superintendent of Education ....... Montgomery Executive Director, Governmental Affairs SGA President, non-voting ............................................................. Main Campus SGA President, non-voting ............................. Auburn University at Montgomery JOHN E. HACHTEL, B.A., M.A. Assistant Vice President, Communications and Marketing Appointed Members Terms Ending In 2003 LOWELL R. BARRON, Fyffe ...................................... 5th Congressional District CHARLES G. GLOVER, Cullman .............................. 7th Congressional District JACK B. VENABLE, Tallassee .................................. 4th Congressional District A C A D E M I C O F F I C E R S Term Ending In 2007 ROBERT E. LOWDER, Montgomery ........................ 2nd Congressional District JOHN W. JENSEN, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. PAUL J. SPINA JR., Hoover ...................................... 6th Congressional District Interim Dean, College of Agriculture JOHN G. BLACKWELL, Hampton Cove ................... 8th Congressional District DANIEL BENNETT, B.Arch., M.Arch. Term Ending In 2011 Dean, College of Architecture, Design and Construction WILLIAM JAMES SAMFORD JR., President Pro Tempore Opelika ..............................................................
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