Daniel F. Evans Astrophysics Group, Lennard-Jones Building, Keele University, Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom, ST5 6QE Email: [email protected] Research Interests The role of stellar multiplicity in planet formation. Detection and characterisation of exoplanet atmospheres. Technical Skills Reduction and analysis of high resolution imaging data and integral field spectroscopy. Scientific Python, C++, and x86 Assembly. Reduction of time-series CCD photometry. Education Keele University Ph.D. Astrophysics, 2014 { present `High Resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems' Supervisor J. Southworth. University of Sheffield MPhys Physics and Astronomy, 2010 { 2014 Research Ph.D. Student, Keele University, 2014 { present High Resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (supervisor J. South- worth) Masters Research Project, University of Sheffield, 2013 { 2014 Ultra-fast correlation of gravitational wave signals using Assembly code (supervisor E. Daw) Third Year Research Project, University of Sheffield, 2012 { 2013 Observations of the transiting exoplanet TrES-3b using the Point-5 Metre Telescope (su- pervisor V.S. Dhillon) Summer Research Project, Keele University, 2012 Measuring the physical properties of transiting planets from Isaac Newton Telescope pho- tometry (supervisor J. Southworth) Honours and Awards Tessella Prize in Physics For the most innovative use of software in a final year project, University of Sheffield, 2014. Proposals and Grants Awarded P.I. Observing proposal for SPHERE/VLT (September 2016) Awarded 9.0 hours in ESO Period 99. P.I. Observing proposal for SPHERE/VLT (April 2016) 1 Awarded 15.4 hours in ESO Period 98. P.I. Multiple Observing proposals for Danish 1.54m Telescope (2015-2017) 21.8 hours of observations since 2015 using the Two Colour Instrument (lucky imager). Co-I. Observing proposal for Danish 1.54m Telescope (2014) 25.6 hours of observations in 2014 using the Two Colour Instrument (lucky imager). P.I. Funding request for PhD student training at SAAO October 2016, $735, Keele University Researcher Development Funds. Teaching Experience Laboratory Demonstrator, Keele University, 2014{2017 Taught experimental skills and research techniques to undergraduate students in Physics Outreach AskScience Outreach Project, 2013{present Member of the organising committee of the `AskScience' project, an online, multi-discipline, question-and-answer forum reaching an audience of over 15 million. Conference Talks The effects of binary systems and contaminating light on transiting hot Jupiters NAM 2017, UK, July 2017 The effects of binary systems and contaminating light on transiting hot Jupiters EWASS 2017, Czech Republic, June 2017 Lucky Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planets (LITEP) MiNDSTEp Consortium Meeting, Italy, March 2016 Stellar Companions to Southern Exoplanet Host Stars NAM 2015, UK, July 2015 Observing Experience • 54 nights optical photometry and lucky imaging with the Danish 1.54m telescope (2015{2017) • 38 nights optical time-series photometry with the Calar Alto 1.23m telescope (2015{2017) • 14 nights optical time-series photometry with the SAAO 40in telescope (2016) Selected Publications High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). II. Lucky Imaging results from 2015 and 2016. Evans D.F., Southworth J, Smalley B., et al., 2016, A&A, submitted. WASP-20 Is a Close Visual Binary with a Transiting Hot Jupiter. Evans D.F., Southworth J., Smalley B., 2016, ApJ, 833, L19, arXiv 1611.08735. Contamination from a nearby star cannot explain the anomalous trans- mission spectrum of the ultrashort period giant planet WASP-103 b. Southworth J, Evans D.F., 2016, MNRAS, 463, 37, arXiv 1608.00746. High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). I. Lucky imaging observations of 101 systems in the southern hemisphere. 2 Evans D.F., Southworth J, Maxted P.F.L., et al., 2016, A&A, 589, 58, arXiv 1603.03274. 3 Publications 19 refereed publications, 3 first author. Total citations: 151, h-index: 7. Source: NASA Astrophysics Data System and Google Scholar. 2017 1. High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). II. Lucky Imaging results from 2015 and 2016. Evans D.F., Southworth J, Smalley B., Jørgensen U.G., Dominik M., Andersen M.I., Bozza V., Bramich D.M., Burgdorf M., Ciceri S., D'Ago G., Figuera Jaimes R., Gu S.-H., Hinse T.C., Henning Th., Hundertmark M., Kains N., Kerins E., Korhonen H., Kokotanekova R., Kuffmeier M., Longa-Pe~naP., Mancini L., MacKenzie J., Popovas A., Rabus M., Rahvar S., Sajadian S., Snodgrass C., Skottfelt J., Surdej J., Tronsgaard R., Unda Sanzana E., von Essen C., Wang Y.-B., Wertz O., 2016, A&A, submitted. 2. GravityCam: Wide-Field High-Resolution High-Cadence Imaging Sur- veys in the Visible from the Ground. Mackay C., Dominik M., Steele I.A., Snodgrass C., Jørgensen U.G., Skottfelt J., Stefanov K., Carry B., Braga-Ribas F., Doressoundiram A., Ivanov V.D., Gandhi P., Evans D.F., Hundertmark M., Serjeant S., Ortolani S., MNRAS, submitted, arXiv 1709.00244. 3. OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: First Spitzer Bulge Planet is an Extreme Super-Jupiter. Ryu Y.-H., Yee J.C., Udalski A., . , Evans D.F., et al., ApJ, submitted. 4. Qatar Exoplanet Survey : Qatar-3b, Qatar-4b, and Qatar-5b. Alsubai K., Mislis D., Tsvetanov Z.I., Latham D.W., Bieryla A., Buchhave L.A., Esquerdo G.A., Bramich D.M., Pyrzas S., Vilchez N.P.E., Mancini L., Southworth J., Evans D.F., Henning Th., Ciceri S., 2016, ApJ, 833, L19, arXiv 1611.08735. 2016 5. The First Simultaneous Microlensing Observations by Two Space Tele- scopes: Spitzer and Swift Reveal a Brown Dwarf in Event OGLE-2015- BLG-1319. Henderson C.B., Poleski R., Penny M., . , Evans D.F., et al., 2016, PASP, 128, 4401, arXiv 1512.09142. 6. WASP-20 Is a Close Visual Binary with a Transiting Hot Jupiter. Evans D.F., Southworth J., Smalley B., 2016, ApJ, 833, L19, arXiv 1611.08735. 7. Contamination from a nearby star cannot explain the anomalous trans- mission spectrum of the ultrashort period giant planet WASP-103 b. Southworth J, Evans D.F., 2016, MNRAS, 463, 37, arXiv 1608.00746. 8. The First Simultaneous Microlensing Observations by Two Space Tele- scopes: Spitzer and Swift Reveal a Brown Dwarf in Event OGLE-2015- BLG-1319. Shvartzvald Y., Li Z., Udalski A., . , Evans D.F., et al., 2016, ApJ, 831, 183, arXiv 1606.02292. 4 9. Many new variable stars discovered in the core of the globular clus- ter NGC 6715 (M 54) with EMCCD observations. Figuera Jaimes R., Bramich D.M., Kains N., Skottfelt J., Jørgensen U.G., Horne K., Do- minik M., Alsubai K.A., Bozza V., Burgdorf M., Calchi Novati S., Ciceri S., D'Ago G., Evans D.F., Galianni P., Gu S.-H., Harpsøe K.B.W., Haugbølle T., Hinse T.C., Hundert- mark M., Juncher D., Kerins E., Korhonen H., Kuffmeier M., Mancini L., Peixinho N., Popovas A., Rabus M., Rahvar S., Scarpetta G., Schmidt R.W., Snodgrass C., Starkey D., Street R.A., Surdej J., Tronsgaard R., Unda-Sanzana E., von Essen C., Wang X.-B., Wertz O., 2016, A&A, 592, 120, arXiv 1605.06141. 10. Mass Measurements of Isolated Objects from Space-based Microlens- ing. Zhu W., Calchi Novati S., Gould A., . , Evans D.F., et al., 2016, ApJ, 825, 60, arXiv 1510.02097. 11. WASP-120 b, WASP-122 b, AND WASP-123 b: Three Newly Discov- ered Planets from the WASP-South Survey. Turner O.D, Anderson D.R., Collier Cameron A., Delrez L, Evans D.F., Gillon M., Hellier C., Jehin F., Lendl M., Maxted P.F.L., Pepe F., Pollacco D., Queloz D., S`egransanD., Smalley B., Smith A.M.S., Triaud A.H.M.J., Udry S., West R.G., 2016, PASP, 128, 4401, arXiv 1509.02210. 12. Absolute parameters for AI Phoenicis using WASP photometry. Kirkby-Kent J.A., Maxted P.F.L., Serenelli A.M., Turner O.D., Evans D.F., Anderson D.R., Hellier C., West R.G., 2016, A&A, 591, 124, arXiv 1605.07059. 13. The Spitzer Microlensing Program as a Probe for Globular Clus- ter Planets: Analysis of OGLE-2015-BLG-0448. Poleski R., Zhu W., Christie G.W., . , Evans D.F., et al., 2016, ApJ, 823, 63, arXiv 1512.08520. 14. High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). I. Lucky imaging observations of 101 systems in the southern hemisphere. Evans D.F., Southworth J, Maxted P.F.L., Skottfelt J., Hundertmark M., Jørgensen U.G., Dominik M., Alsubai K.A., Andersen M.I., Bozza V., Bramich D.M., Burgdorf M., Ciceri S., D'Ago G., Figuera Jaimes R., Gu S.-H., Haugbølle T., Hinse T.C., Juncher D., Kains N., Kerins E., Korhonen H., Kuffmeier M., Mancini L., Peixinho N., Popovas A., Rabus M., Rahvar S., Schmidt R.W., Snodgrass C., Starkey D., Surdej J., Tronsgaard R., von Essen C., Wang Y., 2016, A&A, 589, 58, arXiv 1603.03274. 15. High-precision photometry by telescope defocussing - VIII. WASP- 22, WASP-41, WASP-42 and WASP-55. Southworth J, Tregloan-Reed J., Andersen M.I., Calchi Novati S., Ciceri S., Colque J.P., D'Ago G., Dominik M., Evans D.F., Gu S.-H., Herrera-Cordova A., Hinse T.C., Jørgensen U.G., Juncher D., Kuffmeier M., Mancini L., Peixinho N., Popovas A., Rabus M., Skottfelt J., Tronsgaard R., Unda-Sanzana E., Wang X.-B., Wertz O., Alsubai K.A., Andersen J.M., Bozza V., Bramich D.M., Burgdorf M., Damerdji Y., Diehl C., Elyiv A., Figuera Jaimes R., Haugbølle T., Hundertmark M., Kains N., Kerins E., Korhonen H., Liebig C., Mathiasen M., Penny M.T., Rahvar S., Scarpetta G., Schmidt R.W., Snodgrass C., Starkey D., Surdej J., Vilela C., von Essen C., Wang Y., 2016, MNRAS, 457, 4205, arXiv 1512.05549. 16. Spitzer Observations of OGLE-2015-BLG-1212 Reveal a New Path to- 5 ward Breaking Strong Microlens Degeneracies.
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