Abuse/Church kept transferring priest > From page 1 signed Kffmgcr lo St. Pcier of Alcantara, a parish in Fori ublie file obtained Monday Washington. Later in 1979, -he ?he Journal, Those briefs moved to Holy Name in Sheboy­ give a summary of what ihe de* gan. positions contain. Graham's report said that al­ 29 REPORTS OF ABUSE though he did not think Efllngcr Fnr ihe lint lime. Hit rcccrdi was primarily homosexual or pe- give an indication of the scope of dophiliac, he was worried thai the problem of pedophile prints alcohol might present Effinger According to with problems in the fixture. Elliott's pTicf. "Someone of significant ecclt- there vtcjt 29 sinsiical stature ought to chew reports of sexu­ him out royally," Graham was al abuse of quoted as saying. children by pricsis between lifTin^r tCItJfttd thai no'one the time Arch> inmniurcd or supervised iii^. con­ fu'flhon \\tm- tact n-iil] children while at FfhlV bcrt Wcakbrul Nit me Alllui.i£li Wertklnric] Timeliness of complaints nrrivct} in Mil­ talked to him about one of (he waukee in Sexual abuse complaints, EfTm­ 1977 and 5*0- EjDWFfl ger was not ^chewed out royal­ is left for jury to decide trntber 1592. ty," according to court records. A jurv will have to determine court to determine whether the Lt is unclear how many oi' INFORMATION WITHHELD those ceimnlmni? were fried by whether five adults who say they church properly supervised, f^f- multiple victims accusing it sin- Weak)and, acenrdmg tn-fil- were sexually abused as children finger. Hie rrical. lioU's brief, "dcJIheratcfy .and hy I-oi Iter William Ef linger acicd The state t'rlvello sunt,.c$> '\h>' tuchdmreic docs no) purposefully** wiililu-kJ infofrmi' quietly enough, Milwaukee nut determine whether;-the have a policy irjurdins chifd se*- lion about EfTinter's rm>i»Urn«i County Circuit Judjte Print T. church supervision wnt .ioi;ii.» ual nbme, and it has never con- from Ihe pastor and others 'at Trivello h,is ruttJ. prtate on satmd malten suflj ju Holy Name. duued a program m edutJiLc In pretrial rnotitmi Mondiy prayer life, but s^itt it could eval­ leather* and administrators of "Archbishop Weakland con­ lowyeti for wthtmt and the uate how well it priest vtas stJnJ?- ihtfjr obNginirn h> repr>it JUS- cedes that this would have^bcen chuidi anjtinl Hint ri>urmenjni1 vised in his dany denlm^virith prctcd ejuft of seiunl tthuse Of of grave concern to any patfish, o wnni.in who have sought dvil porishioncrs. •! "!•.! 111 «• i =. !::•'!•.:.? and there was serious probability <Jjii»n|tr» Ibc the alirjcd abuw A number ul civil Jnwkui'Ls According tn OIJou's briefs, hricw or ihe wrong fulness of ihe have been brought regardifti-Ef- L that had Archbishop Weakfehd urt'hdjot. «an officials who trive made his disclosures, Effitigcr SB-IUII SL'II wlh ilte pneiti and finger, 60, who is now scrPih±a testimony in dupf^ilEom said probably would have been limit­ that it caused them harm, hut 10-year prison sentence fot'^the I hey nil UltLM:d flic compjami* ed or unable to function lit'the they did not act lirfure ilit stat­ second-degree sexual assault'of a LhnL Eifingcr had sexually abu.s'td parish," Elliott says in his brief ute of limitations to tih- siitti 14-ycar-old Shebovgan boy in children. mni[)!:unn eiplred. 1988. J , The court briefs grv* this f-atner Jamfi liess, a Ppcst Scott Roeder and Ncai 'P*t\- summary o!" Effingcr** hisiory ^ho served with FfTinger'from The fLsur is a enielal one for tenbath nrc lw.* of Ihe prooic and tifiw the archdiocese him* I9&t until i'JSJat^loJyNarwin those attempting to seek dam- who have filed di'll :.-.,,,:• i.kd complnipit against the Shcboyyan, laid he wouhj not ages for asinc they esperien«d ngainsi Effinger, ihe Milwaukee priest: have accepted fifflm^'s assign­ at children, often years in Ihe Archdioceie and their fMmjr Effinger had a poor scholastic ment Imd he known of ihe s,extjal past. The Inohility of the state to parishes. Rocdtr. 37. nllegedl) record in the seminary, finishing Abttcc compbrnK -«-« prosecuie those ucmsctl of MIL* was abused in the luwi'. 's( St 32nd of 34 students. His disci­ imuoiiduct and the. dtilicnlty of Mary's Ctthdit, Church in K»- plinary record was only fair and Incaurt records, Ntisiiidjie seeking civil dnmaem has crKtt- h tijmpliiincit to riow-telirrf) A'uv noshti. Fchrcnhach, 3S, s^'i Hf- his personality was regarded as 1 ed o public derate and piompietl (lnBti tried lu mnlesi liirp tn "a bit odd and sensitive.** tiiarv Bishop I eo Rm« KyW* cm! Jt£Uluiw, to seek ait elimina­ limes ihnt Ffiloger licrame-tn- lilti at hi:, psrems' home in The general assessment of tion or the statute of limitation* Sheboygan loAkateil and, then used foul lan­ in such rates him was thai he was "slow to guage. Two men and a uoman .vrlio catch UP and vei nccth someone On another issue, Crivello have cases pending befort 'Cri­ who can ketp him busy.* Fnther Jnsrco_h Jam^kLf sn ruled that it is noi a violation of vello have filed their laM-suits Weak Inn rt 1 c si i fi-r d in CGtm anrhtfitKeson omcial fram Jm1 the First Amendment protection under aliases ', document* that Lll index's settii- ihifm^h 19S5, said it wa? iifJTtJc of free exercise of religion for a — Marie fto/iili' nary rc<;o:d was so bad ihut he arthdiocfsc's policy lo irTl n f.ar- hoped titndi- tffa of n priest's drut or AUOIHJI dales hfcc i:r problem^. finger would not be or- Janicki testified that in 1^83 dni'ii.il H'rtJiiy he talked to Eflinger abouT'the EfflllJ!^IrE problem, but made no inquiries ft**! ii\;-ifli- lo prevent abuse. meiHwmaE SI. Janicki also testified that 'he rMaiVs Oil bo- was "aware that Eflinger'^Upk He rhtirch in boys to a cottage up north and 1 iCtJIi'rlllii. ll\ thai Weakland had been tpjd in Itfol he br- uriting about the trip. WntKUM came chaplain Around this lime, Effinger for Scot! litift organ nations m Kc* was sent to Anthony Gillette; a rtujltr CtKiniy. mid i« IVtift \tv Wausau psychologist, fcrevaiua- was the director for ihe- county's tion. He reported to the arcJSdto- Catholic Youth Cirpunirnihm. cese that Effingcr admiitedHhai lt was unclear from Elliott's he had had sexual contact with a brief exactly when (he first alle­ number iif youihs over (he yean, gations were made against Effin- After Scott IRoeder, Tjt jof ger. One of ihe alleged victims, Sheboygan> tine oT E(finger's jtl* who filed his lawsuit under an icged ^clims^ cantfi fonvBtd in alias, said he went to ihe princi­ late Septtmbtrr Imi, the arylidi- pal at St. Mary's elementary occw eomidercvl .'• LTn*linp' HUiit- school to report thai he and his gvr to Llit Gutsi Hoiiie m f^^)'- brothers and sisters were being MTcr, Mmn.H lor mpjiljrnl ircnt- abused by the priest. ntent. Ftither Thomas Venne. appih- COUNSELING PHOVIDED er diocesan ofificial, said thai be­ In 1979, a couple from Si. cause Effingcr had served ,^ol> Francis de Sales parish in Lake Name for 12 years, parishioners Geneva, where Effinger was next would simply be told that his assigned, wrole Weakland and lerm had expired. said their son had been abused "Venne testified thai had on Easter Sunday. Weakland there been nr> rptfUl (rawtotfoB I sent Effinger to a Milwaukee of Roedej'i c^inrUnint. Holy- therapist, Leo Graham, for coun­ Name Parish would noi have seling. been (old ihe true tewm ilie Before receiving the reporl archdiocese removed Effinger,?' . from Graham, Wcakland as- Elliou said in his briefs. ADOM008478 JOURNAL 11/9/93 Officials believed priest abused kids but kept quiet, records say By MARIE ROHM lor sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy at Holy 31993 The Mggrauhwi Journal Name Catholic Charch in Sheboygan, the last par­ ish where Effingcrserved, Time after time, officials of the Milwaukee Cath­ He, ihe archdiocese and the parishes *her* olic Archdiocese were made aware of "believable trfmgrr KCntd ;ITC also being stud in i.i-.-i] couri by •it. - UILOM;. ' that Father William lEITingef had st\u- a number of men nnd ^'oiiwn ^vho cliim ihey wore ally abustd LLhi1i5rcn and had a drinking pmhlfm vieiim^ed by ihe priest when ihey wwt children. Hut the troubled mien WW moved quietly front La^tuiu broughT by five of ihow altered victim; parish to parish wiiWn iinyone being warned of Are pending hemic Milwaukee Qniniy Clrtufi the allegations or of xny h;.rm he might cause. JudilL* Frank f. Crivelto At the request of defense IIHICCLI, if their bad bden no public: in of o Ijiwy-m, Orvdio has oakiftJ thill lesmmwy tjicn tnmphimt filed b> ScoH ttoeJer, nt> unc yfflUld in pretrial depositions from several top 1u:al church hove Itomeil the true reason for his ncJiwvul fmm [jfliciaLs not be made public. his last parish, according to testimony quoted In However, briefs filed by Robert Elliott, a lawyer court documents made public at a reporter's re­ representing the alleged victims, are part of the quest. Eflinger, 60 is serving a 10-year prison sentence Please see Abuse page t L&v**) ADOM008479 1JKEE JOURNAL State * Tuesday Ociobcr27,1992 Sheboygan priest in treatment after allegation of sex abuse By MARIE ROHDE staff. pa ns! tinners and others re­ and moved to Sheboygan.iwhcrc 11 Journal religion reporter garding the allegations made public two of his children attend Holy by the alleged victim on W1SN-TV Name elementary school.
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