!IU;GD. MH 1776 Panaji, 26th July, 1973 (Sravana 4, 1895) SERIES III No. 17 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ,GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Finance !Revenue) Department AND D!U Excise Station - Panaii . General Administration Department Notice Office of the. Collector of Go. The following quantity of Indian Made Foreign LiguOI'" and Country Liquor confiscated in favour of Government Schedule organized as per Section 148 of the Decree will be auctioned in the premises of the Excise Station No. 3602 dated 24.-11-1917 of the concessionaires who re­ Panaji at 11 a. m. on 17th August, 1973 to the bidder who deemed the ground rent of the emphyteusis described below: offers the highest price. If necessary the auction for second and third time will be held at 11 a. m. on 23rd and 29th August, 1973 respectively at the above mentioned place. Name of the Ground Sr. Name of the emphyteusis/ Situation rent Only the licensed vendors of liquors will be allowed to No. concessiona.ire Title No. & redeemed partiCipate in the auction. Date R,. India made foreign liquor: 1. Madeva Custa PirlagaUmola. Dudalof 100:00 Sovereign Brandy - 49 quarts bottles. Naique of Costi. Title No. 1475 Sanguerq.. Sovereign Brandy -14 pints bottles. dated 8-8-1945 Five Star Brandy - 12 quarts bottles. Five Star Brandy - 48 pints bottles. Rum (Hercules, Old Monk) -13 quarts bottles. Panaji, 19th July, 119'JiS. - The Collector, S. R. Arya. Brandy - 2 quarts bottles. Gin - 2 quarts bottles. -----<0--- Country liquor: Office of the Civil Administrator, Diu Cashew feni - 49 quarts bottles. Cashew feni - 28 pints bottles. Old Barrel palm feni - 68 quarts bottles. Notificotion Palm feni -15 quarts bottles. No. CAD/ELN/MUN/POLL/10/73/797 Palm feni -132 pints bottles. In pursuance of the provisions 'of Section 21 'of {he Goa, The successful bidder have to pay the excise duty leviable Daman and Diu Muruicipamtues Act, l.J968, it is hemeby noti­ if any on the above mentioned quantity of liquor as well fied for public infonnatdon that ShIU Francisco XaVller de as the price immediately. The bid will be final only after Brito, of Diu ward No.3, was declared duly coopted by the the approval by the Excise Commissioner. The Government President of Diu Municipal Council, in 'a me~ting convened however reserves the right to reject -the bid without assign­ ing any reason thereo'f. on 15-5-.11173. Diu, 29th May, ,197;3. - The OivIl Administrator, Egipcio Panaji, 17th July, 1973.-The Excise Officer, I/e, M. J. Monteiro. N. Rodrigues. • eeo Maml.tdar's Office of Sanguem raluka Local Self Government Department No!;ce No. BES/LND/2/73 Forest Department D. P. Anvekar, Mamlatdar of Sanguem Taluka. In pursuance of article 3 of Legislative Diploma No. 349 dated 8-11-1028, all heirs of late Shri Minguel Jose Joannes, No+ificetion of Margao, Taluka Salcete, concessionaire of Government land namely «Sem denominagao espeCli'al», situated at Ban­ The forest area of Mangal village, Maina Round, Quepem doli, Sanguem and contained in «Processo de COTI"cessao» Range of Quepem Taluka, should be added to Sanguem Range no. 89/c. af/1959, dated 15-2-1964, are hereby notified to for administrative purposes and public interest from the date appe3(r' in t~is 'Of:6ice on '18-8-1'97:3 at IG.OO a. m., lin order .to of issue of this notification. An the concerned public are choose one of the heirs for the bestowal of the said Alvara . requested to take note of the change. • _v_ Sa'llguem, 1.8th Jully, 1973. - The Mamlatdar, D. P. Anve­ Panaji, 18th July, 1973. - The Conservator of Forests, S. S. kaT. Bhatee. 274 SERIES III No. 17 \ Food and Civil Supplies Department .Public Works Department Wqrks Division III, (PH!:) Pdnaji-Goa Tender Notice no. "vVDhl IIADM/ 11173·74 The Executive Engineer, W!ork's DivtisIon TIr, PWD, Panaji, Goa, invites on behalf of the PreSi'dent of India, sealed Item Rate Tenders from approved and eligible suppliers upto 3.00 p. m. on 4-8-1973, for the following supplies, se­ parate1y:- Estimated cost Sr. Descriptions Earnest Money No. in Rs. in Rs. Time Limit 1. Supply of C. I. Detacha;ble jomrt'S ....- ....................... 10,000-00 250-00 40 Oalendar days. 2. Supply of C. I. Specials, SLull'ce Va>1ves and pjg-Lead .. 9,97~-32 250-00 30 Calendar days. Tenders will be opened at 3.00 p. m. on the same day. The tender of the contt'lactors who do not depoSit Earnest Earnest money shown against 'supplies, should be deposited Money in the prescribed mamner will be summarlly lr:ejected.· in the State Bank fof India or :any S'cheduled Bank .in the form of DepOSit at Call Receilpt :and' enclosed it with .the tren:det'. Conditions and tender forms can be had from this RJight to reject any or all the tenders without assigning Office upto 4.00 p. m. of 3-8-1973 on all working days any reas'on thereof lis rr:eserved. on payment of Rs. 5/~ for each (Non-refundable) per each ~tem lin cash. If reqUlired by post an ;amount of Rs. 2.50 for Panaji, l'9th July, 1973.,-The Executive Engineer, S. M. ~ach will be -charged eX/tira. Nadkarni. Tender Notice no. -WDHil/ADM/12/73-74 " .' The Executive Engineet" Wlork,s Division III, PWD, Panaji, Goa, "'inVllrtes on behalf of the President of India, 'Sealed Item Rate Tenders from approved and 'el'lgib1e suppliers upto 3.00 _po m. on '10..J8--ll!973, for the foHowing supplies, sepa­ l'ately: - *The'tender at Sr. No. :1 is re-mvited. Estimated Earnest Sl. No. Descriptions cost money Time Limit in Rs. in Rs. 1. Supply of M:ea'Sur1ng an'd Weighing Insbr·uments, La- boratory tools, glassware 'and chemicals .............. 39,368-75 90 Calend31I" days. 2. Supply of Mesh 2"X2" of :10 SWG,GI Chaiin Link fen- Oing ................................................................... 11,470-00 290-00 30 Calendar days. Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. The tender of the contractors who do not deposit Earnest Earnest money shown against supplies, should be deposited in Money in the prescribed mraIlJIler will be summanily re­ the Strute Bank 'Of India 'or amy Scheduled Bank in the form jected. of Deposit at Call Recellpt 'a..nd encl'osed lit wLth the tem:1er. Conditions and ,tender" forms can be had from this Office Rlight to reject any or aIll the tenders without assigning upto 4.00 p. m. 'of 9~-.l!973 on all working days on payment any reason thereof is !reServed. of Rs. 5/- for each (Non-refundable) pel!- -each jtem in ('ash. If reqUired by post an amount of Rs. 2.'50 for 'each will be Panaji, 20th July, 19-7:3.. -The Executive IDnglineer, 8. 1Ii. dlarged extt"a. Nadkarni. , . Hydraulics and Irrigation Works Division V - Panllti Tender Notice No. 'H 1/ Accts/F-J3/7!i73-74 The Executive Engineer, Works Division V(H&I), P.W.D., invites on behalf of the President of India sealed percentage/ /Item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of P. W. D.jMES.jRadlways, upto ,3, p. m. 'On ,16th August, 1973, for the bel'OW mentioned works:- Estimated Earnest Time limit Cost Sr. No. Name of the works amount money ;n days of tender in Rs. in Rs. 1n Rs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Percentage rate tender 1. Construction of Pucca bandhara cum-vehicular bridge at Karhewada Mandrem Village, Taluka Pednem....... 37,662-'66 942-00 60 5/- «Item rate tenders» ','" ·:2.- L'ift Irrugation S'cheme at Vanttem Talukta Sat-ari. 3,82,765-17 9,569-00 120 15/- 2. Lift Irrigation Scheme at Vathadev Taluka Bicholim. 89,519-00 2,238-00 90 5/- 3. ' Lift Irrigation Scheme at Pariye Taluka Satari. ......... 83_542-00 2,089-00 90 5/- 26TH JULY, 1973 (BRAVANA 4, 1895) 275, Tenders will be opened on the same date at 3-30 p. m. If required by post, an amount of RB. 2-50, will be charged extra. The contractors should produce original Income-tax clear­ ance certiilicate at the time of byun:g of rtendems. In case of L. I. Schemes:- 1. Tenderers if so desire may give clear alternative The earnest money should be deposited in the State Bank designs, satisfying the requirements, in a separate of India, Panaji-Goa, receipted challan sent with the tender sealed cover. or in the form of deposit at call of the Scheduled Bank. Con­ ditions of the contract and tender forms can be had from 2. Pumps & motors should be preferable of Kirloskar the above mentioned: Office upto 114-8-1973, 'On all working make. days on payment of the cost of tender (Non-refundable). 3. Motors should be totally enclosed fan~cooled slip-ring to be installed irn '8. suitable shed. The tender of the contractors who do not depos1t Earnest· Money tin the presorlibed manner, willI be summaxily vejected. 4. All electrical equipments should be of reputed Firms. Right to reject any or all the tenders is reserved without Panaji, 20th July, 11973,. - The Emcutiv;e Engineer, U. R. assigning any reasons. Pissurlencar. Works Di .... ision VI- Fatord-a-Marga-o .(Goa) Tender Notice> no. W:DVI'/A!DM-I/K-3/3/73-74 The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI, PWD, Margao, Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed ItemjPercentage Rate Tenders from approved and eligible contractors of C.P:W.D.
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