Missouri Mormon War Timeline of Events Sunday, June 17, 1838 threaten him on August 8, 1838, if he did not sign a pe- Sidney Rigdon’s Salt Speech tition not to molest the people called Mormons.. War- Sidney Rigdon used Matthew 5:13 as the theme for rants of arrest are issued for Joseph Smith and Lyman his discourse: “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt Wight. have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is Thursday, August 30, 1838 thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to B. M. Lisle, Adjutant General Jefferson City, be trodden under foot of men.” Rigdon used the spir- letter to Major General David R. Atchison itual metaphor to encourage the Saints to cast out the 3d Div. Missouri Militia, Richmond, MO dissenters from the Latter-day Saint communities. Adjutant General B. M. Lisle dispatches orders from the Commander-in-Chief, Governor Lilburn W. Boggs Wednesday, July 4, 1838 to Major General Atchison to raise immediately, in his Sidney Rigdon’s 4th of July Speech division, four hundred men, mounted and equipped. Speaking of the Constitution of the United States, This is to be done because of the indications of Indi- Rigdon proclaimed the Church’s rights and freedom an disturbances on “our immediate frontier” and re- from its enemies. The sentiment expressed in the ser- cent civil disturbances of Caldwell, Daviess and Car- mon was indicative of a new attitude some of the mem- roll Counties. Note: Similar letters to Generals John B. bers of the Church were taking toward their enemies Clark, Samuel D. Lucas, David Willock, Lewis Bolton, – that they were justified in taking up arms against per- Henry W. Crowther and Thomas D. Grant. secutors. Monday, August 6, 1838 Saturday, September 1, 1838 Election Day Battle at Gallatin Indian Scheme Letter William P. Peniston, a candidate for state legislator Daniel Ashby, James Keyle, and Sterling Price of and a staunch foe of the Saints, mounted a barrel at the Brunswick, Missouri send a letter to Governor Boggs polling site of the Gallatin Election stating, “The Mor- concerned over a scheme of the Mormons to use the mon leaders are a set of horse thieves, liars, counterfeit- Indians to “work general destruction of all that is not ers, and you know they profess to heal the sick, and cast Mormon,” and contains a statement by an ex-Mormon, out devils, and you also know that is a lie.” This action Nathan Marsh, confirming their fears of this plan. The led to an all-out brawl between the Gentiles and the signers suggest issuing orders of the Militia in case of Saints. Several men are severely injured. emergency. Wednesday, August 8, 1838 Sunday, September 2, 1838 Agreement of Peace Letters by Joseph Smith Joseph Smith and other members ride to Gallatin Joseph Smith writes two letters: one to Major Gen- following exaggerated reports of the death of several eral David R. Atchison and one to Circuit Judge Austin Saints during the Gallatin Election Day fight. Arriving A. King. Smith requests legal assistance from Atchison. at Lyman Wight’s home at Adam-ondi-Ahman they Smith prays that Judge King will assist in putting down learn the truth – that nobody was killed. They ride to “the mob” then collecting in Daviess County. Justice of the Peace Adam Black and demand that he Tuesday, September 4, 1838 sign an “agreement of peace.” Black refuses and later is- Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight sues a complaint against Joseph Smith, Lyman Wight surrender to authorities and others. Upon learning of the complaint filed by Adam Black Tuesday, August 28, 1838 and a warrant of arrest issued by Judge Dryder, Joseph Arrest Warrant Issued Smith and Lyman Wight surrender to authorities on Daviess County Justice of the Peace Adam Black September 4, 1838. They request a hearing before Cir- issues a sworn statement before Justice of the Peace cuit Court Judge Austin A. King. William Dryden stating that Joseph Smith and others 1 Missouri Mormon War Timeline of Events Wednesday, September 5, 1838 Sunday, September 9, 1838 Joseph Smith Jr. Affidavit Stockpile of Weapons Seized Joseph Smith executes an affidavit before Caldwell Church members seize a stockpile of weapons they County Justice of the Peace, Elias Higbee, explaining had found. These weapons were illegally obtained by the how he had met with Justice of the Peace Adam Black mob and were being sent to assist vigilante forces in Da- August 8, 1838, in an attempt to stop the violent actions viess County. Three men are arrested that were guard- toward the Saints. He states that Black has been “en- ing the weapons. The men are taken to Far West. Upon gaged in endeavoring to drive” the Saints from Daviess hearing this report General Atchison ordered that the County. three prisoners and the weapons be turned over to him, and the Saints complied. Thursday, September 6, 1838 Clerk of Circuit Court of Carroll County, Monday, September 10, 1838 Carrollton, MO Hon. Austin A. King letter to Governor Boggs Judge 5th Judicial Circuit, Richmond, MO Affidavit of John N. Sapp relative to the Mormons letter to in Daviess County. Swears that he was a member of the Major General David R. Atchison Sect but left Aug. 15 last, by stealth; tells of the building 3d Div. Missouri Militia of block-houses and the arming of groups of men desig- Judge King states, “I do not know of any authority I nated as Danites and of their object of inducing the In- have to direct your movement in the matter, but I will dians to help them in making war on the Missourians. advise you and hope you may deem it your duty to act Sworn before Clerk of County Court, Joseph Dickson. in the matter to send a force Say of 200 men... (to) dispel the forces in Daviess and all the assembled armed forc- Thursday, September 6, 1838 es in Caldwell, and while there cause those Mormons Preliminary Hearing Delayed who refuse to give up, to surrender and be recognized Daviess County, MO for it will not do to compromise the law with them.” Circuit Court Judge Austin King opens a prelimi- He encloses the petition from citizens of Ray County nary hearing of Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight, at the to General Atchison requesting “aid to suppress this in- residence of a Mr. Littlefield. A mob attends and dis- surrection.” rupted the hearing. No testimony is taken and the hear- ing is continued until 10 o’clock the next morning at the Tuesday, September 11, 1838 residence of a Mr. Raglin, eight miles further south and Major General David R. Atchison within a half-mile of the Caldwell county line. orders to Brigadier General Alexander Doniphan Friday, September 7, 1838 Major General Atchison, orders Brigadier Gener- Preliminary Hearing before al Doniphan to Daviess and Caldwell Counties to put Circuit Judge Austin A. King down any insurrection. Daviess County, MO The preliminary hearing is reconvened, September Wednesday, September 12, 1838 7, 1838. William P. Peniston is the prosecutor. Adam Citizens of Daviess and Livingston Counties, Black is the sole witness for the State. The defendants, letter to Governor Boggs, Jefferson City Joseph Smith Jr. and Lyman Wight are represented by Letter requests protection from the Mormons and David R. Atchison and Alexander Doniphan. The de- recounts attack on Adam Black and the capture of guns, fense introduces testimony by Dimick B. Huntington, ammunition and prisoners by the Mormons. They ask Gideon Carter, Adam Lightner, and George W. Robin- protection and support from the State. Signed by George son. The defendants are bound over for trial at the Da- F. Prichard before Clerk of Court, R. Wilson. viess County circuit court and released on a $500 bond each. Trial is set for November. 2 Missouri Mormon War Timeline of Events Wednesday, September 12, 1838 Saturday, September 15, 1838 Major General David R. Atchison, Brig. Gen. Alexander W. Doniphan, Headquarters, Headquarters, 3d Div. Missouri Militia, 1st Brig., 3d Div. Missouri Militia, Camp at Grand Richmond, MO River, MO. letter to Major Gen. David R. Atchison, letter to Governor Boggs, 3d Div. Missouri Militia., Richmond, MO Jefferson City, MO Letter concerns movements of militia into Caldwell General Atchison advised that from information re- and Daviess Counties in order to confiscate guns from ceived from counties of Daviess and Caldwell, he is con- Mormons and non-Mormons. Doniphan arrives at Far vinced an insurrection does exist. Actions to put down West and collects weapons then goes on to Millport the insurrection are listed by him, including assistance where he negotiates between Mormons and non-Mor- to civil officers and citizens of Daviess and Caldwell mons. Counties. Acknowledged assistance of Col. Wiley C. Monday, September 17, 1838 Williams, his aide. Major Gen. David R. Atchison, Headquarters, 3d Div. Missouri Militia, Grand River, MO Saturday, September 15, 1838 letter to Governor Boggs, Jefferson City, MO William Dryden, Justice of the Peace, Letter relates to the movement of Atchison’s Divi- Daviess County sion from their headquarters at Grand River in Daviess letter to Governor Boggs, Jefferson City, MO County and the discovery of two to three hundred armed Petition regarding Dryden’s actions taken as a result citizens of Livingston, Carroll and Saline Counties. The of Adam Black’s affidavit and the appointment of Na- Mormons have gathered at Adam-ondi-Ahman and are thaniel H. Blakely as special deputy to serve writ issued acting on the defensive. Orders all armed men to their by Dryden for the arrest of the parties listed in the af- homes.
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