Ordinances, Scheme of Examination and Courses of Study M. Phil. Examination, 1984. NIEPA DC D05763 UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN JAIPUR Price . Rs. 3.75 Sub National Systems tS»it Sfticnnl 0‘ NOTICE I. The Ordinances, governing' the examinations in the Faculties of Arrs, Fine Arts* Social Sciences, Science, Commerce and Law are contained in a separate booklet. The students are advised to refer to the same. 2 Changes in Statutes/Ordinances/ Rules/Regulations/Syllabi and Books may from time to time be made by amendment or re-making, and a candidate shall, except in so far as the University determines otherwise, comply with any change that applies to years he has not completed at the time of change. @ University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Printed at the Rajasthan University Press, Jaipiur CONTENTS Ordinnances relating to M. Phil. Examination 1,1. Hindi 7 22. U rdu 11 33. English 15 4.4. Sanskrit 21 5.5. Psychology 31 6.5. Political Science 38 7.7. Statistics 64 8.5. Business Administration 80 9.). Zoology 81 10.). Chemistry 11. Physics 99 12.:. Mathematics 104 13... Philosophy 112 14.. Sociology 118 15.. E .A .F.M . 119 16. Public A dm inistration 123 17.. H istory 127 18.. Accountancy & Business Statistics 153 19.. G eography 156 20. Economics 160 M . P h i l Ordinance Relatin« to IVI. Phil. Exaniination O. 1: 23— V : 1. IThe General provisions of Statutes, Ordinances etc. in respecct of admission of students to the examinations of the Univrersity in;luding enrohnent, discipline, Health & Residence as aI:lsoi for affiliation of Colleges will apply for M. Phil. Courrses/Examination unless otherwise specified hereunder. 2. /A candidate for admission to the courses of study for the degreee of M, Phi!, must have obtained a Master’s Degree (with atleaast 55% marks in the Post-graduate examination or second divisi.ion at :he Post-graduate examination with at least a seconnd division at the degree examination) of the University or of arny other University/Institution recognised as equivalent theretto in the subject or any allied subject in which he/she wishees to pursue the course provided that the Master’s degree Bhoulld have been obtained after taking the Bachelor’s Degree for ffull prescribed course for the degree provided that a candiidate getting second division at the Post-graduate examina­ tion ^with less than 55 % marks may be permitted to pursue the M.Phhil. course on the special recommendation of the Head of the D)epartment/Principal concerned. 3. The duration of the courses of study for M. Phil, degree shall I be one academic year. The M. Phil. Examination shall be wvritter or partly written and partly oral and/or practical as may be p-escribed from time to time by the .Syndicate on the recormmerdation of the Academic Council^ The teacher teacMiing ihe course, (in the case of regular students), the Supecrvisor concerned (in the case of Research Scholars and Teacthers) shall act as an examiner for that course/part of the coiirsse. ; "^he names of such persons shall be sent by the Head of thie Department/Supervisor to the Registrar indicating the coursse/pa-t of the course being taught by the teacher conterned withiin a month from the date of commencement of the acadeemic session. Il The candidates shall be subjected to a proce?ss of continuous assessment. The procedure for continuous ( 2 ) iment shall be decided by the Vice-Chancellor on imendation of the Committee appointed by him for )se and the procedure so decided shall be notified to nts and proper record of their achievement shall! tained by the Head of the Department/Supervisor. 1 examination shall be held at the end of the acadej on such dates as are fixed by the University. The fi ination shall be conducted by the Head of the Dep; /Supervisor in the University/Institution concerned i 4ead of the Department/Supervisor shall erisure t ion-papers are got set from the teacher(s) coiicerned ice so that the same could be made available to dates on the dates fixed for the examination after tl :ration by a committee appointed for the purpose by Chancellor. All norms of secrecy shall be maintained eachers and the Head of the Department/Supervi ;rned in respect of the question papers. Thus, while ion-papers may be different for different institutions, nittee to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for imending mode of continuous assessment and (ii) mod( ting the question-papers shall be common for ail the Inst tions. 4. A candidate who pursues a regular course of study the University or in an affiliated college for one academic j and has produced a certificate from the Head of the Depj ment concerned that he is satisfied with the required conditf in that behalf shall be eligible to appear at the Ft Examination. A similar certificate shall also be required to be produ by the teacher candidates and Research Scholars registered M. Phil, from the Supervisors concerned before they are perj ted to appear at the Examination. 5. Every regular candidate registered for M.Phil. Ex nation shall attend a minimum of 66% of the lectures, t rials, Seminars, practicals (taken together) delivered/hel the .Department in respect of each paper. A certificate tc effect that the candidate has completed the required attend shall be forwarded by the Head of the Department/Tnstitu concerned to the Registrar so as to reach him at least 2 before the commencement of the Final Examination. ( 3 ) In the Che case of Teachers/Research Scholars, the Supervisor erned sid shall certify that the candidate has put in the requi- work in; in terms of guided readings and other assignments. CCTtiftcificate should reach the Registrar's office atleast 21 before jre the commencement of the Examination. Every ry candidate for admission to the examination shall nit to tb tlie University an application form prescribed by the versity ty latest by the 10th November (20th November if mpani^nied with a late fee of Rs. 10/-) and pay the prescribed jf Rs. Ls. 75/- together with a fee of Rs. 2/- for communi­ ng the (le paperwise marks and furnish the Registrar with rtificataate from the Head of the Department/Supervisors cerned ;d that he has fulfilled the conditions laid down by the versity ty for the examination and is of a good character. A canandidate failing in practical/viva-voce/any one paper may b be allowed one more chance to appear in the failing ctical/v/viva-voce/paper etc. at the next annual examination. ■ worki king out the final division of such a candidate, he be med toto have secured the minimum percentage of marks -ed fcfor a pass in that paper. t'he f fees (examination or term fee etc.) deposited by the ididate e of M. Phil, course will neither be liable to any refund any ca:arry-over for the next year under any circumstances. Cand,didates will have the option to answer their question- pers annd write their dissertation through the medium of glish or Hindi as permissible at the Post-graduate iminatition of the University in the respective subject unless Jerwisee specified. Tuituion fees : A student pursuing a course of study for .Phil, ddegree shall be required to pay a tuition fee of Rs. 250/- r one aacademic session (the affiliated colleges may prescribe eir ownn tuition fee). B. .•—-The other University fees shall be the same as are ^ prescribed by the University for other examinations. Althiough the duration of the course is one aca'demic ;ar but a candidate may qualify for the degree within a period ‘ two ytears failing which a candidate shall not be allowed to 5pear ait the M.Phil. Examination in future. Where the ( 4 ) dissertation is offered in any subiect, the summer \acatioin be counted as a part of the academic year and the viva-voce examination which would be part of the dissertation (vwhere prescribed) may be held at the end of the vacation. 12. There shall be three streams of M.Phil. brogrfanime (separately for regular students, the research schokirs annd the teachers) as follows : T. The M.Phil. examination for regular students-; shall consist of the following : (a) Three papers of the Core subject p/iis Dissserta- tion (equal to two papers). OR (b) Three papers of the Core subject ph/s two fpapers which may include papers on Research MJetho- dology, Teaching Methodology and Papeers in allied fields. II. The M. Phil, examination for Research Scbholars shall consist of the following ; , (a) Three papers out of which two shall bej from the sub-field in which they are doing their research work and one from an allied field ! in the same or in any other Faculty or on Ressearch ; Methodology or on Language. (b) Dissertation (equal to two papers). ' III. The M. Phil, examination for teachers shall cconsist of the following : (a) Two papers of Post-M.A. level in a braraich in which they want to develop teaching coinppetence or do research work. (b) One paper of Methods of Research or Pedciagocy or any paper in the Core subject. (c) A Dissertation in which they may put ito use, the research methods that they learn (eqqual toj two papers). Notes : 1. In subjects where Practical/Laboa-atoryy worl is considered essential, the same miiay ( 5 ) prescribed as an added activity with due weightage, in addition to the Dissertation. In such cases allocation of marks could be suitably re-ad iusted with the prior approval of the Syndicate, the maximum weightage remaining the same.
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