iiand^fstpr Snow Tonight Sunny Tuesday Details on page 2 Projected Lott J(USPSturning Mrralb 327-500) G. Brown Jr. is a prime move for a constitutional amendment requiring a baianced federal budget, would lose $3.5 biilion I dollars in 1980 alone if it were I enacted. Chinese Advance In fact, all of the states con- itnbo: Falk, I sidering calling for such an amendment were warned Sunday that they wouid be among the big I iosers if it happened. Meets Opposition Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., head I of a House Budget Committee By ALAN DAWSON a half mile inside Vietnam across the A Japanese newsman reporting I task force studying the move to BANGKOK, Thailand (UPI) - Red River from China and 155 miles from Hanoi said Chinese shelling of I iimit federai spending, wrote the Vietnam said today its forces killed norhtwest of Hanoi. Lao Cai had hit homes, a power sta­ I governor of each of the 50 states huge numbers o( Chinese invaders in tion and railroad facilities. nd A The radio said all reports covered ] to suggest how much federal battles on town streets and in Saturday and Sunday. TTie escalation of the air war in­ irdon money each might iose if the jungles. CJiinese Vice Premier Teng Hsiao- dicated fighting was continuing I budget were baianced in 1980. Radio Hanoi, in a broadcast pihg said today his country will not today, intelligence experts said. California's loss wouid be tbe monitored in Bangkok, said that in prolong or expand the Sino- Except for a Chinese claim that I biggest. Obey said New York two days of fighting Vietnamese Vietnamese war and said reiterated Vietnamese warplanes had bombed Icouid iose $3.3 biliion, and troops killed 3,500 Chinese soldiers, his position that China has no railway stations, schools and a Fiorida, Georgia, Iliinois, destroyed 80 tanks and routed 12 territorial ambition, according to a .rubber plantation, there was no Massachusetts, Michigan, New Chinese battalions. Japanese news report from Peking. further indication of the actual I Jersey, Ohio, Pennsyivania an * | China's invasion force has stopped The Kyodo News Service said Teng targets of what intelligence sources I Texas each couid lose more than six miles Jeep in Vietnamese made the statement during a called “heavy air activity by both I $1 biilion. territory, but military analysts said meeting with Alejandro Orfila, sides.” Obey arrived at these figures by they were unsure if Peking ordered secretary-general of the Organiza­ Intelligence sources said overall I taking the $83 biilion sUte and its troops to halt or if the attack was tion of American States. military activity along the border I locai governments are projected thrown back by Vietnamese The dispatch quoted Teng as was relatively light today, but ceiat to receive from Washington in defenders. saying, “The combat action this time eieavy fighting was reported. 1980 and scaling them back to In a related development, a Viet­ is a limited one and retaliation for Intelligence sources said the initial I their 1975 levels. namese official in Bangkok indicated provocations (by Vietnam). It will Chinese drive was fast and quickly his nation would not call for direct Dollar Lower not drag on or expand In any form.” overran territory until it stopped six Soviet intervention but said Vietnam Teng reieterated that CTiina has no miles deep into Vietnam. LONDON (UPI) - The dollar appreciates Russia's moral support, territorial ambition. 'Die intelligence sources said the opened the week lower on all the including a demand the Chinese In one day, the invasion, which Chinese push across the rugged fron­ European money markets today, withdraw “before it's too late.” began Saturday, had overrun scores tier chased Vietnamese border and but the price of goid jumped about Intelligence officers said the 3-day- of villages and at least two key towns village defenders southward within old invasion had left Chinese forces I $250 an ounce. along the border, reports said. Hanoi hours. Diplomatic reports from Viet­ in control of two district capitals and Gold opened $4.25 higher in Lon­ claimed to have checked the inva­ nam said “thousands” of refugees scores of small villages, as the don at $250,625 and was up $2.75 in sion, knocked out' 60 CTiinese tanks were fleeing the Chinese. Peking troops pushed six miles into I Zurich at $250,375. and “put out of action” 1,000 troops. Intelligence sources in Bangkok On the currency markets, the Vietnam on highways and trails A delayed official report from ^ a y confirmed Chinese troops were doliar opened at $1.8520 marks in across the 450-umile frontier. Peking - its first actual battle dis­ in control-of two district capitals, Frankfurt down from 1.8535 and in They said today's fighting included patch — reported fighting at the similar to U.S. county seats or Zurich it was 1.6675 Swiss francs air strikes by both sides in the battle northwestern cities of Lao Cai in townships. areas. down from 1.6715 Friday night. In Vietnam and Hekou in China. It said 'They were ’identified as the Amsterdam the median doilar Radio Hanoi said 1,000 Chinese the fighting was continuing with railhead town of Dong Dang at the were killed in street fighting in the rate was 2.0010 guilders, down Chinese troops “forcefully beating misnamed Friendship Pass, 1,2(X) tiny province capital of Lao Cai, only I from 2.0050. back the Vietnamese aggressors.” miles northeast of Hanoi and Muong The dollar opened at 4.2700 Khuong. I francs in Paris, down from 4.2755 I and in Brussels the rate eased to 29.635 Belgian francs from 29.695 at the weekend. In Milan the Palestinian Forces I dollar was quoted at 839.20 lira V against 840.55 Friday night. The U.S. currency h l^ steady Miss Manchester on the Tokyo market in Monday’s trading, closing at 200.40 yen com­ Get Iranian Refuge Grace Jaworski of Manchester received a standing ovation as pared with 200.45 Friday. she was named Miss Manchester 1979 Saturday night at TEHRAN, Iran (UPI), - The new of government marshals. No major The revolutionary radio quoted Congress on TV Manchester High School. (See story Page 2 (Herald photo by Islamic government today officially incidents were reported. Prime Minister Bazargan as saying Strempfer) turned over the abandoned Israeli Arafat, accompanied by Deputy the action was “fully in keeping wilh WASHINGTON (UPI) - It cost diplomatic mission to PLO chief Prime Minister Ibrahim Yazdi, the policy announced before we came I $ 1.2 million to install Yasser Arafat now that all of Israel’s made a brief tour of the Israeli mis­ to power of cutting all ties with sophisticated color television representatives have been expelled. sion, which had been ransacked by Israel.” equipment and another $278,000 a - The national radio meanwhile mobs last week, and then raised the ’The government said the last 22 year for salaries of the 12 High Court Galls reported that Ayatollah Ruhollah red, black, white and green Palestine Israeli diplomats had left Iran and technicians needed to operate it. Khomeini'had been taken ill Sunday Liberation Organization flag over a that Iranian diplomats in Israel had But the result will be gavel-to- night and had canceled all official ap­ front balcony. been summoned home. gavel color television coverage of Death Law Cruel pointments today. A crowd of some 2(X) onlookers Evacuation flights of the 8,000 the House. The radio gave no further details, cheered as the flag appeared. Americans remaining in Iran when It begins today — but for the but since his return from exile in PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - The In arguments before the Supreme “We are celebrating the raising of the revolution ended, compared to first month will be only for the 435 Paris, Khomeini has been ill with Rhode Island Supreme Court today Court 10 days ago, lawyers for the our flag here on our first embassy, 41,000 a year ago, were scheduled to members themselves. They’ll “extreme fatigue” that required struck down the state's mandatory the Bureau of Palestine,” Arafat continue Monday for the third have special receivers in their of­ state asked the justices to consider periods of rest. death penalty law, calling it a viola­ rewriting the statute to conform to said. straight day. A total of 1,684 people fices so they won't have to go to Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan tion of the Eighth Amendment's ban U.S. Supreme Court decisions regar­ Yazdi said, “This is the moment all have left on five flights since Satur­ the floor to keep track of what's today appealed to workers to get the on cruel and unusual punishment. ding death penalties. But the justices Iranian people have been looking day. happening in the chamber. nation’s oil wells pumping again and Rhode Island law mandated “death refused. forward to. It is a very joyous time The evacuation was triggered by By March 5, full House said Iran would soon resume oil by lethal gas" for inmates or prison “The task which the state wishes for all of us and I’m here in my of­ an attack on the U.S. embassy com­ coverage will be transmitted via exports to most of its former escapees convicted or murder while us to perform is one that comes ficial capacity as Deputy Prime pound in downtown Tehran last satellite to cable television com­ customers, including the United Minister to officiate at the opening of Wednesday by hundreds of leftist panies around the United States, serving sentences for other offenses.
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