1910. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 2783 PENNSYLVA.NIA. Henry A. Perrin, at Monroe, Iowa. 0. William Beales to be postmaster at Gettysburg, Pa., in Lucy B. Smith, at Sioux Rapids, Iowa. place of William B. Mcilhenny. Incumbent's commission ex­ MINNESOTA. pired February 22, 1910. Samuel Y. Gordon, at Brown Valley, Minn. Arthur E. Kurtz to be postmaster at Connellsville, Pa., in Thomas L. Jones, at Warroad, Minn. place of Clark Collins. Incumbent's commission expires March 22, 1910. MONTANA. David Russell to be postmaster at Renovo, Pa., in place of James H. Powell, at Virginia City, Mont. David Russell. rneumbent's commission expires April 24, 1910. NEBRASKA. TENNESSEE. Albert H. Hollingsworth, at Beatrice, Nebr. Harry Swaney to be postmaster at Galla tin, Tenn., in place William K. Sargent, at Elmwood, Nebr. of Harry Swaney. Incumbent's commission expires March 21, Lewis M. Short, at Ainsworth, Nebr. 1910. George W. Williams, at Albion, Nebr. TEXAS. NEW YORK. W. P. Park to be postmaster at Port Arthur, Tex., in place of George H. Brown, at Kinderhook, N. Y. Clark E. Dodge. Incumbent's commission expired April 27, John Dwyer, at Hudson Falls (late Sandy Hill),. N. Y. 1908. Melvin J. Esmay, at Schenevus, N. Y. Ellwood Valentine, at Glen Cove, N. Y. CONFIR1\IATIONS. PENNSYLVANIA. C. William Beales, at Gettysburg, Pa. Executive 1wminations confirmed 011 the Senate March S, 1910. Arthur E. Kurtz, at Connellsville, Pa. (Calendar day, Mwrch 5, 1910.) Nathan Tanner, at Lansford, Pa~ COLLECTOR OF CuSTOMS. SOUTH DAKOTA, Frederick 0. Murray to be collector of customs for the district Frank D. Lowry, at Leola, S. Dak. of Buffalo Creek, N. Y. John E. Sullivan, at Plankinton, S. Dak. SURVEYORS OF CuSTOMS. Edward F. Woodward to be surveyor of customs in the dis­ trict ot San Francisco, Cal. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Leopold G. Rothschild to be surveyor ot customs for the port of Indianapolis, Ind. (Reappointment.) SATUIIDAY, March 5, 1910. RECEIVER OF Pum.Io MONEYS. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. L. E. Rowe to be receiver of public moneys at Camden, Ark. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Conde~ D. D. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. approved. The following-named lieutenants (junior grade) to be lieu- PENSIONS. tenants: The SPEAKER laid before the House the bill (H. R. 19403) Hugo Frankenberger, granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers Ormond L. Cox, and sailors of the Regular Army and Navy and certain soldiers Herbert F. Leary, and sailors of wars other than the civil war, and to widows and Albert T. Church, Logan Cresap, dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailo~, with Senate Hiram L. Irwin, amendments. Byron McCandless, The Senate amendments were read. Roscoe C. MacFall, Mr. LOUDENSLAGER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House Edgar G. Oberlin, and disagree to Senate amendments and ask for a conference. Arthur B. Cook. The motion was agreed to. The following-named ensigns to be lieutenants (junior grade): The SPEAKER appointed as conferees on the part of the Hugo Frankenberger, House Mr. LoUDENSLAGEB, Mr. DRAPER, and Mr. RICHABDSON. Ormond L. Cox, AMENDING SECTION 810 OF THE REVISED STATUTES. Herbert F. Leary, The SPEAKER also laid before the House the bill (H. R. Albert T. Church, 16037) to amend section 810 o:f the Revised Statutes, with Sen­ Logan Cresap, ate amendments. Hiram L. Irwin, The Senate amendments were read. Byron McCandJess, Mr. PARKER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House disagree Roscoe C. MacFall, to the Senate amendments and ask for a conference. Edgar G. Oberlin, The motion was agreed to. · Arthur B. Cook, The SPEAKER appointed as conferees on the part of the Reuben B. Coffey, House M:t. P ABK.EB, Mr. TrnREI 1, and Mr. REID. Lucian Minor, I'RESEBVATION OF THE FILES OF THE HOUSE.. Harry E. Shoemaker, and Andrew F. Carter. Mr. O'CONNELL. Mr. Speaker, I present a privileged report The following-named assistant paymasters, with the rank of (No. 677) from the Committee on Accounts. ensign, to be assistant paymasters, with the rank of lieutenant The Clerk read as follows : (junior grade) : House resolution 4-03. Resolved, That- there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the Fred E. l\feMillen, and House. under the direction of the Clerk, an amount not exceeding 2,500 Maurice H. Karker. for the better preservation of the early files of the House, consisting ot original manuscripts ; said files to be classified, rejacketed, and POSTMASTERS, indorsed in such manner as In the judgment of the Clerk will insure ARIZONA. their safe-keeping and accessibility. Frank P. Burnet, at Globe, Ariz. The Clerk read the following committee amendment: James II. McClintoc~ at Phoen~ Ariz. Add at the end of the resolution the following : "And the Clerk ls hereby authorized and directed to deposit all original letters and papers COLORADO, of historical value with the Librarian of Congress for. preservation in the Library of Congress as a part of the files of the House ol Repre­ John J. Williams, at Marble,. Colo. sentatives, subject to removal or withdrawal only by order of the INDIANA. House, list of same and receipt therefor to be communicated to the John Owe.n, at Noblesville, Ind. House and published in the Journal and in the Co~GRESSIONAL RECORD-." Elisha Sexton, at Shelbyville, Ind. Mr. CLARK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the Rankin C. Walkup, at Crawfordsville, Ind. gentleman from Massachusetts a question. Joseph A. Young, at Middletown, Ind. 1\Ir, O'CONNELL. I will yield to the gentleman. Mr. CLARK of Florida. I want to ask the gentleman to gfre IOWA, the House some idea as to the character of these documents Harry E. Hull, at Williamsburg, Iowa. which it is proposed to have printed and preserved. Lauren :E. Hulse, at Keota, Iowa. Mr. MANN. Mr. Speaker, I desire to reserve a point of orcler E. L. Martindaler at Clinton, Iowa. on the report. 2784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 5, Mr. O'CONNELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to have the consideration of the great services my dearly beloved husband has ren­ dered to the United States, and of the fearful loss ~ have sustained by Clerk read the report. his untimely death, his martyrdom, I may say, I respectfully submit to Mr. MANN. The gentleman from Massachusetts can state your honorable body this petitioni hoping that a yearly pension may be what the proposition is. granted me, so that I may have ess pecuniary care. I remain, Mr. O'CONNELL. The proposition, briefly, is that the early Most respectfully, Mrs. A. LINCOLN. files of Congress are in a decaying condition, as illustrated FRANKFORT, GERM.A.NY. by these papers [exhibiting a bundle of papers]. They are all This was received January .26, 1869, and referred to the Com­ in this deplorable condition. They are covered with dirt be­ mittee on Invalid Pensions by the Speaker and was found cause of their exposed location and are yellow with age; on among the files and papers unprotected and gradually falling many of the wrappers the backing is illegible. to pieces. These files contain very many important papers. For in­ Mr. HARRISON. Will the gentleman yield for a question? stance, here is an original letter from Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Mr. O'CONNELL. Certainly. asking that a pension be granted to her. It was referred to Mr. MANN. How many people are to be employed in going the Committee on Invalid Pensions in 1869. over these old files? Another letter is from Lafayette, urging the appointment of Mr. O'CONNELL. The Clerk says be can do it with the sum Colonel Harrison to the Supreme Court, which is indorsed by of $2,500, and do it before the next Congress comes in. President Monroe. Mr. MANN. How late down, historically, do they come with Another letter is from Martha Washington, relative to the this investigation? disposition of the body of her illustrious husband. Also a let­ Mr. O'CONNELL. To about the Forty-first Congress. Of ter from President Washington himself, urging Col. Robert course a good many of the files wer.e destroyed when the Hanson Harrison to accept an appointment as associate justice British partially destroyed the old Hall of the House in 1814. of the Supreme Court, and other letters of Washington upon Mr. HARRISON. Will the gentleman yield for a question? that and other subjects. Still other letters I might mention Mr. O'CONNELL. Certainly. are from such men as Jefferson, Madison, John Jay, Tom Paine, Mr. HARRISON. I think the committee amendment is a and David, the French sculptor who executed the original bust subject upon which all the Members of the House should be of Washington, presented to the United States by France, and agreed. As to the disposition of the appropriation that, perhaps, which was destroyed some years ago when the old Library of is a question which the Committee on Accounts can best ad­ Congress was partially burnt, a replica of which is now in the vise us upon, and I think the gentleman from: Illinois has put Rotunda. These papers were once classified according to Con­ a very pertinent question to the gentleman from Massachusetts gresses, but, as I said, time and dust have. rendered their. con­ as to who are to make the selection of the documents which dition a subject for their better preservation and reclassifica­ are of importance historically to · Congress. I would like to tion. It would be difficult to determine their exact contents or ask the gentleman whether be will not accept an amendment to refer to a particular paper, and they are liable to be removed providing that the selection of these papers for the use of the from the files without detection.
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