INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, July 1990, p. 224-230 Vol. 40, No. 3 0020-7713/90/030224-07$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1990, International Union of Microbiological Societies 16s rRNA Sequence Determination for Members of the Genus Carnobacterium and Related Lactic Acid Bacteria and Description of Vagococcus salmoninarum sp. nov. S. WALLBANKS,l A. J. MARTINEZ-MURCIA,l J. L. FRYER,2 B. A. PHILLIPS,l AND M. D. COLLINS1* Department of Microbiology, Agricultural and Food Research Council Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Shinfield, Reading, RG2 9AT, United Kingdom,' and Department of Microbiology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 -38M2 The phylogenetic interrelationships of members of the genus Carnobacterium and some atypical lactobacilli isolated from diseased salmonid fish were investigated by using reverse transcriptase sequencing of 16s rRNA. The four species Carnobacterium piscicola, Carnobacterium divergens, Carnobacterium gallinarum, and Carnobacterium mobile exhibited a high degree of sequence similarity with each other (ca. 96 to 98%) and formed a phylogenetically coherent group that was quite distinct from all other lactic acid bacteria. The sequence data clearly demonstrated that carnobacteria are phylogenetically closer to the genera Enterococcus and Vagococcus than to members of the genus Lactobacillus. The strains from fish were found to be phylogenetically related to the genus Vagococcus and represent a new species, Vagococcus salmoninarum. The type strain of Vagococcus salmoninarum is strain NCFB 2777. The genus Carnobacterium was proposed by Collins et al. in Oregon, and strain Rangen 128-81 was isolated from an (4) to accommodate the species Lactobacillus piscicola (17) adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at a trout hatch- and Lactobacillus divergens (18) and some so-called atypical ery near Buhl, Idaho. Cultures were checked for purity, lactobacilli isolated from poultry meat (24). Currently, four harvested by centrifugation, and washed in distilled water. species, Carnobacterium piscicola (type species), Carno- rRNA extraction and determination of rRNA sequence. bacterium divergens, Carnobacterium gallinarum, and Car- Total cellular rRNA was extracted from ca. 2 g (wet weight) nobacterium mobile are recognized in this genus (4). Al- of cells (6). Nucleotide sequences were determined by the though these four species form a phenotypically coherent dideoxynucleotide method, using avian myeloblastosis virus group (4, 9), the separateness of the genus Carnobacterium reverse transcriptase. Most of the sequences of the oligonu- (in particular its relationship to the genus Lactobacillus) cleotide primers and their 16s rRNA target sites have been remains unclear. Members of the genus Carnobacterium described previously by Lane et al. (20) and Embley et al. differ from Lactobacillus species by their inability to grow on acetate medium (4, 9) and by their synthesis of oleic acid (6); a DNA primer having the sequence 5'-TCACCCTCT (c18:1A9,10) instead of cis-vaccenic acid (c18:1A11,12), CAGGTCGGCTA was used for the region at ca. position 300 which is produced by lactobacilli (4). At present these are (complementary to positions 287 to 306; Escherichia coli). the only criteria which distinguish the two genera. The products of the sequencing reactions were separated on Sequencing of 16s rRNA by reverse transcriptase (20, 21) 55-cm wedge-shaped (0.2- to 0.6-mm) 6% (wthol) polyacryl- is currently the most rapid and powerful technique for amide denaturing (7 M urea) gels at 55°C by using an LKB elucidating the natural relationships of microorganisms (26). model Macrophor 2010 sequencing unit operated at 50 W per This method produces long stretches of sequence (ca. 95% of gel. the total sequence), which enables precise phylogenetic Analysis of rRNA sequence data. The sequences were relationships to be determined (26). In this study we deter- aligned, and the homology values determined by using the mined 16s rRNA primary structures for members of the Microgenie program (Beckman Instruments, Inc.) (22). Nu- genus Carnobacterium by using reverse transcription in an cleotide substitution rates (K,,, values) were calculated attempt to clarify the relationship of these organisms to the (19), and an unrooted phylogenetic tree or network was genus Lactobacillus and other lactic acid bacteria. In addi- produced by using the algorithm of Fitch and Margoliash (10) tion, the phylogenetic position of two representative strains contained in a program written by Felsenstein (8) (PHYLIP belonging to a group of atypical lactobacilli isolated from version 3.1) for IBM personal computers. salmonid fish was also determined. DNA studies. DNA was prepared by using a modification (7) of the method of Garvie (11).DNA base composition was MATERIALS AND METHODS estimated by thermal denaturation in standard saline citrate Cultures and cultivation. The test strains which we used as described by Garvie (ll), using DNA from E. coli K-12 are shown in Table 1. Strains of carnobacteria, enterococci, strain NCDO 1984 (51.5 mol% guanine plus cytosine) as the lactococci, leuconostocs, pediococci, and streptococci and standard. DNA-DNA hybridizations were performed by fish isolates OS1-68T (T = type strain) and Rangen 128-81 using the membrane filter technique described previously were grown in YGPB broth (12) at 30°C. Strains OS1-68T and (13). Rangen 128-81 were isolated by R.A. Holt, Oregon Depart- Fatty acid analyses. Fatty acids were extracted from dry ment of Fish and Wildlife; strain OS1-68T was isolated in cells by acid methanolysis, and purified methyl esters were 1968 from an adult rainbow trout at the Oak Spring Hatchery examined by capillary gas liquid chromatography as de- scribed prevtously (4). The positions of double bonds in * Corresponding author. unsaturated acids were determined by dimethyl disulfide 224 TABLE 1. Homology for a 1,340-nucleotide region of 16s rRNAs from carnobacteria and other strains % Homology with strain: Vagococcus Strain NCDO NCFB NCFB NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO NCDO s$mz'- 2763T 2766T 2765T 2762T 2674= 596T 2369T 2160 213T 1750T 2156 2118 523T 1832T 651 573T 643 2497 NCFB 217it Bacillus subtilis NCDO 1769T 90.1 90.4 90.2 90.5 91.2 91.1 91.4 89.1 87.9 87.0 85.2 86.2 86.4 89.3 88.0 85.9 86.3 89.7 89.9 Camobacterium divergens NCDO 2763= 97.0 96.0 97.5 94.3 94.6 94.2 88.9 87.7 89.3 87.4 88.5 87.5 91.6 89.7 88.9 89.2 93.4 94.1 Camobacterium gallinarum NCFB 2766= 95.7 98.7 93.9 94.1 94.4 89.2 87.8 89.0 87.7 88.3 87.0 91.3 90.2 88.0 88.5 92.3 93.2 Camobacterium mobile NCFB 2765= 96.3 93.6 93.7 92.6 88.8 87.7 89.2 87.6 88.1 86.3 91.2 88.7 87.5 87.5 93.4 93.7 Carnobacteriumpiscicola NCDO 2762T 94.3 94.7 94.7 89.9 89.0 89.9 88.4 88.1 86.7 91.8 89.9 88.9 89.3 93.4 93.8 Enterococcus cecorum NCDO 2674= 96.7 96.8 89.6 88.5 90.2 90.2 89.9 88.3 91.5 91.2 89.8 90.8 94.5 93.4 N Enterococcus durans NCDO 596= 98.3 90.4 88.4 89.5 89.5 89.5 88.1 92.1 91.3 90.7 90.8 94.6 94.5 Enterococcus avium NCDO 2369= 89.6 88.6 94.3 88.9 89.5 88.0 91.6 91.0 90.0 90.9 93.7 94.0 Lactobacillus okNCDO 2160 89.8 93.1 87.2 85.1 88.5 91.9 86.3 84.9 86.2 90.2 87.5 Lactobacillus delbrueckii NCDO 213= 89.0 86.8 85.7 87.5 89.5 86.0 84.4 84.2 88.0 87.4 Lactobacillusfermentum NCDO 1750T 87.8 85.8 87.6 92.0 87.4 86.0 87.0 89.9 87.0 Lactococcus garvieae NCDO 2156 95.0 85.9 87.9 92.3 89.9 90.9 87.3 87.8 Lactococcus lactis subsp. lacti3 NCDO 2118 84.6 89.6 91.9 91.4 91.7 87.5 88.4 Leuconostoc mesentemides NCDO 523= 88.3 87.9 86.3 86.7 87.7 86.3 Pedwcoccus damnosus NCDO 1832= 90.0 89.1 88.2 91.6 90.8 Streptococcusparaubek NCDO 651 94.5 96.5 89.3 88.9 Streptococcus thermophilus NCDO 573= 96.0 89.0 88.8 Streptococcus uberis NCDO 643 88.7 87.4 Vagococcus fluvialis NCDO 2497 96.3 226 WALLBANKS ET AL. INT.J. SYST. BACTERIOL. C.pi. C~G~AGA~CACCAGUGGC~GACUCU~~C~C~~~ C. ga. CGGW;AAAUGCGUAGAUAUGUGGAGGAACACCACUGGCGA C.di. CG~AGUCGCGAAGGCGA~~~~CGCWGGCUCGNAAGC~~~GGAU c.m. cGGUGAAAUGCGUAGWAUGUGGAGGAACACCAmK;GCGAA V.sa. CGGUGMWX~C~GA~CU~~~UGACA~~~ FIG. 1. Primary structures of 16s rRNAs from C. piscicola (C.pi.) NCDO 2762T, C. gaffinarum(C.ga.) NCFB 2766T, C. divergens (C.di.1 NCDO 2763T, C. mobile (C.mo.) NCFB 2765T, and V. salmoninarum (V.sa) NCFB 2777T as determined by using reverse transcriptase. The first nucleotide and last nucleotide in the sequences of C. piscicola, C. galfinarum, C. divergens, and V. salmoninarum are analogous to positions 1 and 1481 of the E. cofi 16s rRNA sequence (l), respectively, The sequence for determined C. mobile runs from position 107. The first nucleotide and last nucleotide in the long stretch (1,340 bases) used to calculate K,,, values correspond to positions 107 (G) and 1433 (A) in the E. cofi sequence, respectively. N, Undetermined nucleotide. Spaces in the sequences correspond to alignment gaps. derivitization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as described by Dunkelblum et al.
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