SOCIO-CULTURAL LIFE IN MEDIEVAL BADAYUN (1206-1605) THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF Boctor of $I)iIos;opl)p IN HISTORY BY AZMAT NOORl Under the Supervision of DR. IQBAL SABIR CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 2009 V* 0 6- JAN 2012 Fed in Compntw i ^ ^ T7369 "Dedicated U ')K(tA>'tH4HC, CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY Dr. Iqbal Sabir Department of History Sr. Lecture Aligarh Muslim University 09411488564 AIigarh-202002 Dated-17.08.2009 ^<i^^a^ This is to certify that Miss. Azmat Noori has completed her research work under my supervision. The present thesis prepared by her OTI: "Socio-Cultural Life in Medieval Badayun (1206-1605)"Iher original research work. It is fit for submission for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. (DR.IQBAL SABIR) CONTENTS Page No. Introduction 1-13 Chapter-I Historical Background 14-37 Chapter-II Ulema, Scholars, Poets and Sufis 38-93 Chapter-Ill Architectural Development 94-139 Chapter-IV Customs and Festivals 140-187 Chapter-V Education Literary Activities 188-229 Chapter-VI Domestic Life 230-266 Conclusion 267-272 Bibliography 273-284 Maps I&II Q Acknowledgement \y Treface-cuTn-JAcknawCedJgement 'Badayun occupies an extra ordinary pCace in tfie fiistory of !Hortfiem IndCia, In ancient times it was an important centre of cuCture and [earning and retained the same position even during the medievaCjperiod It had Become a MusCim coCony Cong Before the Qhaznavide invasions. It was in beginning of the suCtanate jperiod that the city of 'Badayun emerged as a great seat of IsCamic education and [earning and cu[tura[ centre, S\ numher of Mus[im schoQzrs, poets and mystics fCourished there in those days. Their jrresence undou0ted[y enhanced the position of this famous city, Besides, it was a[so an important pCdce from strategic print of view and as such drew the attention of significant ru[ing as we [[as administrative personatities including Qutuhuddin JAiBak, Shamsuddin I[tutmish, J\.[auddin Xha[ji etc. It was during the governorship of Ututmish that the educationaQ cu[tura[ and scho[ar[y activities in Badayun reached their peaks, furthermore, the Birth of the great Mus[im saint Shaikh !Nizamuddin JAu[iya was rea[[y a divine gift to this city of our great country, JA[[ these qua[ities and historica[ significance notwithstanding, this city has not received adequate notice of scho[ars, JAn attempt has Been made in the present thesis to Bring to [ight the historica[ g[ory of this famous city. In this connection, I consider it myp[easant duty to acknowledge my deep indeBtness to my esteemed supervisor Vr, IqBa[ SaBir. This work wou[d not have not j)ossi6Ce -without His sjpeciaC care, fieCp affectionate guidance and yaCua6Ce suggestions and enriching discussions. I feeC honored fortunate to compete my thesis under his inspiring supervision. I find myseCf unahCe to express my gratitude and oBCigation to him in words. I have always received BrotherCy affection and kindness from him. I am indeBted to Trofessor 'B.L. 'Bhadani, chairman, Center of ^Advanced Study, Vejjartment of J-fistory, JACigarh MusCim University, JACigarh. 5/e has aCways Been compassionate to me and taken much interest in soCving my jproBCems. "there are no words to express my deej) sincerity and thankfuCness to him for his generous and kind attitude towards me. I am aCso deepCy indeBted to Trof ShihaBuddin Iraqi, former chairman of the department for his courtesy and kindness. My gratefuC thanks are due to Trof. tarici JAhmed and Vr. Maksud JAhmad Xhan whose advice and suggestions have aCways Been a usefuCaddition to my knowledge. I shaCC Be guiCty if I don't acknowCedge the courtesy and kindness of the staff memBers of the research CiBrary of our Department. They cooperated with me at every step and made aCC Books avaiCaBCe that were needed I am aCso thankfuC to the staff of MauCana JKzad LiBrary, especiaCCy its Tersian, Urdu and manuscript sections and aCso to the staffs of seminar CiBrary of the departments of IsCamic Studies. My thanks are also due to the office staff of my department. I extent my heartfeCt gratitude to Mrs. Qamar JA. Xazmi, Chairman Department of ^iswan, yuCTV. and Mr. MtmadMi, Mrs. JAneesa IqBaCSaBir for their heCp and cooperation I received during my work. My tfianks are due to my coCCeagues Mr, JAkfitar J-Casan, Mr, XamaC, Mr. JArsfiacC, Mr, O^aiyer JAzam, Mr, JareedC JAhmadCy Mr, ^Koorain Xfian, Mr, JAsgfiar 'Raja, Mr, SaCaucCcCin Vanish, Mr, J^ausfiacC JACi, Mr. SaCvm JavedCy Mr, J^afees, SpeciaC tflanks due to my friends Syed JAsif JACavi, TanweeruC J-Cuda Jirdausi, Leena Taquiza, JaizuC Hisfia, Mna Irsfiad, 'Busfira who have provided a stimulus, creation and conductive atmosphere in the successjuC compCetion of my work. My sincere thanks go to my Brother and my sisters, especiaCCy Mohd Tariq Zahoori andT>r, SAbida Zameer for their unconditionaC Cove and support, y^ords seem to he inadequate for the immense appreciation and gratitude to Syed Jahar JACi, 5/e has heen a 'Northern Star' in moments of darkness and piCCar of strength in trouBCed times during aCCphases of the study, I airways thank the JACmighty for giving me nice parents Vr, Z, J-C, Siddiqui and Mrs, Jsfoor SaBa whose Cove, sacrifice and sustained efforts enaBCe me to acquire knowCedge, Whatever I am today is Because of their prayers. Coving care and sincere endeavors. Introduction \J INTRODUCTION The range of progress and development in the social and cultural life of people is a prerequisite to comprehend the spirit of the age. The subject of history is not just concerned with the pompous and luxurious living of the royalty but it seeks to study man in relation to his environment irrespective of any social distinction. All men are more or less a product of their environment and their social behaviour, literary and cultural efforts can be understood only with reference to that milieu. Badayun occupies an unique position in the history of Islamic India. For centuries this city has been a nucleus of learning and literature and a treasure house of culture and civilization. Almost every nook and comer of the country have gained tremendously from the guidance extended buy its (Badayun's) madrasas and khanqahs. An unimaginable number of students and infinite seekers of spirituality came to this city and upgraded themselves in its literary and mystic environment. Myriads of unfortunate person of Baghda;s/Bukhara, Yeman, Mehmara, Ghaznin and Ghaur derived satisfaction in its peaceful, scholarly and spiritual atmosphere. Contrary to many other cities in north India, the history f the Muslims of Badayun does not begin with the ghurain conquest. Ajmer, Bahraich, Badayun, Qannauj and Nagaur hold a significant place in the history of Muslim settlement in the country. Muslims had settled their colonies in these cities during the reign of Hindu rajas. Although it is amazing to hear but it is a historical fact that during the time between the Ghaznavide invasions and the Ghurian conquests hordes of Muslims crossed the river Ravi, had reached India and settled in different cities and towns. They had confidently formed their cultural institutions unfavourable circumstances could never discourage them. They established their mosques, khanqahs and madrasahs as well. The grave of the mayrs, which still provide spiritual shelter to their visitors, are the best evidence of the Muslim population in Badayun before the ghurian conquest. Mir Mulhim Shahid, Haidar Shahid and Burhan Shahid are like the morning star which disappears after shining for few moments but gives the news of sunrise. To those, who understand the silent signs of history, these graves of martyrs are like the leaders of a natural revolution. These elders with their blood nurtured the garden in which the young boy like Maulana Raziuddin was brought up. When this great son of Badayun, who was bom ten years before the battle of Tarain, reached Baghdad, the greatest seat of learning in the Islamic world at that time, many renounced ulama bowed their heads before him. A new chapter of the history of Badayun began in 1197-98 A.D.when Qutbuddin Aibak conquered and annexed it into Islamic territory. Being completely aware of the geographical situation of Badayun a large cantonment was established there so as to keep a watch on the rajas and zamindars of vicinity. In a short span of time the army of Badayun earned extensive fame in bravery and became popular for its great strength. In 1205 A.D. when shahabuddin Muhammad Ghauri intended to suppress the rebel tribes of the border particularly khokhars, he took the help of the army of Badayun. The Taj-ul Maasir then contains the details of this battle. The enthusiastic and brave soldiers of Badayun killed two hundred thousand (two lakhs) khokhars. It was during the governorship of Iltutmish that Badayun earned more glory and greatness, and it came to known as the best military cantonment in northern India. The best army of the sultanate was either kept in Delhi or Badayun. As a result the governor of Bdayun was held as more revered and powerful in comparison to other governors. The governorship of Badayun was a great honour. Which was conferred upon the most significant and distinguished personalities of the sultanate. Congratulating Tajuddin sanjar Qatlo on his appointment as the governor of Badayun, Amir Khusrau says: [O'brave man of the king you have obtained the Iqta 'of Badayun; you have received the degree which is above the heaven.] Wast-ul-Hayat, p. 78. The event which increased the glory and honour of Badayun was the uprising of Mongols.
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