DOCUMENT RESUME ED 359 784 FL 021 265 TITLE Notes on Linguistics, 1990. INSTITUTION Summer Inst. of Linguistics, Dallas, Tex. REPORT NO ISSN-0736-0673 PUB DATE 90 NOTE 267p. AVAILABLE FROMBookstore, ILC, 7500 West Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236 ($2.25 per issue; microfiche: members, $1.60 plus postage and handling; non-members, $2 plus postage and handling). PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Notes on Linguistics; n48-51 Feb-Nov 1990 EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS American Indian Languages; Bibliographies; Book Reviews; Case Studies; Chinese; *Computational Linguistics; Dictionaries; Editing; Indo European Languages; *Language Research; *Linguistic Theory; Phonology; Second Language Learning; Sociolinguistics; Technical Writing; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Verbs IDENTIFIERS Causatives (Grammar); Microsoft Word; Predicate Grammar ABSTRACT This document consists of the four issues of "Notes on Linguistics" published during 1990. Articles in the four issues include: "The Indians Do Say Ugh-Ugh" (Howard W. Law); "Constraints of Relevance, A Key to Particle Typology" (Regina Blass); "Whatever Happened to he? (An Objective Case Study)" (Aretta Loving); "Stop Me and Buy One (For $5...)" (Tony Naden; "Editing the Shipibo Dictionary According to Merriam Webster Style" (Dwight Day); "The Relationships Between Predicates" (Ursula Wiesemann); "Computing in Linguistics: Using Tables in Microsoft Word" (Bryan L. Harmelink); "An Appealfor Examples to Guide CADA Development" (David J. Weber); "Idiom Discovery Procedures" (Darryl Wilson); "Readable Technical Paragraphs" (Charles Peck); "A Typology of Causatives, Pragmatically Speaking" (Nancy Bishop); "Using FIESTA to Find the Contextfor Words in a List" (Eugene Loos, Dan Tutton); "Instead of the Cult of Personality" (Derek Bickerton); "Another Language Learning Course" (Harriet Hill); "Using Bookmarks as Cross References in Word" (Bryan Harmelink); "Computer Training at SIL Schools" (Geoffry Hunt); "Using SHOEBOX in a Linguistic Field Methods Course" (Ginger Boyd); "Primer Formatting with Microsoft Word" (Bryan Harmelink); "How to Compile and Edit a Bibliography" (Alan C. Wares); and "Researching Quote Styles" (Ursula Wiesemann). (LB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. ****************A****************************************************** 4 414 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY iNgs Eager E-. Lo TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) NOTES ON LINGUISTICS NUMBERS 48-51 FEBRUARY-NOVEMBER 1990 U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational RomaMt', and Irnproverneni EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Jr<is document has been reproducedas received born the persOn Ororganization originating it C) Maw changes have beenmade to improve reproduction quality Pommes( drewor00101003 Mato() m this docu- ment not necessarily represent othctai OE ..tron or policy CST COPY &Viiii;;;LE Notes On Linguistics NUMBER 48 FEB 1990 CONTENTS COOORDINATOR'S CORNER Eugene Loos 3 ARTICLES THE INDIANS Do SAY UGHUGH Howard W. Law 4 CONSTRAINTS ON RELEVANCE, A KEY TO PARTICLE TYPOLOGY Regina Blass 8 WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ME? (AN OBJECTIVE CASE STUDY) Aretta Loving 21 STOP ME AND BUY ONE (FOR $5...) Tony Naden 25 EDITING THE SHIPIBO DICTIONARY ACCORDING TO MERRIAM WEBSTER STYLE Dwight Day 27 THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PREDICATES Ursula Wiesemann 39 COMPUTING IN LINGUISTICS: USING TABLES IN MICROSOFT WORD Bryan L. Harmelink 41 AN APPEAL FOR EXAMPLES TO GUIDECADA DEVELOPMENT David J. Weber 52 4NNOUNCEMENTS and REPORTS THE 1989 LSA ANNUAL MEETING, Pete Unseth 7 A Grammar of Huallaga (Huanuco) Quechua 57 ON THE AUSTONESIAN PROJECT SvMPosIumCharles E. Grimes 58 REVIEWS THE CHINESE LANGUAGE: FACT AND FANTASY, JOHN DE FRANCIS by Alan S. Kaye 60 L'ARIICULATION Du TEMPS ET DEL'ASPECTDANS LE DISCOURS TOURA, THOMAS BEARTH by Christine Miles 64 :3 SUMM,:k INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS 150o W. CAMP WISDOM RD. 1,1 DALLAS, TEXAS NOTES ON LINGUISTICS EDITOR EUGENELoos .4SSOCL4TE EDITOR HOWARD W. LAW INTERNATIONAL LINGUISTICS ADVISORS Ruth Brend SlichigutStata U. Howard P. McKaughan U. of Hawaii. r. John Crawford. IL of Notch Dokoret Dinh Hoa Nguyen. C /ima U. Charles A. Ferguson Stanford r. John Oiler U of Neer Maim Derek Elva, U. A. K. PawSey Peter Fries. ANU .C.enool Micidnan U. Richard Rhodes U. C. Beskeky Shirley Brice Heath Stasg(otd U. William J. Satnann Yoshihiko Ikegimi U. ofToronto - U.1,' Tokyo Hu Tan Cent-kw. foe Minonties, Biding Frances Ingemann-.........-----_______ U. /Comas Rudolph Troike U. of Atisona Pascal D. kokora..._.______.-- U. d Abidjan Richard Tucker Peter Lytefoged _____------U.C-LeL John Vertuar ___ Divine Word bIliillife. 14adan&PNG Sydney Iamb Rice University Ekkebard Wolff. U. of liariOnag W. P. Lehmann ..U. T.. Ausnn INTERNATIONAL LINGUISTICS CONSULTANTS John BendorSareuel dfnca Kenneth J. Gregerson Dallas David Regina Slam .. awe Divoire 30103 E. Gnaws Come:11U. Velma Pickett Wait:" Leslie Bruce_._.______ Philippines Austin Hale Philip Eunice Pikr Eunice Burgess.._ Dam -Asia Alan Healey Evelyn G. Pike Dallas Donald A. gurquest_... LT. Adis:Ron Lou Hohulin Phci=ses Ross Cauehley Richard S. Pittman Wuhan. Ana Stephen H. Levinson Colombia Garr Simons Dallas Desmond Derbyshire . Dallas Robert Lateral Papua New Guinea David Than.. Daniel Everett Ana Robert Longacre L'. Te4Ainsiton David Weber Peru Karl Papua Sew Guinea Ivan Lowe GTO/BritainKlaus Wedekiod--_Africa Donald Frantz ....... Americo Kenneth McElhanonAsbury Seminary Ursula Wiesemann Warren Glover ...... _ ..... &nin Tony Naden Ghana Mary Ruth Woe Pent Kemp Pallesen Pacific NOTES FOR READERS Permission is hereby granted by this journal to reproduce material from this Moue, if readers obtain similar permission directly from its authors and if credit is given the authors and Noteson Lityptistics. NOTES FOR SUBSCRIBERS Notes on Linpartics is a quarterly publication (January, April, July and October) of the Linguistics Department of the Summer Institute of Linguuocs, Inc., designedto share information of practical. theoreucat, administrative, or general interest. It is speclically intended to provide linguistic fieldworkers with news. reviews, announcements and articles that will stimulate a current interest in linguistics. SUBSCRaTION PYUCE $2.2.5 per issue pair panatrhandling. Microfiche: $1.60 per corr. SIL members plut portage& handling $100 per copy, nonaS1L members plus postage & handling, REQUESTS Fort. ISSUES Subscnpuons. back issue orders, subscription renewals, and changes of address should be addressed to Reallaime. (LC, 75O West Camp Wia4em R4, Dallas, TX 75136. NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Readers are invited to submit letters of comment andlorpublishable materialsto the editor of NL at The International Linguistics Center, 7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road. DallasTX75236 MANuscrurr s-naz Intending contributors should ensure that their manusenpu conform to the standards in the LSA Style Sheet printed periodically in the LSA Bulletin. laid down rompirrmew, Contributors who have copies of their manusenpu on magnetic media suchas 51' disks in PCIMSSDOS or CP/M format. or on '1U58 DEC tapes are urged to submit thesame along with their manuscrtpt. (5). PCMS5DCYS disks are preferred.I DiSCLumER Responnbilay for the accuracy of quoted and niereneed matenalram moiety upon the dualist of the Item in cinch suds matenal appears nprr aBLE, 2 . Coordinator's Corner Stereotypes are often not complimentary.In the minority languages of the world there may be significant usefulness in being able to show the world that peculiar linguistic traits have a reason, but finding the reason can be a matter of chance recognition as one does analysis. Howard Law's article The Indians Do Say 0:0-Ugh provides an example, a linguistic analysis for what is ofter accepted as a popular caricature. There are a number of approaches to semantics, but until we are able to account for how speakers and hearers process speech we will not have an adequate explanation for how we get so much understanding from from so few words in an utterance.Relevance Theory is a psychological processing theory rather than a linguistic structure theory. Can it be applied to other than the analyst's own language? Regina Blass's describes what comes out when Relevance is applied to to particle analysis, one ..)f the live issues in language typology today. Dwight Day, with experience in professional dictionary work, in SIL undertook to publish a compilation of vernacular lexical-entries-with- glosses as something more than a word list. What does a professional dictionary project require, and even if one knew what the format was, would it be applicable for a bilingual dictionary?Dwight describes the rationale behind the features of a well known, scholarly dictionary as applied rigorously in the making of a Shipibo-Spanish bilingual dictionary. This issue's contribution to computer applications for linguists comes from Bryan Harmelink. Bryan mentioned that in leafing through the Microsoft WORD manual he noticed the chapter on tables and thought immediately about tables of content.In checking further he realizedthatthere were other interesting applicationsforthis powerful feature that would make working on linguistic documents easier, faster, and more enjoyable.If you use WORD or a different processor with similar capabilities, Bryan's experience might be useful to you. THE INDIANS DO SAY UGH-UGH! HOWARD W. LAW
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