INDEX The following abbreviations are used in this index: WO = World Ocean, AO = Atlantic Ocean, IO = Indian Ocean, PO = Pacific Ocean, Med = Mediterranean, C = Current. Adélie coast 79,80 Arguin Bank 303 - 305 Adriatic Sea 275, 278 Aru Basin 174 Agulhas Asian High 109 Bank 190, 191 Atlantic-Indian Basin 64 Current 179, 180, 190 – 193, 206, Atlantic Water 207, 211, 254,262, 264, 267, 318 in Arctic Med. 92 - 98 retroflection 189, 191 - 192 in Eurafrican Med. 272 - 280 Plateau 191 Australian-Antarctic air pressure at sea level 3 Basin 64, 108 over WO: 5 - 7, Discordance 201 over SO: 66 Aves Ridge 87 over Arctic 112, 125 Azores Alaskan Stream 112, 125, 158 - 160 Current 50, 231 – 233, 238, 240, Aleutian 247 Islands 125, 157 – 158, 160 High 231 Low 109 Azov, Sea of 282 Algerian Current 276 - 277 Bab el Mandeb 215, 218, 220 Almeria-Oran Front 276 - 277 Baffin Alpha Ridge 85 Bay 98, 231, 271 - 274 Amery ice shelf 76 Current 271 Amundsen Baltic Sea 231, 290, 294 – 298 Abyssal Plain 64, 108 Banda Sea 221, 224, 227 Basin 85, 97 Water, see Med.Water, Australasian Anadyr Current 159 Barents Sea 88, 93, 98 Andaman Sea 199 – 200, 215 barrier layer 57 - 61 Angola in AO: 267 - 268 Current 237 - 238 in IO: 212 - 213 Dome 237 in PO: 154 - 156 Angola-Benguela Front 233, 237 Barrow Strait 271 Antarctic Bass Strait 299 – 302, 304 Convergence (see also Polar Front) Bay of Bengal 61, 175, 186 – 187, 71, 74, 77, 81 196, 200, 204, 206, 211 – 212, 215 Divergence 71, 74 - 78, 81, 257 Water 211 - 212 Zone 71 – 72, 77, 78 Beaufort Sea 84 Antilles C. 231, 238, 246, 247 Bellinghausen Abyssal Plain 64 Arabian Basin 177 Belt Sea 295 - 298 Sea 175, 186 – 188, 199, 200, 204, Benguela Current 234, 237, 247 - 248, 212, 215, 219 305 Arafura Sea 106, 174 Bering Arctic Slope Current 185 Ocean, see mediterranean seas Strait 84, 88, 90, 97 – 98, 140, 144, Mid-Ocean Ridge 85 157 - 159 Argentine Basin 230 Sea 125, 157 – 162, 167 pdf version 1.0 (December 2001) 384 Regional Oceanography: an Introduction bipole, see eddies North Atlantic 251, 265 – 267, 269, Black Sea 272, 274 – 275, 281 – 283, 303 295 , 296 South Atlantic 150, 208, 249 – 251, Bohai Gulf 168, 169 263 – 267, 299, 303 Bosphorus Strait 282 - 283 Western South Pacific 52, Bottom Water 150 – 153, 208, 263, 299 - 301 Antarctic 53, 77 – 80, 140 – 141, Eastern South Pacific 150 146, 200 – 201, 203, 255 – 256, Western North Pacific 150 - 151 259 Eastern North Pacific 150, 152 Arctic 93 – 95, 99 – 101, 256 – 258, Chagos-Laccadive Ridge 177 263 Chatham Rise 130, 140, 149 Baffin Bay 273 Chile (see also Peru/Chile ...) Japan Sea 168 Basin 108 Yellow Sea 169 Rise 64, 140 boundary currents China Coastal Current 169 western 41, 43, 45 – 46, 50, 57, Chukchi Sea 84, 88, 93, 157 121 ff., 140, 146, 147, 163 – 165, Circumpolar 182, 188 ff., 199, 200 ff., 238ff., Current 64 – 66, 70, 78 – 82, 101, 269, 286 ff., 306, 318 - 319 102, 110, 140, 200, 203, 245, 246, eastern 131 ff., 139, 154, 158, 255 195 ff., 247 ff. Water 71, 78, 80, 103, 200, 261 Boussole Strait 162 Columbia Basin 284, 287 Bowers Ridge 157, 158 Continental Water Boundary 71, 72, Bransfield Strait 78 111, 233, Brazil Current 50, 232, 233, 237, convection 57, 77 – 79, 81, 277, 278, 244 – 246 283 Broken Plateau 177 atmospheric 325 - 327 Buru Basin 224, 226 convergence 40, 41, 43, 46 (see also Buys-Ballot's Law 31 Subtropical C., Antarctic C.) California Current 110, 134, 136 Costa Rica Dome 116, 117, 119 Campbell Plateau 66 Coral Sea 52 – 53, 108, 109, 110, 121, Canada Basin 85, 88, 92, 93, 95, 97 126 – 129, 138, 140, 149, Canadian Archipelago 84, 98, 99 152 – 153, 299 - 300 Canary Current 232, 240, 247 – 251, Coriolis 303 - 305 force 29 – 30, 39 Caribbean parameter 31, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42 Current 232, 283, 287 Cromwell C., see Equatorial Underc. Countercurrent 287 in PO Sea 271, 283 - 287 CTD 15 - 17 Carlsberg Ridge 177 Dardanelles 275, 282 Cayman Basin 284, 287 Davidson Current 134 Celebes Sea, see Sulawesi Sea Davis Strait 231, 271, 273 Celtic Sea 291, 293 Deep Water 52, 319, 321, 322 Central Indian Indian 146, 203 - 204 Basin 177 Japan Sea 167 - 168 Ridge 177 Mediterranean 278 - 281 Central Pacific Basin 108 North Atlantic 72, 75, 77, 78, 99ff., Central Water 53, 56 145, 191, 208, 238, 246, 253, 256, Indian 191, 208 – 213, 218, 226, 258, 261, 264, 267, 278, 284, 285, 264, 299 - 300 319, 362 Pacific 144 - 146 pdf version 1.0 (December 2001) Index 385 Denmark Strait 84, 99, 101, 147, 231 in Brazil C. 245, 246 depth of no motion 24 – 26, 44, 47, in East Australian C. 124 – 130, 300 190, 232, 244 - 245 in Gulf of Mexico 288 - 290 divergence 41, 43 (see also Antartic D.) in Gulf Stream 242 – 244 Doldrums, (see also Intertropical in Leeuwin C. 197 - 198 Covergence Zone) 3, 12, 13 in Oyashio 124 in AO: 231, 232, 234 in Kuroshio 123 in IO: 177, 179, 181 Ekman in PO: 109, 110, 137 - 139 layer 29, 39 – 41, 43, 186, 248 double-diffusion 307, 309 pumping 40 – 43, 45, 56 - 58 downwelling 40 – 41, 179, 196 transport 40 – 43, 48 – 49, 100, Drake Passage 63, 65, 71, 75, 81, 82, 278, 305 102, 103, 140, 143 in IO: 179, 317 dynamic height 26, 27 in SO: 75, 81 East African Coastal Current, see Zanzibar Emperor Seamounts 122, 123, 125 Current Enderby East Arabian Current 183, 186, 194 Abyssal Plain 64 East Auckland 130 Land 79 East Australian Current 36, 46, 50, Equatorial 110, 112, 119, 126 – 130, 300, Current System: 318, 324 E. Counterc. in IO: 179 – 183, 193 East Cape Current 130 E. Intermediate C. in PO: 113, 119 East China Sea 84, 106, 121, 162, e. jet in Indian Ocean 182, 183, 168, 172 - 173 186, 188, 193, 196 meander 121 North E. Countercurrent East Greenland Current 89 – 91, 94, in AO: 234, 237 98, 99, 234, 244, 273 in PO: 111, 112, 116, 118 - 119 East Iceland Current 262 North E. Current East Indian in AO: 232, 234, 238, 247, 254, Current 183, 187, 188 267 winter jet 186, 188 in IO: 181 – 183, 186 - 188 East Kamchatka C., see Kamchatka Current in PO: 110, 116, 117, 121, 124 East Korea Warm Current 164, 165 South E. Countercurrent East Madagascar Current 179, 182, in AO: 235, 237 188 - 190 in PO: 113, 120 East Pacific Rise 64, 140 South E. Current East Siberian Sea 88 in AO: 232, 234, 237, 244, 246 East Wind Drift 70 in IO: 179 – 183, 188, 193 Eastern Indian Ridge, see Ninety East in PO: 110, 111, 113, Ridge 116 – 120, 130 Easterlies, Polar E. Undercurrent 57, 316 SO: 3, 70 in AO: 113, 234 - 238 Arctic Med.: 90 in IO: 185 eddies in PO: 112 – 119, 131 bipole 124 Subsurface Counterc. in PO: 113, planetary 36, 37, 43, 49 – 50, 300, 119 306 - 308 Water shear-generated 91 in IO: 211 in Circumpolar C. 82 in PO: 150 - 154 in Agulhas C. 190, 191, 262, 264, euphotic zone 134, 303 267 Eurasian Basin 85 pdf version 1.0 (December 2001) 386 Regional Oceanography: an Introduction evaporation, see mass flux gyre Falkland Current, see Malvinas Current subpolar 46, 70 Filchner ice shelf 79 in AO: 232, 234, 244 Flores Sea 221, 224 in PO: 112, 121, 124, 125, 136 Florida subtropical 46 Current 238 – 240, 247 in AO: 232, 233, 240, 244, 245, Strait 238, 249 247 Faroe Bank Channel 84, 99, 231 in IO: 179 - 182 Fram Strait 84, 88, 98 in PO: 110 – 112, 120 – 123, 125, Franz Joseph Land 98 130, 132, 133, 134, 136 freshwater budget 320 - 322 Halmahera friction, effect on currents 29 – 30, 36, Eddy 111, 125 39, 43, 114, 131 Sea 226 fronts (see also Subantarctic, halocline 58, 59, 61, 297 Subtropical, heat Polar Front) 57, 301 – 302, balance 303 – 307, in Bay of Bengal 213 shallow sea 290 – 291, 294 - 295 in equatorial PO: 120 geostrophy 30 – 34, 37 flux 11 – 12, 61, 311, 313 – 320, in SO: 63, 75, 82 322 - 324 mass transport, geostr. 31, 32, 43, 48 latent 314 geothermal vents 218 loss Ghana upwelling 250, 252 in Agulhas C. 193 Gibbs Fracture Zone 100, 229 In Gulf Stream 244 Gibraltar Strait 231, 258, 259 in Leeuwin C. 196, 197 Grand Banks, see Newfoundland Bank in SO: 324 Great Australian Bight 127, 197, 201, transport 49, 51, 61, 317, 324 207, 208, 215, 299, 301 in Arctic Med: 97 Great Barrier Reef Undercurrent 116 in SO: 82 Great Whirl, see Somali Current Hokkaido 124, 160 – 162, 165 greenhouse effect 349, 362 Honshu 121, 124 Greenland Sea 92 – 94, 98, 100, 319, Hormuz Strait 219, 220 362 Hudson Deep Water 92 - 94 Bay 271, 274 Greenland-Iceland-Scotland Ridge 89, Strait 271 98 – 100, 256, 257, 362 Humboldt C. see Peru/Chile C. Grenada Basin 287 ice Guinea Dome 237, 238, 249, 266, 267 Antarctic 76 – 77 Gulf of Arctic 90 – 91 Carpentaria 157, 173 in Baltic Sea 296, 297 Guinea 237, 251 - 252 in Bering Sea 159 Mexico 271, 283 – 283, 287 - 290 in Hudson Bay 274 Oman 176 in Sea of Okhotsk 159, 160 Panama 139 Iceland Sea 84, 262, 362 Suez 215, 216 Indonesian throughflow 101, 102, 126, Thailand 157, 171, 173 179, 182, 196, 215, 220 – 228, 317, Gulf Stream 11, 13, 36, 45, 46, 50, 318, 321 190, 193, 232, 238 – 243, 254, Intermediate Water 262, 296, 324 Antarctic 52, 72, 74, 77, 78, 81 Extension 234, 238 - 240 in AO: 244, 256, 261 Guyana C.
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