DIRECT6RY DU CARD CENTER — ADDRESS — Duquesne University, Duquesne Union, Room 203 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa 15282 Telephone (412) 396-6191 Tele^hone Call specific number (see following) FINANCIAL AID — Loan, Sch6larship, For other offices, cal 1 (412) 396-6000 Student Employment, Applications Administration Building, Ground Floor DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY Telephone (412^ 396-^607 - ^ When on camptiv, onk the last 4 digirs need to be OFFICE OF FRESHMAN DEVELOPMENT AND dialeei, uith the exception ofthe Boolwoi e PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL STUDENT SERVICES' Puqucsne Union, Third Floor ADMISSIONS —,Director 6fUniveisity Telephone (412) 396-6657 Admissions OFFICE OF GREEK LIFE, HONOR SOCIETIES & Administiation Building, First Floor PROFESSIONA-L ORGANIZATIONS — Tel^phone (412) 396-6222 , Duquesne Union, Third Floor (^00) 456-0590 (Outside of 412 Area Code) Telephone (412) 396-6651 GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS — ADVISORS Administration Building, Fifth Floor McAnulty College'of Liberal Arts Telephone (412) 396-5080 College Hall, Room 212 HEALTH SERVICE — Telephone (412) 396-6389/5905 Duquesne Towers, Second Floor School of Leadership and Professional Advancement Telephone (412) 396-1650 Rockwell Hall, Room 2 10 ^ , I INFORMATION CENTER-For University Events J 71 Mi Telephone (412) 396-5034 Duquesne,Union, Third Floor A J Palumbo School ofBlusines, Administrinion 1 Telephone (412) 396-6632/6633 Rockwell HaIF Room 705 OFFICE PF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS — Telephone (412) 396-6277/5702 Duquesne Union, Sixth Floor C"atalog School of Education Telephone (412) 39676113 Canevin Hall, Room il 3 LEARNING SKILLS CENTER— Telephone (412) 396-6118 Achurnistration Building, Ground Floor 2004-2005 Rangos School of Health Sciences 'Telephone (412) 396-6661 i4ealth Sciences Bldg , Room 302 OFFICE OF MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS — Telephone (412) 396-6652 Duquesne Union Third Floor Mary Pappert School ofMusic, Room 303 Telephone (412) 396-1117 Telephone (412) 396-5744 PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC — BayenSchool ofNatural and Erivrionmental Sciences Rockwell Hall' N inth'I'loor I 00IMel Ion Hal I Telephone (412) 396-6562 - Telephone (412) 396-4921 PUBLIC AFFAIRS —1 School ofNursing, FisLr Hall, Fifth Fleet 220 Fisher Hall - Telephone (412) 396-5046 Telephone (412) 396-6050 -Mylan School of Pharmacy PUBLIC SAFETY Bayer Learning Center, Room 304 Public Safety Building Teleplione"(412) 396-6393 Telephone (412) 396-6002 For Em ergency, call (412) 396-4747 BOOKSTORE — Duquesne Union, Second Floor I Telephone (412) 434-6626 REGISTRAR-For Transcripts and Records CAMPUS MMSTRY^ Administration Building, Gi OL[hd Flooi Administration Building, First Floor- 'Telephone (412) 396-5623 (Tiansci ipts) Telephone (412) 396-6020/5045 (412) 396-6212 (Geneial Ofific^) CAREER SERVICES CENTER — R ESIDENCE LIFE-Assumption Hall,Ground'Floor Rockwell Hall ' Telephone (412) 396-6655/5028 Telepl16ne,(412) 396-6644 SPIRITAN DIVISION OFACAIDEMIC I School of Education Ca^eer Center ^PROGRAMS— Telephone (412) 396-6647 Administiation Building, Ground Floor CASHIER — Payment ofTnition and Fees Telephone (4 12) 396-666 1, Administration Building, Ground Floor STUDENT ACCOUNTS — Telephone (412) 396-6585/6587/6588 Administration'Building, Room 208 Telephone (412) 396'6585/6587/6588 COMN/FUTER AFFAIRS — STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE - 117 Duquesne Union Fisher Hall, Room 202A Telephone (412) 396-6660 1 Telephone (412) 396-6677 COMPUTING AN6 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES UNIVERSITY COUNSELING CENTER,— Concourse, Rockwell Hall 308 Administration Building ' Telephone (412) 396-4357 Telephone (412) 396-6204/6208 1 1 All Degrees and Programs Offered by Duquesne University School Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate RIGHT TO AMEND A,I,H,,Iolysic i'di'alm. Ph^^ ­opl,) Communication Studies Put 1_1 Science Corporate Lib-1 Multimedia Technology As the educational process ft om admission through graduation requires Cc:^ass2a^ CG,,,k Comaram"u.. Psycholo6c Philosophy Classical Larluages Sociology Communication Social and Public Pohe^ continuing review and appropriate approval by University officials, the Cono.:m un,c,t on Studies Cornintrition in Sunbe, put,, Criminal Justice and Conflictand P, Resolution I lealth Care _tbac, Colleg, and C Zerice Rh,t.,i, Economic, ace Studies Philosophy provisions of this catalog are to be considered directive in character The Cloulmit, School of Social Justice and Phil ... ph, of Pohev Artily sis and Clinical Psychology Lm ... I Arts English Policy Communication Rhetoric History Administration University, therefore, reserves the right to change requirements and regulations Human qe,,iec, Computational Mathematics Studio Act Theology Th,ol.gy International Relitions E.&Ii,h Spanish Care Pa,toral Mini,ay contained herein, including fees, tuition, and board and room, and to determine Jorm,fis. Health Ethic, Religious Education Latin Th,,tc,A,tx H,story whether an individual has satisfactorily met the requirements for admission or Mathematics Theology Arch-1 Museum and Med19 Communication World Literahare Editing Studies graduation The material contained herein is subject to change from time to time Modem L,n&uages Traditional Studies Multimedia Arts and this publication cannot be consideled an agreement or contract between I .... tmc.t individual students and the University The University reserves the right to alter Accounting Management Accounting .a, or of S11^,,s1.nc1^11uA1mma,t,,t,on e (M B A) or amend the terms, conditions, and requirements herein, and to elinimate Leadership and Information Systems M magement Information Doctorate Chmg, M ... ge—t FS'T"­d---- of '—u —" —ne — E Systems (M S an M I S ) programs or courses as necessary Administration Legal Studies Educationof in Z, Einreprecer,ship Nlas:,e,r of S ience in Taxation (M S in Tax) Finance Marketing lustructmatal Ma, m Accountancy (M Ace ) Sports Mark,tial, Technology linfornitmon S)stcals Suppl^ Chain Doctor of Philosophy Manal,eirient in school Psychology NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION AND NONHARASSMENT POLICY .nirmanM "a"'em .. I B.si.e,, Technology Marketing Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program Duquesne University, motivated by its Catholic identity, values equality of Educational hd Studies Counselor Education for Educational Early Childhood Education E a rly C ldhood Education Community Counseling opportunity, human dignity, racial, cultural and ethnic diversity, both as an S L-der, (IDPFL) Elementary I'ducation Ef—a— ^clr ation Instruction,] Early Childhood / Elementary Education Second— Education Marriage"vic's and Family Leadership educational institution and as an employer Accoidingly, the University Elementary / Second— Education Special Education Thc,,py E rellerce fS,o7(A of Secondarc Education Reading and Language Arts Schoo: Counseling at Duquesne (IUAD) prohibits and does not engage in discrimmation or harassment on the basis of Education Dual Degrees — Program Evil-tion Scho. Administration Executive Doctoral B A, Communication / B S Fducation Instructional Technology School Psychology race, colot, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or status as a veteran or Program an Counselor B A Latin / B S Editra on Do,] Di,^rcsx — School Supervision Education and B S or B A Mada,aratics / B S Ed- ition B S Athletic T,,in..g M S Eduraticni disabled veteran Further, Duquesne University will continue to take affirmative S.per—man IS A Spanish / B S Education B S Physical Therapy M S Education (ExCES) steps to support and advance these values consistent with the University's B S S­rce / M S Edue,ition mission statement This policy applies to all educational programs and activities Master of Bach,lor of Science in Health Management Systems FPh,,T.l FSch0a] Of licalth Athletic Training of the University, including, but not lirmted to, admission, educational policies, Occupational Therapy Therapy (DPT) S,^ ..... Health Management Systems —7 Phy sician Assistant Health Sciene- scholarship and loan programs and athletic or other University-sponsored Sl:,,c: :, Rehabilitation Science S , re n Speech Language Pathology progiams This is a corarrutment by the University in accordance with its religious values and applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations Music Ed ... ,on ..... T"""'gy Composition '2111:c I Th ... y / Nothing herein, however, should be interpreted as a waiver by the University of EE^^^ 'e"o-a-re Saered M.— 'IE,,Music .'i ^c^Tecbnolo,, T Performance Artist Diploma its own Constitutional and legal rights based upon its religious affiliation The :aE Biology Master of Environmental person responsible for coordinating its efforts under this policy is Dr Judith Chemistry E3:.rh­n,tr) (13 S and B A Management On line Griggs, Affirmative Action Officer, giound floor, Administration Building, B logy H3 S ) Emuormental Science and Certifiecites Natural School of C hc mistry ( BS andBA) Management Emirturnmental Science Law Biology university extension 6661 S'naacesall Fil—comernal En,:mrrreri^a"' mouren ci^ SciencC'emnstry (13 (B)s F.rc.,ie Sri ... c ad Eroucaux,ruill Chemistry S Dual Del,nees — Management Ph, sics H3 S and B A B S En, Scic.,,/MS ESM Dual D_ — B S Biology M S, ESM PROCEDURES B A / B S Engineering (,ith pp,.,cd M S Biologv M S ESM SECURITY STATISTICS, POLICIES AND Chemistry associat,Physics school) B S / M S ESM In accoidance with the College and University Security Information Act B S B,olo&y / %1 S Education B S Chemistry / M S Education (Pennsylvania Act 73 of 1988) and the U S Student Right to Know and Security B S Ph) s,,s / M S Education Act (PC 101-542), information regarding Duquesne
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