Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01538-8 - Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner David Conway Index More information Index Abel, Carl Friedrich, 66 Douze études dans tous les tons mineurs, Abrahams, Esther, 79 op. 39 Abrahams, John, 78, 80 Concerto, nos. 8–10, 226, 230 Abrams (surname), 78 Symphonie, nos. 4–7, 230 Abrams family, 28, 78–81 Grand duo concertant, op. 21, 228 Abrams, Charles, 78, 80 Grande sonate, op. 33, 228 Abrams, David. See Bramah, David Impromptus, op. 32, no. 2, 228 Abrams, Eliza, 78, 80 L’omnibus op. 2, 225 Abrams, Flora, 78, 80 Le chemin de fer op. 27, 225 Abrams, Harriett, 78, 79–81 Les cloches, op. 64 no. 4, 226 Abrams, Jane, 78, 80 Marche funèbre, op. 26, 228, 229 Abrams, ‘Miss G.’, 78, 80 Marche triomphale, op. 27, 228, 229 Abrams, Theodosia, 78, 80 Marcia funèbre, sulla morte d’un Abrams, William, 78, 80 Pappagallo, 227 Académie des Beaux-Arts, 221 Piano Trio, op. 30, 228 Aix-la-Chapelle, 241 Prélude, op. 66, no. 7, 234 Albert, Prince Consort, 106, 114 25 Préludes, op. 31, 228, 236 Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, 127 Six morceaux charactéristiques op. 8, 226 Alkan, Céleste, see Marix, Céleste (Alkan) Sonate de concert, op. 47, 237 Alkan, Charles-Valentin, 1, 205–7, 219–38, Super flumina Babylonis, op. 52, 231 258, 266 Symphony (orchestral) (lost), 236 and Chopin, 229–30 transcription of Beethoven, Symphony, Conservatoire auditions, 223 226 career transcription of overture to early, 225–6 Le prophète, 229 peak, 228–9 Trois anciennes mélodies de la synagogue, crisis, 229 234 later life, 230 Trois andantes romantiques op. 13, 226 birth of Delaborde, 227 Trois morceaux dans la genre pathétique, described by Marmontel, 231 op. 15, 226 Jewishness in life and music, 237 Variations on a theme of Steibelt, op. 1, 225 keeps kosher?, 234 Alkan, Ernest, 207 legend of death, 230 Alkan, Gustave, 207, 222 lost works, 228 Alkan, Maxime, 207 mental health, 227 Alkan, Napoléon, 207, 222, 223, 229 musical style, 226–7 Alsace, 38 and the Paris Consistory, 234 Altona, 26 translates Bible, 231, 237 America, 90, 240 will, 237 Amsterdam, 56 Works German Synagogue, 21, 61 Chants, 228 theatres Douze études dans tous les tons majeurs, Amsterdamse Schouwburg, 62, 63 op. 35, 228 Hoogduitsche Schouwburg, 62 323 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01538-8 - Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner David Conway Index More information 324 Index anti-Semitism, 9, 10, see also Jew-hatred support progressive reform of Judaism, Arendt, Hannah, 46 152–4 Arne, Thomas, 76, 82 Beer, Amalia (Wulff), 26, 149, 152, 165 Arnim, Achim von, 48, 154 Beer, Heinrich, 44–5, 152, 162, 180 Arnstein family, 125, 128, 129, 145 Beer, Jakob. See Meyerbeer, Giacomo Arnstein, Fanny (Itzig) von, 122, 124, Beer, Judah Herz, 40, 149, 152–4, 156, 158, 251 128, 151 supports synagogue reform, 153 Arnstein, Nathan Adam von, 122, 123 Beer, Michael, 45, 152, 160, 168, 213, 244, Artaria, 44, 121, 129 247, 251 Ascher, Saul, 46 on social status of German Jews, 167 Astley, Philip, 73, see also London: theatres, on Unser Verkehr, 155 Astley’s Works Auber, Daniel, 229 Der Paria, 167, 248 Gustave III, 216 Struensee, 167 La muette de Portici, 216 Beer, Rebecka (Meyer), 152, 180 Auerbach, Berthold, 167, 198 Beer, Wilhelm, 152, 154, 165, 247, 251 Austria, 5, 120–36, 139–42 Beethoven, Johann van, 133 ‘Jews’ Decree’ (1764), 121 Beethoven, Karl van, 187 Tolerance Edict (1784), 121 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 13, 47, 93, 107–8, 112, 120, 124–5, 127, 129, 171, 191, Bach family 205–6, 214, 225, 228 and Itzig family, 146 appreciates A. B. Marx, 189 as a Berlin musical dynasty, 145–6 aristocratic patrons, 125, 126, 142 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 145, 146, 149 and patrons of Vienna’s ‘second society’, Bach, Johann Christian, 66 125–6 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 26, 33, 34, 44, 108, piano sonatas performed by 145, 171, 228, 229 Moscheles, 108 Works as referent in musical canon, 50–1 St John Passion, 33 relations with Jews in Vienna, 131–3 St Matthew Passion, 33 relics collected by Jews, 44–5 publication of, 190 researches Jewish music, 133 revived by Mendelssohn, 176 and the Schlesingers, 186–7 Well-Tempered Clavier, 19 Works Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 26, 145, 146 Battle Symphony, op. 91, Baden, 122 Fidelio (piano score), 105 Baer, Rabbi Israel, 61 Missa Solemnis, 186 Baker, John, 77, 82 Piano Concerto no. 4, op. 58, 113, 244 Balakirev, Mily, 100 Piano Sonata no. 8, (Pathétique), op. 13, 244 Balassagyarmat, 137 Piano Sonata no. 32, op. 111, 186, 187 Balfe, Michael, 118 Piano Trios, op. 1, 125 bar mitzvah, 28 Scottish Songs, 188 Barnett, Charles Zachary, 102 String Quartet no. 16, op. 135, 187 Barnett, John, 102–3, 116 Symphony no. 7, op. 92 (manuscript), 44 The Mountain Sylph, 102 Symphony no.9, op. 125, 108, 131 Bartholdy, Jakob (Salomon), 48, 150, 151, 180 Violin Concerto, op. 61, 195 on change of Mendelssohn name, 152 Beggar’s Opera, The, 69 on Felix Mendelssohn’s career, 172–3 Beghin, Tom, 131 Baruch, Juda Loew, see Börne, Ludwig Behr, Israel Falkensohn, 15–16 Basevi family, 72 Bellini, Vincenzo, 164 Bass, Lipman, 22 ben Israel, Rabbi Menasseh, 64 Bath, 66, 82, 83–4, 105 ben Nathan, Michael, 21 Beer family, 43, 68, 102 Benda, František (Franz), 23–4 charity, 166 Benedict, Julius, 6, 105, 109, 110 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01538-8 - Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner David Conway Index More information Index 325 Berger, Ludwig, 171 at Bath, 83–4 Berlijn, Anton (Aron Wolf), 63 and Family Quarrels, 85–8 Berlin, 49, 112, 140, 178 and Hebrew Melodies, 89, 95 Dreifaltigkeit Cemetery, 180 Jewish identity, 84, 85–6 Jewish elite, 145 accent, 90 Jewish Free School, 148 supports Jewish charity, 87 Jewish salons, 46, 48, 149–60 withdraws from, 90 Musikschule, 191 and Leoni, 76, 78, 82 restrictions on Jewish residence, 146 as meshorrer, 82 synagogues musical otherness, 35–6 Beer private synagogue, 154, 156 origins, 78, 82 Itzig bet midrash, 145 reputation, 89, 90 Old Synagogue, 158 as theatre manager, 115 Reform, 158 Works theatres The Americans, 82 French Theatre, 149 The Death of Nelson, 82 National Theatre, 162 Kais, 88 University, 190 Braham, Spencer, 83 Berliner allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, Brahms, Johannes, 24, 53 188–9 on his supposed Jewish ancestry, 6 Berlioz, Hector, 107, 205–6, 209, 216, 229, 238, Bramah, David, 78, 79, 81 243, 245, 264 Brandon, Isaac, 88 Damnation of Faust, 172 Brandus (publishing house), 225, 228 on Meyerbeer, 252–3, 255 Brandus, Louis, 239 Bernhard, Isaac, 147 Brendel, Franz, 195, 263 Bienenfeld, Johann Adam, 123 Brentano, Antonia, 132 Bigot, Marie, 171 Brentano, Clemens, 154 Bildung, 42, 46, 124, 170 Breslau, 61 and synagogue music reform, 136 Bridgetower, George, 125 in Mendelssohn household, 170 Bristol, 105 Birmingham, 66, 113 Brno, 194 Bizet, Georges, 221 Browning, Robert, 97 Bland, Charles, 73 Bruch, Max, 19, 236 Bland, Mrs., 72–3, 85 Kol Nidrei, 193 Bochsa, Nicholas, 101 Brussels, 56, 224, 241 Bohemia, 130 Brydges, James, 1st Lord Chandos, 67 Jewish bands in, 25 Bull, Ole, 107 Jews expelled from, 121 Burleigh, Michael, 10 Bohlman, Philip, 25 Burney, Charles, 34, 64, 68, 97 Böhm, Josef, 194 on Cervetto the elder, 71 Bolaffi, Michele, 246 on Cervetto the younger, 72 Bologna, 56 Robin Hood, 88 Bonn, 125 visits Amsterdam synagogue, 21 Börne, Ludwig, 8, 31, 140, 146, 263 Burnim, Kalman, 68 Börnstein, Heinrich, 166 Byron, Lord, 90, 92 Boulogne, 199 and Nathan, 93–7 Braham (surname), 78 Hebrew Melodies, 93–6, 111 Braham, Charles, 90 settings, 100 Braham, Constance, 90 philo-Semitism, 93, 95–6 Braham, Frances, 90 Braham, John, 35–7, 73–5, 82–91, 92, 105, 113, Cabanel family, 68 134, 257 Caceres, Abraham, 58 Abrams family, 81 Cahen, Ernest, 210 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01538-8 - Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner David Conway Index More information 326 Index Calzabigi, Ranieri de’, 52 structure and function, 208 Cambridge, Prince Adolphus, 1st Duke of, 106 Westphalia, 155 Canterbury, 91 Corri, Domenico, 92 Carlsbad, 129 Costa, Michael, 118 Carlyle, Thomas Crabb Robinson, Henry, 87, 89, 90 on Moses Mendelssohn, 111 Cramer, Johann Baptist, 107, 114 Casti, Giovanni, 124 Crémieux, Isaac Adolphe, 209, 219, 254 Castillo, Jacob, 58 Crosten, William, 250 Catalani, Angelica, 246, 247 Cervetto, Giaccobe (Jacob), 71–2 d’Almeida, Joseph, 74 Cervetto, James, 71, 72 d’Eichtal family, 181, 208, 242 Chandos, Lord. See Brydges, James, 1st Lord d’Eichtal, Gustave, 6, 23–4 Chandos d’Indy, Vincent, 230 Charles V, King of Spain, 55 D’Israeli, Isaac, 111 Charles X, King of France, 242, 243 d’Ortigue, Joseph, 228, 229 Charlotte, Princess Royal, 95, 97 da Modena, Leone, 17 Chatam Sofer, see Schreiber, Rabbi Moses da Pinto, Isaac, 60 chazan, 18, 20, see also synagogue music Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 52–3, 92 Cherubini, Luigi, 107, 206, 210, 212, 213, 229, Jewish background, 52 238, 242, 245, 259 as Mozart’s librettist, 52–3 choir, 19, 20 in Vienna, 124 in synagogue, 19, 20, 103 da Symons, Lyon, 65 at Seesen, 155 Dacosta, 210 Chopin, Frederic, 107, 109, 208, 222, 225, Daguerre, Louis, 205 227–9, 231, 238, 240, 243–4, 266 Dannreuther, Edward, 194 and Alkan, 229–30 Danzig, 211 on Meyerbeer, 253 Daquin, Louis, 204 and Rothschild family, 241 Darmstadt, 162 Chorley, Henry, 27, 109 David, Félicien, 107 Christlich-Deutsche
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