1I!»IW1WWI»*'"W«W"»^H^» COUNCILMEN DISCUSS ISSUES Budgets fo payoffs By Jeff Aberbach Wachs feels that public pres­ offshore oil drilling, bul claimed vide free bus transportation. STAFF WRITER sure does work, and cites a recent that there are loo many flaws In Bernardl reported that new Three members of the Los zoning denial for a proposed hous­ the bill. gasoline taxes and federal funds Angeles City Council spoke ing tract in the mountains paral­ Councilman Ernani Bernardi, will provide the RTD with al least Thursday in the Open Forum lel to the San Diego Freeway, a 12-year veteran of the council, $105 million annually. "With this area on topics which ranged from' "We urged citizens to protest the representing the central and eas-. money," Bernardi noted, "they zoning payoffs to city* budgets. development to their councilmen, tern secUon§^%rthe Valley, spoke could e.stablish better lines, put Freshman Councilman Joel and when the final vote was taken, briefly on an article appearing in more buses on them and offer the Wachs spoke to the student crowd it was eight to seven against the the Thursday edition of the Los system for free." on he subject of citizen partici­ zoning."; Angeles Times, The article dealt The councilman noted that, pation In preventing government vvach strongly supported a with a past zoning ctiange and a under his plan, the buses would Joel Wachs control by lobbyists. He claim­ plan by Congressman Alphonso payoff of $7,000 to a former run the full length of major streets ed that people have a feeling of Bell lo make the Santa Monica council member. (such as Reseda Boulevard, De­ hopelessmess about getting things mountains Into "a national park, Bernardi said he intends to find vonshire and Nordhoff Streets) done, but that such a feeling can "Ttje area that would be covered," •out who the former councilman in a grid pattern and persons could be changed. Wach said, 'would extend from is and put a stop to this type of easily ri^ach their destinations, Wachs pointed to his own elec­ the San Diego Freeway to Point action, adding that "we can not Councilwoman . Pat Russell tion as an example.- According to Mugu." He claimed that il would have integrity In government with spoke to a small crowd of'30 Wachs, the former councilman be marvelous for local residents this sort of thing occuring " per.sons on the topicof.women and (James B, Potter) had helped to who "cah not always travel to Bernardi was critical ofthe ef­ growth policies, noting that wo­ develop the Santa Monica moun­ existing national parks. Wachs fectiveness of the police depart­ men are taking a more active tains by granting numerpus zon­ noted that the only alternative ment, 'claiming that "too much position in society, ing changes, and th&people were would be a gradual rezoning of mcJney Is being spent on mecha­ angered by'Potter's actions. As the mountains for housing and nical crime fighting devices." He Mrs. Russell, the only woman a result, Wachs claimed, i re­ commercial developments. '»( claimed that the key to fighting on the council, feels that "It Is ceived 91 per cent of the vole Wachs admitted during a ques- crime Is releasing trained fxi- a woman's natural position to from those living In the'Santa tion-and-answer session that he lice officers from desk jobs, occupy one-half of the human Monica mountains. " He added is still undecided on Proposition Bernardi recently proposed a race" and that they mu.st help to that the vote was not just'for 9, the Clean Environment Act. He unique .system of rapid transit, .solve its problems. his candidacy, but also a pro­ noted that he supported many of claiming that the Raj^id Transit test against bad zoning. .Mrs Russell drew applau.se the ideas, such as the ban on District could and should pro- during a question-and-answer Pat Russell session' when asked who she would support for mayor. She respond­ Mexican-American role in politics ed, 'T did in 1969, Und I wiU ag­ ain support Tom Bradley," adding that he would make an excellent mayor. discussed by 3 party s|K>kesmen .\irs.RuS'selt was the only coun­ cil membtir who took a definite •They did this In 1960 and 1970,, Ileved in the American dream." By Kim Kent stand on Proposition 9, saying Lpa said. He charged liberal Democrats STAFF WRITER that .she would oppose it despite RepCibllcan, 'Dennjcrat-«Bd-La^: "'^hlcann.s lave been - moved^ with' pursuing a system of "rule the fact that she is glad that it Raza Unida Parly representa­ around and used to perpetua!te "By"^ ITre if»Hte-" and- eonservatlve Is on the ballot. She feels-that tives discussed the role of Chi­ a rancid, decsiyed and .screwed Democrats with supporting the some controls in the measure canos In politics and the bene­ up system,'' Loa charged, Ideology that "if you are not an would be too stringerit for pre­ fits of party affiliation Wed­ "La Raza Unida is the force Anglo then you are not able to sent technology to me6t nesday in engineering 100. in the barrio that is changing manage your own affairs, " Due to an emergency afternoon Richard Loa, representing the the entire context of the three Gilbert Barron, vice-president council session, Councilman Ro­ La Raza Unida Party, told the million Chicanos who live in the of the California Republican As- bert Wilkinson was forced to can­ audience the parly was the only slate," he believes. .sembly, replaced Ray Garcia; cel his speaking engagement. legitimate party of the barrio and Carlos Gallndo, a resident of another Republicanwhpwas'i>che- Ernani Bernardi that both the Republicans and De­ Orange County and former mem­ . duled to appear, mocrats were "outside parties ber of the Reagan- re-election Barron told .students that he be­ and frauds." campaign, represented the Re­ came a Republican after 1966 Editorial "There are three million Chi­ publican party. when he realized that there was canos In the stale. They are a He told students that he was no place in the Democratic party people without any representa­ dedicated to the free enterprise for Chicanos to gain control. tion that have been so exploited •system and the republican concept "The Republican party has and so deceived by the American of Individual worth.' 'We bell- never done anything for my peo­ free enterprise system they have eve that everyone has an equal ple, but they have given us the little interest in politics," Loa opportunity to achieve giyi-at- opportunity to mak(^ the sy.stem said. ness," he said. work for us," he said. He accused the Democrats of Gallndo .supports the philo.so- "If you want something you have being responsible for keeping the phy that the least medling in to under.sland the .sy.stem before Chicanos out of politics and an individuals affairs is the best you can take it over," Barron "keeping him politically impo­ for the individual, said. tent." Demoracts, Loa explain­ Gallndo told the audienx;e that Alex Jacinto arrived late, and ed, go into the-barrio and win "our fathers" left the counlriesof although he i.s-listed as a Demo­ the Chicano vote. 'Then they Latin America andSpain and came crat hedi'clined to publicly .state gerrymander him out pf pplillcs. to America because they "be- his party affiliation. "My premi.se Is that the R(!- Forum schedule today publican and Democratic parties - don't offer the Mexican-Ameri­ 10:00 a.m. Speech Drama 121--Lionel Van Deerlin can anything," he .siild, 10:30 a.m. Speech Drama 121—James Corman Loa told the audience that there 11:00 a.m. TUB-Tom Carrel I has always been difficulty In at­ 12 noon Open Forum—John Rousselot tempting to Identify the Chicano people. t:hicanos mu.st .stand up, 1:Q0 p.m. Open Forum—Yvonne Brothwoite become a tiafldnallty amt-ceflie 1:30 p.m. Open Forum—Bill Brophy lo think of them.selves as men. 2:00 p.m. Engineering lOO—Robert Cline Then they must unite with other 2:30 p.m. Engineering 100—W<i^ren Dorn people to replace a .sy.stein that 3:00 p.m. Engineering 100--BobMorretti is not democratic. 3:30 p.m. Engineering 100—John Ferraro ^'Chicanos must unite with oilier peoples to replace a rancid, cor­ Voting continu^s today rupt .sy.steiri," Loa .said. i-itr;,*- / ViJ-ilfe/ 'v.«?.'> '^c '• Sui ; '.'/ / ^ . y / Ward 'saving pennies' for race vv'iv: ^^-i"' t, -VW.. r V' ..'y-^J J. /'^»'i .; • -- ' •-j,-^- • • .v: ••.*.• •••••'! <,»• .' .'1 ,y"./ ;r -• '• . 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