R A D Y O V Rİ AZ DY OY ON QUARTERLY RADIO MAGAZINE / JANUARY 2016 / 5 V HAVE YOU EVER READ RADIO? İ Z Y O N TERNAL BRO F EX AD O CA RE S U T T IN U G F - E I H T : E L I F “Radyovizyon is celebrating the first anniversary of its stronger than ever reunion with readers. The magazine has become a breath, a voice for radio broadcasters in our country and the world. I want everyone to consider this success as a pledge for future achievements.” Şenol Göka TRT Director General THE FUTURE OF EXTERNAL BROADCASTING Dr. Süleyman ERDAL THE NEW BROADCAST PERIOD OF TRT RADIOS Amber TÜRKMEN 5 DIGITAL RADIO BROADCASTING Recep YURDUSEVEN RISE OF RADIO IN ASIA Rob GRAHAM PUBLIC VOICES BEYOND NATIONAL BORDERS David Fernández QUIJADA RADIO IN 2020 Vijay SADHU TRT BIG BAND ORCHESTRA Ç. Gülruy KÖŞKER Our colleagues are ready for 2016 with an unfailing excitement. Şenol GÖKA TRT Director General The voice and ast is a place of patience. The place of perseverance and submission... E This is not just waiting; there is also effort, quite a lot of effort... These lands offer the fruits of perseverance and submission only to breath of radio those who put in effort from the heart. broadcasters Perhaps it is because effort comes from the heart that offered rewards are more than initially desired. We find it rude to boast about exerted efforts. Radyovizyon is the fruit of such perseverance. Celebrating the first anniversary of its coming back to readers once again and even stronger, Radyovizyon has become the voice and breath of radio broadcasters in our country and around the world. I would like you to take this success as a pledge or commitment for future achievements. The dossier of this issue is “The Future of External Broadcasting.” International broadcasting organizations that we are a member of, national and international academicians and our colleagues have contributed to the dossier. I believe readers will enjoy articles that take up all dimensions of external broadcasting. The month of January is important to radio broadcasters. We prepare for the upcoming broadcasting season and New Year months ahead in time. New programs pursue new voices and we seek new ways to satisfy our listeners. Our colleagues are ready for 2016 with an unfailing excitement. I wish a successful year to my colleagues and all radio broadcasters. 1 Music is a part of life; the voice of chirping birds in the morn- ing, a sweet breeze as we walk down the Street, a peaceful melody at the dinner table, a lullaby you sing for your baby… Music is everywhere, Everything about music is right here… On the rst day of every month, comes with a CD TRT Bir Dünya Müzik birdunyamuzik 2 [email protected] Music is a part of life; the voice of chirping birds in the morn- ing, a sweet breeze as we walk down the Street, a peaceful melody at the dinner table, a lullaby you sing for your baby… One point to bear Music is everywhere, in mind, while Everything about music is right here… thinking about the future of external broadcasting, is public diplomacy as an inter-disciplinary concept. Dr. Süleyman ERDAL Head of TRT External Services Department The Future of External Broadcasting s a controversial field in the shadow of today’s of the possibilities on the road to be walked A sophisticated technologies, do external services because attention to the qualities and possibilities promise a bright future or can we talk about a of the target audience will make you more effective transformation? Radyovizyon magazine will be as a broadcaster. investigating this matter in the next two editions. Today, we are living in a time when technology Danish philosopher Kierkegaard says “Life can removes boundaries and communication only be understood backwards; but it must be happens extremely fast, however, do you think lived forwards.” Likewise, on the issue of external the use of technology is at the same level in every broadcasting before a future-bound perspective, corner of the world? Therefore, we should not forget backward compatibility in our broadcasts. we should absorb the past. In this edition of our Depending on criteria like the level of prosperity magazine by looking into the past we will ask and use of technology different instruments can where we are today and we will try to lay out be used to reach different parts of the world. speculations about what the future holds. One point to bear in mind, while thinking about On the rst day of every month, comes with a CD External broadcasting started out as an instrument the future of external broadcasting, is public of the Cold War period. All major organizations diplomacy as an inter-disciplinary concept. Maybe, in this field were launched after the 1930s. Later this is what should be located front and center in on, with the emergence of Cold War era it turned external broadcasting. Establishing strong relations into a total propaganda tool. This feature of in a time when mutual relationship networks are so external broadcasting is somehow still evident advanced thanks to globalization; knowing right in today’s world. It can be said that depending what you and others own; understanding other on technological advancements it will change its cultures and people; finding and creating shared form in the future and continue to exist with its values are the real functions of public diplomacy. instruments. If we accept this, external broadcasting becomes There is a famous saying everybody knows: “If more important than ever. there is road, there is chance to walk.” As TRT If we have a responsibility to introduce to the External Services Department we will continue to world what we own, our cultural elements and walk on this road with ever-improving possibilities. other values; and if there is a way to do it, then we TRT Bir Dünya Müzik However, it is crucial to determine the compounds must do it. birdunyamuzik [email protected] Quarterly RADIO MAGAZINE Publisher on Behalf of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Dr. Süleyman Erdal, Head of TRT External Services Department Editor-in-Chief R A D Y O V Dr. Süleyman Erdal Rİ AZ DY OY ON 3 AYLIK RADYO DERGİSİ / OCAK 2016 / SAYI 21 V HİÇ RADYO OKUDUNUZ MU? İ Z Y O N IĞIN GELECEĞ CIL İ - IN I Editorial Coordinator AY Y IŞ D : A Y Şirin Sümer S O D Editor in Charge “Yeniden ve daha güçlü bir şekilde okuyucu ile buluşmasının birinci yılını kutlayan Radyovizyon, ülkemizde ve dünyada radyocular için bir nefes, bir ses oldu. Bu başarıyı, yeni başarılar Eda Kotanoğlu Cardona için bir söz, bir taahhüt olarak kabul etmenizi isterim.” Şenol GÖKA TRT Genel Müdürü DIŞ YAYINCILIĞIN GELECEĞİ Dr. Süleyman ERDAL TRT RADYOLARI YENİ YAYIN DÖNEMİ Amber TÜRKMEN 21 ULUSAL SINIRLAR ÖTESİNDE HALKTAN SESLER David Fernandez QUIJADA 2020’DE RADYO Vijay SADHU DİJİTAL RADYO YAYINCILIĞI PROJESİ Recep YURDUSEVEN Editors TRT BIG BAND ORKESTRASI Ç. Gülruy KÖŞKER Olgu Tokdemir From the Editor Sultan Yanmaz Transnational Identity of Radio Aksel Koçak Didem Güneri Öztaşbaşı The role of radio which is the best mass medium of the 20th century in the Nurettin Turan international arena started when many governments assumed diplomatic Özlem Yalçın activities with their shortwave broadcasts in foreign languages in the 1920s Abdul Hamid Chohan and 1930s. States had the opportunity to make their cause public thanks to Advisory Committee radio broadcasts in foreign languages. Thus, public diplomacy gained great Prof. Dr. Edibe Sözen importance as a communication strategy in World War II. Public diplomacy is Doç. Dr. Enderhan Karakoç Prof. Dr. Ertan Özensel the communication process that a country carries out to enable international Doç. Dr. Halûk Bengü public opinion to understand its culture, national goals and policies as well as its nation’s opinions and ideals. The traditional concept of diplomacy changed as a Regional Representatives result of the foundations of the international order being laid after World War II Ankara • Filiz Özdemir Arıcıoğlu • [email protected] Antalya • Mustafa Cansız • [email protected] with the establishment of international organizations like the United Nations and Çukurova • Lütfi Kılınç • [email protected] advancing communication technologies. Opportunities seized thanks to quicker Diyarbakır • Fatih Yılmaz • [email protected] access to information began to be implemented in the field of diplomacy too. Erzurum • İsmail Bingöl • [email protected] Transnational radio broadcasts would not be one-sided propaganda any longer İstanbul • Osman Nuri Boyacı • [email protected] İzmir • Hakan Özalpuk • [email protected] but two-way communication by getting to know all aspects of the international Trabzon • Yiğit Yavuz • [email protected] public opinion. Thus, not only states, but also nations would be taken up at diplomatic activities. A conflict of opinions during the Cold War, elimination Translated by Web Design Özden Demiray Hilal Baysal of borders and the fall of the Berlin Wall would introduce the concept of “soft Ömer Ayvaz İbrahim Çam power” to public diplomacy. This concept which means a country obtaining the Efsun Namal outcomes it wants in world politics because other countries admiring its culture, political values and foreign policy want to follow it and attracting others in world Legal Advisor Administrative Affairs Recep Durgun Murat Baran politics, and not only forcing them to change by threatening military force or economic sanctions, appeared as a requirement of political conjuncture. Radios Advertisement engaged in transnational broadcasts turned into the most important medium of Petek Ulusoy Arıca public diplomacy as the conveyer of values and cultures of states.
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