Proceedings of the 58th meeting Of the University Grants Commission Held in New Delhi on the 6th May, 1964 CONFIDENTIAL Lnivorsity Grants CommlGsion Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg(Mathura Rosd),New Delhi. Proceedings cf the 58th meeting of the ' University Grants CoiTmiission held in Kew Delhi on the 6 th May, 1964. , The, following were present : 1. Prof., D.S., Kothari Chairman 2* Shri S.R, Das Member 3. Dr. A.C. joshi 4. Shri D.C. Pavate ' o. Prof, A .R , V/adia ' 6 , Sliri B , Shiva Rao 7. Pt. H.N. Kunzru 3. Shri V.T. Dehejia 0. Shri K.L, Joshi Secretary Secretariat 1. Dr. P.J. Philip JS 2 , Dr, V.S, Patankar DS 3, Dr. S. Bhattacharya ■ . 4, Shri R.K. Chhabra ” , Prof, Hans Simons, Consultant on General Education v;as present in the afterngon session hy special invitation. Apology for absence was received from Shri P.N, Kirpal, • Item N o .l ; To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Conmiission held on 1st April, 1964, The minutes o f t h e 57th meeting .of the University Grants Commission held on the 1st April, 1964, 'already circu­ lated, v/ere confirmed, Item N o ,2 ; a) To approve'the action tatcen on certain matters, b) To receive items of information. (a) The Commission approved the action taken on items listed in Appendix I of .these minutes, •i ■ (b) The Commission received and noted the items listed in Appendix II*of these minutes. Item No,3 ; To approve the statement of grants released after the last meeting of the Commission held on 1st April, 1964, . The Commission approved the grants released as shown in Appendix III* of these minutes. Item No,4 ; To receive a statement of grants paid by the U.G,C. ,, during 1963-64. This was noted. Item No.5s To consider the question of the period for which ■ assistance may be given by ^he Commission to 11® universities towards the appointment of.staff sanctioned during the Third Plan, The Commission agreed that assistance for develf^pment Not schemes involving recurring exp'enditure approveci during the Third Five Year Plan period may be given for a period of five years cornaencing from tlhe financial year of sanction. of a scheme. In this connection it w;as noted that the allocation to universities for development schemes should be treated separately fop recuTring and no:n-ro cur ring items of expendi­ ture. Transfer or ?eappropriat ion of funds from recurring, to non-recurring side should ha-ve the prior approval of the Coniniission. ' Item E o .6 ; To consider a refer.e:nce from S.Y. Universily for assistance to the for appointment of staff in the Physical Education Department, • This was noted. Item 7; To consider the additional developmeht proposals of the Pmjabi TJniversity(Patiala) during the III Five Year Plan* . The. Coramission agreed to the implementation of the proposals of ;the Puajabi University (Pat’iala) relating to the appointment of teacaers in the departments 'of English and Economics. as' under . ' • '' ' . ' English 1 Reader . Economics 1 Reader & 1 Lecturer The scheme., relating; to the establishment of a printing press was approved om the usual sharing basis. • ■ Item No. 8 ;To-consider: further the proposal of the Panjab: , University for con.struction of cycle shed for ' the Law'College and Arts College building. The proposal of the Panjab University for constnuc- tion of cycle sheds for (i) iLrts Block' I I I and (ii ) Law College building at an estimated cost of Rs.34,250/- each was approved on the usual sha,r3-ng b a sis. The university v;as permitted to incur expenditure on this account outside the Third Plan allocation, if necessary. ■ Item No.9 ; To consider a proposal from Rajasthan University for the modification of the amount of grant requirec from the U,.G.C, towards the constructiO:n of the l3uilding Pf the School of .Humanities, The proposal 'of thie ■ Rajasthan U niversiV a , grant of Rs',2 lakhs tov/ards the cost of the. building,.of- the School of Humanities was agreed to. ^ ” Item No.lQgTo consider the fiji;ancial estimates for the esta.- blishment of a de;gaTtmeHt of parapsychology at the Rajasthan Universiity, The proposal of the Rajasthan University for thej establishment of a department of parapsycholof^y was approved by the Coimnission, ’ It was loted that t:he detailed list of items ^ mentioned in the University’s proposal would need reyisiibn to make the most effective use of the funds available^ on the usual sliaring basis of S0;:50. To cons idar a proposal of Annamalai Uni­ versity to set up o bureau for translation of classics in regional languages. The Gormlssion regietted its inability to agtee to the proposal of the iimamalai 'Uhiversity to set up a bureau for translation of classics in regional languages. The Commission in this connection expressed the view that such vjor' , if it has to be undertaken, should form a part o, the normal activity of a university department, ’ Item N o .1 2 ;To cons i(3er a reference from the Ministry. of Education regarding recoiranendations of the AIC'TB for the 'introduction of 5-year integrated course in Engineering. The Gomailssion considered the. reference from the Ministry of Education regarding the recommen­ dations of the AICTE .for introduction of the five-year integrated course in engineering and reiterated its- earlier decision (item N o .20(c) dated 6 ,3 .1 9 6 3 ) that in this matter the universities te allowed some flexi­ bility to take into account local needs and facilities and to ensure the best utilisation of resources. Item No. 13s To consider the recommendations of the AICTE rQg:ardi.’ig the following; (i) . Additional equipment grant to Jadavpur University for the degree course in Telecomrnuinlcation Engineering; (ii) Additiomal grants for expansion of the, Coir.G'ge of Engineering, Banaras -Hindu U niv ersity under the National Emergency; (iii) Introduction of post-diploma courses in (a) iluitomobile Engineering and (b) Refrigeration and Air-conditioning at tha M.S. University of Baroda. ■ (iv) Introduction of part-time courses for State Diplomas in Engineering and sanction of certain grants to M.S. ' U niversity of Baroda for this purpose. (v) A d d itio n a l recurrin?^ grant for the School o f Architactjaro, Madras University, (i) The Commission, accepted fche re'commendation of the A.I.C.T.E. for an additional squipment grant of R s .l j5 0 j0 0 0 on a ' 100 % basis to tie Jadavpur . University for the degree course in Teleconimunication Engineerirg , -• , • . (ii) The Commission accepted the recommendations of the AICTE and agreed to the payment of additional grants for the expans .ion of the College of Engineering, • -4- Banaras Hindu Liilversioy <as3 mu.or Kon-re cur ring Buildirg Rs.GSjlOO Additional furnituire R s ,5 8 ,0 0 0 Rs.1,23,100 ('per arnum) Staff Rs.1,51,200 ■ Mainteiance Rs. 54,720 Rs.2,05,9g0 (iii) The Commission c-accepted the recommendations of the AICTE for the introcdiiction of post-diploma ■ courses in (i) Automobile }Engineering (ii) Refrige­ ration and Air-Gonditionintg at the M.S. University of Baroda,. and agJeed to pay ;grants on 50fo basis to be paid as and v;hen necessary as under: , Post-diplona course Post-diploma course in Non-recurring. in Automobile Em R , Refrigeration & Air-Conds Total approved UGC ’ s sihare. Total approved U.G,.C«*s Expenditure, Expenditure. ■ share. Buildings . 2 ,2 1 ,5 0 0 1,10,75^0 1 .5 4 .0 0 0 ■ ^ 6 2 ,0 0 0 Equipment 1 ,1 8 ,0 0 0 5 9 ,0 0 )0 3 .0 4 .0 0 0 1 ,5 2 ,0 0 0 Lib.Books & 11,500 5 ,7 5 )0 11 ,50 0 5 ,7 5 0 P’urniture. Recurring. Maintenance 5 ,0 0 0 2^50)0 5 ,0 0 0 2 ,6 0 0 Library 2,5 00 1,25S0 2 ,5 0 0 1 ,2 5 0 Staff Salaries, 57 ,60 0 28,8030 3 9 ,8 0 0 1 9 ,9 0 0 (iv). The Comiissiora accepted the re commend at ion.s of the AICTE for the in tro d u c tio n of part-time courses for State Diplomas in Enginoeiring at the M.S. University of ijaroda and agreed to pay mon-recurring grant of R s ,5 0 ,0 0 0 and recurring grant of Rs..1,69,500 per annum, on the usual sharing basis, to bee .paid as and when necessary* Th.e Coramissiom also approved that grants bo paid to the Baroda Pol;ytechnic on the usual basis* (continued) (v) The Cominlitssion. acceptad the recommendations o:i',the AICTB for an additional recurring grant of Rs.29,667 p,a. (Ibaing 1/3 share) to the Schoo'.l of Architecture, Madras Univer- s :ity. In this ccoRnection th2 Commission noted with r-Ggret that it took several yejars for proo3ssing schemes by the AIECTH and desired that a dotai'led note on bhe subject may bo placed before the Commission art its next useting. Ifcom No. 14; To receive the mimutes of the meeting of the Committee of V ic e —Chancellors of Central Univer­ sities held on 301th March, 1934, This was raoted. It;om Ho. 15; To receive a note on cases of student indiscipline. during the first qjuarter of Jmuary-March, 1964. This was m oted. Item ]'Io, 16; .To consider a proposal from tao Indian School of International Studlies for hiring additional adconmiodation.
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