THE RAZOS DE TROBAR OF RAIMON VIDAL UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM AND ASSOCIATED TEXTS PUBLICATIONS EDITED BY J. H. MARSHALL Raimon VidaI, Razos de trobar Terramagnino da Pisa, Doctrina d' Acort Jofre de Foixa, Regles de trobar Doctrina de compondre dictats Two anonymous treatises from MS. RipoII 129 LONDON OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK TORONTO L Oxford University Press, Ely House, London W. I GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE WELLINGTON CAPE TOWN IBADAN NAIROBI DAR ES SALAAM LUSAKA ADDIS ABABA DELHI BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS KARACHI LAHORE DACCA CONTENTS KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE HONG KONG TOKYO INTRODUCTION SBN 19 713134 4 I. The Manuscripts ix I I. The Editions xiv © UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM 197Z Ill. The Establishment of the Texts xvi I. The Manuscripts of the Razos de trobar xvi 2. The Verse-Quotations in the Razos de trobar xxi 3. The Doctrina d'Acort and the Manuscript Tradition of the Razos de trobar xxviii 4. The Verse-Quotations in the Doctrina d' Acort xxx 5. The Manuscripts of the Regles de trobar xxxv 6. The Verse-Quotations in the Regles de trobar xli 7. The Verse-Quotations in the Ripoll treatises xliv 8. The Text of the Present Edition xlvii IV. The Language of the Manuscripts xlix I. The Language of MS. B xlix 2. The Language of MS. H liii 3. The Language of MS. R lxi v. The History and Relationship of the Texts lxvi I. The Razos de trobar lxvi 2. The Doctrina d'Acort lxxi 3. The Regles de trobar lxxii 4. The Doctrina de compondre dictats Ixxv 5. The Treatises in MS. Ripoll 129 lxxviii VI. Aims and Achievements Ixxix I. The Razos de trobar Ixxix 2. The Doctrina d' Acort Ixxxvi 3. The Regles de trobar lxxxix 4. The Doctrina de compondre dictats xciii PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN 5. The Treatises in MS. Ripoll 129 xcv AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD 6. The Vidal Tradition xcvi BY VIVIAN RIDLER PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY VII. Bibliography and Abbreviations xcviii vi CONTENTS TEXTS The Razos de trobar of Raimon Vidal The Doctrina d' Acort of Terramagnino da Pis a 27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Regles de trobar of Jofre de Foixa 55 The Doctrina de compondre dictats 93 THE author wishes to place on record his gratitude to the many Two anonymous treatises from MS. Ripoll 129 99 colleagues whose collaboration has greatly facilitated the prepara­ tion of the present volume. In particular, he acknowledges his NOTES 1~ indebtedness to Mrs. D. R. Sutherland for her un stinting advice and encouragement over the years, to Professor J. Lough for much APPENDICES help in the preparation of the manuscript, and to Sr. J. Ruiz, who 1. The Razos de trobar: text of the CL version 145 was instrumental in procuring a microfilm of MS. R. To the 11. Salvatore Santangelo and the Relationships of the Razos de staffs of the Library of the Taylorian Institution, Oxford, and the trobar, the Doctrina d'Acort, and Dante 161 University Library, Durham, thanks are due for many services Ill. Note on the Versification of the Doctrina d'Acort 167 willingly given. Acknowledgement is made to the Librarians of the Biblioteca Laurenziana and the Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence, INDICES the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, and the Archivo de la Proper Names cited in the texts 171 Corona de Aragon, Barcelona, and to the Institut de Recherche Technical Terms used in the texts 173 et d'Histoire des Textes, Paris, for allowing access to materials in their manuscript collections and for furnishing microfilms. The Verse-Quotations in the texts 180 author wishes also to express his gratitude to the Publications Words discussed in the notes 182 Board of the University of Durham for accepting the present work for inclusion among their publications. INTRODUCTION 1. THE MANUSCRIPTS THE texts published here are found in the following MSS.;I B. Florence, Bibl. Laurenziana, XLI. 42. Early fourteenth cen­ tury; it is the work of four scribes, the first three Italian, the fourth possibly French. Parchment, 93 ff., constituted as follows: ff. 1-38 (first hand), three gatherings of five double leaves and one of four; f. 38v has the catchword La francha captenensa, which does not correspond to f. 39r. Anthology of Provens:al lyrics. ff. 39-54 (second hand), two gatherings of four double leaves. Ff. 52v, 53 r- v, 54r blank; f. 54v ruled but without text. Collection of vidas and razos, beginning in the middle of a razo to a poem of Gaucelm Faidit.2 ff. 55-83v, col. I (first hand). Ff. 55-66 comprise a gathering of six double leaves, containing a collection of coblas; part of f. 66r and all of f. 66v are ruled but without text. Ff. 67-84 constitute two gatherings of four and five double leaves and contain the Donatz Proensals (ff. 67"-77v), an anonymous Provens:al-Italian glossary3 (ff. 78r-79r), and the Razos de trobar (ff. 79v-83v, col. 1). At the end of the Razos the scribe I For earlier descriptions of the MSS. see the introductions to the editions mentioned below (p. xi, n. 2, and pp. xiv-xvi); PC, pp. :xx (P = our B), :xxiv­ xxv (a = our C), xxxv (p = our E), and the references given there; Brunei, Bibliographie des manuscrits litteraires en ancien provenral, nos. 32 (R), 37 (H), 45 (H'), 290 (B), 305 (C), 308 (L), 332 (E); C. F. Blihler, 'Another Proven~al Manuscript in the Pierpont Morgan Library', Speculum, xxv, 1950, pp. 245-6 (L); Mostra di codici romanzi delle bibliotechefiorentine, Florence, 1957, pp. 68-9 (B) and 170-1 (C); J. Masso Torrents, 'Bibliografia dels antics poetes catalans', Anuari de l']nstitut d'Estudis Catalans, v, 1913-14, pp. 1-276: pp. 260-2 ({3 = our H), 262-3 (')I = our H'), and 264 (, = our R); Id., Repertori de l'antiga literatura catalana, vol. i (La Poesia), Barcelona, 1932, pp. 75-7. My descriptions and transcriptions of Band C are based on direct consultation of the MSS. For H, L, and R my transcriptions derive from microfilm and my descriptions from those of earlier scholars. 2 See Favati, p. 245. 3 Published by Stengel, pp. 88-91, and by A. Castellani in Lebendiges Mittel­ alter, Festgabe fur Wolfgang Stammler, Freiburg, 1958, pp. 1-43. x INTRODUCTION THE MANUSCRIPTS xi gives his name: 'Petrus Berzoli de Eugebio fecit hoc opus.' All are the work of a single copyist (different from the scribe of (Ff. 1-83v constitute the Provenr;al chansonnier P.) Parts I and 2), whom Stengel (p. ix) would identify with the ff. 8r, col. 2, to 84v (third hand): under the title Tractatus de author of the signature 'Antonio martelino' on f. 89; this identifica­ bonitate et malitia mulierum, the French text generally known tion seems to me questionable. The page measures 235 X 170 as Le Blasme des femmes. 1 This was copied in the blank portion mm., the written portion being of variable dimensions (approxi­ at the end of the gathering. mately 200-10 X II5-25 mm.) and containing 20 to 24 lines of fr. 85-92 (fourth hand). A gathering of four double leaves, con­ text, without ruling and without coloured initials or ornamentation. taining the Li·vre des Moralitez.z At the end the scribe gives The ink has faded to light brown. Ff. 15v-I9v (= 147L151v) con­ the date 13 10; but this does not constitute evidence for dating tain, as does the earlier part of the Donatz Proensals, underlinings the first three hands which copied the MS. and corrections made in a blacker ink than the rest of the text. f. 93 is a blank fly-leaf. The hand is identical with that which wrote, at the top of f. 18v (= 150v), the words qui manca uedi insu la coperta;1 Stengel (p. x) We are concerned here only with the work of the first scribe. recognized here the hand of Piero del Nero. For these corrections X The page measures 268 193 mm. and contains 43 lines (dry­ and for those made by the scribe himself, see p. 145 n. I. point horizontal and vertical ruling is visible). The written portion measures 198 X 136 mm.; the text is copied in two columns per H. Barcelona, Bib!. Central, 239. End of fourteenth century, page, except for ff. 7Ic79r inclusive, where the page is divided Catalan. The MS. contains 185 ff. with a contemporary numbering into three columns. In the text of the Razos de trobar the ornament­ from 1 to 184; there is an unnumbered leaf after f. 45. It consists ed initial letters at the beginnings of paragraphs are alternately of 184 ff. of paper in gatherings of eight double leaves, followed blue and red, the red initials being touched with gold up to and by a single parchment sheet (f. 184). The MS. contains nine r including f. 80 • The text of the Razos contains a certain number treatises on grammar and poetics, the first eight copied by one of corrections made by the scribe (noted in the variants) but none scribe and the ninth by another. The contentsZ are as follows: by a second hand and no marginalia. ff. Ir-IIr, the Mirall de trobar of Berenguer de Noya; C. Florence, Bibl. Riccardiana, 2814. Late sixteenth century. ff. 12c23r, the Regles de trobar of Jofre de Foixa; Paper, 172 ff. Parts I and 2 (ff. 1-132) constitute the Provenr;al ff. 24r-29r, the Razos de trobar of Raimon Vidal; chansonnier a; that is, they are part of the copy, made in 1589 by ff 29r-3Ir, the Doctrina de compondre dictats; Jacques Teissier of Tarascon for Piero di Simon del Nero, of the ff.
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