1L; POLIIICAL AND TNFORMATIVE nEVtEW / ITRANA No, 5 130) / SEPIEMBER-OCIOBER ... , As a result oJ protrocled ond persisLenl work lty comrode Enrer Hoxho, in the otnrcsphere oJ the sot'ctge loscisl tcrrot, 'lhe Conrntunist Party ol Albonia (todoy the Porty of Lobour ol ALbonio) tuos Jounded in astrtoLL house in Tirono on Notteniltcr E, I94l It led. the Albanion people successlully in the struggle lor the ltberation ol the country, and now it is leoding them botdly on the dillicult but glorious road ol the construction ol the contplete socialisr sctciety. This memoroble event hos been presented in the picture -The Porty hos been lounded- by the pointer Shobon Hysa. Controde Enyer Hoxho in the centre o! the picture ln the struggle lor the consLruclIot1 ol sociolisrm in Albaniu logether with Lhe new projects the working closs, Loct, hos grou,n ottd becctnre stronBet Now not only is it lead.i,ng the whole lile oJ tlte country, but it is also mostering the hi1txest tetels oJ tcchnoLogy c0ltIEltTs A greot event for the further development of the revolution in Albonio 2 lmportont steps forword in the complete construction of the sociolist society 8 ARISTOTEL PANO The relotions between the codres ond the mosses ond the struggle ogoinst bureoucrocy 13 AGIM POPA Albonion ethnogrophy ond some of its problems t8 ALEKS BUDA From the life of the country 24 The economic crisis ond the shorpening of controdictions in the copitolist-revisionist wortd 30 HEKURAN MARA (Documentsl The resolution of the meeting of the monin communist group of Albonio on lhe creotion of the Porty 38 Press review 46 A GREAT EYENT FOR THE FURTHER DEVETOPMEI{T OF THE REYOIUflOT 11{ ATBANIA ALL THE CONGEESSES OF TIIE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA TIAVE BEEN VEBY GREAT AND IMPOETANT EVENTS IN THE I,IFE AND ACTTVITY OF 'I[IE PARTY AND THE ENTIEE COUNTRY. WITH THE PROFOUND ANA- LYSES MADE, WITH THE CORRECT MARXIST-LENINIST LTNE WORDED OUT,, WITH THE DECISIONS TAKEN AND WITH THE TASKS SET, EACH OF THEM HAS GUIDED AND INSPIRED TIIE COMMUNISTS AND ALL THE WORKING PEOPLE FOR NEW BATTLES AND VICTOEIES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR TTIE UNCEASING ADYANCE OF THE Rtr- VOLUTION, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SOCIALISM, FOR THE STRENGTHENING.4,ND DEFENCE OF OUR SO' CIALIST HOMELAND. EVERY ONE OF THEM HAS SET ITS SEAL ON THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST- LENINIST ROAD OF THE PARTY AND OUR PEOPLE WHICH IT LEADS, AND THE ?TTI CONGRESS OF THE PAR'TY WHICH WILL BE HELD ON TE EVE OF TTIE 35TH ANNIVERSARRY OF ITS FOUNDTNG WILL DO THE SAME' IN MAKING UP TTIE BALANCE OF TIIE VICTOEIES ACHIEVED IN TEIE FIVE YEARS THAT HAVE ELAPSED SIN- CE THE 6TH CONGRESS, IT WELL SUM UP-IHE BICTI EXPERIENCE ACCUMULATED DURING THIS PERIOD BY THE PARTY IN TTIE STBUGLE FOR, THE IMPLEMENTATIOI\ OF ITS MARXIST-LENINIST GENERAL LINE AND IST DEFENCE FROM ATTACKS AND DTSTORTIONS OF THE INTERNAI, AND EXTERNAL ENEMIES' FOR THE STRENGTHENING AND DEFENCE OF TTIE DICTATORSTIIP OF THE PROLETABIAT AND THE ENTIRE SOCIALIST SOCIO-ECONO]UIC OEDER FEOM THE DANGER OF BUREAUCRATTC AND LIBERAL DEGENERATION' FOR THE REVOI,UTIONISATION OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF TTIE PEOPLE AND TIIE ENTIRE LIFE OF THE COUTRY IN THE FLAMES OF THE FIERCE CLASS STRUGGLE A.GAINST ALL HANGOVERS ANI} INFLUENCES OF ALIEN BOURGEOIS' REVISIONIST IDEOLOGIES, FOR TTIE SUCCESSFUL CONSTRUCTION OF SOCIALISM, TO CABRY FORWARD PRODUC- TION, ORGANISATION, EDUCATION, FOR THE STRENTHENING OF TTIE DEFENCE CAPACITY OF THE COUNTEY' AT THE SAME TIME, IT WILL SET THE OBJECTTVES TO BE ATTAINED AND HE MAJESTIC TASKS TO BE FULFILLED DURING THE COMING FIVE YEAES. TTIUS, THE ?TH CONGRES OF THE PAETY WILL ARM THE COMMUNISTS ANI) ALL THE WOBKING MASSES WITH NEW LESSONS AND CONCLUSIONS AND WILL SET BEFORE TEM OTHEB GREA- TER TASKS ON THE ROAD OF THE CONSISTENT AND RESOLUTE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTION' TO MAKE SOCIALIST ALBANIA MORE PROSPEROUS, MORE POWERFUL, MORE INVINCIBLE. In preparing themselves for the ?th Congress of the internal enernies have createil and are stiil creating have Party, the Albanian communists look back over the course had to be facetl and overcome. The basic factors that have of the 35 years it has traversed at the heatl of the people, ensured these profound transformations antl majestic achie- in struggle for the realisation of profound political, econo- vements, the uninterruptell tlevelopment of the socialist re- mic, social, ideological transformations, for national anil so- volution in Albania, have been and are undivided' coura- cial liberation, for the establishment and strengthening of geous anrl farsightetl leatlership of the Party, the imple- the dictatorship of the proletariat, for the construction of rnentation anrl defence of its correct revolutionary Marxist- socialism and the defence of the homelantl. This has been Leninist line, the raising to an ever higher level of the great a militant anrl glorious road, 'Ihe achievements, too, have patriotism of the people, the strengthening of their steel- been majestic, but not easy to attain, Great tlifficulties of like unity around the PartY. the backwardness inherited from the past, many difficul- The periotl since the 6th Congress of the Party, during ties of growth and our advance at rapid rates, as well as which the Party has carried out and gultleit major, all-sitletl countless difficulties autl obstacles which the external and work, a fierce class struggle in all fieltls of life, constitutes 0n llovember l, 1976 the 7th Congress of the Porty of Iobour of Albqnio will convene in Tirono, It will onolyse the octivity of Centrol Commitee of the Porty from the 6th Congress up to dote, opprove the droft - directives of the 6th five - yeor plon, ond elect the new leoding orgons of the Porty an important stage in this 35 year course of the Party" state and economic organs, the organisations of the masses Through this struggle the ranks of the Party have been fur- of every communist anrJ working man' to the need to un- ther strengthened and tempered, the socialist socio-econo- derstand and appreciate the fult gravity of the imperialist mic order and the dictatorship of the proletariat have been revisionist encirclement and its pressure on socialist Al- further strengthened antl perfected, the moral-political uni- bania, antl to cope with it practically, while living with and ty of the people round the Party with comrade Enver ltroxha always correctly assessing the internal and international si- at the head has been furthcr strengthened, the economy has tuations in which we find ourselves, and implementing the been developed and the defence of the country has become great principle of the Party, the principle of self-reliance, impregnable, the authority of socialist Albania has increased in every action anil at every step on the road of socialist and its position in the international arena has been streng- construction, year's' thened, With such a sound general situation the Party of In the new conditions created in these recent as Labour of Albania goes to its ?th Congres, preparerl to well as because of the lack of clarity that existet[ and the undertake anct fulfill greater tasks in the future. harm it brought, the Farty has stressed again with special emphasis the neetl for a correct ancl thorough understand- ,( ing of these two problems and for the fulfilment of tasks In the period since the 6th Congress, the Party has en- in conformity with the requirements stemming from them' r:ountered a number of problems of a great ideological and Comrade Enver lloxha's speech of March 15'1973, as well as political importance. It has been extensively engaged with many of his other speeches and the documents of the ple- them, And by analysing anil treating them theoretically and nums of the Central Committee of the recent times, are of practically in the plenums of the Central Committee of the a special importance in this rlirection. recent years, in broad discussions in all its organisations Of course, on the basis of the intense explanatory ideo- and organs at all levels, as well as in great popular dis- political work which the Party has carried out, there is cussions it has arrivetl at conclusions and has ilrawn impor- now a more correct understanding and more realistic assess- tant lessons. In this direction the iileas expounded in these ment of these problems, and this has letl to the taking of years by comrade Enver Hoxha in a series of speeches of many concrete rneasures and the adoption of practical stands programmatic importance constitute documents of theo- in conformity with them. But it is also a fact that what is retical anrl practical value. Delving deep in these problems, required has not been fully attaineetl as yet, that there are to penetrate into their essence, to grasp and master their still some cases of manifestations of unclarity, oI not going profound itleopolitical content antl to builtl all practical acti- ileeply into things and failure to uhderstantl with proper vity in conformity with these teachings of the Party, cons- seriousness, both the real and by no means imaginary dan- titutes one of the most important directions of the entire ger to us representeil by the imperialist-revisionist encir- preparatory work to the ?th Congress of the PLA. clement, the economic blockade and their ideological pressu- The Central Committee of the PLA and comrade re, up to the danger of their armed aggression against so- Enver Hoxha have continually drawn the attention of the cialist ,A.lbania, as well as the necessity of relying strongly Party branches and the leatling organs of the Party, the on our own forces in every field and at every step we take, 4 o s (30), 1976 ALBANIA TODAY to face these dangers and carry forward the revolution, The- Remaining loyal to the Marxist-Leninist theory about the refore, the demand for intense allround work in these cli- class struggle and the state of the dictatorship of the pro- rections remains on the agenda for to-Iay and for the letariat, defending it in practice from the revisionist distor- future.
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