Indian History but Also in That Seen in These Art Works

Indian History but Also in That Seen in These Art Works

First Round Tabe Conference (1930) Partition of India (1947) alm³am-cpsS t]cv Fgp-Xp-t¼mÄ ]qÀW- Indian ambpw Fgp-Xp-I. Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya. F´mWv Pmen-b³hm-em-_mKv Iq«-s¡me F¶ tNmZy-¯n\v D¯cw FÃm-hÀ¡pw History Adn-bmw. Hcp {]tIm-]-\-hp-an-ÃmsX \ncm-bp-[-cmb Hcp Iq«w {]I-S-\-¡mÀ¡v t\sc ]«mfw \S-¯nb ss]im-Nn-I-amb Iq«-s¡me \S-¶Xv 1919 F{]n 13 \v Øew ]©m-_nse Aar-Xv- kÀ hnNm-cW IqSmsX Btcbpw AdÌv sN¿m\pw Xpdp-¦n-e-S-bv¡-m\p-apÅ A[n- Imcw kÀ¡m-cn\p \ÂIp¶ ssdueIväv BIvSn-s\-Xnsc {]Xn-tj-[n-¡m-\mWv {]I-S\w \S-¶-Xv. ]©m-_nse KhÀWÀ Bbn-cp¶ ssa¡nÄ H U-b-dnsâ \nÀt±i {]Imcw {_n«ojv P\-d UbÀ BWv shSn-sh-¸n\v D¯-chv \ÂIn-b-Xv. C{Xbpw hkvXp-X-IÄ DÄs¸-Sp-¯n-bm D¯-c-am-bn. D¯-c-¯n\v IqSp-X Poh\pw DWÀhpw \ÂI-W-sa-¦n Hcp BImw. Introduction C´y³ kzmX{´y kac Ncn-{X-¯nsâ Gähpw Zmcp-Whpw \njvTq-c-hp-amb kw`-h-§-fn H¶mWv Pmen-b³ hmem-_mKv Iq«-s¡m-e. C¯-c-¯n-epÅ Hcp XpS-¡-¯n- dramatic ASp-¯-Im-e¯v \S¶ hnh-cWm-ßI coXn-bn-AXn\v \à DZm-l-c-W-am-Wv. 2005 se ]co- eqsS ]cntim[Isâ {i² ]cn-]qÀWambpw epÅ {][m\ aÕc ]co-£-I-fn-seÃmw Ncn-{X- £bv¡v s]mXp hnÚm-\-¯nse 25 tNmZy- \n§Ä¡v ]nSn¨p]ämw. ¯n\v kp{]-[m-\amb Øm\-amWv \ÂIn §-fn C´y³ Ncn-{X-¯n \n¶pw h¶Xv 10 hkvXp-X-IÄ hni-Zo-I-cn¨ tijw Hcp D]-kw- ImWp-¶-Xv. Hcp DtZym-KmÀ°n-bpsS A]-{K- tNmZy-§Ä. tIcf Ncn-{X-¯n \n¶pw 1 lm-c-am-Imw. Y\tijnbpw, temI]cn-N-b-hpw, `mjm tNmZyw. AXn-\m Ncn{Xw kp{]-[m\ hnj-b- ss\]p-Wyhpw ]cn-tim-[n-¡p¶ ]co- C´y³ kzmX´y ka-c-¯n\pw Xo{hX hÀ²n- £Ifn F´n\v Ncn-{X-¯nse tNmZy§Ä¡p ASn-¯dam-Wv. FÃm Ncn-{X-¯n km[y-X-Ifpw krjvSn-¡p-I. DÄs¡m­v \à Hcp ¸n-¡m\pw {_n«ojv `c-W-¯ns\Xnsc temI {]m[m\yw \¡p¶p F¶ tNmZyw A{]- Xmsg ]d-bp¶ {]am-W-§Ä DÄs¡m-Åm- a\xkm£n DbÀ¯m\pw Cu kw`hw Imc- kàw. tNmZy-IÀ¯m-hn\v F´pw tNmZn-¡m- \m-bm Fgp-¯nsâ amäv hÀ²n-¸n-¡m-\pw, W-am-b-tXmsS {_n«ojv `c-W-¯nsâ ]X-\- \pÅ Ah-Imiw DÅ-t¸mÄ adp tNmZy-a-cp-Xv.IqSp-X krjvSn-¡m\pw km[y- ¯n\p Bcw`w Ipdn¨ kw`hwIqSn-bm-bncp- impression am-Wv. ¶p Pmen-b³ hmem-_mKv Iq«-s¡m-e. Just perform well. Hcp ]t£ Ncn{X A[ym-]-IÀ IqSp-X-epÅ kp{]-[m\ hkvXp-X-IÄ Fgp-Xp-t¼mÄ hÀj- Your writing must be passionate as well. ]m\-ens\ tNmZy-t]-¸À X¿m-dm-¡m³ GÂ]n- §Ä {_m¡-än \ÂIp-I, DZm-l-c-W- Poh-\pÅ D¯-c-§Ä \ÂIpI Adn-hns\ ¡p-¶-Xm-bn-cn¡pw Imc-Ww. AXn-tebv¡v ¯n\v Bth-i-]qÀÆw Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-I. D¯-c-§-fn- eqsS Pohn-¡p-I. D¯-c-§sf Hcp BtLm-j- embnIqSp-X A`y-kn-¨n-cn-¡-Ww. IS¶v Nn´n-t¡-­-Xn-Ã. Ignª tNmZyNcn{Xw t]¸À AÊ- First Battle of Panipat (1526) am-¡pI! Sipoy Mutiny (1857) Jawaharlal Nehru as one of 31. .........was the hero of a famous Fill in the Blanks its main leaders, founded the drama Malavikagnimitra 1. The All India Muslim League ‘Independence for India written by Kalidasa. was formed in 1906 at .......... League’ in opposition to ......... 32. The last Mauryan King was 2. The Sufi Saint who founded 16. The term ‘Yavanapriya’ ......... the Chishti order was ............. mentioned in ancient 33. When Alexander invaded Sanskrit texts, denoted ......... 3. The title given by the British India, Taxila was ruled by Government to Mahatma 17. The Sarabandi (no tax) ......... Gandhi which, he surrend- campaign of 1922 was led by 34. Buddha delivered his first ered during the Non Co- ......... sermon at ......... operation Movement was 18. Mughal painting reached its 35. The proceedings of the Third .......... zenith under ......... Buddhist Council led to the 4. The Buddhist sect Mahayana 19. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar was issue of .........Edict. formally came into existence elected to the Constituent 36. The most important Pallava during the reign of .......... Assembly from .......... ruler was ........... 20. The Anarchical and 5. In Jainism, ‘perfect knowl- 37. The capital of Kanishka’s Revolutionary Crime Act edge’ is referred to as .......... empire was .......... 6. A lot of details regarding the (1919) was popularly known as the ......... 38. Porus was defeated by village administration under Alexander at the Battle of 21. In Medieval India, Mansabdari the Cholas is provided by the .......... inscriptions at .......... system was introduced mainly for ......... 39. ......... was the mother of 7. Asokan inscriptions were Vardhamana Mahavira. first deciphered by .......... 22. The head of the military 40. The city of Pataliputra was 8. The first political organi- department under the founded at the junction of the sation established in India in reorganised central machi- Ganges and the ......... 1838 was known as .......... nery of administration during Akbar’s reign was ......... 41. .........was the first Muslim 9. The Ryotwari Settlement was invader to enter India. introduced by the British in 23. The tribal population in .........and ......... Presidencies. Andaman and Nicobar 42. The best specimens of Islands belongs to the ......... Mauryan art are represented 10. The foundation of modern educational system in India 24. The Medieval Indian writer by their ......... was laid by .......... who refers to the discovery of 43. The word ‘Veda’ has been America is ......... 11. The capital of the kingdom of derived from the root word Maharaja Ranjit Singh was 25. The famous dialogue between ‘Vid’ which means ......... .......... Nachiketa and Yama is 44. Ashoka has been particularly mentioned in ......... 12. The name of the poet influenced by the Buddhist Kalidasa is mentioned in the 26. The first metal to be monk ......... .........inscription of Chandra- extensively used by the 45. The Indus Valley Civiliz- gupta II. people in India was .......... ation can be said to belong to 13. The word ‘Hindu’ as 27. The utensils to the Indus the ......... age. reference to the people of Valley people were mainly 46. Gautama Buddha as a prince ‘Hind’ (India) was first used made of ......... was known as ......... by .......... 28. The most common animal 47. The deep, transforming effect 14. According to the ‘Mimamsa’ figure found at all the that the Kalinga War had on system of philosophy, Harappan sites is ......... Ashoka has been described in liberation is possible by 29. The Rig Veda consists of ........ edicts. .........hymns. means of .......... 48. ............. was the first metal to 15. The radical wing of the 30. .........veda is rendered be discovered and used as Congress Party, with musically. tools by humans. 1 6 8 49. The Ajanta cave paintings 64. In medieval India, the state 79. Jama Masjid at Delhi was built mostly belong to the period of derived the highest income by ......... the ......... from ......... 80. .........built by Shah Jahan is 50. ........... was the founder of the 65. Harihara and Bukka, the one of the unrivalled beauties Sankhya School of founders of the Empire of of the world. Philosophy. Vijayanagar, named their 81. The Peacock throne was built 51. The Harappan site that had a dynasty as ......... by ......... dock is ......... 66. The greatest ruler in the 82. The ‘Adi Granth’ was 52. The famous Indo-Greek King history of Vijayanagar Empire compiled by ......... was ......... to embrace Buddhism was 83. Guru Arjun Dev transferred ......... 67. Hemu, whom Akbar defeated the headquarters to ....... in the Second Battle of 53. The original teachings of 84. The Sikh Guru who fought in Panipat (1556), was the Mahavira are contained in the Mughal ranks during the minister of ......... the ......... reign of Aurangazeb was 54. The term used to denote a 68. The famous Mughal General ......... who conquered Assam, group of families in the vedic 85. Guru Govind Singh was the Chittagong, etc., in the north- society was ......... son of ......... east was ........... 55. The great Hindu law giver 86. ‘Jaziya’ was abolished by the 69. The Sikh Guru executed by was ......... Mughal ruler ............ Aurangazeb after cruel 56. The fourth Buddhist Council torture was ......... 87. Babar was originally the ruler had compiled an of ......... encyclopedia of Buddhist 70. The Maratha dominion of 88. Sher Shah was succeeded by philosophy, called ......... Shivaji was known as ......... ......... 57. The Harappan Civilization 71. The later Mughal King, 89. The Charminar had been was discovered in the year popularly known as Shah-i- constructed by ......... ............ Bekhabar was .......... 90. Token currency had been 58. The Saka Era started from the 72. The Jat king of Bharatpur introduced for the first time in year ......... who is known as the ‘Plato of the Jat tribe’ and the ‘Jat India by ......... 59. The achievements of Ulysses’ was ----. 91. The East India Company was Samudragupta have been founded in India during the chronicled in the ......... 73. The capital of Tipu Sultan, reign of ......... inscription. where he died while fighting the fourth Anglo-Mysore war 92. The island of Bombay had 60. The Chola ruler who had in 1799, was ......... been given to the British Prince subdued the Ganges and Charles II as dowry by the -- obtained the title ‘Gangai 74.

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