Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Treasury § 9.111 (xiv) Then following the 1600-foot (3) Apple Grove, Ohio—W. Va., dated contour line generally northward to an 1968, photorevised 1975; unimproved road. (4) Glenwood, W. Va.—Ohio, dated (xv) Then looping southward along 1968; the unimproved road and continuing (5) Milton, W. Va., dated 1972; eastward past the designated ‘‘Spring’’ (6) West Hamlin, W. Va., dated 1957; and then northward parallel with Bo- (7) Hamlin, W. Va., dated 1958; nanza Gulch to the Vineyard School on (8) Garrets Bend, W. Va., dated 1958; Cienega Road (on the Hollister map). (9) Scott Depot, W. Va., dated 1958; (xvi) From there in a straight line (10) Saint Albans, W. Va., dated 1958; northeastward, crossing Bird Creek and (11) Pocatalico, W. Va., dated 1958; the San Benito River, to the north- (12) Sissonville, W. Va., dated 1958; western corner of Section 19, Township 13 South, Range 6 East (on the Tres (13) Romance, W. Va.,—Ky., dated Pinos map). 1957; (xvii) From there following the (14) Kentuck, W. Va., dated 1957; northern border of Sections 19 and 20, (15) Kenna, W. Va., dated 1957; Township 13 South, Range 6 East, to (16) Ripley, W. Va., dated 1960; the northeastern corner of Section 20. (17) Cottageville, W. Va., dated 1960; (xviii) From there in a straight line (18) Mount Alto, W. Va.—Ohio, dated due eastward to the Range line R.6E./ 1958, photorevised 1972; R7E. (19) Beech Hill, W. Va.—Ohio, dated (xix) Then southward along that 1957, photorevised 1975; Range line to the Township line T.13S./ (20) Cheshire, W. Va.—Ohio, dated T.14S. 1968; (xx) Then eastward along that Town- (c) Boundary description. The bound- ship line to the eastern border of Sec- ary description of the Kanawha River tion 6, Township 14 South, Range 7 Valley viticultural area includes (in East (on the Quien Sabe Valley map). parentheses) the name of the map on (xxi) Then southward along the east- which each described point is found. ern border of Sections 6, 7, and 18, The boundary description is as follows: Township 14 South, Range 7 East, to (1) The beginning point is the West the northern border of Section 20, Virginia-Ohio State Line at the con- Township 14 South, Range 7 East (on fluence of Champaign Creek and the the Cherry Peak map). Ohio River. (Addison quadrangle) (xxii) Then eastward along that (2) The boundary follows the West northern border to the eastern border Virginia-Ohio State Line, in the Ohio of Section 20. River (across the Gallipolis and Apple (xxiii) Then southward along the Grove quadrangles) southwesterly to eastern border of Sections 20, 29, and the point at which the Mason County- 32, Township 14 South, Range 7 East, Cabell County Line intersects the and continuing southward along the State Line. (Glenwood quadrangle) eastern border of Sections 5, 8, and 17, (3) The boundary proceeds in a Township 15 South, Range 7 East, to straight line southerly to the bench- the starting point. mark at 583 ft. elevation in the town of [T.D. ATF–258, 52 FR 37137, Oct. 5, 1987] Yates Crossing in Cabell County, WV. (Milton quadrangle) § 9.111 Kanawha River Valley. (4) The boundary proceeds in a (a) Name. The name of the straight line southeasterly to the viticultural area described in this sec- benchmark at 640 ft. elevation in the tion is ‘‘Kanawha River Valley’’. town of Balls Gap, in Lincoln County, (b) Approved maps. The approved WV. (West Hamlin quadrangle) maps for determining the boundary of (5) The boundary proceeds in a the Kanawha River Valley viticultural straight line easterly (across the Ham- area are 20 U.S.G.S. topographic maps lin, Garrett Bend, and Scott Depot in the 7.5-Minute series as follows: quadrangles) to the benchmark at 590 (1) Addison, Ohio—W. Va., dated 1960; ft. elevation in the town of Institute in (2) Gallipolis, Ohio—W. Va., dated Kanawha County, WV. (Saint Albans 1958; quadrangle) 201 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:14 May 12, 2016 Jkt 238111 PO 00000 Frm 00211 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\238111.XXX 238111 Lhorne on DSK30JT082PROD with CFR § 9.112 27 CFR Ch. I (4–1–16 Edition) (6) The boundary proceeds in a (2) Boundary Description. (i) South- straight line northeasterly to the westward along the Arkansas River to benchmark at 654 ft. elevation in the Vache Grasse Creek. town of Pocatalico, in Kanawha Coun- (ii) Then southeastward and south- ty, WV. (Pocatalico quadrangle) westward following Vache Grasse (7) The boundary proceeds in a Creek to the place where it is crossed straight line northeasterly (across the by Arkansas Highway 10, near Green- Sissonville quadrangle) to the con- wood, Arkansas. fluence of Johns Branch and Sugar (iii) From there westward along Creek in the town of Romance, in Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 71. (Note: Jackson County, WV. (Romance quad- Highway 10 is the primary highway rangle) leading to Greenwood to Hackett, Ar- (8) The boundary proceeds in a kansas.) straight line northwesterly (across the (iv) Then southward and eastward Kentuck quadrangle) to the confluence along Highway 71 until it crosses Rock of Plum Orchard Run and Stonelick Creek. Creek in the town of Plum Orchard, in (v) Then northeastward along Rock Jackson County, WV. (Kenna quad- Creek to Petit Jean Creek. rangle) (vi) Then generally northeastward (9) The boundary proceeds in a and eastward along Petit Jean Creek straight line northwesterly (across the until it becomes the Petit Jean River Ripley quadrangle) to the Baltimore (on the Russellville map). and Ohio Railroad crossing of State (vii) Then generally eastward along Highway 87 in the town of Evans, in the Petit Jean River, flowing through Jackson County, WV. (Cottageville Blue Mountain Lake, until the Petit quadrangle) Jean River joins the Arkansas River. (10) The boundary proceeds in a (viii) Then generally eastward along straight line northwesterly (across the the Arkansas River to Cadron Creek. Mount Alto quadrangle) to the bench- (ix) Then generally northward and mark at 674 ft. elevation in the town of northeastward along Cadron Creek to Flatrock, in Mason County, WV. the place where it is crossed by U.S. (Beech Hill quadrangle) Highway 65. (11) The boundary proceeds north- (x) From there northward along westerly in a straight line (across the Highway 65 to its intersection with Ar- Cheshire quadrangle) to the beginning kansas Highway 16 near Clinton, Ar- point. kansas. [T.D. ATF–226, 51 FR 11913, Apr. 8, 1986] (xi) From there following Highway 16 generally westward to its intersection § 9.112 Arkansas Mountain. with Arkansas Highway 23 in (a) Name. The name of the Brashears, Arkansas. viticultural area described in this sec- (xii) From there southward along tion is ‘‘Arkansas Mountain.’’ Highway 23 to the Madison County- (b) Approved maps. The appropriate Franklin County line. maps for determining the boundary of (xiii) Then westward and southward the Arkansas Mountain viticultural along that county line to the Madison area are two U.S.G.S. maps, titled: County-Crawford County line. (1) Russellville, Arkansas, 1:250,000 (xiv) Then westward along that coun- series compiled in 1954. ty line to the Washington County- (2) Fort Smith, Arkansas-Oklahoma, Crawford County line. 1:250,000 series, 1978. (xv) Then westward along that coun- (c) Boundary—(1) General. The Arkan- ty line to Jones Fork (on the Fort sas Mountain viticultural area is lo- Smith map). cated in northwestern Arkansas. Start- (xvi) Then southward along Jones ing at the point where Frog Bayou con- Fork until it joins Frog Bayou near verges with the Arkansas River, near Winfrey, Arkansas. Yoestown, Arkansas (or the Fort Smith (xvii) Then generally southward map), the boundary proceeds: along Frog Bayou, flowing through 202 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:14 May 12, 2016 Jkt 238111 PO 00000 Frm 00212 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\238111.XXX 238111 Lhorne on DSK30JT082PROD with CFR.
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