October 2, 1975 Worth looking into drop-add reply · had to be manually keypunched by our computer center personnel while the . new lorms e liminate all manual labor ToA '~~~~i°~:~~er to the edi tor which except for one person to stand and leed appeared in the Pointer was very the forms into a machine which critical ol the Drop-Add procedure. automatically reads the forms and Several points were raised. amon.g punches the cards lhat are led into the which were lhal t l ) lhe procedure 1s computer . We can process the new made as difficult as possible, ( 2) the forms in 30 hoW's vers~ 150 hours the forms get bigger each i·ear, ( 3 ) t_he old way. That's a la bor gain oflhree lull­ Thursday, October 2 number or required signatures !"· ti me weeks, per semester, or six weeks creases. and (4) Madison, a schoo l with annua lly. In dollars< a t $5.00 per houri UAB presents the film Fritz The Cat, 38,000 students. has a much more !hat translates to $150.00 versus $750 per 7 :30 pm. Program-Banquet Rm.­ simplilied procedure. semester or an annual gain of six weeks U.C. Admission charge. or labor and $1200 in wages, although Toe procedure and t)le_ required some or lhe saving is partially offset by RHC presents MONROE DOC­ signatures are the same this year as the cost of the new forms. Since most TRINE, 8-11 pm. Allen Center !hey have been for the past two or lhree administrative offices have experienced Upper. years. Rather lhan go into great detail a reduction in personnel and budgets, about how lhe whole procedure has been steps lo improve efficiency and Friday, October 3 simplified over the years. it should productivity are Imperative. Toe new suffice to provide an explanation or our UAB Trippers Backpacking in drop-add form is one or a number or current procedure. To drop_ a course measures that we have implemented in Oiequamegon National Forest. requires the signature of the instructor, an eflort lo do the sam~work in less department chairman, and the text Community Folk Dancers Dancing, ti me and at less expense. rental department. Th e instructor's Finally, it was our impression that the 1-10 pm. Beginners are especially 4 signature is required because he she students accepted the change very well . welcome for dance instruction from has recei ved a list of the students Toe form required greater care in filling Hl:30 pm. Wright Lollllge-U.C . registered for each course taught; and out. but we found the forms to be by having lhe opportunity to sign the completed accurately and thoroughly in UAB CoffehouseAuditions, 7 pm-1 drop form , the instructor can maintain all but a lew cases. We,feel that lhe . new am. Coffehouse-U.C. an accurate class roster. rorm successfully met our objecllves, More importantly. !hough. lhe in­ and we greatly appreciate the students· UAB presents the film FRITZ THE structors have wanted their approval to cooperation. CAT, 7 :30 pm. Program-Banquet be part or lhe process. II lhe drop is for Rm.-U.C. Admission charge. academic reasons, the instructor wants David J . Eckholm lhe opportunity to discuss lhe matter It University Theatre presents THE with the student. is an advising role to Associate. Reglslnr SERVANT OF. TWO MASTERS, 8 assist lhe student in making the right pm. Jenkins Theatre. decision. The department chairman controls the class limits- the chairman Saturday, October 4 must know !hat a student is dropping lhe 'Bungled' back UAB Trippers Backpacking in course in order to make a decision on To the Pointer: Chequamegon National Forest. permitting another student to add the course. After the derogatory adjectives directed at me concerning my " Birds UWSP Pointers vs. Eau Claire, 1 :30 Text rPnldl approval is necessary in ordei ~" control the distribution of Bungled" (not my title> letter l !eel pm. Goerke Field. Admission books. A lew years ago, before such compelled to qualify and d.isqua11ty a charge. approval was a step in the procedure, lew or my remarks. text rental was frequenU y runrung short To the person who simply signed their UAB Coffehouse Auditions, 7 pm-1 of books !or courses because students letter " For lhe creatures" l !ail to see am. Coffehouse-U.C. would register for a course, pick up how she or he figures my letter was an books, and later drop lhe course but not ··amateurish attempt at discrediting University Theatre presents THE return lhe books until lhe end or the eertain individuals." This wasn't my SERVANT OF TWO MASl'ERS; 8 semester. Wilh olher ~tudents a dding intent and obviously my letter didn" t pm. Jenkins Theatre. the course, it wasn' t uncommon that 35 accomplish this. I might add !hat since books were checked out for a course in you're obviously so down on discrediti ng Sunday, October 5 which only 30 students were actually others !hat you might better spread registered. your gospel by practicing what you UAB Trippers Backpacking in ln the case of an added course. only preach. Chequamegon National Forest. the department ~hainnan's signature t admit being wrong concerrung and the approval of text ren t.al are common usage of the word antelope and required. The reasoning he re is the use or lhe term class t the proper word is UAB Video of the Vikings vs. Bears same as with a drop. The department family, I believe>. For lhial apnl~i,Pln football game, 12 :30 pm. Cof­ chairman controls th e class si ze and Mi ss Puller !or trying to correct her fehouse-U.C. knows whether or not there is room in when she was already right. th e course to a ll ow a student to add, and To Dr. Long concerning goshawks on University Theatre presents THE text rent.al doesn't want to issue a Buena Vi sta Marsh I will olfer no ex· SERVANT. OF TWO MASTERS, 8 textbook unless the student is oHi cially planation perfaining lo their predations pm. J enkins'l'lrelrtre. adding the course. Past experience on prairie chickens. However, I do know found lha t stude nt s would pick up books U,e distinctions between goshawks and Monday , October 6 for courses in which they weren't marsh hawks, and the student assistant registered because lhey found them who irlentified lhe hawks I saw on Freshmen football vs. St. Norbert's, useful as reference books for other Buena Vista last spring a s goshawks 3:30 pm. CH l 7 courses. Obviously, this practice also was wrong. My point !hough is that all contributed to a shortage or books. student assistants on this project sho_uld RHC presettts the film HARRY & The drop-add procedure. then , know these distinctions since pra1rtt TONTO, 8 pm. Allen Center. requires a maximum or 3signatures for chicken observers (largely CNR and a drop and 2 for an add, not a minimum Biology students) are a sked to report.all of 5 signatures as stated in th e letter to Tue<day , October 7 sightings or raptors on lhe boo~ing the editor. Incidentally, Madison grounds a nd moreover may be required University Film Society presents generall y requires onl y th e depart­ to identjfy these birds in one or more of BANANAS, 7 & 9 :15 pm. Program­ ment's approval <it depenm on the their classes. Banquet Rm - U . C . Admission college in whic h the student is Now to explain my "two _years of charged. enrolled); however , thei r dep.1rtment retice nce" r e mark which un · offices a re consi derably more scattered dcrstandably puzzled !hose lo whom my RHC presents the film HARRY & than ours and Madison has a text book letter was a ddressed: I am a junior an~ TONTO, 8 pm . Debol Center. purchase system so they don't have the while the errors in the museum haven t same problems we have with respect to been there !or two years I probably University Theatre presents THE controlling the inv entory or books. wou ldn"t have had the guts to say SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS, 8 anything about them (or anything else pm. Jenkins Theatre. ~!though our procedure is Ute same on that order> had they been !here. )ly this semester as it was fo r the last point, which may or may not be Wednesday, October 8 several semester , the form did change relevant, is that from now on I inte_nd to We implemented th e use of a machi~ open my moulh ii I see something I University Theatre- presents THE readable (op.scan I form that takes a few SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS, 8 think is wrong. I assure anyone con· mor~ seconds to complete than did the corned !hough, !hat I will be more pm . Jenkins Theatre. previous fo rms. However, the new form careful in the future. ha s roo~ for one drop and one add while Hopelully. a lew things have been UAB Coffeehouse presents PETER the previous form s the student needed straightened out by my writing to the ALSOP,9 - 11 p .m . Coffeehouse - UC. one form for a drop and one for an add. Pointer. I know that with lhc help ol C.J . The reason for the adoption of the new Compiled by Campus and Community Pufler . Mr. " ~'or the creatures," and form s wa s si mply to Sa \'C time and Dr. Long I have -been straightened out Aflairs Editor Mary Plotter.
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