COTINGA 5 Records of wintering Hudson’s Black-Tyrant Knipolegus hudsoni at the Estación Biológica del Beni, Bolivia Robin C. Brace, Jon Hornbuckle and James W. Pearce-Higgins The genus Knipolegus comprises 10 medium­ sized tyrant flycatchers, of which three are known austral migrants12. The most marked migrations are undertaken by Hudson’s Black- Tyra n t K. h u d so n i, which breeds in chaco woodland in central Argentina (from Córdoba south to Río Negro, and south-west Buenos Aires province). It withdraws from Argentina, migrat­ ing northwards to Bolivia and extreme south-west Brazil2, although surprisingly there are very few records from Paraguay7. Since the species is relatively little known and considered “near-threatened”4, details concerning its win­ ter status in Bolivia are noteworthy, and add to the increasing body of information on austral migration in the Neotropics3. In Bolivia, K. hudsoni has been noted throughout the dry season (which runs from mid- May to mid-September) in small numbers (e.g. daily maxima of 129) from Beni and Santa Cruz departments1,10, with records also from La Paz (Caranavi), Chuquisaca and Pando1,11. Sightings in Santa Cruz show that the species occupies a range of habitats including chaco, disturbed cerrado, weedy pasture and even suburban gar­ dens5,8. In Beni, it is reported to occur in trees and bushes at woodland and road edges9, which agrees with our observations made between July and September (1994 and 1995) at the Estación Biológica del Beni (EBB) (14°52'S 66°20'W, and 200 m above sea-level), in an area of forest is­ lands (of 1–5 ha in size) within seasonally wet savanna. In common with Parker’s9 sightings (June 1989) and those of White et al.13 at the EBB (July–August 1992), a small number of solitary birds (maximum of six) were noted on most days, with both males and female/immature males present. As is typical for this species8,9,12, exposed low- to mid-height perches were utilised to make short aerial sorties to catch insects either in the Hudson’s Black-Tyrants Knipolegus hudsoni (Jon Hornbuckle) air, from foliage, or from the ground. top and middle: male (note small white flank patch) In 1994, four adult males and seven female/ bottom: female/immature male immature males (see photographs) were mist- netted and ringed: the totals in 1995 were five possibly breed in this plumage the following and eight birds respectively. Sexing the latter can year6. Davis5 acquired two males in this female- be problematic. Males attain a “female-type” type plumage in Santa Cruz during September. plumage following post-juvenile moult, and may Consequently, it was impossible to separate 67 COTINGA 5 Hudson’s Black-Tyrant in Bolivia immature males from females with certainty, of the Americas: the ICBP/IUCN Red Data despite all trapped birds being positively aged. Book. Cambridge, U.K.: International Coun­ During our surveys, we formed the subjec­ cil for Bird Preservation. tive impression that some K. hudsoni individuals 5. Davis, S. (1993) Seasonal status, relative were probably seasonally resident at particular abundance and behavior of the birds of sites. This was reinforced by a female/immature Concepción, Departamento Santa Cruz, Bo­ male caught in a 1.1 ha forest island on 26 Au­ livia. Fieldiana Zool. n.s. 71: 1–33. gust 1994, and retrapped five days later in the 6. Fjeldså, J. & Krabbe, N. (1990) Birds of the same forest island. Another bird netted in scrub high Andes. [Copenhagen:] Zoological Mu­ on 29 July 1995 was recaptured at the same lo­ seum, University of Copenhagen, and cation eight days later. Of greater significance Svenborg: Apollo Books. was an adult male retrapped on 5 August 1995 7. Hayes, F. E. (1995) Status, distribution and within the same 1.9 ha forest island in which it biogeography of the birds of Paraguay. Colo­ had been ringed the previous year on 28 July. rado Springs, Colorado: American Birding From this albeit limited data, we have dem­ Association (Monogr. Field Ornithol. 1). onstrated a degree of wintering site fidelity of 8. K ratter, A. W , Gillett, T. S., Chesser, R. T., an austral migrant both within one season and O’Neill, J. R, Parker, T. A. & Castillo, A. between years. Since K. hudsoni appears to be (1993) Avifauna of a chaco locality in Bo­ absent from Bolivia outside the dry season, we livia. Wilson Bull. 105: 114–141. conclude that the individual returning in 1995 9. Parker, T. A. (1989) An avifaunal survey of the will have undertaken a minimum round-trip of Chimane ecosystem program area of northern 4,000 km since departing the EBB the previous Bolivia, 17–26 June 1989. Unpublished report year. Of the other tyrant flycatchers frequent­ (for Conservation International). ing the EBB, one species, the Spectacled Tyrant 10. Remsen, J. V. & Traylor, M. A. (1989) An an­ Hymenops perspicillatus, exhibits a similar mi­ notated list of the birds of Bolivia. Vermillion, gratory pattern, although geographically it has South Dakota: Buteo Books. a far larger breeding range12. It will be interest­ 11. Remsen, J. V, Traylor, M. A. & Parkes, K. C. ing to see whether we detect the returning male (1987) Range extensions for some Bolivian K. hudsoni again during our 1996 fieldwork. birds, 3 (Tyrannidae to Passeridae). Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 107: 6–16. Acknowledgements 12. Ridgely, R. S. & Tudor, G. (1994) The birds of We wish to thank both the U.K. Department of South Am erica, 2. Austin: University of the Environment (under the auspices of the Texas Press. Darwin Initiative) and Earthwatch for funding 13. W hite, A. G., Brace, R. C., Duffield, G. E., the “Forest Islands of Bolivia” expeditionary pro­ Hesse, A., Payne, A. J. & Spick, S. (1993) gramme, of which these observations form part. Nottingham University Bolivia 1992: an We thank too Carmen Miranda L. of the ornithological survey of the Beni Biological Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia and Station. Unpublished report (for BirdLife Director of the EBB, for permission to undertake International). this work and for continuing encouragement. Robin C. Brace References Department of Life Science, University of Notting­ 1. Armonía (1995) Lista de las aves de Bolivia. ham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, U.K. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Armonía. Email: [email protected]. uk 2. Canevari, M., Canevari, R, Carrizo, G. R., H arris, G., M ata J. R. & Straneck, R. J. Jon Hornbuckle (1991) Nueva guía de las aves Argentinas. 30 Hartington Road, Sheffield S7 2LF, U.K. Buenos Aires: Fundación Acindar. 3. Chesser, R. T. (1994) Migration in South James W. Pearce-Higgins America: an overview of the austral system. School of Biological Sciences, 3.239 Stopford Build­ Bird Conserv. Internatn. 4: 91–107. ing, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, 4. Collar, N. J., Gonzaga, L. R, Krabbe, N., Manchester M13 9PT, U.K. Madroño Nieto, A., Naranjo, L. G., Parker, Email: [email protected] T. A. & Wege, D. C. (1992) Threatened birds 68.
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