MARCH - 1980 CALIFORNIA TRACK NEWS PAGE 15 MeN POLE VAULT-I. Tully (unat, Los barbeques crackling at various spots LaCanada's Andy DiConti is at the MILE RELAY (Race 1)-1. Muir, -..1. M. Bolt (Angel's FIIOht Angeles), ".0; 2. Takenezewa (Ja. 3:30.7;2. Gard."e, :t35.0.(Race 2)-1. and ... oh well...it would be nice though .. moment the hottest thing in Junior Striders), 1:46 (meet record. Old pan), 17-6,;3. Hlntnaus (oregon), 17-6,; C.nlennla~ 3:26.1;2. Millikan. ~.6; 3. mal'll. 1:0.& Rick Wohlhuter, Chicago Pesadena. 3:31.9.(Race 3)-1. Comp• make mine rare please! distance running in California. Already •••17-0;Haynie5. Ripley(AI\gfII's(PacificFlightCoastStriders),Club), ton. 3:26.9;2. Fremont, ~1.4. TC, 1976);2.Masterson (Santa Monica 17-D. , And finally, athletes of the meet were possessing outdoor bests of 3:50.8 (1500 TWO MILE . RELAY-I. Upland, TC),Clifford1:49.6;(BA3.·MackStrlden),(Oregon),.I:5O.8;1:52.•••.. ••• HIGH JUMP-I. Jecobs (Fairleigh 8:08.9;2. Thousand Oeks. 8:09.a.3. Ca• Deby LaPlante and Henry Rono. meters) and 1:56.0 (800 meters), Di• MILE-I. Coghlan Ureland), 3:52.9 Dickinson), 7-6 (meet record. old merlllo, 1:12A; 4. Fountain Vllley, Conti took his act indoors and won mark, 7-5'1f. Stones. Pacific Coast 1:23.5. Ian,(meetIreland.record. old1979;,mark,second3:56.1,perfor·COjJh· Club, 1975;2. Kotlnek (Pacific Coasl TRIPLE JUMP-I. Miller (Fre• impressively at both the L.A. Times manca alltlme world); 2. Scott (Sub 4' Club), 7-2; 3. Belkin (UCLA), 7-0; 4. mont), 50·~ (meet record. old mark, TC), 3:53.D (American' record. old Sawe (Japan), 7-D. 49·" Benson. LA Luthlran. 1977);2. Games two mile (9:02.3) and the Sunkist mal'll. 3:54.1,Scott, UC Irvine, 1979; Holliday (Muir), 49-5; 3. Mayfield SUNKIST INVITATIONAL rated mile where he ran a meet record second performer, third pertormanc:a HIGHSCHOOL - (Muir), 41-3; •••Criddle (EI Cemto); allltime world); 3. Byl (Tanzenla), - Boys ••-t 5. Lu (St. Genevieve), 47·6111. HIGH SCHOOL 4:10.5. In the latter two races, DiConti 3:S4.5(third performer. tlfth pertor• LONG JUMP-I. L•• (St. Gen.• manc:a alltlme world); 4. Lacy (An• ~EEDED MILE-I. DIContl (La vlev.), 23-11"t 2. Holliday (Muir), 22• took lead right from the gun and never gel's Flight Striders), 3:55.6;5. Wes• Caneda), 4:lo.s (meet record. 0111 .mule, 4:11.5,Moses. Crescenta "'alley, tIIJ;Stew.rt3. Jon(Cajon),•• (K.nnedy,22-2'A;GH),So 22·~Gallon••• By Tom Feuer let up. Castro Valley's Larry Guinee Hudakslnghage(West(WestGermaay),Germany),4:01.0.•••-DO.6;6. 1976);2. Guinee (Castro Valley), 4:12.5; (Gard'''I),21.s' JUNIOR COLLEGE MILE RELAY 3. Sappenfield (Santa Berbera), 4:14.5; HIGHJUMP-I. Denby (Cr.nshaw), was a fast finisher in the mile running a -1. Long. Beach (Lewl$, Hardwick, 4. Reves (Jesuit, Sacramento),_4:18.D. 6·1D (equals meet record. Ston••• Over the past decade the Sunkist P.R. 4:12.5 for second place.' Davis. Caesar), 3:2O.S(meet record. ~1. Bell (Edison), 6.3:J(meet rec- GI.nd.le, 1971,Olson. Et Cimino R••••. ord. old mark, 6.34.PItts. Santa Ana Invitational has earned a reputation as For the second year in a row, Harbor,old mark,3:25.0;3:20.7,3.LongMt.Beacll,San Antonio,1979);2. 1977,Brewer.nd (Gardena),Steelman. Yuc:alpe,6-6,;3. 1979);Morris2. Valley, 1971);2. Delemar (Pasadena), (Johnson. Sacramento), , •••• one of the finest high school indoor Centennial's (Compton) Michael Turner 3:25.3;4.Or••nn.r••••st. 3:25.8. 6.36;3. Yeargin (Marshal~' Pasadena), l.ONG JUMp-I. Robinson (SD POLE VAULT-I. Stull (Troy). 15-1 track meets in the nation. Prior editions was an impressive winner in the 500 Southeast Ghetto Striders), 25-11'1.; 2. 6.0;5.Crittenden4. Thompson(Crenshaw),(Kennedy,6.57.GH),~ (equels meet record. Crook, Wooster, Doubley (Maccabl TC), 25-83Ic;3. R. 60 HURDLES-I. Ward (St. Mary's, Reno, 1m, and G. Ernst, EI Dorado, have served as a breeding ground for yard run clocking 58.0, only 'seven Williams (AngeI's Flight Striders), 25• 1978); 2. Worden (Werren), 15·0; 3• na),Berkel.y),7.513.·Smlth7.~ 2.(Jefferson),Ashford (west7.7.Covi• Baht (Awalt,Mt. View), 14.0;4. lie be• world class athletes like Dwight Stones, .tenths off the national record. He 3'h;D'A;•••5.ArmourEhlzuelen(unat,(Macc:ablSan Diego),:rC), 24• 500 (Race 1)-1. TO'ftnsend' (LB tween Jacques (Del Mar, San Jose) James Sanford, Dedy Cooper, James accomplished this despite having to run 73J\;6. Kina (unat).1]·8 Poly), 5U; 2. Bozeman (Manual Arts). and Crumpler (Menio·Atherton. Ath• ~1. MeTeer (All TC), 6.16(meet erton), 14·11. Owens, and James Lofton. This year's virtually alone, as L.A. Jefferson's Carl record, old mal'll. 6.17,'C. Edwards, 1:01.2.1:110.1;2.(RaceHarris21-1.(westminster),ColII.r (LB Poiy),1:00.4. competition did not disappoint as out- Jenkins, the only other runner in the USc, .1971);2. Hart (Bey Aree Strid• (Race 3)-1. Turner (Centennlall, WOMEN ers), 6.27;3. e. Brown (UCLA),6.31;••• 51.0;2. Jenkins (Jefferson), 1:02.6. ~1. FIe8twood (SoCa' Cheetahs), standing performances by Freeman Mil- heat, did not put up much of, a WIlliams (USC),6.31;5. Nelson (stan• 110 (Race IHsom (WestCllester), ford), 6.38. 1:57.1; 2. Cota(Coechelle Valley), 6.86;2. Hopkins (Inglewood Panthers), ler, Andy DiConti, Michael Turner and challenge. However, .Turner's best was LEGENDS ~I. 8Hmon. 6.99; 2. 1:51.9;3. Wells (Santa Ana Valley), 6.90;3. Evans (LA Mercurettes), 6.94. 1:51.9. (Race 21-1. Vining ·(Hew• 60 HURDLES-I. LaPlante (KCBQ• Faye Paige highlighted the action at the yet to come, as he ran a sizzling anchor Larrabee, 7.11;3. Rhoden, 7.18. J.ljlj 6D HURDLES-I. G. Foster thorne), 1:55.7 (meet record. new San Diego), 7.70 (meet record. old Los Angeles Sports Arena. leg to lead Centennial's mile relay to an (UCLA), 6.9 (hend timed); 2. tie be• ev.nt); 2. Adcock (Carpinteria), 1:56.1; mark,1979);2..7.11,VanLaPlante,WolvelaereSan(KCBQ-SanDll!l!.oSt. tween Cooper (BA Striders) and S. 3. RlchlrdSOn (Berkeley), 1:56.9;'"Za- DIego, 7.81;3. Gourdine (UCLA),I.• Meet director Al Franken did a fine aggregate 3:26.8 clocking, the fastest of •••MCGee(LAMercurettas),l.1o. job in assembling the cream of the high the evening. Turnergerum (Stanford),(CS Los Angeles),7.& 7.6;•••Mar• . ragozeRATED(Oxnard),MILE 1:57.1.(Race 11-1. Butler 500-1. Gardner (LA Mercurettes), 500-1. Frazier (Phlla. Pioneers), (Edison),' 4:25.0; 2. Dunn. (Arroyo 1:05.1(meet record. new event); 2. D. school crop from the entire state of Other men's meet records were set ~ 2. Person (Maryland), ~ 3: W. Grande), 4:25.•• 3. Per.z (San Gorgo· Howard (Kennedy, GH HS),I:05.6 Smith (Auburn TC), 56.6;••.WIlliams nlo), 4:21.4. (Rac. 2)-1. serna (third p~rform.r alltlme high California. The evening's best event by Kerwin Bell, Greg Denby and Greg (Cal Poly SLO), 57.7.. (Loare), 4.'10.5;2. KIStner (51ml Val· scllool); 3. GutkOwski (LA Mar• TWO MILE-I.' Rono (Kenya), curattas), 1:06.1;'"Peterson (LA Mer· turned out to be the triple jump were Stull. Denby's 6-10 high jump was_ 8:21.1;2. Jones (Santa Monica TC), ~i 4:22.0;3. Harold (EI Modena), cureftes), 1:06.7. (L.A) Fremont High School's Freeman especially noteworthy, as he equalled 8:33.0; 3. Kosk.1 (Kenya), 8:35.0; 4. SEEDED TWO MILE-I. Thoma' Lawson (Sanla Monica TC), 1:44.2;5. (Sanl. Barber.), 9:18.7;2. Ruelas (La· __ 1. R. ClmDbeIi (SIMCIIrd Te), Miller leaped a personal best and meet the Sunkist standard previously set by 2:GU 2. Marrlll (Age Group M), Aldrldae (Cal Poiy $LO),8:47.5;6. Ko· Salle), 9:19.1;3. Callaway (Dot' Pueb· • 2:10.1;3. Keyes (Mac:cabITC), 2:n.a. ••• record 50-5% to triumph over an Glendale's Dwight Stones, Rob Olson nlngh 1Sub 4 TC), 1:0.0; 7. Schenkel los), 9:24.2;4. Beffert (San R.• W.rner (UCLA),2:1U; 5. Regan (San (Cal Poly SLO),8:50.& Danville), 9:27.1;5. .00Connor (Carl• Jose Clnclergals), 2:14.& excellent field that included Muir's (EI Camino Real) and George Steelman LONG JUMP-I. Robinson (SO mont, Belmont), 9:42.2. MILE-I. Goen (UCLA), .t45.7; 2• Southeast Ghetto Striders). 25-11'A;2. - RATED TWOMILE (Race 1)-1. M.. Ralston (UCLA), 4;47.5; 3.. Forbes sensational duo of Charles Mayfield and (Yucaipa). A senior form L.A. Cren- DoI/bIey (Macc:abl TC), 25-83Ic;3. R. (Oregot!), 4:57.1;4. Bonds (Club Intar· Williams (Angel's Flight Striders), 25• Cun","(EI MCKIt/Ia),(Los AqI!gos),9:2IA; 3.9;21.1;Yuls2. V(Rio••••• national), 4;51.3;5. Roach (Club Inter· Ricky Holliday. shaw High, Denby is the defending city Mall), ••.a1.~4. Baxter (Atuc:edero), lIational),5:15.9.
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