MARCH - 1980 CALIFORNIA TRACK NEWS PAGE 15 MeN POLE VAULT-I. Tully (unat, Los barbeques crackling at various spots LaCanada's Andy DiConti is at the MILE RELAY (Race 1)-1. Muir, -..1. M. Bolt (Angel's FIIOht Angeles), ".0; 2. Takenezewa (Ja. 3:30.7;2. Gard."e, :t35.0.(Race 2)-1. and ... oh would be nice though .. moment the hottest thing in Junior Striders), 1:46 (meet record. Old pan), 17-6,;3. Hlntnaus (oregon), 17-6,; C.nlennla~ 3:26.1;2. Millikan. ~.6; 3. mal'll. 1:0.& , Chicago Pesadena. 3:31.9.(Race 3)-1. Comp• make mine rare please! distance running in California. Already •••17-0;Haynie5. Ripley(AI\gfII's(PacificFlightCoastStriders),Club), ton. 3:26.9;2. Fremont, ~1.4. TC, 1976);2.Masterson (Santa Monica 17-D. , And finally, athletes of the meet were possessing outdoor bests of 3:50.8 (1500 TWO MILE . RELAY-I. Upland, TC),Clifford1:49.6;(BA3.·MackStrlden),(Oregon),.I:5O.8;1:52.•••.. ••• -I. Jecobs (Fairleigh 8:08.9;2. Thousand Oeks. 8:09.a.3. Ca• Deby LaPlante and Henry Rono. meters) and 1:56.0 (800 meters), Di• MILE-I. Coghlan Ureland), 3:52.9 Dickinson), 7-6 (meet record. old merlllo, 1:12A; 4. Fountain Vllley, Conti took his act indoors and won mark, 7-5'1f. Stones. Pacific Coast 1:23.5. Ian,(meetIreland.record. old1979;,mark,second3:56.1,perfor·COjJh· Club, 1975;2. Kotlnek (Pacific Coasl TRIPLE JUMP-I. Miller (Fre• impressively at both the L.A. Times manca alltlme world); 2. Scott (Sub 4' Club), 7-2; 3. Belkin (UCLA), 7-0; 4. mont), 50·~ (meet record. old mark, TC), 3:53.D (American' record. old Sawe (Japan), 7-D. 49·" Benson. LA Luthlran. 1977);2. Games two mile (9:02.3) and the Sunkist mal'll. 3:54.1,Scott, UC Irvine, 1979; Holliday (Muir), 49-5; 3. Mayfield SUNKIST INVITATIONAL rated mile where he ran a meet record second performer, third pertormanc:a HIGHSCHOOL - (Muir), 41-3; •••Criddle (EI Cemto); allltime world); 3. Byl (Tanzenla), - Boys ••-t 5. Lu (St. Genevieve), 47·6111. HIGH SCHOOL 4:10.5. In the latter two races, DiConti 3:S4.5(third performer. tlfth pertor• LONG JUMP-I. L•• (St. Gen.• manc:a alltlme world); 4. Lacy (An• ~EEDED MILE-I. DIContl (La vlev.), 23-11"t 2. Holliday (Muir), 22• took lead right from the gun and never gel's Flight Striders), 3:55.6;5. Wes• Caneda), 4:lo.s (meet record. 0111 .mule, 4:11.5,Moses. Crescenta "'alley, tIIJ;Stew.rt3. Jon(Cajon),•• (K.nnedy,22-2'A;GH),So 22·~Gallon••• By Tom Feuer let up. Castro Valley's Larry Guinee Hudakslnghage(West(WestGermaay),Germany),4:01.0.•••-DO.6;6. 1976);2. Guinee (Castro Valley), 4:12.5; (Gard'''I),21.s' JUNIOR COLLEGE MILE RELAY 3. Sappenfield (Santa Berbera), 4:14.5; HIGHJUMP-I. Denby (Cr.nshaw), was a fast finisher in the mile running a -1. Long. Beach (Lewl$, Hardwick, 4. Reves (Jesuit, Sacramento),_4:18.D. 6·1D (equals meet record. Ston••• Over the past decade the Sunkist P.R. 4:12.5 for second place.' Davis. Caesar), 3:2O.S(meet record. ~1. Bell (Edison), 6.3:J(meet rec- GI.nd.le, 1971,Olson. Et Cimino R••••. ord. old mark, 6.34.PItts. Santa Ana Invitational has earned a reputation as For the second year in a row, Harbor,old mark,3:25.0;3:20.7,3.LongMt.Beacll,San Antonio,1979);2. 1977,Brewer.nd (Gardena),Steelman. Yuc:alpe,6-6,;3. 1979);Morris2. Valley, 1971);2. Delemar (Pasadena), (Johnson. Sacramento), , •••• one of the finest high school indoor Centennial's (Compton) Michael Turner 3:25.3;4.Or••nn.r••••st. 3:25.8. 6.36;3. Yeargin (Marshal~' Pasadena), l.ONG JUMp-I. Robinson (SD POLE VAULT-I. Stull (Troy). 15-1 track meets in the nation. Prior editions was an impressive winner in the 500 Southeast Ghetto Striders), 25-11'1.; 2. 6.0;5.Crittenden4. Thompson(Crenshaw),(Kennedy,6.57.GH),~ (equels meet record. Crook, Wooster, Doubley (Maccabl TC), 25-83Ic;3. R. 60 HURDLES-I. Ward (St. Mary's, Reno, 1m, and G. Ernst, EI Dorado, have served as a breeding ground for yard run clocking 58.0, only 'seven Williams (AngeI's Flight Striders), 25• 1978); 2. Worden (Werren), 15·0; 3• na),Berkel.y),7.513.·Smlth7.~ 2.(Jefferson),Ashford (west7.7.Covi• Baht (Awalt,Mt. View), 14.0;4. lie be• world class athletes like , .tenths off the national record. He D'A;3'h; •••5.ArmourEhlzuelen(unat,(Macc:ablSan Diego),:rC), 24• 500 (Race 1)-1. TO'ftnsend' (LB tween Jacques (Del Mar, San Jose) James Sanford, Dedy Cooper, James accomplished this despite having to run 73J\;6. Kina (unat).1]·8 Poly), 5U; 2. Bozeman (Manual Arts). and Crumpler (Menio·Atherton. Ath• ~1. MeTeer (All TC), 6.16(meet erton), 14·11. Owens, and James Lofton. This year's virtually alone, as L.A. Jefferson's Carl record, old mal'll. 6.17,'C. Edwards, 1:01.2.1:110.1;(Race2. Harris21-1.(westminster),ColII.r (LB Poiy),1:00.4. competition did not disappoint as out- Jenkins, the only other runner in the USc, .1971);2. Hart (Bey Aree Strid• (Race 3)-1. Turner (Centennlall, WOMEN ers), 6.27;3. e. Brown (UCLA),6.31;••• 51.0;2. Jenkins (Jefferson), 1:02.6. ~1. FIe8twood (SoCa' Cheetahs), standing performances by Freeman Mil- heat, did not put up much of, a WIlliams (USC),6.31;5. Nelson (stan• 110 (Race IHsom (WestCllester), ford), 6.38. 1:57.1; 2. Cota(Coechelle Valley), 6.86;2. Hopkins (Inglewood Panthers), ler, Andy DiConti, Michael Turner and challenge. However, .Turner's best was LEGENDS ~I. 8Hmon. 6.99; 2. 1:51.9;3. Wells (Santa Ana Valley), 6.90;3. Evans (LA Mercurettes), 6.94. 1:51.9. (Race 21-1. Vining ·(Hew• 60 HURDLES-I. LaPlante (KCBQ• Faye Paige highlighted the action at the yet to come, as he ran a sizzling anchor Larrabee, 7.11;3. Rhoden, 7.18. J.ljlj 6D HURDLES-I. G. Foster thorne), 1:55.7 (meet record. new San Diego), 7.70 (meet record. old Sports Arena. leg to lead Centennial's mile relay to an (UCLA), 6.9 (hend timed); 2. tie be• ev.nt); 2. Adcock (Carpinteria), 1:56.1; mark,1979);2..7.11,VanLaPlante,WolvelaereSan(KCBQ-SanDll!l!.oSt. tween Cooper (BA Striders) and S. 3. RlchlrdSOn (Berkeley), 1:56.9;'"Za- DIego, 7.81;3. Gourdine (UCLA),I.• Meet director Al Franken did a fine aggregate 3:26.8 clocking, the fastest of •••MCGee(LAMercurettas),l.1o. job in assembling the cream of the high the evening. Turnergerum (Stanford),(CS Los Angeles),7.& 7.6;•••Mar• . ragozeRATED(Oxnard),MILE 1:57.1.(Race 11-1. Butler 500-1. Gardner (LA Mercurettes), 500-1. Frazier (Phlla. Pioneers), (Edison),' 4:25.0; 2. Dunn. (Arroyo 1:05.1(meet record. new event); 2. D. school crop from the entire state of Other men's meet records were set ~ 2. Person (Maryland), ~ 3: W. Grande), 4:25.•• 3. Per.z (San Gorgo· Howard (Kennedy, GH HS),I:05.6 Smith (Auburn TC), 56.6;••.WIlliams nlo), 4:21.4. (Rac. 2)-1. serna (third p~rform.r alltlme high California. The evening's best event by Kerwin Bell, Greg Denby and Greg (Cal Poly SLO), 57.7.. . (Loare), 4.'10.5;2. KIStner (51ml Val· scllool); 3. GutkOwski (LA Mar• TWO MILE-I.' Rono (Kenya), curattas), 1:06.1;'"Peterson (LA Mer· turned out to be the triple jump were Stull. Denby's 6-10 high jump was_ 8:21.1;2. Jones (Santa Monica TC), ~i 4:22.0;3. Harold (EI Modena), cureftes), 1:06.7. (L.A) Fremont High School's Freeman especially noteworthy, as he equalled 8:33.0; 3. Kosk.1 (Kenya), 8:35.0; 4. SEEDED TWO MILE-I. Thoma' Lawson (Sanla Monica TC), 1:44.2;5. (Sanl. Barber.), 9:18.7;2. Ruelas (La· __ 1. R. ClmDbeIi (SIMCIIrd Te), Miller leaped a personal best and meet the Sunkist standard previously set by 2:GU 2. Marrlll (Age Group M), Aldrldae (Cal Poiy $LO),8:47.5;6. Ko· Salle), 9:19.1;3. Callaway (Dot' Pueb· • 2:10.1;3. Keyes (Mac:cabITC), 2:n.a. ••• record 50-5% to triumph over an Glendale's Dwight Stones, Rob Olson nlngh 1Sub 4 TC), 1:0.0; 7. Schenkel los), 9:24.2;4. Beffert (San R.• W.rner (UCLA),2:1U; 5. Regan (San (Cal Poly SLO),8:50.& Danville), 9:27.1;5. .00Connor (Carl• Jose Clnclergals), 2:14.& excellent field that included Muir's (EI Camino Real) and George Steelman LONG JUMP-I. Robinson (SO mont, Belmont), 9:42.2. MILE-I. Goen (UCLA), .t45.7; 2• Southeast Ghetto Striders). 25-11'A;2. - RATED TWOMILE (Race 1)-1. M.. Ralston (UCLA), 4;47.5; 3.. Forbes sensational duo of Charles Mayfield and (Yucaipa). A senior form L.A. Cren- DoI/bIey (Macc:abl TC), 25-83Ic;3. R. (Oregot!), 4:57.1;4. Bonds (Club Intar· Williams (Angel's Flight Striders), 25• Cun","(EI MCKIt/Ia),(Los AqI!gos),9:2IA; 3.9;21.1;Yuls2. V(Rio••••• national), 4;51.3;5. Roach (Club Inter· Ricky Holliday. shaw High, Denby is the defending city Mall), ••.a1.~4. Baxter (Atuc:edero), lIational),5:15.9. It has been a meteoric rise to the top champ, and at the Sunkist meet he had O'A;31h;•••5.ArmourEhlzuelen(unat,(MllcCllblSan DIeao),rC), 24• MILE RELAY-I. LA Met'alretteJ 9'.31.4.(Race 21-1. Bowlus (RoIlI"g (Gutkowsk~ Paige, Peterson, Gard• for Miller, who started out in the tenth three respectable· attempts at seven 7'1t;35-POUND6. King (unatl,WEIGHT23-8. THROW (At 3.Hills),Fisher9:24.6;(Villa2. ScottPark),(Foothill).9:31.4;•••9:24.1;Tw' ner), 3:45.0(meet record. old mal'll. CS Long Beacfl)-1. Frenn (MllcCllbl roneT(lndloh9';35.6. - grade as a high jumper ala Ron Livers.· feet. . TC), "-41h; 2. Gr•• n (MllcCllbl TC), 3:49.s.LA Merc~ 1977);2. UCLA, 52-7; 3. Reed (CSLB), SHih; 4. Me• 640 RELAY (Race 1)-1. ComtIton. As a junior he culminated his first full Bell, . the nation's most sought after 1:04.6;2., 1:05.•••(Race 2)-1, 3:50.6;GIRLSI!O third640RELAY-1.•.. west Vernon Sav*Ry(MllcCllblTC),"-2. Jets. 1:17.0;2. Long I!IHdI comets. Manual Arts, 1:06.4;a. LYIIWOOd.1:07.&. year in the triple jump, with a third high school football player, showed TRIPLE' JUM~I:- Tltf(AngeYs (RaceHills). 1:07.0:)-1. 2. Muir,Kennedy1:07.1. (Gr.nada 1:173;3. SoCaICheet8hs. 1:18.1. place in the State Championships and a some quick acceleration in the open Flight Striders), 54-O'h; 2. Martow LONG JUMP-I. Crabtree (USC), (Clillfornla), 53-73J\; 3. connor (BrI· 19-7111;2. WaIker-(C!ub·ln••••••tlonal), . surprising victory in the National Junior field, upsetting Pasadena's super sopho- taln!. 53-7'A;•••Livers (PIIIIL Pion, "~I1h;3.WltsoII (ClublnternlflOllll), eers), 53-7; 5. Butts (Angel's Flight ,1I·1O'A; ••• Mc:Laughlin (KCIQ-San Olympics this past summer where he more Troy Delemar in the 60 yard dash. Striders). 52-II. Diego), 11-9116. bOUlided 50-31/2. Bell's time of 6.33 was better by one Mayfield, the multi-event star, who hundredth than Tony Pitts' (Santa Ana usually also competes in the high jump Valley) previous meet record. The and long jump, couldn't g-et his act Edison (Huntington Beach) senior, burst numbers as the leader passed: In together at the Sunkist. As the Nat- out of the blocks, and he held off a late. defense of the officials, I will say that ions top r:eturning triple jumper with a challenge by Delemar, who beat Bell in ExamIner Games this race was very confused, as walkers wind-aided mark of 52-9 (and a legal the 60 at the Muhammad Ali invitation- were disqualified, men and women were 50-111/4), Mayfield could only muster a al ... competing together, and there was a lot best leap of 48-3 which garnered him a Stull of Troy High pole vaulted seven by Ke~th Connmg of lapping going on. ~~~ x!l~~ebe~::_~~~~:he:~l~~:~_~~:h~~~:::e~o~~h~eb~~~~~~r~~~Sa~urday, February 23, 1980, CO~ Pal- _+ ~~~ B~~J~.?.:'-t~~~~~~~~:..w~.o~.r~~~? _ • , "In h ~sLb .• TC,~Iia:.&(f; 7. ~~""'to.)" 9h":ii .;. "flert l.s.n Ii~mon, z:••..-if1..~'-...,; U 5. it'"

As a junior he culminated his first full Bell, the nation's most sought after 52·tSevtny3. (MaccablRetd (CSLB).TC)•••SHth;2. 4. Me- ManualI:OU,2.;11r=2. L I!=liV' . ••••••GIRLS1:17-"6402.RELAY-1.Long INctIwest~V.rnon year in the triple jump with a third high school football player, showed TRIPLE" JUM~I.-TIH (Angers (RKe ,JJ;1. Krn1:Oil (Gra •••ela 1:17.t3. SOCaICIIHtaIls.1:11.1. place in the State Championships and a some quick acceleration in the open r~lgIWorSrlr~~~~\o~':r.Hllls).I. 2.Mur•. 1t~~ ~~r:~=!: . surprising victory in the National Junior field, upsetting Pasadena's super sopho- tal~)' sr.:." 4. Livers (Phlla. Pion· =:~3. r-~CI~'I~~~~ Olympics this past summer where he more Troy Delemar in the 60 yard dash. ~~:f,.t1.Butts (Angers Flight 'I 'DIIgo).II"",-. uo bounded 50-3112. Bell's time of 6.33 was better by one Mayfield, the multi-event star, who hundredth than Tony Pitts' (Santa Ana usually also competes in the high jump Valley) previous meet record. The and long jump, couldn't get his act Edison (Huntington Beach) senior, burst numbers as the leader passed. In together at the Sunkist. As the Nat- out of the blocks, and he held off a late defense of the officials, I will say that ions top returning triple jumper with a challenge by Delemar, who beat Bell in Examiner Games this race was very confused, as walkers wind-aided mark of 52-9 (and a legal the 60 at the Muhammad Ali invitation- were disqualified. men and women were 50-111/4), Mayfield could only muster a al. competing together, and there was a lot by Keith Conning best leap of 48-3 which garnered him a Stull of Troy High pole vaulted seven of lapping going on. third place. His teammate Holliday inches better than his best (15-7)and in' (Whatsakiwi?). who opened Saturday, February 23, 1980, Cow Pal· fared much better, as he finished second the process topped the meet record last at 17-6, won the pole vault at 17-101fz ace, Daly City! 17th Annual San Fran· in. both horizontal disciplines. Holliday, set by EI Dorado's Greg Ernst in 1978. cisco Examiner Games. for a new Cow Palace record, breaking '" who has already run 48.4 for 400 meters On the distaff side Long Beach Poly's the previous record of 17-4 by Mike this year, was ousted in the long jump· Faye Paige stole the show uncorking a What would happen if the meet man• Tully in 1978. He attempted to break by St. Genevieve's John'Lea, 23-11314-22 super anchor leg in the 640 yard relay, agement decided to have an old fashion• the world best of 18-2, but his pole ed pure track meet? Must we have a -9112 •.. --.' and also she was an easy winner in the circus in order to attract non-track broke' on his third attempt. It sounded Girls 500 in 1:06.4. like someone had shot a gun in the sport fans. I'm tired of going to indoor Palace. Bell said, "I was really erratic track meets, which feature every kind tonight. I had a lot of problems and of event under the sun (Special Olym• wasted the first two jumps. I really pics 50 meters, Football 40 yards, didn't feel sharp. I felt strong but Wheelchair 160 yards, Devil-Take-The• Lists over 70 LDR events In Central California (Merced to Bakersfield) something was missing. I just wasn't in Hindmost Mile). Not only are the the groove. Mike (Tully) was the same pseudo-track events included in the _way. He was strong and high but just program, but they are given a featured wasn't in the groove. When you have CENTRAL CALIFORNIA place. With the inclusion of so many .some problems, you sometimes can pull events, the meet lasted for about five ·it together for one jump and that's what hours, .which is much too long. Many happened on my winning jump. It's no LONG DISTANCE RUNNIN spectators left before the featured mile big deal (not clearing 18). I:ve cleared run, simply because it was too late and 18 before." . they were exhausted. Maybe this is (Unattached) set a HANDBOOK what accounts for the drop off in new American record in the women's 50 attendance this year (only 10,000 at• meters with a time of 6.26. She came tended). The AAU officials continued to make back later to run against the men and 1980 this time she improved to 6.24, despite mistakes. This time in the College/Uni• finishing last. Houston McTear (Ali TC) v~rsity Womens Mile Relay when the won that race in 5.84 to defeat Mark .\ Send check or third legs were sent out one lap too Kent (Inner City TC) with 5.87. This $1.00 soon. And in the two-mile walk, with money order to: time the officials noticed that Kent was plus 25 cents three officials counting laps, there was second, unlike the Runner's World Fresno Track Club postage still a foul up. Bob Anderson, the meet. Ashford's time of 6.24 makes her P.O. Box 6103 publisher of Runner's World, could the third woman performer of all-time Fresno, CA 93703 only shake his head as he thought back along with Marlies Gohf (East Germany) to the snafu involving Grete Waitz's 1977. No. 1 and No. 2 are: Renate world record in the 3,000 meters at the Cow Palace in January. At least the lap counter with the cards kept flipping his It