TOWN OF GREENWICH REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND TAXATION VIRTUAL WEBINAR Monday, June 15, 2020 - 6:30 PM WEBINAR INFORMATION Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://greenwichct.zoom.us/j/97626776885?pwd=YnRFRWc4cWtIM1ZXTkxjdkFEVDNYUT09 Password: 7053716 Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16465189805,,97626776885#,,1#,7053716# Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 646 518 9805 Webinar ID: 976 2677 6885 Password: 7053716 AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Requests for Budget Adjustments ROUTINE APPLICATIONS Number Department Amount Purpose GM-2 GEMS $2,350,000 Release of Conditions A440 57225 Contribution to GEMS TA-3 TAG $ 139,500 Release of Conditions A440 57221 Contribution to TAG HS-1 Human Services $ 35,000 Transfer A502 55030 Client Transportation NON-ROUTINE APPLICATIONS Number Department Amount Purpose NW-3 Nathaniel Witherell $ 130,000 Transfer H45020 54010 General Maintenance & H45070 57900 Redemption of Bonds PL-2 Perrot Library $ 5,000 Transfer A710 52220 Electric Expense CARRY FORWARD REQUESTS Number Department Amount Purpose PR-3 P&R $ 50,000 Continue in Force B822 59830 20189 Park Restoration PR-4 P&R $ 850,000 Continue in Force B833 59830 20198 Repair Greenwich Pt. Causeway PR-5 P&R $2,000,000 Continue in Force B834 F83419 20199 Greenwich Harbor Dredging FNC PR-6 P&R $ 25,000 Continue in Force Z834 59710 19185 Seawall Repairs 3. Assessor’s Report 4. Comptroller’s Report 5. Treasurer’s Report showing investing portfolio activity for the month of May 2020 6. BET Standing Committee Reports: ☐Audit ☐Budget ☐Human Resources ☐ Investment ☐Law ☐Policy/Procedures 7. BET Liaison Reports: ☐CD Block Grant ☐Assessor/Tax Collector ☐Education ☐Finance/Comptroller ☐Public Safety ☐Retirement ☐N.W. Board ☐Information Technology ☐Public Works ☐Parks & Recreation 8. BET Special Project Team Reports ☐Labor Contracts ☐Fire Study ☐New Lebanon School Building Committee 9. Old Business: 10. New Business: OPEB Trust Board Re-nominations o Chairman – Robert Stricker (1-year term) o Member Reappointment – William Ferdinand (3-year term) 11. Chair’s Report 12. Approval of the BET Meeting Minutes: BET Regular Meeting Webinar Minutes April 20, 2020 BET Public Hearing Webinar Minutes April 21, 2020 BET Budget Workshop Webinar Minutes April 23, 2020 BET Budget Decision Day Webinar Minutes April 27, 2020 BET Special Meeting Webinar Minutes May 5, 2020 BET Regular Meeting Webinar Minutes May 18, 2020 13. Adjournment Michael S. Mason, Chair The Town complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination, equal opportunity, affirmative action, and providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation to participate, please contact the Commissioner of Human Services at 203-622-3800 or [email protected] as soon as possible in advance of the event. Town Of Greenwich Request Form For Budget Adjustments BET Meeting Date: ~ Application#:~ Department & Division: GEMS Action Requested: Release of Conditions Date of Submission: 6/1/20 Fund Dept Object Project Desc Amount To: A440 57225 Contribution to GEMS 2,350,000 From: 2,350,000 Justification of Request: Release of 1st Installment Payment for GEMS for FY2020/2021 per attachments. Department Head: Certified correct as to computations and amounts shows as appropriations to date and unencumbered balances, with any changes given. Date: Comptroller: The following action was taken at a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Taxation held on: Vote Clerk of the Board: Email this form as a PDF along with any supporting documentation (in PDF Format) May 20,2020 Ms. Caroline Baisley Department of Health Greenwich Town Hall 101 Field Point Road Greenwich, CT 06830 RE: First Half Town Fee Invoice 2020-2021 Dear Ms. Baisley: This letter requests $2,350,000 representing the first installment payment of the town fee for the fiscal year 2020-2021. The approved fee for the fiscal year is $4,700,000 Thank you in advance for releasing the funds. Best, Tracy Schietinger Executive Director 1111 EAST PUTNAM AVENUE- RIVERSIDE, CT 06878- (203) 637-7505- WWW.GREENWICHEMS.ORG GEMS Quarterly Report TO: C. Baisley, Director of Health B. Branyan, Town Administrator P. Mynarski, Comptroller M. Mason, BET Chairman L. Tarkington, BET Budget Chairman R. Gieger, Budget Director D. Edwards, Health Department C. Budkins, Town Clerk A. Voul~aris, RTM H&HS R. Neuman, RTM Town Services FROM: Tracy Schietinger RE: Financial and Quarterly Report DATE: April 2020 Attached is GEMS' Operational and Financial Quarterly Report 1111 EAST PUTNAM AVENUE- RIVERSIDE, CT 06878- (203) 637-7505- WWW.GREENWICHEMS.ORG GREENWICH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE, INC. External Entity 440- Town Account 57225 Actual Financials and Operating Budgets REVENUE FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 UNAUDITED Actual Budget Variance Town of Greenwich 4,692,277 4,700,000 (7,723) Patient Services 2,381,382 2,457,000 (75,618) Greenwich Hospital 91,000 91,000 Training Income 161,410 112,000 49,410 Stand-by Fees 51,400 52,000 (600) Gain on Sale of Fixed Assets 19,500 19,500 Other Income 59,876 59,876 Interest Income 23,639 3,000 20,639 TOTAL REVENUE 7,480,484 7,415,000 65,484 EXPENSES Operating: Personel Services 4,241,988 4,480,000 238,012 Services Other Than Personel 476,732 503,000 26,268 Supplies and Materials 208,691 215,000 6,309 Maintenance 229,997 255,000 25,003 Patient Reserve for Bad Debts 281,553 285,000 3,447 Insurance 219,677 293,000 73,323 Employee Benefits 1,357,491 1,384,000 26,509 TOTAL EXPENSES 7,016,129 7,415,000 398,871 NET REVENUE/EXPENSE 464,355 2 Greenwich Emergency Medical Service, Inc. Actual Financials and Operating Budgets FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 4/30/2020 UNAUDITED VARIANCE Object Descrietion Actual Budget Budget Personnel Services: Regular Salaries: Administration Salaries 566,468 601,000 34,532 Operations Management Salaries 750,131 858,000 107,869 Paramedics/EMT's Salaries 2,020,208 2,121,000 100,792 Training Salaries 197,989 169,000 {28,989~ 101 Total Regular Salaries 3,534,796 3,749,000 214,204 107 Other Salary Expense 109 Standby Time 81,674 83,000 1,326 110 Overtime Services 373,978 364,000 (9,978) 111 Payments for Holiday Services 181,598 187,000 5,402 130 Temporary Salaries 133 Uniforms 12,865 20,000 7,135 140 Prof & Other Spec Service-Attorney 7,073 39,000 31,927 141 Prof & Other Svc-Audit 26,553 26,000 (553) 142 Professional Medical & Dental 145 Prof & Other Spec Srvs-Fees 23,451 12,000 {11,451~ 4,241,988 4,480,000 238,012 Services Other than Personnel: 203 Bank and Collection Fees 23,161 20,000 (3, 161) 205 Postage 11,232 8,700 (2,532) 209 Tuition Payment for Employees 8,650 15,000 6,350 210 Travel Expense 210 Meetings and Empl Recognition 30,660 20,000 (10,660) 211 Mileage Allowance-Employees 216 Subscription to Professional Pubs. 1,227 1,300 73 222 Electric Service 17,656 13,000 (4,656) 224 Telephone 27,991 37,000 9,009 231 Rental of Office Equipment 13,036 12,000 (1 ,036) 234 Rental of Buildings and Other 253,004 304,000 50,996 250 Cleaning Services 5,000 5,000 251 Waste Removal Services 4,880 4,000 (880) 295 Misc. Services Not Otherwise Classified 85,235 63,000 (22,235) 476,732 503,000 26,268 Supplies and Materials 301 Office Supplies 24,854 25,000 146 302 Printed Stationery 1,746 6,000 4,254 3 31 0 Teaching Supplies 59,891 86,000 26,109 325 Medical Supplies 74,958 35,000 (39,958) AED's Acquired for Town Facilities 20,000 20,000 350 Motor Fuel 47,242 43,000 (4,242) 208,691 215,000 6,309 Greenwich Emergency Medical Service, Inc. Actual Financials and Operating Budgets Object Description Actual Budget Budget Maintenance 405 Maintenance - Build/Supplies 27,813 32,000 4,187 417 Maintenance- Radio/Office Equip 67,948 64,000 (3,948) 425 Maintenance- Automotive Equip 93,390 129,000 35,610 495 Maintenance - Medical Equipment 40,846 30,000 {10,846~ 229,997 255,000 25,003 - Patient Reserve for Bad Debts 281,553 285,000 3,447 Insurance 610 Property/Liability 97,965 98,000 35 621 Workers Compensation 121,712 195,000 73,288 219,677 293,000 73,323 Employee Benefits 702 Retirement-401 k Contribution 216,730 182,000 (34,730) 705 Social Security 308,717 330,000 21,283 708 HRA/FSA Contribution 151,716 200,000 48,284 709 Healthcare Admin Costs 18,964 18,000 (964) 710 Healthcare Costs 591,734 581,000 (10,734) 711 Group Life/STD/LTO 47,134 51,000 3,866 733 Unemployment Ins 22,496 22,000 {496~ 1,357,491 1,384,000 26,509 TOTAL 7,016,129 7,415,000 398,871 4 GREENWICH EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE, INC. EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR QUARTER AND TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 4/30/2020 Emergency Response Calls: 1. GEMS quarter to date calls as of April 2020, were over budget by 207. The annual call budget is based on multiyear historical experience. QTD QTD QTD YTD YTD YTD 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 CALLS CALLS CALLS CALLS CALLS CALLS EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALLS ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE Ad;anced Life Support- ALS 498 600 (102) 2,376 2,400 (24) Basic Life Support- BLS 851 900 (49) 3,831 3,600 231 1,349 1,500 (151) 6,207 6,000 207 Emergency Response Transports: 2.
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